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File metadata and controls

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Gopls: Commands

The LSP's workspace/executeCommand RPC is an extension mechanism that allows clients to invoke ad hoc commands offered by servers. This document describes the commands supported by gopls.

Most commands provide the implementations of features advertised through documented LSP mechanisms such as Code Lenses and Code Actions.

They are not intended to be invoked directly by clients, and typically editors do not make them directly accessible.

We document them for completeness, but these interfaces are not stable and may change without notice. TODO(rfindley): unpublish and remove this page.

gopls.add_dependency: Add a dependency

Adds a dependency to the go.mod file for a module.


	// The go.mod file URI.
	"URI": string,
	// Additional args to pass to the go command.
	"GoCmdArgs": []string,
	// Whether to add a require directive.
	"AddRequire": bool,

gopls.add_import: Add an import

Ask the server to add an import path to a given Go file. The method will call applyEdit on the client so that clients don't have to apply the edit themselves.


	// ImportPath is the target import path that should
	// be added to the URI file
	"ImportPath": string,
	// URI is the file that the ImportPath should be
	// added to
	"URI": string,

gopls.add_telemetry_counters: Update the given telemetry counters

Gopls will prepend "fwd/" to all the counters updated using this command to avoid conflicts with other counters gopls collects.


	// Names and Values must have the same length.
	"Names": []string,
	"Values": []int64,

gopls.apply_fix: Apply a fix

Applies a fix to a region of source code.


	// The name of the fix to apply.
	// For fixes suggested by analyzers, this is a string constant
	// advertised by the analyzer that matches the Category of
	// the analysis.Diagnostic with a SuggestedFix containing no edits.
	// For fixes suggested by code actions, this is a string agreed
	// upon by the code action and golang.ApplyFix.
	"Fix": string,
	// The file URI for the document to fix.
	"URI": string,
	// The document range to scan for fixes.
	"Range": {
		"start": {
			"line": uint32,
			"character": uint32,
		"end": {
			"line": uint32,
			"character": uint32,
	// Whether to resolve and return the edits.
	"ResolveEdits": bool,


	// Holds changes to existing resources.
	"changes": map[][],
	// Depending on the client capability `workspace.workspaceEdit.resourceOperations` document changes
	// are either an array of `TextDocumentEdit`s to express changes to n different text documents
	// where each text document edit addresses a specific version of a text document. Or it can contain
	// above `TextDocumentEdit`s mixed with create, rename and delete file / folder operations.
	// Whether a client supports versioned document edits is expressed via
	// `workspace.workspaceEdit.documentChanges` client capability.
	// If a client neither supports `documentChanges` nor `workspace.workspaceEdit.resourceOperations` then
	// only plain `TextEdit`s using the `changes` property are supported.
	"documentChanges": []{
		"TextDocumentEdit": {
			"textDocument": { ... },
			"edits": { ... },
		"CreateFile": {
			"kind": string,
			"uri": string,
			"options": { ... },
			"ResourceOperation": { ... },
		"RenameFile": {
			"kind": string,
			"oldUri": string,
			"newUri": string,
			"options": { ... },
			"ResourceOperation": { ... },
		"DeleteFile": {
			"kind": string,
			"uri": string,
			"options": { ... },
			"ResourceOperation": { ... },
	// A map of change annotations that can be referenced in `AnnotatedTextEdit`s or create, rename and
	// delete file / folder operations.
	// Whether clients honor this property depends on the client capability `workspace.changeAnnotationSupport`.
	// @since 3.16.0
	"changeAnnotations": map[string],

gopls.assembly: Browse assembly listing of current function in a browser.

This command opens a web-based disassembly listing of the specified function symbol (plus any nested lambdas and defers). The machine architecture is determined by the view.



gopls.change_signature: Perform a "change signature" refactoring

This command is experimental, currently only supporting parameter removal. Its signature will certainly change in the future (pun intended).


