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File metadata and controls

911 lines (607 loc) · 21.8 KB

Exposure Notifications Express (EN Express) Configuration


EN Express apps can be configured by providing a JSON configuration file with the following format.

  "config": {

Each name.json config file placed in the app/config/ directory will add a Gradle build flavor, introducing additional tasks:

  • assembleName - build an APK for this config.
  • bundleName - build an AAB for this config.
  • publishListingName - push a listing to the Play Store.
  • publishAppName - push an app bundle to the Play Store.
  • publishConsentName - create a consent.json with consent fields.

Android Specific Fields

Due to platform differences, there are several fields only relevant to Android. Most will be available in Apple Business Registry (ABR), except where noted.

Play Store Related

These fields influence how the EN Express app will appear in Play Store.


ABR Field: (tentative: Play Store app title)
Data Type: String
Limit: 50 chars

Your app's name on Google Play. Recommended 30 or less.

Optional field, defaults to appTitle if blank.


ABR Field: (tentative: Play Store short description)
Data Type: String
Limit: 80 chars

Short description of the app for the Play Store. The first text users see when looking at your app's detail page on the Play Store app.

Users can expand this text to view your app's full description.

Optional field, defaults to agencyDisplayName if blank.


ABR Field: (tentative: Play Store full description)
Data Type: String
Limit: 4000 chars

Your app's description on Google Play. Users can expand this text to view your app's full description.

Optional field, defaults to agencyDisplayName if blank.


ABR Field: (tenatative: Play Store icon)
Data Type: URL

URL for the Play Store Hi-Res Icon.

Must in PNG format. 512 x 512 pixel

Used for store listing.

Optional field, defaults to app icon if blank.


ABR Field: (tentative: Privacy Policy)
Data Type: URL

Link to your app's Privacy Policy.

The privacy policy must, together with any in-app disclosures, comprehensively disclose how your app collects, uses, and shares user data, including the types of parties with whom it’s shared. You should consult your own legal representative to advise you of what is required.


ABR Field: (tentative: Admin contact for Play Store)
Data Type: String

Administrative contact for Play Store. This contact email address will be publicly displayed as part of the Play Store listing.


ABR Field: (tentative: Default locale for Play Store)
Data Type: String

Default locale for Play Store listing.

Optional, if absent, will auto-select based on provided locales.

Android App Specific


ABR Field: Title for the PHA app.
Data Type: String
Limit: 50 chars Localizable

Title for the PHA app. Recommended 30 or less. As the app title may be clipped when long, 12 characters or less for visibility.

Optional field, defaults to agencyDisplayName if blank


ABR Field: (unknown)
Data Type: String\

Hostname to use to create an App Link association for SMS redirection.

Required Field


ABR Field: URL for foreground portion of icon.
Data Type: URL

URL for the foreground portion of an Android Adaptive Icon.

Must be in either SVG or PNG. SVG Recommended.

Should be sized to be laid out at 108dp x 108dp with the center 72dp x 72dp region visible with either a square, round, or other adaptive stencils. May require padding with a transparent reference square.

Optional field, defaults to automatic layout of agencyImage if blank.


ABR Field: URL for background portion of icon.
Data Type: URL

URL for the background portion of an Android Adaptive Icon.

Must be in either SVG or PNG. SVG Recommended.

Should be sized to be laid out at 108dp x 108dp with the center 72dp x 72dp region visible with either a square, round, or other adaptive stencils. May require padding with a transparent reference square.

Optional field, defaults to solid agencyColor background if blank.


ABR Field: (unavailable)
Data Type: URL

Mapping from ISO-3166-1 to an additional list of base and index URLs for download when the user has roamed to that country. Includes base and index URLs. Indexes are de-duped before download.

Typically provided by your roaming federation.


  "US": [
   {"index": "https://my-key-server/exposureKeyExport-US/index.txt"
                     "base": "https://my-key-serrver/exposureKeyExport-US"},
   {"index": "https://my-key-server/exposureKeyExport-TRAVEL/index.txt"
                     "base": "https://my-key-server/exposureKeyExport-TRAVEL"},
  "DE": [
   {"index": "https://my-key-server/exposureKeyExport-DE/index.txt"
                     "base": "https://my-key-server/exposureKeyExport-DE"},
   {"index": "https://my-key-server/exposureKeyExport-TRAVEL/index.txt"
                     "base": "https://my-key-server/exposureKeyExport-TRAVEL"},

Optional field, defaults to no roaming if blank.

