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Tutorial-1: Run baseline training on Google Cloud using your docker

The goal of this tutorial is to teach you to run a baseline training job on Google Cloud using your own docker as a first step. At this point, we will not discuss the Neural-Architecture-Search (NAS) features much. We will use an existing "mnist-trainer" as an example docker. However, these steps generalize to any other training-docker as well. After going through this example, you can later integrate own training-docker in a similar way.

After completing this tutorial, you should be able to:

  • Manage training-data on Google-Cloud-Storage (GCS) location under your project.
  • Integrate with the NAS-service.
  • Build a docker.
  • Run a baseline training locally and on Google Cloud.
  • Monitor training progress using UI.
  • Verify output files residing on a GCS location.
  • View and download logs for the training job.
  • Visualize training plots via the Google Cloud Tensorboard.


The training job in this tutorial only uses one cloud CPU and runs only for ~5 mins so you do not need any quota. But before you run this tutorial, please set up your environment as described here except for quota.

NOTE: This only needs to be done once for your project.

Troubleshooting and support

If you face any issues, first use the troubleshooting page to find the answer. If you can not find a solution there, request for support.

Manage training-data on Google-Cloud-Storage (GCS) location under your project

When you run a training job on Google Cloud, your input training-data needs to either reside in the container or on a GCS location under your project. A GCS file location format is: gs://<a-bucket-under-my-project>/<path-to-sub-dir>/<my-file>. The <path-to-sub-dir> can have multiple nested directories.

NOTE: For the "mnist-trainer" here, the training-data is downloaded internally by the trainer so there is no need to upload the training files. You should skip this section if you are using our "mnist-trainer" example and move onto the section on integrating with the NAS service.

However, if you are using your own docker, you should upload your own training-data. You should have learned to create a "bucket" under your project when setting up your environment. You can copy any file to your bucket using the gsutil commands. Here is an example:

gsutil cp <local-path-to-my-file>/abc.txt gs://<my-bucket>/training_data/

The above command will copy file abc.txt to a training_data folder under your bucket. You can also use gsutil ls, gsutil rm, and so on, similar to the shell commands cp, ls, and so on.

NOTE: You created a bucket under your own project. The training-job running under this project will by default get access to this bucket. However, if you run a training job under a different project and try to use this bucket, then you will have to give read/write permissions to a service-account for this bucket.

NOTE: Ideally your training data bucket should be in the same region where you run your NAS jobs. If not, then you will incur extra data-transfer charges and possible extra charges due to slightly increased training time as well.

Optional: Alternative way to manage GCS files using UI.

We will show an example of how to create the following GCS location: gs://nas_tutorial/training_data

First navigate to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) homepage for your project:


In the search-box, type "storage" and then click on "Cloud Storage" in the drop-down options. This should take you to the storage-browser for your project:

GCP Storage

Click on "CREATE" and type nas_tutorial as the "bucket-name":

Create Bucket

Choose default options for the rest of the settings and then finish creating the bucket by clicking "CREATE". This should take you to the bucket-browser:

Create Directory

Here, you should click on "CREATE FOLDER" and create a folder named training_data.

Integrate with the NAS service

We will start with a simple "mnist-trainer" code: and will modify it to integrate with the NAS-service. The final modified file after this tutorial is You can use these changes as an example when using your own trainer code.

  1. Ingest mandatory flags from the NAS-Service.

    The NAS-service will send some mandatory arguments to your trainer via flags. You will add the following flags to your trainer to support this.

    # Nas-service related flags.
        '--nas_params_str', type=str, help='Nas args serialized in JSON string.')
    # NOTE: Although this flag is injected as "job-dir", it is consumed
    # in the code as "argv.job_dir" instead of the hyphen.
        '--job-dir', type=str, default='tmp', help='Job output directory.')
        help='The job dir of the NAS search job to retrain.')
        help='A list of trial IDs of the NAS search job to retrain, '
        'separated by comma.')

    For now, we will not go into details of these flags because we just want to run a baseline training. We will only use them as placeholders. However, the job-dir flag is important for this tutorial because it will be used as the output-directory for this training-job.

    NOTE: Although the flag is declared as job-dir, it is used eventually as job_dir in the code. This is as intended. This happens because "argparse" library converts the hyphen to underscore.

    This directory will be a GCS location when the job runs on Google Cloud. The Vertex Neural Architecture Search service sets the value of this GCS location as an environment variable. If this environment variable is set, then we will override the job-dir flag to this variable using the cloud_nas_utils library:

    argv.job_dir = cloud_nas_utils.get_job_dir_from_environment_if_exist(

    The next step will guide you how to modify your trainer-code to use this as the output directory.

