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Install ABAP Platform Trail 1909 docker on Google Cloud Platform

The scripts listed in this repository is referred by article - Evaluating ABAP SDK for Google Cloud using ABAP Platform Trial 1909 on Google Cloud Platform. Below is the Google Bard generated explanation of each of the scripts:

Create Virtual Machine

Script name:

The script creates a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) virtual machine (VM) for installing Docker. The script first gets the project number and zone from the GCP configuration. It then creates a firewall rule to allow traffic on ports 3200, 3300, 8443, 30213, 50000, and 50001 to the VM. It then enables the Google Cloud IAM credentials and address validation services, which are required for ABAP SDK sample code. Next, it creates a service account that will be used by the ABAP SDK. Finally, it creates the VM with the specified configuration.

Here is a more detailed explanation of each step:

  • The script validates if project name a and default compute/zone has been set.
#Get the project number
PROJECT_NAME=$(gcloud config get project)
#Check if project is set
if [[ -z "$PROJECT_NAME" ]]; then
    echo "Project Name is not set. Use gcloud config set project"
    exit 1

PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects describe $PROJECT_NAME \

#Get the compute/zone
ZONE=$(gcloud config get compute/zone)

#Check if zone is set
if [[ -z "$ZONE" ]]; then
    echo "Compute zone is not set. Use gcloud config set compute/zone"
    exit 1.
  • The script then create a firewall. This line creates a firewall rule to allow traffic on ports 3200, 3300, 8443, 30213, 50000, and 50001 to the VM. The -e direction=INGRESS flag specifies that the traffic is coming into the VM. The -e priority=1000 flag specifies that this rule has a priority of 1000, which means it will be applied before any other firewall rules. The -e network=default flag specifies that the rule applies to the default network. The -e action=ALLOW flag specifies that the traffic is allowed. The -e rules=tcp:3200,tcp:3300,tcp:8443,tcp:30213,tcp:50000,tcp:50001 flag specifies the ports that are allowed. The -e source-ranges= flag specifies that the traffic can come from any source IP address. The -e target-tags=sapmachine flag specifies that the rule applies to the VM with the tag sapmachine.
gcloud compute firewall-rules create sapmachine \ --direction=INGRESS --priority=1000 --network=default --action=ALLOW \ --rules=tcp:3200,tcp:3300,tcp:8443,tcp:30213,tcp:50000,tcp:50001 \ --source-ranges= --target-tags=sapmachine
  • This belo lines enables the Google Cloud IAM credentials service and Address Validation service.. This service is required for the ABAP SDK to code sample provided in the blog.
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
  • This line creates a service account named abap-sdk-dev. This service account will be used by the ABAP SDK.
gcloud iam service-accounts create abap-sdk-dev \
  --description="ABAP SDK Dev Account" \
  --display-name="ABAP SDK Dev Account"
  • The below line create the vm abap-trail-docker, with startup script to install docker and SAP 1909 trail.
gcloud compute instances create abap-trial-docker \
  --project=abap-sdk-poc \
  --zone=us-west4-b \
  --machine-type=e2-highmem-2 \
  --network-interface=network-tier=PREMIUM,stack-type=IPV4_ONLY,subnet=default \
  --metadata=startup-script=curl\ \\ -o\ /tmp/'\n'chmod\ 755

Virtual Machine Startup Script

Script Name:

The script is divided into two parts:

  1. Install Docker Engine
    • The first part of the script installs Docker Engine on the system. This is done by removing any existing Docker packages, updating the apt package index, installing ca-certificates, curl, and gnupg, creating a directory for Docker's GPG key, downloading Docker's GPG key, making the Docker GPG key readable, creating a file to add Docker's repository to apt, and updating the apt package index again.
    • Once these steps are complete, Docker Engine will be installed on the system.
  2. Download image and install SAP 1909 Trial
    • The second part of the script downloads the SAP 1909 Trial image and starts a Docker container from the image. This is done by pulling the Docker image, starting the Docker container, and mapping the container's ports to the host's ports.

The following are the specific steps that are performed in the script:

  • The for loop removes any existing Docker packages.
  • The sudo apt-get update command updates the apt package index.
  • The sudo apt-get install zip unzip command installs zip, and unzip.
  • The sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl gnupg command installs ca-certificates, curl, and gnupg.
  • The sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings command creates a directory for Docker's GPG key.
  • The curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg command downloads Docker's GPG key.
  • The sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg command makes the Docker GPG key readable.
  • The echo command creates a file to add Docker's repository to apt.
  • The sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null command writes the file to the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list directory.
  • The sudo apt-get update command updates the apt package index again.
  • The sudo apt-get -y install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin command installs Docker CE, Docker CE CLI,, docker-buildx-plugin, and docker-compose-plugin.
  • The sudo docker pull sapse/abap-platform-trial:1909 command pulls the Docker image.
  • The sudo docker run command starts the Docker container and maps the container's ports to the host's ports.

Import transport for ABAP SDK for Google Cloud

Script Name:

The code first creates a directory called abap_sdk_transport and changes to that directory. Then, it downloads the transport files from the Google Cloud Storage bucket.

mkdir abap_sdk_transport 
cd abap_sdk_transport 

Next, the code unzips the transport files.


Finally, the code copies the files to the trans folder of the Docker container named a4h. It then runs the tp command to import the transport.

sudo docker cp K900191.GM1 a4h:/usr/sap/trans/cofiles/K900191.GM1 
sudo docker cp R900191.GM1 a4h:/usr/sap/trans/data/R900191.GM1
sudo docker exec -it a4h runuser -l a4hadm -c 'tp addtobuffer GM1K900191 A4H client=001 pf=/usr/sap/trans/bin/TP_DOMAIN_A4H.PFL'
sudo docker exec -it a4h runuser -l a4hadm -c 'tp pf=/usr/sap/trans/bin/TP_DOMAIN_A4H.PFL import GM1K900191 A4H U128 client=001'

The tp command is used to manage transports in SAP systems. The addtobuffer option adds the transport to the buffer, and the import option imports the transport.

The client=001 option specifies the client that the transport will be imported into. The pf=/usr/sap/trans/bin/TP_DOMAIN_A4H.PFL option specifies the PFL file that will be used to import the transport.