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Tutorial-2: Create search spaces

By now you have learnt to launch one instance of your training-docker on cloud. But before you run a full architecture search, you need to create a search space.

In this tutorial you will:

  • Learn to specify searchable options
  • Understand how the NAS-service sends an architecture suggestion to a trial
  • Ingest an architecture suggestion in a trial
  • Create search-space using PyGlove version of Python structures
  • Create search-space using PyGlove version of classes
  • Learn about search-space restrictions
  • [Advanced] Create search-space with architecture-connections
  • [Advanced] Create search-space with variable number of layers
  • [Advanced] Handle conditional search-space

The code for this tutorial is in tutorial/ and tutorial/ Note that these files mainly focus on the search-space. So we have removed all the training-related code and have only kept the search-space related code here.


This tutorial only uses one local CPU and each search space example runs only for ~1 min. There is no quota requirement.

Learn to specify searchable options

You will use our PyGlove language to create search-spaces. PyGlove provides two basic-constructs to specify searchable-options in order to create a search-space:

  • pg.one_of
  • pg.sublist_of

The rest of the sections in this tutorial build search-spaces using these two constructs as the primary building blocks. Let us take a look at both of them one-by-one.


You will now use the pg.one_of construct to create a most basic search-space which chooses a kernel_size for a model:

_KERNEL_SIZE = [3, 5, 7, 9]

def basic_one_of_search_space():
  return pg.Dict(kernel_size=pg.one_of(_KERNEL_SIZE))

Understand how the NAS-service sends an architecture suggestion to a trial

In Tutorial-1, you used the following command to launch a baseline training:

python3 search \
--project_id=${PROJECT} \
--job_name="${JOB_NAME}" \
--trainer_docker_id=${TUTORIAL_DOCKER_ID} \
--search_space_module=search_spaces.mnasnet_search_space \
--accelerator_type="" \
--nas_target_reward_metric="top_1_accuracy" \
--root_output_dir=${GCS_ROOT_DIR} \
--max_nas_trial=1 \
--max_parallel_nas_trial=1 \
--max_failed_nas_trial=1 \
--search_docker_flags \

You passed a flag search_space_module to the nas-client. This was a placeholder at that time. To use the simple kernel-size search-space, you will now pass the tutorial.search_spaces.basic_one_of_search_space module to the search_space_module flag instead. When the search-job is launched, the NAS-service will spawn multiple trials (docker-copies) and pass a different search-space-sample to each trial via the flag nas_params_str. For this example, trial-1 may receive a search-space-sample kernel_size=3, trial-2 may receive a search-space-sample kernel_size=7, and so on.

Ingest an architecture suggestion in a trial

Next we will ingest the nas_params_str model-suggestion sent by the NAS-service into our code. In this tutorial, we will not build a model using this architecture suggestion because this tutorial is only about creating search spaces. The following code ingests nas_params_str by using cloud_nas_utils as a helper library and generates a search-space-sample:

import cloud_nas_utils
from tutorial import search_spaces

# Get search-space from search-space-name.
search_space = search_spaces.get_search_space(argv.search_space)
# Process nas_params_str passed by the NAS-service.
# This gives one instance of the search-space to be used for this trial.
tunable_object = cloud_nas_utils.parse_and_save_nas_params_str(
unused_serialized_tunable_object = cloud_nas_utils.serialize_and_save_tunable_object(
    tunable_object=tunable_object, model_dir=argv.job_dir)

NOTE: The nas_params_str indexes into the search-space supplied by the user. It needs to be combined with the search-space to generate the final search-space-sample tunable_object. Since we will cover many search-spaces in this tutorial, we need to tell the trainer-code about which search-space is used so that it can properly decipher the nas_params_str. We use search_space flag and the search_space function to choose the correct search-space. Also, it is a good practice to serialize the tunable_object and save to the job-directory as well.

NOTE: The cloud_nas_utils uses logging library to log tunable_object values. We will use


to set the correct logging level in our main file.

NOTE: The tunable_object is a model-specification which can be used to build a model for this trial.