ENPA Specific Fields

Exposure Notifications Private Analytics (ENPA) has some additional configuration fields.


ABR Field: (unknown)
Data Type: Boolean\

This field is true to enable ENPA.


ABR Field: ENPA Consent Text
Data Type: String

A string that contains the plain text end-user consent document provided by the PHA for ENPA.


ABR Field: ENPA Consent Version
Data Type: String
Limit: 25 chars

A string that contains the semantic version or monotonically increasing number of the consent text for ENPA.

General Fields

These fields are relevant both to Android and iOS.

Health Authority Identification


ABR Field: (tenatative)
Data Type: String
Limit: 256 chars

String used to identify the PHA to the upload key server.

On Android, this also sets the app package name. Once set, it cannot be changed.


ABR Field: PHA Name
Data Type: String
Limit: 50 chars

Name of the PHA. Used in the colored header during onboarding, in EN settings and in Exposure Notifications details.


ABR Field: Region
Data Type: String
Limit: 50 chars

Name of the region the PHA manages. Used as the subtitle in the onboarding header and in various places in Settings. PHA must provide this field.


ABR Field: Agency Website URL
Data Type: URL
Limit: 500 chars

The URL for the agency's website. Presented to the user in the region’s detail view in Settings.


ABR Field: Header Style
Data Type: UInt8
Default: 0

An integer used to customize the appearance of the header used in Exposure Notifications Express when presenting region-specific information to the user. Acceptable values are: 0 for standard appearance with name and icon, 1 for icon-only centered, 2 for icon-only on the left, and 3 for icon-only on the right.


ABR Field: Text Color
Data Type: [Float]
Default: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]

An array of RGB values ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 representing the text color for the text in the header (for example, [1.0, 0.75, 0.75]).


ABR Field: Header Color
Data Type: [Float]
Default: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

An array of RGB values ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 representing the accent color to use as the background for the PHA-branded header above PHA-provided content (for example, [1.0, 1.0, 0.0]).


ABR Field: Image URL
Data Type: URL/String

The URL of an image file for the agency logo, displayed in the PHA-branded header above PHA-provided content.


ABR Field: Message Body
Data Type: String
Limit: 3000 chars

Summary text that appears during onboarding and in settings below the branded header.


ABR Field: MCC Code in v1, ISO Country Code in v2
Data Type: String
Default: N/A

Either the ISO-3166-1 two letter country code, or the ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 country + state code.


  • US-CA (United States, California)
  • DE (Germany)

MCC Code in v1, Apple only

Legal Consent


ABR Field: Legal Consent Text
Data Type: String

A string that contains the plain text end-user consent document provided by the PHA.


ABR Field: Legal Consent Version
Data Type: String
Limit: 25 chars

A string that contains the semantic version or monotonically increasing number of the consent text.

Risk Score -- Overview

The risk score for a given exposure is computed using:

ERV = (Attenuation Weight) x (Infectiousness Weight) x (Report Type Weight)

It combines the seconds below.

Risk Score -- Attenuation Weight

Risk Score Buckets


ABR Field: Attenuation Immediate Weight (0-250%)
Data Type: Uint16
Range: 0 - 250
Default: 150

IMMEDIATE attenuation bucket weight.


ABR Field: Attenuation Near Weight (0-250%)
Data Type: Uint16
Range: 0 - 250
Default: 100

NEAR attenuation bucket weight.


ABR Field: Attenuation Medium Weight (0-250%)
Data Type: Uint16
Range: 0 - 250
Default: 50

MEDIUM attenuation bucket weight.


ABR Field: Attenuation Other Weight (0-250%)
Data Type: Uint16
Range: 0 - 250
Default: 0

OTHER attenuation bucket weight.


ABR Field: Attenuation Immediate Near Threshold (0-255)
Data Type: Uint8
Range: 0 - 255
Default: 30

IMMEDIATE-NEAR attenuation threshold.


ABR Field: Attenuation Immediate Med Threshold (0-255)
Data Type: Uint8
Range: 0 - 255
Default: 50

NEAR-MEDIUM attenuation threshold.


