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Gin Config

Authors: Dan Holtmann-Rice, Sergio Guadarrama, Nathan Silberman Contributors: Oscar Ramirez, Marek Fiser

Gin provides a lightweight, dependency injection driven approach to specifying and configuring hyperparameters.

Table of Contents



Modern ML experiments require configuring a dizzying array of hyperparameters, ranging from small details like learning rates or thresholds all the way to parameters affecting the model architecture.

Many choices for representing such configuration (proto buffers, tf.HParams, ParameterContainer, ConfigDict) require that model and experiment parameters are duplicated: at least once in the code where they are defined and used, and again when declaring the set of configurable hyperparameters.

Gin provides a lightweight dependency injection driven approach to configuring experiments in a reliable and transparent fashion. It allows functions or classes to be annotated as @gin.configurable, which enables setting their parameters via a simple config file using a clear and powerful syntax. This approach reduces configuration maintenance, while making experiment configuration transparent and easily repeatable.

Registering functions and classes with Gin

Using @gin.configurable

Any function or class can be marked configurable using the @gin.configurable decorator:

def my_network(images, num_outputs, num_layers=3, weight_decay=1e-4):

The @gin.configurable decorator does three things:

  1. It associates a "configurable name" with the function or class (by default, just the function or class name).
  2. It determines which parameters of the function or class constructor are configurable (by default, all of them).
  3. It wraps the function or class, intercepting calls and supplying the function's configurable parameters with values from a global registry of parameter settings (for parameters not already supplied by the function's caller).

To determine which parameters are configurable, @gin.configurable takes an allowlist or a denylist parameter. If some parameters are allowlisted the others would be denylisted and vice versa. For instance, in the example above, allowlisting num_layers and weight_decay would imply that images and num_outputs are denylisted. Since configuring the images parameter doesn't make much sense, it would be best to denylist that parameter. Additionally, we could specify a different name for the configurable object than "my_network":

@gin.configurable('supernet', denylist=['images'])
def my_network(images, num_outputs, num_layers=3, weight_decay=1e-4):

In case of collisions, configurable names can be disambiguated by specifying the module of the intended configurable.

Note: Gin-configurable functions are not pickleable.

Using gin.register

Gin additionally provides gin.register, which can be used either as a decorator or standalone function to register classes and functions with Gin. It has the same signature as gin.configurable, but performs "pure" registration, returning the original class or function unaltered (while storing a "configurable" version of the class in Gin's internal registry). This means that calls in Python to the class or function do not receive any parameters bound by Gin. Instead, the configurable version of the class can only be referenced within Gin files using configurable references (see below for more details).

As a general rule, in order to remain transparent to other Python code and to make it easier to reason about where Gin parameter "injection" takes place within a codebase, it is recommended to annotate most classes and functions with @gin.register, reserving a single @gin.configurable annotation for a "root" injection site.

Registering class methods

In some cases, it may be desirable to also register class methods with Gin. Gin permits use of gin.register on class methods. If the class itself is also registered, any instances of the class will have registered methods replaced by their configurable versions, such that Gin bindings will apply. Additionally, at upon class registration, registered methods will have their module set to match that of the class, appended with the class name. Any scopes applied to a class instance will also be applied for any registered methods called on that instance.

For example:

class LanguageGenerator:

  def __init__(self, network):

  def sample(self, temperature=0.0):

Once LanguageGenerator has been registered, the temperature parameter of the sample method can have its parameters bound within a Gin file via (for example) generators.LanguageGenerator.sample.temperature = 1.0 (or simply LanguageGenerator.sample.temperature = 1.0).