It is a good idea to test this search-space by running the code locally a few (2-3) times and verifying that different runs generate different search-space-samples:

PROJECT=<Set your project-id>
REGION=<Set region for artifact registry>

# Set a unique docker-id below. It is a good practice to add your user-name
# to prevent overwriting another user's docker image.
DATE="$(date '+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')"

# Build Tutorial Trainer
python3 build --project_id=${PROJECT} \
--trainer_docker_id=${TUTORIAL_DOCKER_ID} \
--trainer_docker_file=tutorial/tutorial2.Dockerfile \

rm -r -f ${JOB_DIR} && mkdir ${JOB_DIR}

python3 search_in_local --project_id=${PROJECT} \
--trainer_docker_id=${TUTORIAL_DOCKER_ID} \
--region=${REGION} \
--search_space_module=tutorial.search_spaces.basic_one_of_search_space \
--local_output_dir=${JOB_DIR} \
--search_docker_flags \

The multiple runs should show you different values of nas_params_str and serialized_tunable_object each time:

nas_params_str is {"kernel_size": "3/4 (9)"}
serialized_tunable_object is {
  "kernel_size": 9

Another run:

nas_params_str is {"kernel_size": "2/4 (7)"}
serialized_tunable_object is {
  "kernel_size": 7


You will now use the pg.sublist_of construct to create a search space consisting of all pairs of distinct kernel-sizes:

def basic_sublist_of_search_space():
  return pg.sublist_of(
      2, _KERNEL_LIST, choices_sorted=False, choices_distinct=True)

Note that the first argument is 2 for the number-of-kernel-sizes-to-select and the choices_distinct argument is set to True.

Run the following commands to print a sample from this search-space:

# Build Tutorial Trainer
python3 build --project_id=${PROJECT} \
--trainer_docker_id=${TUTORIAL_DOCKER_ID} \
--trainer_docker_file=tutorial/tutorial2.Dockerfile \

rm -r -f ${JOB_DIR} && mkdir ${JOB_DIR}

python3 search_in_local --project_id=${PROJECT} \
--trainer_docker_id=${TUTORIAL_DOCKER_ID} \
--region=${REGION} \
--search_space_module=tutorial.search_spaces.basic_sublist_of_search_space \
--local_output_dir=${JOB_DIR} \
--search_docker_flags \

The output should look like:

nas_params_str is {"[0]": "1/4 (5)", "[1]": "2/4 (7)"}
serialized_tunable_object is [

If you run the command multiple times, you will see different pairs of distinct kernel-sizes being sampled.

As further exercise, you can try to change the number-of-kernel-sizes from 2 to 3 and/or flip the choices_sorted and choices_distinct arguments.

These were the most basic search-spaces. You are now ready to create medium complexity level search-spaces using these constructs.

Create search-space using PyGlove version of Python structures

The mnist-trainer used a model with 2 convolutions of kernel-sizes 3 each and number-of-filters as 4 and 8. Let us try to search over possible choices of kernel-size and number-of-filters for each of the two convolution layers. For kernel-size, we will search between options of 3 and 5. For number-of-filters, we try to scale them between factors of 0.75, 1.0, and 1.25.

Before you start creating this search-space using the PyGlove language, it will be easier to first think about how you would define a sample from this search-space using simple Python structures. In this case, a sample would be a list of 2 "Layers" where a "Layer" is a dictionary containing two values "kernel_size" and "filter_size":

# NOTE: This code is just for illustration.

def search_space_sample():
  """Returns a search-space sample specification."""
  def _layer(base_filter_size):
    """Returns a layer specification."""
    return {'kernel_size': 3, 'filter_size': base_filter_size}

  # Our model has two-layers with different filter-sizes.
  return [_layer(base_filter_size=4), _layer(base_filter_size=8)]

The above example has fixed/static values for the kernel_size and filter_size. But we want to create a search-space with multiple options for these values. You would now use PyGlove to achieve this. The reason we use PyGlove language is because you can then use its one_of(<list of values to search>) construct to add your search options. All you have to do this to use PyGlove version of the list and dictionary and add one_of construct to add searchable-options. Here is our search-space:

def mnist_list_of_dictionary_search_space():
  """Returns a list and dictionary based search space."""