	"RemoveParameter": {
		"uri": string,
		"range": {
			"start": { ... },
			"end": { ... },
	// Whether to resolve and return the edits.
	"ResolveEdits": bool,


	// Holds changes to existing resources.
	"changes": map[][],
	// Depending on the client capability `workspace.workspaceEdit.resourceOperations` document changes
	// are either an array of `TextDocumentEdit`s to express changes to n different text documents
	// where each text document edit addresses a specific version of a text document. Or it can contain
	// above `TextDocumentEdit`s mixed with create, rename and delete file / folder operations.
	// Whether a client supports versioned document edits is expressed via
	// `workspace.workspaceEdit.documentChanges` client capability.
	// If a client neither supports `documentChanges` nor `workspace.workspaceEdit.resourceOperations` then
	// only plain `TextEdit`s using the `changes` property are supported.
	"documentChanges": []{
		"TextDocumentEdit": {
			"textDocument": { ... },
			"edits": { ... },
		"CreateFile": {
			"kind": string,
			"uri": string,
			"options": { ... },
			"ResourceOperation": { ... },
		"RenameFile": {
			"kind": string,
			"oldUri": string,
			"newUri": string,
			"options": { ... },
			"ResourceOperation": { ... },
		"DeleteFile": {
			"kind": string,
			"uri": string,
			"options": { ... },
			"ResourceOperation": { ... },
	// A map of change annotations that can be referenced in `AnnotatedTextEdit`s or create, rename and
	// delete file / folder operations.
	// Whether clients honor this property depends on the client capability `workspace.changeAnnotationSupport`.
	// @since 3.16.0
	"changeAnnotations": map[string],

gopls.check_upgrades: Check for upgrades

Checks for module upgrades.


	// The go.mod file URI.
	"URI": string,
	// The modules to check.
	"Modules": []string,

gopls.diagnose_files: Cause server to publish diagnostics for the specified files.

This command is needed by the 'gopls {check,fix}' CLI subcommands.


	"Files": []string,

gopls.doc: Browse package documentation.

Opens the Go package documentation page for the current package in a browser.


	"uri": string,
	"range": {
		"start": {
			"line": uint32,
			"character": uint32,
		"end": {
			"line": uint32,
			"character": uint32,

gopls.edit_go_directive: Run go mod edit -go=version

Runs go mod edit -go=version for a module.


	// Any document URI within the relevant module.
	"URI": string,
	// The version to pass to `go mod edit -go`.
	"Version": string,

gopls.extract_to_new_file: Move selected declarations to a new file

Used by the code action of the same name.


	"uri": string,
	"range": {
		"start": {
			"line": uint32,
			"character": uint32,
		"end": {
			"line": uint32,
			"character": uint32,

gopls.fetch_vulncheck_result: Get known vulncheck result

Fetch the result of latest vulnerability check (govulncheck).


	// The file URI.
	"URI": string,



gopls.free_symbols: Browse free symbols referenced by the selection in a browser.

This command is a query over a selected range of Go source code. It reports the set of "free" symbols of the selection: the set of symbols that are referenced within the selection but are declared outside of it. This information is useful for understanding at a glance what a block of code depends on, perhaps as a precursor to extracting it into a separate function.


	"uri": string,
	"range": {
		"start": {
			"line": uint32,
			"character": uint32,
		"end": {
			"line": uint32,
			"character": uint32,

gopls.gc_details: Toggle gc_details

Toggle the calculation of gc annotations.



gopls.generate: Run go generate

Runs go generate for a given directory.


	// URI for the directory to generate.
	"Dir": string,
	// Whether to generate recursively (go generate ./...)
	"Recursive": bool,

gopls.go_get_package: 'go get' a package

Runs go get to fetch a package.


	// Any document URI within the relevant module.
	"URI": string,
	// The package to go get.
	"Pkg": string,
	"AddRequire": bool,

gopls.list_imports: List imports of a file and its package

Retrieve a list of imports in the given Go file, and the package it belongs to.