ABR Field: Attenuation Med Far Threshold (0-255)
Data Type: Uint8
Range: 0 - 255
Default: 60

MEDIUM-FAR (OTHER) attenuation threshold.

Risk Score -- Infectiousness Weight

Infectiousness Curve


ABR Field: Infectiousness to Symptom Onset Map
Data Type: Uint64
Range: 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF
Default: 0x0401555AA9400000

Map from days-since-symptoms-onset in TEK to infectiousness bucket.

Three possible values per entry (in binary):

  • 00 - Drop
  • 01 - Standard infectiousness (infectiousnessStandardWeight)
  • 10 - High infectiousness (infectiousnessHighWeight)

Stored Least Significant Bit first: -14,-13 …. 13, 14 / None.

NOTE: Currently this is stored inside a string to ensure Uint64 size.


ABR Field: Infectiousness Standard Weight (0-250%)
Data Type: Uint16
Range: 0 - 250
Default: 100

Weight value for onset dates deemed normal risk.


ABR Field: Infectiousness High Weight (0-250%)
Data Type: Uint16
Range: 0 - 250
Default: 100

Weight value for onset dates deemed high risk.

Risk Score -- Report Type Weight


ABR Field: Report Type Confirmed Test Weight (0-250%)
Data Type: Uint16
Range: 0 - 250
Default: 100

Weight to apply to report type CONFIRMED_TEST.

Risk Score -- Report Type Weights


ABR Field: Report Type Confirmed Clinical Diagnosis Weight (0-250%)
Data Type: Uint16
Range: 0 - 250
Default: 100

Weight to apply to report type CLINICAL_DIAGNOSIS.


ABR Field: Report Type Self Report Weight (0-250%)
Data Type: Uint16
Range: 0 - 250
Default: 100

Weight to apply to report type SELF_REPORT.


ABR Field: Report Type None Map
Data Type: Uint8
Range: 0 - 3
Default: 3

This value selects what to map report types to that don't have a report type attached:

  • 0 = DROP

Risk Score -- General Thresholds


ABR Field: Days Since Exposure Threshold (0-14)
Data Type: Uint8
Range: 0 - 14
Default: 14

Limit of how many days of exposure will be considered when evaluating the user’s total exposure.

For example, 10 means only the past 10 days of history is considered.

Exposure Classifications

These keys define values that set the thresholds and messaging for up to 4 exposure classifications (numbered 1-4). Classifications with the lowest number have the highest priority, if multiple classifications apply to a user.

Replace the trailing X in the key name with 1-4 for each classification.


ABR Field: Classification Name
Data Type: String
Limit: 25 chars

Unique name of this classification configuration. This name must change when the thresholds for this classification change.


ABR Field: Exposure Details Body
Data Type: String
Limit: 1500 chars

Body text presented to user when navigating to their latest exposure details in Settings.


ABR Field: Notification Subject
Data Type: String
Limit: 50 chars

Bolded subject of the notification presented to user when transitioning to this exposure state. Also presented as the heading in Settings when a user browses to their latest exposure information. This field is required.


ABR Field: Notification Body
Data Type: String
Limit: 256 chars

Body text of notification presented to user when transitioning to this exposure state.


ABR Field: Classification URL
Data Type: URL
Limit: 500 chars

URL used to link to PHA website for further guidance when user navigates to their latest exposure details in Settings.


ABR Field: Recursive Per Day Sum ERV Threshold
Data Type: Uint32
Range: 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF
Default: 0

Confirmed test report type threshold in ERV of when an OS notification is raised.

0 means disables the threshold.


ABR Field: Clinical Diagnosis Per Day Sum ERV Threshold
Data Type: Uint32
Range: 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF
Default: 0

Clinical Diagnosis report type threshold in ERV of when an OS notification is raised.

0 means disables the threshold.


ABR Field: Self Report Per Day Sum ERV Threshold
Data Type: Uint32
Range: 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF
Default: 0

Self report report type threshold in ERV of when an OS notification is raised.

0 means disables the threshold.


ABR Field: Recursive Per Day Sum ERV Threshold
Data Type: Uint32
Range: 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF
Default: 0

Recursive report type threshold in ERV of when an OS notification is raised.

0 means disables the threshold.


ABR Field: Per Day Sum ERV Threshold
Data Type: Uint32
Range: 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF
Default: 0

Per-day Sum threshold in ERV of when an OS notification is raised.

