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Tutorial 4: Add latency constraint to search: FLOPS or device-based

Many a time, larger models may give better accuracies but may not be practical to use due to latency or memory or power constraints. This tutorial will show you how to add constraints to your architecture search. We will demonstrate this using both FLOPS and device-specific latency constraints.

This tutorial will also show how to run multiple on-prem latency calculation workers in parallel. These principles can also be easily extended to other constraints such as memory, power, etc. After completing this tutorial, you should be able to:

  • Run a stage1 search with a FLOPS based latency constraint.
  • Run a stage1 search with a device-specific latency constraint.
  • Add a device-specific latency computation for a stage2 train job.
  • Run latency calculations on one or multiple on-prem devices.
  • Understand the high-level concepts of latency (or memory) calculations workflows.


The training job in this tutorial only uses 5 cloud CPUs and runs ~10 trials each running for ~4 mins. The total runtime for one job is ~8 mins. You will run the job 3 times one by one. You do not need any extra quota.

Add FLOPS based latency constraint

Let us start with the mnist_search example and add a constraint which will favor faster models with FLOPS <= 0.8M. It is important to note that the FLOPS metric is solely based on the number and types of model-operations and has nothing to do with any hardware. The higher the FLOPS, the slower the model.

Let us first add a flag target_flops_million to the training-code as our FLOPS-target constraint. We will later set this flag to 0.8. We will compute the FLOPS as:

if argv.target_flops_million:
    flops_million = get_flops(model) / (10 ** 6)'flops_million is %f.', flops_million)
    target_latency = argv.target_flops_million
    measured_latency = flops_million
    latency_tag = 'flops_million'

The flops_million for the model can be calculated via any preferred code/library. You can now use this latency to calculate NAS-reward very easily by using:

nas_reward = cloud_nas_utils.compute_reward(

and sending this new accuray-AND-latency-based joint nas_reward back to the NAS-service via:

# Reporting the model metadata.
other_metrics = {
    'top_1_accuracy': test_acc,
    'kernel_size_0': model_spec[0].kernel_size,
    'kernel_size_1': model_spec[1].kernel_size,
if latency_tag:
  other_metrics[latency_tag] = measured_latency

# Reporting metrics back to the NAS_service.
metric_tag = os.environ.get('CLOUD_ML_HP_METRIC_TAG', '')
if metric_tag:
  nas_metrics_reporter = metrics_reporter.NasMetricsReporter()

Please note that the above code now adds two new values to the other_metrics metadata meant for the UI page: top_1_accuracy and latency_tag.

We strongly encourage you to read the documentation of the cloud_nas_utils.compute_reward function. Internally, this function computes the reward by using the weighted-ratio of target-flops-to-model-flops to scale the accuracy. The following table explains this via some examples:

Model Accuracy FLOPS Target-FLOPS weighted-FLOPS-ratio Reward without hard-limit Reward with hard-limit
A 0.95 0.4M 0.8M (0.8/0.4)^1 = 2.0 0.95*2.0 = 1.9 0.95*1.0 = 0.95
B 0.95 1.6M 0.8M (0.8/1.6)^1 = 0.5 0.95*0.5 = 0.475 0.95*0.5 = 0.475
C 0.95 0.8M 0.8M (0.8/0.8)^1 = 1.0 0.95*1.0 = 0.95 0.95*1.0 = 0.95

In our example, we set the same accuracy for the models A, B, and C but A has FLOPS 0.4M which is less than our target-FLOPS of 0.8M, B has FLOPS 1.6M which is way higher than our target-FLOPS, and C has FLOPS 0.8M which is the same as our target-FLOPS. Now let us see how the compute_reward function favors models A and C over B based on their FLOPS even when they all have the same accuracy.

Without the hard-limit on the target-flops, the accuracies for the models scale with their FLOPS-ratio. The higher the FLOPS ratio, the more the accuracy is scaled. So, model A gets higher reward than C and C gets higher reward than B.