Binding parameters to values

Once a function has been marked as configurable, parameter values can be bound programmatically using gin.bind_parameter, or supplied through a configuration string to gin.parse_config (generally more convenient). Programmatic binding uses the following syntax:

gin.bind_parameter('configurable_name.parameter_name', value)

Here configurable_name refers to the registered configurable name (determined by @gin.configurable), parameter_name refers to the name of the function or constructor argument that should be set. For example, we might configure our network above:

gin.bind_parameter('supernet.num_layers', 5)
gin.bind_parameter('supernet.weight_decay', 1e-3)

The parse_config function accepts configuration strings, which should consist of newline-separated statements of the form

configurable_name.parameter_name = value

Here value can be any valid Python literal value (lists, tuples, dicts, strings, etc., although note configurable references below). A valid configuration string for the above network might be:

supernet.num_layers = 5
supernet.weight_decay = 1e-3

Gin's configuration syntax supports Python-style comments and line continuation (using '\ ' or within a container), and in general parsing of values should behave as in Python. Arithmetic expressions are not supported.

Once gin.parse_config has been called, any supplied bindings will be used in all future calls to configurable functions or classes. In cases where a parameter is both given as a binding and explicitly supplied by a configurable function's caller, the caller's value will take precedence. In particular, note that this means that when multiple classes in a class hierarchy are made configurable, Gin bindings applied to a base class's parameters will generally be ignored when constructing a subclass if the subclass passes these parameters to the base class's constructor.

Querying bound parameters

Configurable parameters can be queried using gin.query_parameter. The query syntax is similar to the one used by gin.bind_parameter above. Note that a ValueError exception will be raised if there is no value bound to the parameter being queried.

num_layers = gin.query_parameter('supernet.num_layers')
weight_decay = gin.query_parameter('supernet.weight_decay')

Configurable references

In addition to Python values, Gin recognizes any value starting with '@' (even when nested inside a container) as a reference to another configurable function or class. Consider the following code:

class DNN(object):
  def __init__(self, num_units=(1024, 1024)):
  def __call__(inputs, num_outputs):

def train_model(network_fn, data, learning_rate, optimizer):

We might configure this code in the Gin file as follows:

train_model.network_fn = @DNN()  # An instance of DNN is passed.
train_model.optimizer = @MomentumOptimizer  # The class itself is passed.
train_model.learning_rate = 0.001

DNN.num_units = (2048, 2048, 2048)
MomentumOptimizer.momentum = 0.9

The above example demonstrates Gin's two flavors of configurable references. Because the @DNN() reference ends in (), the value supplied to train_model's network_fn parameter will be the result of calling the configurable named DNN (in this case that means constructing the DNN class). This call happens just before the result is passed to train_model

The @MomentumOptimizer reference lacks (), so the bare (uncalled) configurable object (the MomentumOptimizer class) is passed to train_model's optimizer parameter. The train_model function will then be responsible for calling the object.

Note: Evaluated configurable references (those ending in ()) will be called every time their result is required as the value of another configurable parameter. In the above example, a new instance of DNN will be created for every call to train_model. To cache the result of evaluating a configurable reference (e.g., to share an instance of a class among multiple bindings), see singletons.

Making existing classes or functions configurable

Existing classes or functions that can't be explicitly annotated (maybe they're in another project) can be made configurable via the gin.external_configurable function. For example:


registers TensorFlow's MomentumOptimizer class with Gin, making it possible to reference it from configuration files and specify its parameters (as in the above example).

Gin provides a tf.external_configurables module that can be imported to register a default set of TensorFlow optimizers, losses, and learning rate decays with Gin.

(Note that gin.external_configurable does not modify the existing class or function, so only calls resulting from references to the configurable name in configuration strings, or calls to the return value of gin.external_configurable, will have parameter bindings applied. Direct calls will remain unaffected.)

Handling naming collisions with modules

If two configurable functions or classes with the same name are marked @configurable, it isn't possible to bind parameters to them using only their configurable names (this would be ambiguous). Instead, a configurable's module can be used to disambiguate it, by prepending as much of the module as is necessary to uniquely identify the configurable. For instance, if some_configurable is present in both module a.b.c.configurables and module x.y.z.configurables, we can bind parameters to the one in a.b.c.configurables in the following ways:

c.configurables.some_configurable.param = 'value'
b.c.configurables.some_configurable.param = 'value'
a.b.c.configurables.some_configurable.param = 'value'

This syntax is supported wherever a configurable name can be supplied (so configurables can be disambiguated in a similar way when using configurable references).