  2. Modify file I/O to work with the GCS location.

    GCS-Fuse mounts GCS buckets to the /gcs/ directory of each cloud training node. So to use GCS in a cloud NAS job, you do not need to do any additional work except the following minor change: the file paths need to be converted from gs://<bucket>/ to /gcs/<bucket> before you start training in your trainer code. You can use our helper library function in (show in

    # Convert gs:// path to /gcs/ path.
    argv.job_dir = gcs_path_utils.gcs_fuse_path(argv.job_dir)

    NOTE: Although straightforward and useful for most use cases, this approach has the following limitations:

    • When running the training locally, it is recommended to use your local test file. Additional steps are needed if you want to access GCS buckets during a local run. Read Accessing GCS during local run for further instructions.
    • GCS-Fuse is not suited for when reader and writer jobs are accessing the same file at the same time. For most training jobs, that does not happen. If you encounter this scenario, see Alternatives to GCS-Fuse.

    Then create the job-dir by adding the following lines:

    # Create job-dir if it does not exist.
    if not os.path.exists(argv.job_dir):

    NOTE: Although the flag is declared as job-dir, it is used above as job_dir in the code. This is as intended. This happens because "argparse" library converts the hyphen to underscore.

    The "mnist-trainer" example does not read training data from GCS or write output files to GCS. So we will write a dummy output file at the end of the training to the job-directory as an example.

    # Since this trainer does not write output files, we will save out
    # dummy files here to illustrate GCS file I/O.
    with open(os.path.join(argv.job_dir, 'dummy_output.txt'),
                           'w') as fp:
      fp.write('Finished training.')

    When using your own trainer code, you can use this example to modify your file I/O code to work with GCS.

  3. Report a reward back to the NAS-service.

    The NAS-service expects a reward (such as accuracy) after the training. At the end of the training, you can use the following example to report a reward back via metrics_reporter class.

    import metrics_reporter
    # Reporting metrics back to the NAS_service.
    metric_tag = os.environ.get('CLOUD_ML_HP_METRIC_TAG', '')
    if metric_tag:
      nas_metrics_reporter = metrics_reporter.NasMetricsReporter()

    For the above example, test_acc is the evaluation accuracy and the argv.num_epochs is the number of epochs. This is mainly a placeholder for now since we are not running a full search yet.

  4. Create a docker file for the trainer-code.

    This tutorial assumes that you are familiar with using Docker. A docker-image packages all the code and dependencies required to run your trainer-code remotely on Google Cloud.

    We will use tutorial1.Dockerfile for the "mnist-trainer" here but you can use/create your own Dockerfile for your trainer-code. Note that the ENTRYPOINT in the tutorial1.Dockerfile is

Build the docker

Next, you will build the docker image using the Dockerfile that was created. The following shows how to use nas-client ( to easily build and push the docker image:

PROJECT=<Set your project-id>
REGION=<Set region for artifact registry>

# Set a unique docker-id below. A docker image will be overwritten by another
# with the same docker-id when built in local and pushed to remote repository.
# So it's best to add user-name and date to docker-id to avoid accidentally
# overwriting a local or remote docker image.
DATE="$(date '+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')"

# NOTE: 'trainer_docker_file' flag is passed the relative path
# to the dockerfile.
python3 build --project_id=${PROJECT} \
  --trainer_docker_id=${TUTORIAL_DOCKER_ID} \
  --trainer_docker_file=tutorial/tutorial1.Dockerfile \

NOTE: You need to re-build the docker-image everytime you change the code.

Run a baseline training locally

Before you run training on the Google Cloud, do a local test run on your machine. Local testing allows you to debug common issues quickly before launching jobs on Google Cloud (which would take a few minutes to start). To reduce debugging time, use local testing to find issues with your data format or your custom code changes.

Run training with docker

You can easily run local training with the docker using the nas-client (

The nas-client expects a search-space to launch the training, so for now you can pass ANY search-space as a placeholder via the flag search_space_module as shown below. We will discuss this more in later tutorials.

# You can use any local job-directory.
rm -r -f ${JOB_DIR} && mkdir ${JOB_DIR}

python3 search_in_local --project_id=${PROJECT} \
--trainer_docker_id=${TUTORIAL_DOCKER_ID} \
--region=${REGION} \
--search_space_module=search_spaces.mnasnet_search_space \
--local_data_dir=${DATA_DIR} \
--local_output_dir=${JOB_DIR} \
--search_docker_flags \
dummy_input_file=dummy_input.txt \
dummy_gcs_bucket=gs://cloud-ml-nas-public \

NOTE: When using nas-client, the original flags to the docker can be passed via the --search_docker_flags. The --search_docker_flags takes a list of <flag1>=<val1> pairs as an input. Here, the num_epochs flag is not related to the NAS-service and is part of the original trainer code. These docker-flags should be passed in explicitly by the user. However, the NAS-service related flags that you added earlier, such as nas_params_str, will be set automatically by the NAS-service. The user will not pass in those.

