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Approx Bounds

ApproxBounds computes an approximate upper and lower bound of the input set. It is designed to be used to find the approximate support of a large input set, not to obtain a precise minimum or maximum. This algorithm is mainly used to determine the bounds of input sets inside bounded algorithms.

Input & Output

ApproxBounds supports int64_t and double type input sets. When successful, the returned Output message will contain two elements. The first is the differentially private lower bound; the second is the upper. The Output message will contain an error status instead if not enough inputs were seen to determine the min and max.


ApproxBounds has all the parameters of any Algorithm. There are additional parameters.

ApproxBounds<T>::Builder builder =
   ApproxBounds<T>::Builder.SetNumBins(int64_t num_bins)
                           .SetScale(double scale)
                           .SetBase(double base)

// Option 1: Set the success probability for finding reasonable min/max.
absl::StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<ApproxBounds<T>>> approx_bounds =
                    builder.SetSuccessProbability(double success_probability)

// Option 2: Set the bin threshold to choose a reasonable min/max.
absl::StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<ApproxBounds<T>>> approx_bounds =
                    builder.SetThreshold(double threshold)

All of these additional parameters are optional and have default values. To manually set appropriate values for these parameters, we must understand a bit of the workings behind ApproxBounds. The algorithm first creates histogram bins that represent contiguous intervals in the range of data type T. The width of the intervals increases exponentially with base base. The scale is the width of the smallest bin. There are num_bins bins for positive numbers, and num_bins bins for negative numbers.

Inputs are partitioned into the histogram bins. When fetching the result, a noisy count of inputs inside each bin is checked to see whether it exceeds a threshold. Out of bins that exceed the threshold, the bin representing the interval containing the largest values maps to the maximum; the one for the smallest values maps to the minimum. The threshold is configured bia a success_probability, which is the probability that we will (correctly) return no bounds for an empty dataset. Therefore the threshold is set high enough that there is a less than 1 - success_probability chance that noise added to any of the bins will exceed the threshold. If no bin passes the threshold, we will automatically relax the success_probobility slightly, until we either find bounds, or reach a minimum success_probability. We find that this improves performance on small datasets without substantially increasing the probability of returning spurious bounds.

It is best to use the default value for success_probability.

It is also possible to set the threshold directly, though we only recommend doing so for tests, as it is difficult to predict the results of setting a particular threshold on real data.


ApproxBounds is an Algorithm, and supports its full API.

By Other Algorithms

ApproxBounds is used by some bounded algorithms to automatically infer bounds. These bounded algorithms will be default create a default ApproxBounds algorithm, but the caller can pass in a custom one if they so choose.

builder.SetApproxBounds(std::unique_ptr<ApproxBounds> approx_bounds)

Since ApproxBounds is designed to be called by other algorithms, it contains additional functions in its API to get information on its bin bounds, and to combine inputs into partial aggregations that can be clamped and fully aggregated once bounds are known.

Result Performance

For ApproxBounds, calling Result is an O(n) operation.