Just as a configurable name can be customized relative to the underlying function's name, the module used to disambiguate a configurable can also be different from the module the configurable function is actually defined in. Both gin.configurable and gin.external_configurable accept a module keyword argument to specify the module Gin should use for disambiguation. For example:

def my_network(images, num_outputs, num_layers=3, weight_decay=1e-4):

Alternatively, if both the name and module are being customized, the module can be specified as part of the name. For example, to call the above 'supernet' instead of 'my_network':

def my_network(images, num_outputs, num_layers=3, weight_decay=1e-4):

Users are encouraged to specify a custom module in cases where the true module name is not obvious from how the function is typically used. The custom module should match typical Python usage. For example, the TensorFlow function tf.nn.relu is defined in the module 'tensorflow.python.ops.gen_nn_ops'. It would be better to specify an explicit module of 'tf.nn', in one of the following ways:

gin.external_configurable(tf.nn.relu, module='tf.nn')
gin.external_configurable(tf.nn.relu, 'tf.nn.relu')


When a configurable function is called more than once during program execution, it may be necessary to provide different parameter bindings for each invocation. Gin provides a scoping mechanism to facilitate this.

As an example, suppose we want to implement a GAN, where we must alternate training a generator and a discriminator. In TensorFlow, this is most easily achieved with two optimizers, so we might have a function like:


@gin.configurable(allowlist=['generator_optimizer', 'discriminator_optimizer'])
def gan_trainer(
    generator_loss, generator_vars, generator_optimizer,
    discriminator_loss, discriminator_vars, discriminator_optimizer):
  # Construct the optimizers and minimize w.r.t. the correct variables.
  generator_train_op = generator_optimizer().minimize(
      generator_loss, generator_vars)
  discriminator_train_op = discriminator_optimizer().minimize(
      discriminator_loss, discriminator_vars)

How could we configure generator_optimizer and discriminator_optimizer to both be @GradientDescentOptimizer, but with different learning rates? The following will not work:

# Won't work!
gan_trainer.generator_optimizer = @GradientDescentOptimizer
GradientDescentOptimizer.learning_rate = 0.01

gan_trainer.discriminator_optimizer = @GradientDescentOptimizer
# This binding will overwrite the previous one:
GradientDescentOptimizer.learning_rate = 0.001

In the above configuration, both optimizers will have their learning rates set to 0.001, since the second parameter binding for GradientDescentOptimizer.learning_rate overrides the first.

Gin provides a scoping mechanism to handle this situation. Any configurable reference can be preceded by a scope name, separated from the configurable name by a / character. Similarly, bindings can be applied that are specific to a scope, once again by preceding the configurable name by a scope name. For the above example, we could write:

# This will work! Use scoping to apply different parameter bindings.
gan_trainer.generator_optimizer = @generator/GradientDescentOptimizer
gan_trainer.discriminator_optimizer = @discriminator/GradientDescentOptimizer

generator/GradientDescentOptimizer.learning_rate = 0.01
discriminator/GradientDescentOptimizer.learning_rate = 0.001

Here, we have used two scope names, generator and discriminator, to provide separate parameter bindings for the two instances of GradientDescentOptimizer.

Nesting scopes

Parameters set on the root scope (no explicit scope supplied) are inherited by all scoped versions of the configurable (unless overridden within the scope). For example:

preprocess_images.crop_size = [64, 64]
preprocess_images.normalize_image = True
preprocess_images.random_flip_lr = False

train/preprocess_images.crop_location = 'random'
train/preprocess_images.random_flip_lr = True

eval/preprocess_images.crop_location = 'center'

The crop_size and normalize_image parameters above will be shared in both the train and eval scopes; train will receive random_flip_lr = True, while eval inherits the setting of False from the root scope; the crop_location setting will be 'random' in the train scope and 'center' in the eval scope.

Scopes can be nested (to arbitrary depth), and parameters bound at higher levels are inherited by lower levels, so e.g. parameters bound in a hypothetical eval/train_data scope would override those bound in eval (which override bindings in the root scope).

