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Scaling a fleetspeak setup

The following diagram shows a standard, distributed fleetspeak setup:

distributed fleetspeak

The fleetspeak server setup consists of 2 components:

  • Fleetspeak Server: This component terminates the streaming HTTPS connections from the fleetspeak clients. Each fleetspeak client is connected to a particular server instance at a time.
  • Fleetspeak Admin Server: This component provides an administrative GRPC interface as well as an interface for the GRR server to send messages to clients.

Both components are included in the single binary /usr/bin/fleetspeak-server and can be enabled respectively in the config file /etc/fleetspeak-server/server.components.config. The binary is automatically started by the systemd unit fleetspeak-server.

In the legacy GRR protocol, clients would periodically poll the server for messages, leading to delays in message delivery. Fleetspeak on the other hand uses persistent, streaming connections and thus can deliver messages without a significant delay. For this mechanism to work, a simple, HTTP based notification protocol between the server an admin server is necessary: if the admin server submits a message for a particular client, it notifies the respective server so that the server immediately delivers the message to the client.

To run a fleetspeak in a distributed setup:

  • Install the GRR release deb on all machines.

  • Take the files /etc/fleetspeak-server/ and /etc/fleetspeak-server/server.components.config from a working installation, adapt them and distribute them to the target machines.

Running the Fleetspeak Server component

To run a server component, keep the https_config section and remove the admin_config section in the file /etc/fleetspeak-server/server.components.config.

Add 2 more config options:

  • notification_listen_address: the IP address and port on which the server listens for notifications from the admin server. This port is not meant to be publicly accessible, but will need to be reachable from other servers.

  • notification_public_address the IP address and port advertised to other servers.

The final config should look like:

mysql_data_source_name: "[...]"
https_config: <
  listen_address: ""
  certificates: "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n [...]"
  key: "-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY----- [...]"
notification_listen_address: ""
notification_public_address: ""

Next, configure a TCP/IP load balancer balancing traffic to the port specified in https_config.listen_address on the respective server instances.

In case that your load balancer removes the client's IP address (i.e. fleetspeak sees connections originating from the load balancer's IP), it's recommended to use the PROXY protocol. In this case, add one more option in the file /etc/fleetspeak-server/server.components.config:

proxy_protocol: true

To make GRR/fleetspeak clients use the distributed fleetspeak setup, run sudo grr_config_updater initialize to repack the GRR clients. If the load balancer listens on, answer the fleetspeak related questions as follows:

Use Fleetspeak (next generation communication framework)? [yN]:  [N]: y
Please enter your hostname e.g. [grr-server]:
Fleetspeak public HTTPS port [4443]: 4443

Running the Fleetspeak Admin Server component

To run the admin server component, keep the admin_config section and remove the https_config section in the file /etc/fleetspeak-server/server.components.config.

Add one more config option:

  • notification_use_http_notifier: enables usage of the HTTP based notification protocol.

The final config should like:

mysql_data_source_name: "[...]"
admin_config: <
  listen_address: ""

Next, configure a TCP/IP load balancer balancing traffic to the port specified in admin_config.listen_address on the respective admin server instances.

To make the GRR server use the distributed admin server setup, edit the config file /etc/grr/server.local.yaml. If the load balancer listens on, set the following config option:
