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(Differentially Private) Federated Generative Adversarial Networks

This directory contains source code for reproducing the differentially private federated GAN results presented in the paper Generative Models for Effective ML on Private, Decentralized Datasets.

Some pip packages are required by this library, and may need to be installed:

pip install absl-py
pip install attr
pip install dm-tree
pip install numpy
pip install Pillow
pip install tensorboard
pip install tensorflow
pip install tensorflow-federated
pip install tensorflow-gan
pip install tensorflow-privacy


We wish to debug a 'primary' ML model deployed for inference inside a mobile app. The example presented in the paper is a classifier converting handwriting (images) to numbers/letters, used for reading checks in a bank app. The data is private and decentralized, as it resides on the app's users' mobile phones. We use the federated EMNIST dataset to model the user data.

EMNIST Classifier (aka the 'primary' model)

The classifier network is defined as a Keras model in the experiments/emnist/classifier:emnist_classifier_model library. The library provides a pretrained Keras model instance (which we used in all experiments). If desiring to retrain an EMNIST classifier from scratch, build and run the experiments/emnist/classifier:train_emnist_classifier_model script.

Bug: Pixel Intensity Inversion (Black <-> White Flip)

An application update unwittingly introduces a bug: upstream of the classifier network, the pixels of the handwriting images are being 'inverted' (i.e., black and white are flipped). Here are example images without the bug (this is Figure 2a in the paper) ...

Normal EMNIST Images

... and with the bug (this is Figure 2b in the paper) ...

EMNIST Images with Bug

This bug affects a fraction of the overall users (i.e., the fraction of the user population that has updated the app to latest version). For users that have updated, all of their data is inverted. The impact of this bug on classification accuracy can be observed by running the experiments/emnist/classifier:measure_misclassification_of_users script.

Federated GAN (aka the 'auxiliary' model)

Federated GANs can be trained to reproduce data examples of either just the normal data or just the buggy data. We can then identify the bug by comparing/contrasting the generated content of a GAN reproducing normal data and a GAN reproducing buggy data.

Preprocessing - Filtering the users/examples

As the user data is non-inspectable, and we don't know a priori that the bug is correlated with app version, we have no way of exactly separating 'normal' from 'buggy'. Rather, we'll approximate by filtering data based on something that should reasonably correlate with absence/presence of the bug. The code here supports two manners of such filtering.

The first is by_user: a user accuracy threshold is chosen, and all users with EMNIST classification accuracy above the threshold are considered to have data that is 'normal'. Similarly, another user accuracy threshold can be chosen and all users with accuracy below the threshold are considered to have data that is 'buggy'. This is the manner of filtering done in the body of the paper (Section 6).

The second is by_example: all examples that classify correctly are considered to be 'normal', and all examples that misclassify are considered to be 'buggy'. (Results with this manner of filtering are presented in the Appendix.)

We run scripts which apply the bug to a given percentage of users, and then form a set of users/examples either by filtering by_user or by_example. To save computation time when running repeated experiments, we save the results of this filtering in csv files, so that a given experiment can simply load which users are in a training population (if filtered by_user) or load which examples for each user are part of the training set (if by_example).

The experiments/emnist/preprocessing:filtered_emnist_data_utils library provides utilities for accessing the precomputed filtered data. If desiring to redo the pre-computation (and write new csv files), build and run the experiments/emnist/preprocessing:filter_users script and/or the experiments/emnist/preprocessing:filter_examples script.


The experiments/emnist:train script trains a federated GAN on EMNIST data. Flags to this script identify the subset of data to train on (either filtered by_user, by_example, or not filtered), the training hyperparameters (including differential privacy hyperparameters that control clipping/noising), and how often to save off model checkpoints or generated images.

To regenerate the results from Section 6 of the paper, run the experiments/emnist:run_experiments script. Otherwise, you can run the experiments/emnist:train script to alter hyperparameters and further explore the training space (e.g., to run experiments where the data is filtered by_example instead).


These images are representative output from the generator of a GAN trained on the highest accuracy users (i.e., users generally unaffected by bug), after training for 1000 rounds...

Generated Images, High Accuracy Users

... and these images are representative output from the generator of a GAN trained on the lowest accuracy users (i.e., users generally affected by the bug), after training for 1000 rounds:

Generated Images, Low Accuracy Users

(These images are shown in Figure 3 in the paper.)