0 means disables the threshold.


ABR Field: Per Day Max ERV Threshold
Data Type: Uint32
Range: 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF
Default: 0

Per-day Max Threshold in ERV of when an OS notification is raised.

0 means disables the threshold.


ABR Field: Weighted Duration at Attenuation Threshold
Data Type: Uint32
Range: 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF
Default: 0

The threshold in weighted duration-at-attenuation when the OS raises a notification.

0 means disables the threshold.

Revocation Handling


ABR Field: Notification Body
Data Type: String
Limit: 256 chars

Body text of notification presented to user when transitioning to no exposure due to revocation of prior exposure.


ABR Field: Notification Subject
Data Type: String
Limit: 50 chars

Bolded subject of the notification presented to user when transitioning to this exposure state.


ABR Field: Revoked Details Body
Data Type: String
Limit: 1500 chars

Body text presented to user when navigating to their latest exposure details in Settings.


ABR Field: Revoked URL
Data Type: URL
Limit: 500 chars

URL used to link to PHA website for further guidance when user navigates to their latest exposure details in Settings.



ABR Field: Test Verifiction Intro Message
Data Type: string
Limit: 1000 chars

Intro message from PHA explaining purpose of test verification and key upload.


ABR Field: Verification Learn More URL
Data Type: URL
Limit: 500 chars

Link to the PHA’s website where user can learn more about use of Verification Codes and get help if something isn’t working.


ABR Field: (unavailable)
Data Type: string
Limit: 8000 chars

Text explaining how users should determine if they had relevant symptoms and how to pick an onset date.


ABR Field: (unavailable)
Data Type: string
Limit: 1000 chars

Text asking the user if they have traveled outside the relevant region.

E.g. Have you traveled outside the continental United States in the past 14 days?

Server Configuration


ABR Field: TEK Local Download Index File
Data Type: URL

Full URL to the index file for the Key Server.


ABR Field: TEK Local Download Base Path
Data Type: URL

Full URL used to construct path to files listed in index file, starting with base path.


ABR Field: Test Verification URL
Data Type: URL
Limit: 500 chars

The URL for the agency’s Test Verification Server


ABR Field: Test Verification Certificate URL
Data Type: URL
Limit: 500 chars

URL for the Test Verification server token + HMAC -> certificate roundtrip


ABR Field: Test Verification API Key
Data Type: String
Limit: 256 chars

API Key required to talk to the Test Verification server.

This can be obtained from the reference verification server admin UI.


ABR Field: TEK Upload URL
Data Type: URL
Limit: 500 chars

The URL for the agency's upload key server.

iOS Fields unused by Android


ABR Field: Go Live Date
Data Type: UInt32
Default: N/A

Go live date for when configs should start being returned for this region.

Stored as int, seconds since 1970, GMT.

NOTE: Not currently supported on Android.


ABR Field: Is exposure matching enabled?
Data Type: Boolean
Default: FALSE

Whether the API’s which accept TEK files to match is enabled in that region.


ABR Field: Determine if app is v1 or v2
Data Type: Uint8

An unsigned 8-bit integer that determines whether an app uses version 1 or 2 of the Exposure Notifications framework.

NOTE: This field is unused on Android as v1 is managed separately.


ABR Field: Public Key
Data Type: String
Default: N/A

A string that contains the public key used to verify the Temporary Exposure Key (TEK) file signature.

This information is communicated to Android separately. Multiple valid keys can be simultaneously active to support key rotation.


ABR Field: Public Key Version
Data Type: String
Default: 1

This information is communicated to Android separately. Multiple valid keys can be simultaneously active to support key rotation.


ABR Field: App Bundle ID
Data Type: String
Default: N/A

App Store bundle ID of the app for the given region.


ABR Field: TEK Publish Interval
Data Type: UInt8
Range: 2 - 24
Default: 24

Hours; How often the PHA expects to update TEKs for us to download. We will attempt to download on this cadence but may go faster or slower based on device environment. Valid values are 2, 4, 8, and 24

NOTE: Currently on Android this value is fixed at 4 hours.


ABR Field: Determine if this is a test region
Data Type: Boolean (Not editable)

A Boolean that indicates whether this is a test region.

NOTE: Unavailable on Android