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File metadata and controls

194 lines (147 loc) · 9.58 KB


Each workspace has its own folder structure like your desktop file system.

Get Files

  • GET /files to get all accessible files.
  • GET /workspaces/1/files to get all files in the workspace 1. Responses will look like:
    "id": 9184,
    "key": "Workspace which contains a solidworks assembly/assembly.sldasm",
    "filename": "assembly.sldasm",
    "ftype": "file",
    "filesize": 401011,
    "ancestry": "9183",
    "is_root": false,
    "workspace_id": 1349,
    "version": 3,
    "state": "success",
    "small": "",
    "big": "",
    "created_at": "2012-08-30T16:48:39-07:00",
    "updated_at": "2012-09-13T12:41:35-07:00",
    "deleted_at": null,
    "comments_count": 0,
    "download_count": 9,
    "properties": {
      "Unit-Mult-To-MM": "1.000000",
      "Surface": "318746.69300764",
      "Volume": "198810.870015399",
      "Min-X": "-85.0971033072923"
    "labels": [
        "name": "assembly",
        "style": "background-color:rgb(222, 229, 242);color:rgb(90, 105, 134);"
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Randy Jung",
      "email": "",
      "team_id": 1,
      "team_name": "VispowerTech",
      "picture": ""
  ...more files

If the user has no permission to access the workspace, server will return 403 Forbidden.

Notes on attributes

key is the file's unique path which starts from workspace title and is also the path of the file in your synced folder. For example, when you specify TeamPlatform's DWM sync location at c:\\teamplatform-sync-folder, the full path of the synced local file will be c:\\teamplatform-sync-folder\Workspace which contains a solidworks assembly\assembly.sldasm for the first file of the above example.

ftype can be file or folder, filesize is in byte.

ancestry is the ids of the parent folders represented in the form of file path notation. For example, ancestry value of 1/2/3 means the file is in folder 3(id), folder 3 is in folder 2, folder 2 is in folder 1 which is the workspace's root folder and finally folder 1 is in root sync folder like c:\\teamplatform-sync-folder. is_root tells whether the file is the workspace's root folder or not(Surely, if this value is true, then ftype should also be folder). ancestry value might be useful to generate tree structure of the entire files under a workspace or create breadcrumbs for navigating folders.

version denotes current active-and-last version number of the file.

state describes current state of the process which generates on-line preview and extracts meta properties(properties in the JSON) for the file. Possible state values can be created, uploading, uploaded, processing, success and error. Unsupported files for this process will have value of error eventually. small and big tells the location of the preview thumbnails for the successfully processed files.

properties will have different kinds and number of keys and values for different types of files.

More filtering options are available:

  • GET /files?page=2 to get the page two of results. The result will be paginated 30 items per page.
  • GET /files?order_by=updated_at+desc will return sorted results by updated_at field.
  • GET /files?order_by=created_at+desc will return sorted results by created_at field.
  • GET /files?created_since=2012-09-18T18:11:40-07:00 will return files created after given time.
  • GET /files?updated_since=2012-09-18T18:11:40-07:00 will return files updated after given time.
  • GET /files?owner_ids=1,2,9 will return files which have owner 1 or owner 2 or owner 9.
  • GET /files?workspace_id=1 will return files in workspace 1.
  • GET /files?folder_id=1 will return files in folder 1.
  • GET /files?filename=rabbit will search for files named as rabbit.
  • GET /files?ftype=[file|folder] will return files/folders.
  • GET /files?deleted=[true|false] will return deleted/not-deleted files.
  • GET /files?state=[created|uploading|uploaded|processing|success|error] will return files in corresponding state.
  • GET /files?q=rabbit will search for the files which contain rabbit as a keyword. Given q parameter, TeamPlatform will perform a full text search on filename, label names and properties.

Get File

  • GET /files/1 to get file 1.
  • GET /workspaces/1/files/1 to get file 1 in workspace 1.

Response will look like same as GET /files but with single JSON representation.