	// The file URI.
	"URI": string,


	// Imports is a list of imports in the requested file.
	"Imports": []{
		"Path": string,
		"Name": string,
	// PackageImports is a list of all imports in the requested file's package.
	"PackageImports": []{
		"Path": string,

gopls.list_known_packages: List known packages

Retrieve a list of packages that are importable from the given URI.


	// The file URI.
	"URI": string,


	// Packages is a list of packages relative
	// to the URIArg passed by the command request.
	// In other words, it omits paths that are already
	// imported or cannot be imported due to compiler
	// restrictions.
	"Packages": []string,

gopls.maybe_prompt_for_telemetry: Prompt user to enable telemetry

Checks for the right conditions, and then prompts the user to ask if they want to enable Go telemetry uploading. If the user responds 'Yes', the telemetry mode is set to "on".

gopls.mem_stats: Fetch memory statistics

Call runtime.GC multiple times and return memory statistics as reported by runtime.MemStats.

This command is used for benchmarking, and may change in the future.


	"HeapAlloc": uint64,
	"HeapInUse": uint64,
	"TotalAlloc": uint64,

gopls.modules: Return information about modules within a directory

This command returns an empty result if there is no module, or if module mode is disabled. The result does not includes the modules that are not associated with any Views on the server yet.


	// Dir is the directory in which to search for go.mod files.
	"Dir": string,
	// MaxDepth is the directory walk limit.
	// A value of 0 means inspect only Dir.
	// 1 means inspect its child directories too, and so on.
	// A negative value removes the limit.
	"MaxDepth": int,


	"Modules": []{
		"Path": string,
		"Version": string,
		"GoMod": string,

gopls.packages: Return information about packages

This command returns an empty result if the specified files or directories are not associated with any Views on the server yet.


	// Files is a list of files and directories whose associated
	// packages should be described by the result.
	// In some cases, a file may belong to more than one package;
	// the result may describe any of them.
	"Files": []string,
	// Enumerate all packages under the directry loadable with
	// the ... pattern.
	// The search does not cross the module boundaries and
	// does not return packages that are not yet loaded.
	// (e.g. those excluded by the gopls directory filter setting,
	// or the configuration)
	"Recursive": bool,
	// Mode controls the types of information returned for each package.
	"Mode": uint64,


	// Packages is an unordered list of package metadata.
	"Packages": []{
		"Path": string,
		"ModulePath": string,
		"TestFiles": []{
			"URI": string,
			"Tests": { ... },
	// Modules maps module path to module metadata for
	// all the modules of the returned Packages.
	"Module": map[string],

gopls.regenerate_cgo: Regenerate cgo

Regenerates cgo definitions.


	// The file URI.
	"URI": string,

gopls.remove_dependency: Remove a dependency

Removes a dependency from the go.mod file of a module.


	// The go.mod file URI.
	"URI": string,
	// The module path to remove.
	"ModulePath": string,
	// If the module is tidied apart from the one unused diagnostic, we can
	// run `go get module@none`, and then run `go mod tidy`. Otherwise, we
	// must make textual edits.
	"OnlyDiagnostic": bool,

gopls.reset_go_mod_diagnostics: Reset go.mod diagnostics

Reset diagnostics in the go.mod file of a module.


	"URIArg": {
		"URI": string,
	// Optional: source of the diagnostics to reset.
	// If not set, all resettable go.mod diagnostics will be cleared.
	"DiagnosticSource": string,

gopls.run_go_work_command: Run go work [args...], and apply the resulting

edits to the current file


	"ViewID": string,
	"InitFirst": bool,
	"Args": []string,

gopls.run_govulncheck: Run vulncheck

Run vulnerability check (govulncheck).

This command is asynchronous; clients must wait for the 'end' progress notification.


	// Any document in the directory from which govulncheck will run.
	"URI": string,
	// Package pattern. E.g. "", ".", "./...".
	"Pattern": string,


	// Token holds the progress token for LSP workDone reporting of the vulncheck
	// invocation.
	"Token": interface{},

gopls.run_tests: Run test(s)

Runs go test for a specific set of test or benchmark functions.