Nas-client uses the --local_data_dir flag to mount the local data directory to /test_data of the docker container. This tutorial example does not use local data though, it just reads the dummy_input_file and prints a sentence:

Hello world.

After the local training runs, please verify that you can see the output files in the JOB_DIR. For "mnist-trainer", you should see dummy_output.txt file in the output directory.

Run training with local binary

Another alternative way to run this tutorial locally is asking to run the script directly without building the docker container.

But this way needs you to install required libraries manually. You can enable a python virtual environment for the local run:

python3 -m venv --system-site-packages nas_venv
source nas_venv/bin/activate
pip install tensorflow==2.8.0

Then run following commands to launch a local test:

cp tutorial/ .

python3 search_in_local \
--search_space_module=search_spaces.mnasnet_search_space \
--run_local_binary=true \ \
--local_output_dir=${JOB_DIR} \
--local_binary_flags \

Run a baseline training on Google Cloud

Now that you have tested the docker run locally, you can launch your job on Google Cloud. But before you do that, you should create an output GCS bucket under your project. You should have learnt to create a "bucket" under your project when setting up your environment.

Use a bucket-location under your project as the GCS_ROOT_DIR below:

# Choose a bucket for the output directory.
# Set the region to be same as for your bucket. For example, `us-central1`.
REGION=<set the same region as the bucket>

# Setting a unique job-id so that subsequent job-runs
# do not have naming conflict.
DATE="$(date '+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')"

python3 search \
--project_id=${PROJECT} \
--region=${REGION} \
--job_name="${JOB_NAME}" \
--trainer_docker_id=${TUTORIAL_DOCKER_ID} \
--search_space_module=search_spaces.mnasnet_search_space \
--accelerator_type="" \
--nas_target_reward_metric="top_1_accuracy" \
--root_output_dir=${GCS_ROOT_DIR} \
--max_nas_trial=1 \
--max_parallel_nas_trial=1 \
--max_failed_nas_trial=1 \
--search_docker_flags \

The flag job_name sets a name for your job. You have already learnt about the trainer_docker_id, search_space_module, and the docker specific num_epochs flags during the local run. Let us discuss a bit about the other flags that are used here. The region flag is only needed for the Google Cloud job and it should be the same as your GCS bucket region. The accelerator_type sets the accelerator-device on Google Cloud to be used during training. The empty-string selects a CPU device. But for your docker you can also select a GPU of your choice. The nas_target_reward_metric flag sets the name of the reward sent back to the NAS-service by the trainer-code. Remember that you used the metrics_reporter class earlier when modifying your trainer-code. The code contained the line:

metric_tag = os.environ.get('CLOUD_ML_HP_METRIC_TAG', '')

The nas_target_reward_metric flag that you set here, will be then used to set the value for the metric_tag. This is just a name and will not affect the functionality in anyway. You are free to choose any reward-name. The root_output_dir sets the output bucket for this training-job. The actual directory that will be used for output of your training will be <root_output_dir>/<dir_name>/nas/search/1 where dir_name is a combination of job_name and a time-stamp and 1 corresponds to the trial-id for your job. You can reuse the bucket root_output_dir for multiple jobs.

NOTE: The nas-client can spawn many copies of the docker in parallel using multiple machines. Each trial-instance gets a number 1, 2, ... as a trial-id. We will discuss this in more detail in a later tutorial. For this tutorial, you will only spawn one instance of your training-job by setting max_nas_trial, max_parallel_nas_trial, and max_failed_nas_trial as 1 for now.

Monitor training progress using UI

When you launch the Google Cloud job using the nas-client, it should print out the job link as:

View NAS Search job in the Google Cloud Console at: <cloud job link>

The link should take you to the job UI page which looks something like this:


On top, you can see your "job-name". The "job-id" is separate from the "job-name". At the very bottom, you can see that you ran one trial successfully. The top_1_accuracy reward and Training step show the values returned by the trainer via the metrics_reporter class.

If you click on the arrow icon on top-left, then it will show you a list of all the jobs that you have launched on cloud for your project in the same region as your current job.

By clicking the VIEW JSON icon next to the Training input in the middle of the page, you can take a look at all the flags that were set for this job:


This is useful, if you visit a previous job after a while and want to check the parameters that were set or find out the output job directory.