  def _layer(base_filter_size):
    """Returns a layer specification."""
    return pg.Dict(
        kernel_size=pg.one_of([3, 5]),
            [int(base_filter_size * 0.75), base_filter_size,
             int(base_filter_size * 1.25)]))

  return pg.List([_layer(base_filter_size=4), _layer(base_filter_size=8)])

Run the following command to print out the search-space samples on your local machine:

# Build Tutorial Trainer
python3 build --project_id=${PROJECT} \
--trainer_docker_id=${TUTORIAL_DOCKER_ID} \
--trainer_docker_file=tutorial/tutorial2.Dockerfile \

rm -r -f ${JOB_DIR} && mkdir ${JOB_DIR}

python3 search_in_local --project_id=${PROJECT} \
--trainer_docker_id=${TUTORIAL_DOCKER_ID} \
--region=${REGION} \
--search_space_module=tutorial.search_spaces.mnist_list_of_dictionary_search_space \
--local_output_dir=${JOB_DIR} \
--search_docker_flags \

You should see an output like:

nas_params_str is {"[0].kernel_size": "0/2 (3)", "[0].filter_size": "0/3 (3)", "[1].kernel_size": "1/2 (5)", "[1].filter_size": "1/3 (8)"}
serialized_tunable_object is [
    "kernel_size": 3,
    "filter_size": 3
    "kernel_size": 5,
    "filter_size": 8

You can run the command multiple times to see different values getting sampled.

Create search-space using PyGlove version of classes

In the previous section, note that the mnist_list_of_dictionary_search_space function eventually returns a PyGlove List object which in turn contains PyGlove objects which in turn contain one_of options. Although this works fine, but a larger/complex search-space may have multiple nested structures and not just two simple List and Dict structures. So it is better to have names for these nested structures. You can achieve this by using classes as building-blocks with meaningful names to build your search-space. Or you may already have a Python class but you want to add searchable options to it using PyGlove. To learn this, let us first create a Python class-version of the search_space_sample and then we will make it searchable using PyGlove:

class MyLayer:
  """Specification of a model-layer without searchable options."""

  def __init__(self, kernel_size, filter_size):
    self.kernel_size = kernel_size
    self.filter_size = filter_size

class MyModel:
  """Specification of a model with multiple layers without searchable options."""

  def __init__(self):
    self.layers = [
        MyLayer(kernel_size=3, filter_size=4),
        MyLayer(kernel_size=5, filter_size=8)

Note that the Dict has been replaced with the MyLayer class and the List has been replaced with the MyModel class. But these classes are still not searchable. Now let us create a PyGlove version of these classes with searchable options:

@pg.members([('kernel_size', pg.typing.Int()),
             ('filter_size', pg.typing.Int())])
class LayerSpec(pg.Object):
  """Specification of a model-layer."""

@pg.members([('layers', pg.typing.List(pg.typing.Object(LayerSpec),
class ModelSpec(pg.Object):
  """Specification of a model."""

def mnist_class_search_space():
  """Returns a class-based mnist search space."""

  def _layer(base_filter_size):
    """Returns a layer specification."""
    return LayerSpec(
        kernel_size=pg.one_of([3, 5]),
            [int(base_filter_size * 0.75), base_filter_size,
             int(base_filter_size * 1.25)]))

  return ModelSpec(

To PyGlove a class, we derive it from pg.Object class and decorate it with @pg.members where the members themselves are of PyGlove type. Search-options can be added using either pg.one_of or pg.sublist_of constructs.

NOTE: The topmost PyGlove object representing the search-space (in this case ModelSpec) contains the entire nested-hierarchy of PyGlove objects.

Run the following command to print out the search-space samples on your local machine:

# Build Tutorial Trainer
python3 build --project_id=${PROJECT} \
--trainer_docker_id=${TUTORIAL_DOCKER_ID} \
--trainer_docker_file=tutorial/tutorial2.Dockerfile \

rm -r -f ${JOB_DIR} && mkdir ${JOB_DIR}

python3 search_in_local --project_id=${PROJECT} \
--trainer_docker_id=${TUTORIAL_DOCKER_ID} \
--region=${REGION} \
--search_space_module=tutorial.search_spaces.mnist_class_search_space \
--local_output_dir=${JOB_DIR} \
--search_docker_flags \

You should see a search-space sample output like:

nas_params_str is {"layers[0].kernel_size": "1/2 (5)", "layers[0].filter_size": "2/3 (5)", "layers[1].kernel_size": "1/2 (5)", "layers[1].filter_size": "1/3 (8)"}
serialized_tunable_object is {
  "_type": "tutorial.search_spaces.ModelSpec",
  "layers": [
      "_type": "tutorial.search_spaces.LayerSpec",
      "kernel_size": 5,
      "filter_size": 5
      "_type": "tutorial.search_spaces.LayerSpec",
      "kernel_size": 5,
      "filter_size": 8

If you run the command multiple times, then you will see different sampled values getting printed.

Learn about search-space restrictions

Finally, you should know about the two search-space restrictions:

  • As of now, the NAS-service does not support search over continuous values.
  • We recommend that the search-space-size be less than or equal to 10^20. This is not a hard limit. You can try using larger search space too but make sure that the good models do not become too sparse as the search space size increases even further. One possible way to deal with very large search spaces is to break it into two or more parts. For example, you may search for encoder and decoder separately one by one rather than together.
  • Each instance of pg.one_of should ideally have <= 10 choices. Having more choices reduces the sampling efficiency because candidates under the same pg.one_of cannot be sampled in the same trial. This is not a hard limit but more of a guideline.

You now have all the tools to build any complex search space. Going through the Advanced sections of this tutorial below is optional. But it can help you build more complicated search spaces.

[Advanced] Create search-space with architecture-connections

Apart from choosing different parameters for a layer/block of a model, another common use case is about searching for different connections between layers/blocks to create a model. You will now create such a search space.

Let us start with ten layers indexed from layer-0 to layer-9 as building blocks. We will use layer-0 as a fixed input to layer-1. But for all the subsequent layers, we will use a combination of any two previous layers as an input. For example, layer-5 may use a combination of layer-3 and layer-1. Does this sound similar to what you did earlier with choosing a pair of fruits with the pg.sublist_of operation? With this in mind, let us write the search-space definition where layer-k can use any two of the [layer-0, ... , layer-(k-1)] as an input combination:

@pg.members([('current_layer_idx', pg.typing.Int()),
             ('previous_layers', pg.typing.List(pg.typing.Int()))])
class LayerConnectionSpec(pg.Object):
  """Specifies a choice of two previous layers as an input-combination for the current layer."""

class ModelConnectionSpec(pg.Object):
  """Specifies connection choices for all the layers."""

def architecture_connection_search_space():
  """Returns an architecture-connection search space."""
  def _build_layer_spec(current_layer_idx):
    # Pick any 2 distinct layer-indices from the previous layers.
    previous_layers = pg.sublist_of(
    return LayerConnectionSpec(
        current_layer_idx=current_layer_idx, previous_layers=previous_layers)

  # Build layer-specs for layers 2-to-9.
  return ModelConnectionSpec(
      layer_specs=[_build_layer_spec(i) for i in range(2, 10)])

Run the following command to print a sample from this search-space:

# Build Tutorial Trainer
python3 build --project_id=${PROJECT} \
--trainer_docker_id=${TUTORIAL_DOCKER_ID} \
--trainer_docker_file=tutorial/tutorial2.Dockerfile \

rm -r -f ${JOB_DIR} && mkdir ${JOB_DIR}

python3 search_in_local --project_id=${PROJECT} \
--trainer_docker_id=${TUTORIAL_DOCKER_ID} \
--region=${REGION} \
--search_space_module=tutorial.search_spaces.architecture_connection_search_space \
--local_output_dir=${JOB_DIR} \
--search_docker_flags \