This command is asynchronous; clients must wait for the 'end' progress notification.


	// The test file containing the tests to run.
	"URI": string,
	// Specific test names to run, e.g. TestFoo.
	"Tests": []string,
	// Specific benchmarks to run, e.g. BenchmarkFoo.
	"Benchmarks": []string,

gopls.scan_imports: force a sychronous scan of the imports cache.

This command is intended for use by gopls tests only.

gopls.start_debugging: Start the gopls debug server

Start the gopls debug server if it isn't running, and return the debug address.


	// Optional: the address (including port) for the debug server to listen on.
	// If not provided, the debug server will bind to "localhost:0", and the
	// full debug URL will be contained in the result.
	// If there is more than one gopls instance along the serving path (i.e. you
	// are using a daemon), each gopls instance will attempt to start debugging.
	// If Addr specifies a port, only the daemon will be able to bind to that
	// port, and each intermediate gopls instance will fail to start debugging.
	// For this reason it is recommended not to specify a port (or equivalently,
	// to specify ":0").
	// If the server was already debugging this field has no effect, and the
	// result will contain the previously configured debug URL(s).
	"Addr": string,


	// The URLs to use to access the debug servers, for all gopls instances in
	// the serving path. For the common case of a single gopls instance (i.e. no
	// daemon), this will be exactly one address.
	// In the case of one or more gopls instances forwarding the LSP to a daemon,
	// URLs will contain debug addresses for each server in the serving path, in
	// serving order. The daemon debug address will be the last entry in the
	// slice. If any intermediate gopls instance fails to start debugging, no
	// error will be returned but the debug URL for that server in the URLs slice
	// will be empty.
	"URLs": []string,

gopls.start_profile: Start capturing a profile of gopls' execution

Start a new pprof profile. Before using the resulting file, profiling must be stopped with a corresponding call to StopProfile.

This command is intended for internal use only, by the gopls benchmark runner.





gopls.stop_profile: Stop an ongoing profile

This command is intended for internal use only, by the gopls benchmark runner.




	// File is the profile file name.
	"File": string,

gopls.test: Run test(s) (legacy)

Runs go test for a specific set of test or benchmark functions.

This command is asynchronous; wait for the 'end' progress notification.

This command is an alias for RunTests; the only difference is the form of the parameters.

TODO(adonovan): eliminate it.



gopls.tidy: Run go mod tidy

Runs go mod tidy for a module.


	// The file URIs.
	"URIs": []string,

gopls.toggle_gc_details: Toggle gc_details

Toggle the calculation of gc annotations.


	// The file URI.
	"URI": string,

gopls.update_go_sum: Update go.sum

Updates the go.sum file for a module.


	// The file URIs.
	"URIs": []string,

gopls.upgrade_dependency: Upgrade a dependency

Upgrades a dependency in the go.mod file for a module.


	// The go.mod file URI.
	"URI": string,
	// Additional args to pass to the go command.
	"GoCmdArgs": []string,
	// Whether to add a require directive.
	"AddRequire": bool,

gopls.vendor: Run go mod vendor

Runs go mod vendor for a module.


	// The file URI.
	"URI": string,

gopls.views: List current Views on the server.

This command is intended for use by gopls tests only.


	"ID": string,
	"Type": string,
	"Root": string,
	"Folder": string,
	"EnvOverlay": []string,

gopls.workspace_stats: Fetch workspace statistics

Query statistics about workspace builds, modules, packages, and files.

This command is intended for internal use only, by the gopls stats command.


	"Files": {
		"Total": int,
		"Largest": int,
		"Errs": int,
	"Views": []{
		"GoCommandVersion": string,
		"AllPackages": {
			"Packages": int,
			"LargestPackage": int,
			"CompiledGoFiles": int,
			"Modules": int,
		"WorkspacePackages": {
			"Packages": int,
			"LargestPackage": int,
			"CompiledGoFiles": int,
			"Modules": int,
		"Diagnostics": int,