  "id": 1,
  "key": "Another workspace/part.part",
  "filename": "part.prt",
  "ftype": "file",
  "filesize": 400,
  "ancestry": "9100",
  ...more info

Upload and Create File

TeamPlatform provides chunked file upload to support large file upload and resuming. Uploading files to TeamPlatform is a few step process:

  1. PUT /workspaces/1/files/upload with the first chunk of the file without setting upload_id, and receive an upload_id in return.

     PUT /workspaces/1/files/upload?offset=0
     // Set "Content-Type" header to "application/binary" or the content type of the file
     // Whole request body should be a chunk of data from the file being uploaded.
     Server Returns:
       "upload_id": "7a69476a3dc2cfe12cba9225072d7ec2c0ef8f9a88c9984bcb43eb8ec1cdd926",
       "offset": 1048576
  2. Repeatedly PUT subsequent chunks using the upload_id to identify the upload in progress and an offset representing the number of bytes transferred so far. After each chunk has been uploaded, the server returns a new offset representing the total amount transferred.

     PUT /workspaces/1/files/upload?offset=1048576&upload_id=7a69476a3dc2cfe12cba9225072d7ec2c0ef8f9a88c9984bcb43eb8ec1cdd926
     Server returns:
       "upload_id": "7a69476a3dc2cfe12cba9225072d7ec2c0ef8f9a88c9984bcb43eb8ec1cdd926",
       "offset": 2097152
  3. After the last chunk, POST /workspaces/1/files to complete the upload.

     POST /workspaces/1/files
       "upload_id": "7a69476a3dc2cfe12cba9225072d7ec2c0ef8f9a88c9984bcb43eb8ec1cdd926",
       "key": "To be ignored workspace title but required/will create missing subfolders/",
       "ftype": "file"

"key" should always include workspace's root folder name(which is identical to workspace title and should not start with /) Note that all three steps require workspace identifier(/workspaces/1) where the file will reside.

If the workspace isn't accessible by you, server will respond with 403 Forbidden. If the specified workspace is found but sub folder doesn't exist, server will create missing sub-folders automatically and put the file inside the sub folder. If the key already exists, the version number will bump up by 1.

Chunks can be any size but typical chunk is 1~5 MB. Server will be timed out if the chunk size is too big or connection is too slow. Using large chunks will mean fewer calls to and faster overall throughput. However, whenever a transfer is interrupted, you will have to resume at the beginning of the last chunk, so it is often safer to use smaller chunks.

If the offset you submit does not match the expected offset on the server, the server will ignore the request and respond with a 400 error that includes the current offset. To resume upload, seek to the correct offset (in bytes) within the file and then resume uploading from that point.

Create Folder

    POST /workspaces/1/files
      "key": "My workspace Title/New Folder",
      "ftype": "folder"

Server will respond with 200 Ok if the creation was successful. If the key already exists, server will respond with 400 Bad Request.

Rename File or Folder

    PUT /workspaces/1/files/1 OR POST /files/1
      "filename": "Renamed.avi"
    PUT /workspaces/1/files/2
      "filename": "Renamed Folder"

filename parameter should not contain / in it. Server will just ignore the update request if filename contains /. If you rename the workspace's root folder name, the workspace title will update accordingly. Server will respond 200 Ok with updated JSON if the renaming was successful.

You can't rename file or folder to existing file or folder name inside the same parent folder like any other file systems (Server will return 400 Bad Request).

If our server returns 409 Conflict, it means that current operation cannot be done at this moment because there's other process trying to modify the same resource. The process will usually complete in a few seconds, but can be long as a minute depending on the size of the workspace's folder/file structure (if the workspace has thousands of files).

We currently doesn't support more file operation features like move or copy for the API.

Delete, Undelete and Purge file

  • DELETE /files/1 will delete the file and return 200 Ok if that was successful. If the user does not have access to delete the file, you'll see 403 Forbidden.

  • DELETE /files/1?undelete=true will undelete the file and return 200 Ok if that was successful. If the user does not have access to undelete the file, you'll see 403 Forbidden.

  • DELETE /files/1?purge=true will permanently delete the file and return 204 No Content if that was successful. If the user does not have access to purge the file, you'll see 403 Forbidden.