But with the hard-limit on the target-flops, there is no special differentiation if the FLOPS are less than the target-FLOPS because any FLOPS-ratio <= 1.0 is treated the same as 1.0. So models A and C get the same reward because they both meet their FLOPS-target constraint. However, model B still gets penalized via poor reward because it does not meet our FLOPS target.

NOTE: Although the above example discusses the reward-design using FLOPS as an example, the same idea applies to incorporating device-latency, memory or power constraints. You can customize the cloud_nas_utils.compute_reward function to incorporate any constraint where you have a desired target-value and a measured actual-value and a reward based on these.

You can run a search with this FLOPS-constraint via:

PROJECT=<Set your project-id>

# Set a unique docker-id below. It is a good practice to add your user-name
# to prevent overwriting another user's docker image.
DATE="$(date '+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')"

# Choose a bucket for the output directory.
REGION=<same as bucket region>

# Setting a unique job-id so that subsequent job-runs
# do not have naming conflict.

# Build Tutorial Trainer
python3 build --project_id=${PROJECT} \
--trainer_docker_id=${TUTORIAL_DOCKER_ID} \
--trainer_docker_file=tutorial/tutorial4.Dockerfile \

python3 search \
--project_id=${PROJECT} \
--region=${REGION} \
--job_name="${JOB_NAME}" \
--trainer_docker_id=${TUTORIAL_DOCKER_ID} \
--search_space_module=tutorial.search_spaces.mnist_list_of_dictionary_search_space \
--accelerator_type="" \
--nas_target_reward_metric="nas_reward" \
--root_output_dir=${GCS_ROOT_DIR} \
--max_nas_trial=10 \
--max_parallel_nas_trial=5 \
--max_failed_nas_trial=3 \
--search_docker_flags \
num_epochs=2 \

Please note the values of flags nas_target_reward_metric and target_flops_million in the command above. When the job finishes, the UI page should look similar to this:


Each row corresponds to a different NAS-model and rows are sorted by the nas_reward. First take a look at the top_1_accuracy column. The model-accuracies are very close to each other. However, if you look at the flops_million column, you will see large variance in the FLOPS values. The nas_reward column is a combination of the accuracy and FLOPS and is marked as (Objective) because this value gets sent back to the NAS-service. Note that the NAS-search lists Trial ID 5 as the best choice because it gives good accuracy with a latency which is <= 0.8 million FLOPS.

Add device-specific latency constraint {: #device-constraint }

The FLOPS based constraint did not involve any hardware specific computation. But many times, the latency values are specific to an on-prem-device. This device may or may not be on Google Cloud. However, the NAS-training runs on a Google Cloud machine. To solve this problem, we adopt an approach where two-processes running on two different machines communicate through a common GCS file location.

Here is the high-level latency and memory calculation workflow:

Custom device latency and memory setup.

  1. The training container is orchestrated by the NAS service. It creates a model and saves it to Cloud Storage. The model can be the output of some post processing and optimization that aren't on-premises device specific, such as quantization and pruning.

  2. The on-premises model evaluator reads the model in Cloud Storage and calculates the model metrics, such as latency, memory, and power consumption. It can include some optimization on the target device like TensorRT. It can also calculate the model accuracy instead of using the training container to do the calculation, which might slow down the search speed depending on how big the evaluation dataset is. Finally, the on-premises model evaluator writes the model metrics into a file to Cloud Storage.

  3. The training container reads the metrics file, and then calculates the reward and reports it back to the NAS service.

NOTE: If the training container is using the same accelerator as the target device, you don't need to follow this workflow with a separate model evaluator. Instead, you can directly calculate the target latency and memory values in the training container.

NOTE: The host machine for an on-premises model evaluator can either be your local machine connected to the customized device, or a Google Cloud machine with an attached target latency device such as a CPU or an Nvidia GPU.

For this tutorial, we will first use a single Google Cloud CPU as an on-premises device example.

Here is the summary of the inter-process communication:

  • One of our mnist-trainer trial instance will act as process-1, which saves the NAS-model to a designated-GCS-location, and then goes into wait-for-latency mode.

  • We will launch another latency-calculation docker on the on-prem-device as process-2 which will load the saved-NAS-model from the designated-GCS-location, compute its latency, and save the latency-JSON file to the same designated-GCS-location.

  • Now process-1 will come out of wait-mode, read the latency-JSON file, and use it to compute the NAS-reward.

Although this appears complex, we provide pre-built modules and classes that will make this very simple to use.

First, let us create the wait-and-retrieve-latency logic for process-1 in our trainer-code:

def wait_and_retrieve_latency(model, model_dir):
  """Waits and retrieves model-latency generated by another process.

    model: The model which will be saved to the GCS location.
    model_dir: The path to the saved model.

    A tuple of (model latency in milliseconds, model memory).
  # Save model to the designated GCS location.
  saved_model_path = os.path.join(model_dir, 'model')'saved_model_path is %s', saved_model_path)

  # We will now wait in a while loop for another
  # process to compute and save the model_latency.json file. Once the file gets
  # generated, we will load and return the latency values.
  model_stats = cloud_nas_utils.wait_and_retrieve_latency(saved_model_path)
  latency_in_milliseconds = model_stats['latency_in_milliseconds']
  model_memory = model_stats['model_memory']
  return latency_in_milliseconds, model_memory

After saving the model to a GCS location, the code uses cloud_nas_utils.wait_and_retrieve_latency library function to wait for process2 to compute latency for the saved-model and then loads the latency metrics.

Now let us implement process2 which loads the saved-model and computes latency on on-prem device (Google Cloud CPU) and saves those values to GCS. The implements process2 and tutorial4_latency_calculation.Dockerfile runs it on Google Cloud.

Here is the detailed workflow of the on-premises model evaluator:

Workflow of the on-premises model evaluator.

  1. Get an NAS job status and its running trials.

  2. If the job isn't running (can be finished, canceled, or failed), stop the evaluation loop and exit.

  3. Convert the model if needed. For example, you might need to do TensorRT conversion on the model.

  4. Run an inference to get the model latency and memory.

  5. Write the metrics to Cloud Storage.

  6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 until the NAS job stops running.

We provide a base-class ModelMetricsEvaluator which implements almost all of the process-communication logic in process2. You just need to overload evaluate_saved_model function and return latency like this:

class LatencyEvaluator(model_metrics_evaluator.ModelMetricsEvaluator):
  """Implements the process which evaluates and saves model-latency."""

  def __init__(self, service_endpoint: str, project_id: str, nas_job_id: str):
    super(LatencyEvaluator, self).__init__(

  def evaluate_saved_model(self, trial_id, saved_model_path):
    """Returns model latency.""""Job output directory is %s", self.job_output_dir)
    model = tf.keras.models.load_model(saved_model_path)
    my_input = np.random.rand(1, 28, 28)

    def _run_prediction():

    num_iter_warm_up = 50
    avg_latency_in_secs_warm_up = timeit.timeit(
        _run_prediction, number=num_iter_warm_up) / float(num_iter_warm_up)"warm-up latency is %f", avg_latency_in_secs_warm_up)
    num_iter = 100
    avg_latency_in_secs = timeit.timeit(
        _run_prediction, number=num_iter) / float(num_iter)"latency is %f", avg_latency_in_secs)
    return {
        "latency_in_milliseconds": avg_latency_in_secs * 1000.0,
        "model_memory": 0

Now all you have to do is call:


and the process2 will in-a-loop look-out for saved-models generated from the running trials and will keep saving model-latencies to their respective folders.

You can launch this device-specific latency-constrained search on Google Cloud via:

# Set a unique docker-id below. It is a good practice to add your user-name
# to prevent overwriting another user's docker image.

# Setting a unique job-id so that subsequent job-runs
# do not have naming conflict.
DATE="$(date '+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')"

# Build Tutorial Trainer
python3 build --project_id=${PROJECT} \
--trainer_docker_id=${TUTORIAL_DOCKER_ID} \
--trainer_docker_file=tutorial/tutorial4.Dockerfile \
--latency_calculator_docker_id=${TUTORIAL_LATENCY_CALCULATOR_DOCKER_ID} \
--latency_calculator_docker_file=tutorial/tutorial4_latency_calculation.Dockerfile \

python3 search \
--project_id=${PROJECT} \
--region=${REGION} \
--job_name="${JOB_NAME}" \
--trainer_docker_id=${TUTORIAL_DOCKER_ID} \
--search_space_module=tutorial.search_spaces.mnist_list_of_dictionary_search_space \
--accelerator_type="" \
--nas_target_reward_metric="nas_reward" \
--root_output_dir=${GCS_ROOT_DIR} \
--max_nas_trial=10 \
--max_parallel_nas_trial=5 \
--max_failed_nas_trial=3 \
--latency_calculator_docker_id=${TUTORIAL_LATENCY_CALCULATOR_DOCKER_ID} \
--latency_docker_flags \
dummy_flag="example" \
--target_device_type=CPU \
--search_docker_flags \
num_epochs=2 \

For the build command, by default we use our pre-built latency-computation code when latency_calculator_docker_file is not provided. Here tutorial4_latency_calculation.Dockerfile uses

For the search command, please note the values of flags latency_calculator_docker_id, latency_docker_flags, and target_device_type. The latency_docker_flags flag allows you to pass flags to process2 where you can set any additional flags. They can be specified as --latency_docker_flags flag1=val1 flag2=val2 flag3=val3. Here we use a dummy flag to show the usage.

The command would launch two inter-related jobs on Google Cloud for process1 and process2. When the job finishes, the UI page for process1 should look similar to this:


As you can see, this time the search uses the device-latency values instead of FLOPS.

To find the latency job for process2 on the UI page, first click the Training icon to go to the job-listing page and then click the CUSTOM JOBS tab:


Latency computation for a stage2 train-only job

You can also add device-based latency computation for a stage-2 train-only job for a previous search. The following command will train previous search trials 1 and 9 and compute latency for them as well.

search_job_id=<Fill numeric job-id for your previous search job with latency computation.>

DATE="$(date '+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')"

# Build Tutorial Trainer
python3 build --project_id=${PROJECT} \
--trainer_docker_id=${TUTORIAL_DOCKER_ID} \
--trainer_docker_file=tutorial/tutorial4.Dockerfile \
--latency_calculator_docker_id=${TUTORIAL_LATENCY_CALCULATOR_DOCKER_ID} \
--latency_calculator_docker_file=tutorial/tutorial4_latency_calculation.Dockerfile \

# Retrain with latency calculation too.
python3 train \
--project_id=${PROJECT} \
--region=${REGION} \
--search_job_id=${search_job_id} \
--search_job_region=${search_job_region} \
--train_job_suffix=${train_job_suffix} \
--train_nas_trial_numbers=${train_nas_trial_numbers} \
--trainer_docker_id=${TUTORIAL_DOCKER_ID} \
--search_space_module=tutorial.search_spaces.mnist_list_of_dictionary_search_space \
--train_accelerator_type="" \
--nas_target_reward_metric="nas_reward" \
--root_output_dir=${GCS_ROOT_DIR} \
--latency_calculator_docker_id=${TUTORIAL_LATENCY_CALCULATOR_DOCKER_ID} \
--target_device_type=CPU \
--train_docker_flags \
num_epochs=2 \

Run latency calculation container on-prem

The latency calculation can also be done on-prem to account for hardware specific computation. We run the docker container for latency calculation on-prem, and it uses the same inter-process communication as running the latency calculation on Cloud. Read the section Add device-specific latency constraint first to get familiar with the code changes. Since latency calculation can be done on a different machine than the machine to run the search command, we separated the run_latency_calculator_local command to run the on-premises latency calculator.

One change for running the on-prem latency calculation container is that, unlike GCP, we need to set the credentials to access GCS bucket. As directed below, when we run gcloud auth application-default login command, the application_default_credentials.json file is saved at the default local credential path ~/.config/gcloud. We will mount this directory to the path /root/.config/gcloud inside the container so that the credential file can be accessed. It is done in the _run_latency_calculator_local function in the like this:

  credential_path = os.path.expanduser("~/.config/gcloud")
  cmd = [
      "docker", "run", "--ipc", "host", "-v",
  ] + local_job_dir_cmd + ["-t", docker_uri] + latency_args

      cmd, error_message="Fail to run latency calculator locally.")