While nesting of scopes is supported there is some ongoing debate around their ordering and behavior, so try to avoid relying on the ordering.

Explicit scopes

In addition to the "implicit" scopes described above (where the scope is specified and referenced entirely from within the Gin config file), a call site can be wrapped with an "explicit" configuration scope, using the config_scope context manager:

with gin.config_scope('scope_name'):

Within the configuration file, the scope name can be prefixed as before to bind values only to a specific call site (in the above example, it suffices to provide bindings for scope_name/some_configurable_function).

Passing None or '' to config_scope will temporarily clear all currently active scopes (within the with block; they will be restored afterwards).

Accessing the current scope within a function

When adding "features" to Gin, it is often useful to use the current scope as an identifier. For example, under the hood Gin's implementation of constants uses a constant configurable that looks up values in a Gin-internal dictionary depending on the scope in which it is called. A string representation of the current Gin scope is available via the current_scope_str function.

Marking parameters as gin.REQUIRED

Gin allows you to indicate that certain parameters must be provided in a Gin config. This can be done in two ways:

  1. At the call site of a function;
  2. In a function's signature.

When calling a configurable, you can mark any arg or kwarg as required by passing the gin.REQUIRED object:

my_network(images, gin.REQUIRED, num_layers=5, weight_decay=gin.REQUIRED)

The REQUIRED parameters will be checked at call time. If there are no Gin bindings supplied for these parameters, an error will be raised listing the missing parameter bindings along with the configurable name that requires them.

When defining a configurable, you can mark an argument as required by using gin.REQUIRED as its default value:

def run_training(model_dir=gin.REQUIRED, network=gin.REQUIRED, ...):

When a function with parameters defaulting to gin.REQUIRED is called, either the caller or the current Gin configuration must supply a value for the parameter, or an error will be raised.

Providing gin.REQUIRED at the call site of a function is strictly more flexible than providing it in the signature (if the function is called more than once), avoids altering the function's signature in a Gin-dependent way, and may yield more readable code, so this approach should generally be preferred.

Importing modules from within a Gin file

Most Gin files will depend on a number of modules having been imported (to register the configurable functions they provide with Gin). One approach is just to ensure that these modules are imported in the main binary file (often the same file that calls parse_config). However, Gin also allows modules to be imported from within a Gin file itself, making the dependencies more explicit. The import statement follows standard Python syntax:

import some.module.spec

When the Gin file is parsed, any specified modules will be dynamically imported and their configurables registered.

Including other Gin files

One Gin file can include other Gin files, to make it easier to split a config into separate components (e.g., a "base" config, that is included and modified by other derived configs). Including another Gin file can be done with the following syntax:

include 'path/to/another/file.gin'

The included file will be read and parsed prior to continuing with the current file (the one containing the include statement), as if the included file had been literally "pasted" at the location of the include statement.

Finalizing the config

Once all configuration has been finished (parsing of config files or calls to gin.bind_parameter), the config can be locked to prevent further modification by calling gin.finalize(). (If necessary, the config can be temporarily unlocked using the gin.unlock_config() context manager.) Gin also allows inspection and validation (and potentially a final modification) of the config through "finalize hooks", which run when gin.finalize is called.

Gin "macros"

Sometimes a value should be shared among multiple bindings. To facilitate this and avoid duplicating the value multiple times (leading to maintenance burdens), Gin provides the following predefined configurable function:

def macro(value):
  return value

The macro can be "set" by binding a value to the value argument (within a scope acting as the macro's name). The "macro" function can then be referenced (with evaluation via "()") to retrieve the value. For example:

num_layers/macro.value = 10
network.num_layers = @num_layers/macro()

Gin provides a simple syntactic sugar using % for macros. The above can also be written as:

num_layers = 10
network.num_layers = %num_layers

In other words, bindings without an argument name specified (i.e. without .) are interpreted as macros, and the macro can be referenced using % instead of @ without needing to ever reference the macro function directly.

