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DV360 Bid By Weather

Disclaimer: This is not an official Google product.


This tool enables Google Display & Video 360 advertisers to automatically adjust the activation of their DV360 campaigns (Line Items) depending on the weather conditions for each location target specified.

The tool functionality is orchestrated by a Google Spreadsheet powered by custom Apps Script code, which is mainly taking care of:

  • reading the current status of the selected DV360 Line Items (optional)
  • retrieving the weather information through OpenWeatherMap API for each location assigned to the selected DV360 Line Items;
  • calculating the "new" Line Item status to be applied, according to the desired logic based on the weather conditions;
  • updating the status of the Line Items in the platform through the DV360 APIs.

The tool, as is, covers a fairly simple use case, but can also be seen as a starting point for other scenarios in which you're looking to use an external data source to influence the configuration of your DV360 campaigns, as long as the corresponding parameters are supported via the DV360 APIs (this kind of customization requires basic scripting skills).


1. DV360 Authorizations

Each individual user needs to “install” the tool and to authorize access to the DV360 API through their Google Account.

Users of the tool need to have read/write access to the DV360 Line Items they want to edit.

2. Google Cloud Platform project

The tool requires a Google Cloud Project to be associated with it in order to be able to use the DV360 APIs. No billing account is required.

3. OpenWeatherMap API

A valid key for the OpenWeatherMap API is required (process). Depending on the frequency of the updates you're expecting to apply and the weather parameters you want to leverage, the free tier might be sufficient.

4. Data size

Apps Script limitations apply. For more information on quotas and limitations, please check out this page. Also, Google Sheets limitations apply (e.g. max 2M cells).

Consider choosing a different approach if you’re planning to use the tool for thousands of campaigns.


1. Configure Google Cloud Platform: project, API and application

  • Enable the Display & Video 360 APIs.
    • Access the Google Cloud Platform API console and look for the Display & Video 360 API (link).
    • You will need to create a new project or select an existing one.
    • Select the DV360 API and click on "Enable".
  • Create the OAuth Consent screen for your application.
    • From the left menu, select APIs & Services > OAuth consent screen.
    • Fill out the required fields, selecting user type as "INTERNAL" if available.
    • Take note of your Project Number which can be found at the top of the consent screen page (should be 12 digits long); you will need it later.

2. Create a new Spreadsheet and import the custom code

  • Create a new Google Spreadsheet and open its script editor (from Tools > Script Editor).
  • Copy all the .js files from this project into corresponding .gs files in your Apps Script project (e.g. Code.js into
  • Click on View > Show manifest file to get access to the appsscript.json file, and copy copy contents of appsscript.json from this project (or even just the oauthScopes object) into that file.
  • Click on Resources > Cloud Platform Project. In the following pop-up window, in the section Change Project, put the Cloud Project Number you retrieved earlier.
  • You can now close this tab and the Script Editor tab, and go back to the Google Sheet you've created.
  • Refresh the Google Sheet to activate the code. The Google Sheet will be automatically configurated by the tool.

The first time users will use the tool, they will be prompted to grant the necessary authorizations to the application - such as accessing/editing DV360 entities via the API. This authorization process only needs to be completed once.


This is the typical workflow when using the tool:

  1. Fill out the Weather sheet, adding a new row for each DV360 Line Item you want to control through the tool.

    • You will only need to fill out the WHITE cells.
    • In the first two columns, insert the Advertiser ID and the Line Item ID.
    • In the third column, select the Location Name from the drop-down list. You should have prefilled your chosen locations in the Cities sheet with the location's name, its latitude and longitude.
    • In the next column, Days from today, please select the number of days from today you wish to forecast for, up to 7. If you need the current weather, select "Current". If you need the current day's forecast, choose 0, for the next day choose 1, etc. "Today" will always refer to the day the script is run. By default, the tool checks the weather for midday, but it can be changed in the code. To see all the available options, please refer to the OpenWeatherMap documentation.
    • The Line Item status to apply column is the one containing the actual logic you want to apply to determine the updated Line Item status, possibly leveraging the weather conditions available in the GRAY cells on the left (condition, temperature, humidity, ...). You can see the possible values reading the OpenWeatherMap documentation. You can treat this as a regular spreadsheet formula, as long as it results in an acceptable value (i.e. ACTIVE or PAUSED). For instance, if you want a line item to be "ACTIVE" only when the temperature is above 25 degrees use =IF(F2>25, "ACTIVE", "PAUSED")
    • The following column is just a free text cell where you can note down the logic used on this row / LI in a readable way, so that others can quickly and easily interpret your cell formula from the previous column. This cell is not read/used by the tool.
    • The other columns (GRAY cells) will be populated by the tool: they include weather information which will be collected via the OpenWeatherMap API and Line Item information collected via the DV360 API.
  2. From the toolbar, select DV360 BidByWeather > Read current LI status.

    • This is an optional step, but a good way to check you have correct DV360 API access.
    • The current status of the DV360 Line Items you've entered in the Weather sheet will be retrieved and shown in the Line Item Status column.
    • As with any other activity done with the tool, the result of the latest operation for each LI is shown in the Log (latest) column.
  3. From the toolbar, select DV360 BidByWeather > Update Weather only.

    • The first time you run this function, you will be asked to enter the OpenWeatherMap API Key to be used by the tool, together with the timezone and the temperature unit (metric or imperial).
    • The tool will go through the list of Line Items and their corresponding geographical locations and query the OpenWeatherMap API.
    • The main resulting parameters (which can be easily customized by editing the code) - Condition, Description, Temperature, Humidity - will be inserted in the corresponding cells for each row.
    • The Line Item status to apply cell will also automatically update its value depending on the weather parameters and your cell formula. Note: the actual line item status will not be impacted unless you run the corresponding command (see below).
    • The tool will wait 1s after each call to the OpenWeatherMap API to make sure that 60 calls per minute free-tier API limit is not exceeded. You can remove this limitation customizing the code.
  4. From the toolbar, select DV360 BidByWeather > Update Line Items only.

    • The tool will go through the list of Line Items and make calls to the DV360 API to update their status depending on the value (ACTIVE or PAUSED) of the Line Item status to apply column.
  5. If you want to retrieve the weather data and update the DV360 Line Items status accordingly, i.e. if you want to run the previous two methods in sequence, select DV360 BidByWeather > Update Weather and Update Line Items from the toolbar.

  6. If you want to have the tool running automatically on a schedule, you can use Apps Script "triggers":

    • Select Tools > Script Editor from the toolbar.
    • Click on the "clock" icon to enter the Triggers configuration screen.
    • Create a new time-driven trigger, selecting the UpdateWeatherAndSendToDv360 function.
    • Please note that the tool needs to be used successfully at least once manually in order for you to be able to run it on a scheduled basis (i.e. first, manual launch grants correct permissions which are reused later on).
  7. If you wish to cancel or modify user configuration data, select DV360 BidByWeather > Clear current user config from the toolbar. When launching the tool again, you will be asked to re-enter the configuration data.


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