NOTE: Training may take up to 15 minutes to complete on Vertex AI.

Verify output files residing on a GCS location

Please verify that you can see the output files in the <job_dir>/nas/search/1 for your Google Cloud job where '1' is the trial-id. For "mnist-trainer", you should see dummy_output.txt file in the output directory. An easy way to inspect the GCS location is to use the gsutil commands. Here is an example:

gsutil ls $GCS_ROOT_DIR

The above command will list all content located at GCS_ROOT_DIR. You may use it to identify your search job's directory, or job-dir, for exercises below.

Below is an example command to inspect your specified search job's output files:

gsutil ls ${jobDir}/nas/search/1

NOTE: The dummy_output.txt file may be inside a sub-folder of the trial-dir '1'.

Download trial metrics

You can download trial metrics as a JSON file to local disk using the command:

python3 list_trials \
--project_id=${PROJECT_ID} \
--region=${REGION} \
--job_id=<numeric-job-id> \

The saved JSON file should be like:

        "name": "...",
        "parameters": "...",
        "searchTrial": {
            "id": "1",
            "state": "SUCCEEDED",
            "finalMeasurement": {
                "stepCount": "16634",
                "metrics": [
                        "metricId": "AP",
                        "value": 0.10061053931713104
                        "metricId": "model_flops",
                        "value": 8.852448902
            "startTime": "2023-01-08T07:42:18.987767081Z",
            "endTime": "2023-01-08T10:11:18Z"

NOTE: Only SUCCEEDED trials can be listed in the JSON file.

View logs for the training job

To view the logs for trial-1, click the triple-dot icon at the end of the trial-id row and then open View logs in new tab:


NOTE: We use cloud_nas_utils.setup_logging() call to (a) set logging level to INFO and (b) remove duplicate logging caused by the tensorflow logger.

Do not use logs as the only way to store important information

Although using logs is a convenient way to debug job and record information, treating it as the only way to store important information is not recommended. Because according to the Cloud log retention policy, logs held in the _Default bucket, like daily training job logs, are retained for 30 days unless custom configured.

So you are highly recommended to save important job information separately to a permanent storage like a GCS bucket.

Download logs for the purpose of sharing for debugging

Sometimes you may need to share the logs with the NAS team for support. One option is to capture a snapshot of the area of interest. Another option is to download the logs and then email them.

To download the logs, click Download, and then choose "JSON" format to save the file:


Visualize training plots via the Google Cloud Tensorboard

To visualize training plots via tensorboard, you can use Google Cloud shell to launch the tensorboard. You can click the "command-prompt" icon to open the Google Cloud shell as shown below:


The Google Cloud shell should open at the bottom half of the screen. At the command prompt, use the following command to launch the tensorboard:

tensorboard --logdir=<gs://path-to-your-job-directory> --port=8080 --load_fast=false

NOTE: If running the command results in a TypeError related to protobuf package, you may need to run the following command as a temporary workaround in the Google Cloud Shell before launching tensorboard.

pip install protobuf==3.20.*

Once the command runs (You may have to click Authorize if prompted), click on the web-preview icon and then click on the Preview on port 8080 to see the tensorboard plots:


Alternatively, you can open the tensorboard plots directly from the cloud shell:


NOTE: If you did not specify a port or used a different port number, then you will have to click on Change port to use the correct port number.

For the mnist-trainer example here, you should see a plot similar to this:


Cancel NAS job

If you want to cancel a NAS job, first go to the Vertex AI page then from there, open the job-list UI page by clicking Training:


Then you can find a cancel button for each job by clicking the kebab menu (three dots button) of the job:


[Advanced] Accessing GCS during local run

If you want to access GCS buckets during local runs, you must modify your trainer code I/O. You may use any of the options in Alternatives to GCS-Fuse. You may also mount your GCS bucket to the /gcs directory, although we do not recommend this approach.

The local docker container requires the credentials of your account to get authenticated. After you finish the setup of your local environment, gcloud generates credentials of your account under the ~/.config/gcloud folder. When you run NAS jobs locally with docker, nas-client will mount the ~/.config/gcloud folder into the docker for you to acquire the necessary credential to access GCS buckets. Please see the run_container_local function in for the implementation.

[Advanced] Alternatives to GCS-Fuse

If you do not want to use GCS-Fuse, you must modify your trainer code to work with the GCS location using one of the following options:

  1. If your docker uses Tensorflow already, then use the library to interact with GCS. You can find example usage in in gcs_utils.

  2. If your docker does not use Tensorflow already, then you need not install the entire Tensorflow. Just use the lightweight Google Cloud Storage client via our helper file.