Additional error-checking of macros (e.g., ensuring they are bound to a value) can be done by calling gin.finalize() after all configuration files have been parsed. This runs a provided finalize hook that validates all macros.

Note: When using a macro to refer to an evaluated configurable reference (@some_scope/some_fun()), each reference to the macro implies a separate call to the underlying configurable (the behavior is as if each macro were textually replaced by whatever the macro's value is set to). If you need the same instance of an object to be shared among multiple bindings, see singletons below.

As with all other Gin bindings, the very last binding (across all parsed Gin files) that provides a value for a function's argument is used for all references to that function; i.e., the relative ordering between bindings to macro and references to macro doesn't matter; the last binding is always used.


A single instance of an object can be shared among multiple bindings using the singleton configurable function. For example:

shared_object_name/gin.singleton.constructor = @callable

some_function.shared_object = @shared_object_name/gin.singleton()
another_function.shared_object = @shared_object_name/gin.singleton()

In the above example, the scope ("shared_object_name") is used as an identifier for the singleton; the first time the @shared_object_name/gin.singleton() is called, it will in turn call callable and cache the result. Subsequent calls to @shared_object_name/gin.singleton() will reuse the cached value. This can be used with macros:

SHARED_OBJECT = @shared_object_name/gin.singleton()
shared_object_name/gin.singleton.constructor = @callable

some_function.shared_object = %SHARED_OBJECT
another_function.shared_object = %SHARED_OBJECT


The gin.constant function can be used to define constants that will be accessible through the macro syntax described above. For example, in Python:

gin.constant('THE_ANSWER', 42)

Then, in a Gin config file:

meaning.of_life = %THE_ANSWER

Note that any Python object can be used as the value of a constant (including objects not representable as Gin literals). Values will be stored until program termination in a Gin-internal dictionary, so avoid creating constants with values that should have a limited lifetime.

Optionally (but definitely encouraged), a disambiguating module may be prefixed onto the constant name. For instance:

  gin.constant('some.modules.PI', 3.14159)

As with configurables, any (sufficiently long) suffix of the modules can be used to disambiguate the constant if there is a naming collision.

Using enums as constants

It is not possible to directly use Python enums in Gin config files. However, there is a decorator @gin.constants_from_enum that generates Gin constants from a class that derives from Enum. Generated constants are in format module.EnumClassName.ENUM_VALUE. The module part of the name is optional.

For example, in

class SomeEnum(enum.Enum):
  A = 0
  B = 1

def my_function(x, y):

Then, in my_config.gin file:

import my_code

my_function.x = %SomeEnum.A
my_function.y = %my_code.SomeEnum.B

Retrieving "operative" parameter values

A binary may include many configurable functions (different network architectures, optimizers, etc.), but only a subset are generally called during a given execution. The parameter values of functions in this subset form the "operative" configuration—the set of parameter values affecting the current program's execution.

Gin provides the gin.operative_config_str function, which can be called to retrieve the operative configuration as a string parseable by gin.parse_config. This serves as a snapshot of relevant parameter values for a given program execution, and contains all configurable parameter values from invoked configurable functions, including those functions' default argument values (if those arguments could be configured in accordance with the functions' allowlists and denylists). It also includes import statements for any modules dynamically imported via a config file. It excludes any parameters supplied by a configurable function's caller, since configuring such parameters has no effect (the caller's value always takes precedence).

The output will be organized alphabetically by configurable name. For example, it might look like:

# Parameters for AdamOptimizer:
# ==============================================================================
AdamOptimizer.beta1 = 0.9
AdamOptimizer.beta2 = 0.999
AdamOptimizer.epsilon = 0.001 = 'Adam'
AdamOptimizer.use_locking = False

# Parameters for exponential_decay:
# ==============================================================================
exponential_decay.learning_rate = 0.001
exponential_decay.decay_steps = 72926
exponential_decay.decay_rate = 0.92

# Parameters for NetworkTrainer:
# ==============================================================================
NetworkTrainer.dataset = @ImageNetDataset
NetworkTrainer.learning_rate = @exponential_decay
NetworkTrainer.network_fn = @inception_v3
NetworkTrainer.optimizer = @AdamOptimizer
NetworkTrainer.train_steps = 1000000


When used in conjunction with TensorFlow, Gin provides to automatically save this to a file (as well as summarize it to TensorBoard).