You should see an output like:

nas_params_str is {"layer_specs[0].previous_layers[0]": "0/2 (0)", "layer_specs[0].previous_layers[1]": "1/2 (1)", "layer_specs[1].previous_layers[0]": "1/3 (1)", "layer_specs[1].previous_layers[1]": "2/3 (2)", "layer_specs[2].previous_layers[0]": "0/4 (0)", "layer_specs[2].previous_layers[1]": "1/4 (1)", "layer_specs[3].previous_layers[0]": "1/5 (1)", "layer_specs[3].previous_layers[1]": "4/5 (4)", "layer_specs[4].previous_layers[0]": "2/6 (2)", "layer_specs[4].previous_layers[1]": "5/6 (5)", "layer_specs[5].previous_layers[0]": "0/7 (0)", "layer_specs[5].previous_layers[1]": "4/7 (4)", "layer_specs[6].previous_layers[0]": "0/8 (0)", "layer_specs[6].previous_layers[1]": "2/8 (2)", "layer_specs[7].previous_layers[0]": "3/9 (3)", "layer_specs[7].previous_layers[1]": "6/9 (6)"}
serialized_tunable_object is {
  "_type": "tutorial.search_spaces.ModelConnectionSpec",
  "layer_specs": [
      "_type": "tutorial.search_spaces.LayerConnectionSpec",
      "current_layer_idx": 2,
      "previous_layers": [
      "_type": "tutorial.search_spaces.LayerConnectionSpec",
      "current_layer_idx": 3,
      "previous_layers": [
      "_type": "tutorial.search_spaces.LayerConnectionSpec",
      "current_layer_idx": 4,
      "previous_layers": [
      "_type": "tutorial.search_spaces.LayerConnectionSpec",
      "current_layer_idx": 5,
      "previous_layers": [
      "_type": "tutorial.search_spaces.LayerConnectionSpec",
      "current_layer_idx": 6,
      "previous_layers": [
      "_type": "tutorial.search_spaces.LayerConnectionSpec",
      "current_layer_idx": 7,
      "previous_layers": [
      "_type": "tutorial.search_spaces.LayerConnectionSpec",
      "current_layer_idx": 8,
      "previous_layers": [
      "_type": "tutorial.search_spaces.LayerConnectionSpec",
      "current_layer_idx": 9,
      "previous_layers": [

[Advanced] Create search-space with variable number of layers

For the mnist-search-space, you created a 2 layer model where each layer had independent choice of kernel-size and filter-size. But what if we also want to choose the number-of-layers between 2, 3, and 4 instead of just 2?

The variable length model can be thought of in terms of "skip-connection". If a layer is marked to be skipped, then during model building you do not add this layer to the model. Instead you forward the input bypassing the skipped-layer:

@pg.members([('kernel_size', pg.typing.Int()),
             ('filter_size', pg.typing.Int()),
             ('skip_layer', pg.typing.Bool())])
class SkippableLayerSpec(pg.Object):
  """Specifies a model-layer which can be skipped."""

class VariableLengthModelSpec(pg.Object):
  """Specifies a model with variable number of layers, each with different spec."""

def variable_length_model_search_space():
  """Returns a variable length model search space."""
  # To create a variable length model search space for 2, 3, or 4 layers model:
  # Create 2 layers which can not be skipped followed
  # by next 2 layers which may or may not be skipped.
  layer_specs = [
          kernel_size=pg.oneof([3, 5]),
          filter_size=pg.oneof([4, 6, 8]),
  ] * 2 + [
          kernel_size=pg.oneof([3, 5]),
          filter_size=pg.oneof([4, 6, 8]),
          skip_layer=pg.oneof([True, False]))
  ] * 2
  return VariableLengthModelSpec(layer_specs=layer_specs)

You can run the following command to sample this search-space:

# Build Tutorial Trainer
python3 build --project_id=${PROJECT} \
--trainer_docker_id=${TUTORIAL_DOCKER_ID} \
--trainer_docker_file=tutorial/tutorial2.Dockerfile \

rm -r -f ${JOB_DIR} && mkdir ${JOB_DIR}

python3 search_in_local --project_id=${PROJECT} \
--trainer_docker_id=${TUTORIAL_DOCKER_ID} \
--region=${REGION} \
--search_space_module=tutorial.search_spaces.variable_length_model_search_space \
--local_output_dir=${JOB_DIR} \
--search_docker_flags \

This should generate an output similar to:

nas_params_str is {"layer_specs[0].kernel_size": "0/2 (3)", "layer_specs[0].filter_size": "2/3 (8)", "layer_specs[1].kernel_size": "0/2 (3)", "layer_specs[1].filter_size": "2/3 (8)", "layer_specs[2].kernel_size": "0/2 (3)", "layer_specs[2].filter_size": "0/3 (4)", "layer_specs[2].skip_layer": "1/2 (False)", "layer_specs[3].kernel_size": "1/2 (5)", "layer_specs[3].filter_size": "1/3 (6)", "layer_specs[3].skip_layer": "0/2 (True)"}
serialized_tunable_object is {
  "_type": "tutorial.search_spaces.VariableLengthModelSpec",
  "layer_specs": [
      "_type": "tutorial.search_spaces.SkippableLayerSpec",
      "kernel_size": 3,
      "filter_size": 8,
      "skip_layer": false
      "_type": "tutorial.search_spaces.SkippableLayerSpec",
      "kernel_size": 3,
      "filter_size": 8,
      "skip_layer": false
      "_type": "tutorial.search_spaces.SkippableLayerSpec",
      "kernel_size": 3,
      "filter_size": 4,
      "skip_layer": false
      "_type": "tutorial.search_spaces.SkippableLayerSpec",
      "kernel_size": 5,
      "filter_size": 6,
      "skip_layer": true

For the above example, the last layer is marked to be skipped. When building the model using this spec, you will not use the last layer and thus create a 3 layer model.

[Advanced] Handle conditional search space

As a corner case, sometimes a certain combination of search-space options may be invalid. Let us say you have kernel_size that can take values 1, 2 and 3 and filter_size that can take values 8, 9, 10, but {kernel_size=2 and filter_size=9} should be treated as an invalid combination.

Our recommendation is that if the number of such invalid cases are below ~ 20% of the search-space, then one option is to allow such combinations in the search-space, but get the training code to fail for this invalid combination by not returning a reward back.

However, if the number of such invalid combinations are more than ~ 20% of the search-space, then you should rethink the search-space by decoupling the dependent variables. For example, let us say that you have two search-space variables x and y, and you want to constrain their sampling with the formula -1 <= x + y <= 1. In this case x and y are coupled with a dependency. You can not directly create a search-space like:

@pg.members([('x', pg.typing.Int()),
             ('y', pg.typing.Int())])
class XYSpec(pg.Object):
  """Specifies a choice of X and Y."""

def conditional_search_space():
  return XYSpec(x=pg.one_of(list(range(-10, 11))), y=pg.one_of(list(range(-10, 11))))

because it can sample values such as x = 5 and y = 5 which do not satisfy the constraint -1 <= x + y <= 1. To decouple the search-space, you can reformulate this constraint into y = z - x where -1 <= z <= 1. This way you create an equivalent search-space over x and z which are decoupled and still achieve the same goal:

@pg.members([('x', pg.typing.Int()),
             ('z', pg.typing.Int())])
class XZSpec(pg.Object):
  """Specifies a choice of X and Z to decouple a conditional search-space."""

def conditional_search_space():
  """Creates a conditional search-space.

  Let us say that you have two search-space variables `x` and `y`,
  and you want to constrain their sampling with the formula
  `-1 <= x + y <= 1`. In this case `x` and `y` are coupled with a dependency.
  To decouple the search-space, you can reformulate this constraint
  into `y = z - x` where `-1 <= z <= 1`.

    A conditional search-space.
  return XZSpec(
      x=pg.one_of(list(range(-10, 11))), z=pg.one_of([-1, 0, 1]))

Use y = z-x in your training code, when the NAS-services sends you a sample of x and z.