Experiments with multiple Gin files and extra command line bindings

In many cases one can define multiple Gin files that contain different parts of the overall configuration of an experiment. Additional "tweaks" to the overall config can be passed as individual bindings via command line flags.

A recommended way to do this (when using Bazel and Abseil) is to create a folder with multiple Gin configs, then create a BUILD file containing:

    name = "gin_files",
    srcs = glob(["*.gin"]),
    visibility = [":internal"],

This filegroup can be used as a data dependency in the binaries:

data = ["//path/to/configs:gin_files",]

In the binary file, one can define the following flags:

from absl import flags

  'gin_file', None, 'List of paths to the config files.')
  'gin_param', None, 'Newline separated list of Gin parameter bindings.')


and then use Gin to parse them:

gin.parse_config_files_and_bindings(FLAGS.gin_file, FLAGS.gin_param)

Finally the binary file can be run as:

.../run_gin_eval \
  --gin_file=$CONFIGS_PATH/cartpole_balance.gin \
  --gin_file=$CONFIGS_PATH/base_dqn.gin \
  --gin_file=$CONFIGS_PATH/eval.gin \
  --gin_param='evaluate.num_episodes_eval = 10' \
  --gin_param='evaluate.generate_videos = False' \
  --gin_param='evaluate.eval_interval_secs = 60'

Gin's package: TensorFlow specific functionality

The core of Gin is not specific to TensorFlow (and could be used to configure any Python program). However, Gin provides a tf package with additional TensorFlow specific functionality.

Importing the predefined set of TF configurable objects

Since it is common to want to configure built in TF functions or class, Gin provides a module that can be imported to make all basic TF optimizers, learning rate decays, and losses configurable (using gin.external_configurable). These can then be referenced through configurable references in a Gin config file. To import the module, add


alongside any other modules being imported for their Gin-configurable functions (either from Python or within a Gin file).

Saving Gin's operative config to a file and TensorBoard

Gin provides a tf.train.SessionRunHook that can save the operative configuration to a file, as well as create a summary that will display the operative configuration in TensorBoard's "Text" tab. The resulting hook should be added to a MonitoredSession's hooks. In distributed training mode, it should run only on the chief. For example:

# Construct the hook. (The summarize_config parameter defaults to True.)
config_saver =, summarize_config=True)

# Pass as a chief-only hook to MonitoredTrainingSession.
with tf.train.MonitoredTrainingSession(
    ..., chief_only_hooks=[config_saver], ...) as sess:

Exactly where to add the hook will vary with different training frameworks (e.g., core TensorFlow vs. TF.learn). Once the graph has been finalized and the TF session has been created, the hook will save a file named operative_config-#.gin to output_dir, where # is replaced by the current global step. If the job is relaunched (potentially with new parameters), a new file (presumably with a different value for the global step) will be written.

The hook will also write a summary file that logs the operative config to TensorBoard's "Text" tab, with the name "gin/operative_config". This can be disabled by creating the hook as, summarize_config=False).

Note: If the training framework being used doesn't support SessionRunHook (for instance, if it still uses tf.train.Supervisor), the after_create_session method of the hook can be called explicitly. Specifically, hook.after_create_session(sess) should be called once the session has been created and initialization ops have been run. This method should only be called by the chief worker when doing distributed training.

TensorFlow per-graph singletons

When using Gin to configure TensorFlow pipelines, it is sometimes useful to cache values once per TensorFlow graph instead of once globally (e.g., whenever the constructed object creates any graph elements). Gin provides a singleton_per_graph function analogous to the singleton function that calls the singleton's constructor whenever the default graph changes (maintaining a cache keyed by the tuple ("shared_object_name", graph_instance)).