To launch this device-specific latency-constrained search on-prem, first run a search command without specifying latency_calculator_docker_id nor latency_docker_flags to run process1. For this step, it does not have to be on the machine to run the latency calculation.

# Set a unique docker-id below. It is a good practice to add your user-name
# to prevent overwriting another user's docker image.

# Setting a unique job-id so that subsequent job-runs
# do not have naming conflict.
DATE="$(date '+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')"

# Build Tutorial Trainer
python3 build --project_id=${PROJECT} \
--trainer_docker_id=${TUTORIAL_DOCKER_ID} \
--trainer_docker_file=tutorial/tutorial4.Dockerfile \
--latency_calculator_docker_id=${TUTORIAL_LATENCY_CALCULATOR_DOCKER_ID} \
--latency_calculator_docker_file=tutorial/tutorial4_latency_calculation.Dockerfile \

python3 search \
--project_id=${PROJECT} \
--region=${REGION} \
--job_name="${JOB_NAME}" \
--trainer_docker_id=${TUTORIAL_DOCKER_ID} \
--search_space_module=tutorial.search_spaces.mnist_list_of_dictionary_search_space \
--accelerator_type="" \
--nas_target_reward_metric="nas_reward" \
--root_output_dir=${GCS_ROOT_DIR} \
--max_nas_trial=10 \
--max_parallel_nas_trial=5 \
--max_failed_nas_trial=3 \
--target_device_type=CPU \
--search_docker_flags \
num_epochs=2 \

You will get an output like this:

INFO:root:NAS Search job ID: 1234567890123456789

Please take note of the search job ID, it will be used to run the latency calculator.

Now on the on-prem machine, run process2, the latency calculation:

PROJECT=<Your project-id>
SEARCH_JOB_ID=<The search job id from the previous command>
REGION=<Same as bucket region>

# Saves the `application_default_credentials.json` file at the default local
# credential path `~/.config/gcloud`.
gcloud auth application-default login

python3 run_latency_calculator_local \
--project_id=${PROJECT} \
--search_job_id=${SEARCH_JOB_ID} \
--region=${REGION} \
--latency_calculator_docker_id=${TUTORIAL_LATENCY_CALCULATOR_DOCKER_ID} \

The command would run process2. When the job finishes, the UI page for process1 should look similar to this:


Use multiple on-prem devices for latency calculation

The latency calculation can be done on multiple on-prem devices to ensure the search progress isn't blocked by the on-premise model specific computation.

To ensure the search progress isn't blocked by the on-premises model evaluation, the minimum number of on-premises devices for one NAS job can be decided as follows:

min_number_of_on_prem_devices = num_parallel_trials * model_evaluation_time / model_training_time
  • num_parallel_trials: The number of parallel trials that a NAS service runs. Each trial will train a NAS model.
  • model_training_time: The run time (for example, 50 minutes) of each model.
  • model_evaluation_time: The time needed to evaluate a model on the targeting device.

For example, if there are 45 num_parallel_trials, where each trial takes 45 minutes to run and model_evaluation_time is one minute, then we need at least one on-premises device. If model_evaluation_time is two minutes, then at least two on-premises devices are needed. If there are multiple on-premises evaluators, you can partition NAS generated models to ensure they aren't evaluated by the same model evaluator. You can use the latency_worker_id and num_latency_workers flags with the run_latency_calculator_local command.

  • latency_worker_id: The latency calculation worker worker id to launch. Should be an integer in [0, num_latency_workers - 1].
  • num_latency_workers: The total number of parallel latency calculator workers. If num_latency_workers > 1, it is used to select a subset of the parallel training trials based on their trial-ids.

To run multiple docker containers for latency calculation, we use the latency_worker_id and num_latency_workers flags with the run_latency_calculator_local command. If num_latency_workers > 1, only a subset of the running trials is selected based on the trial_id in as follows:

for trial_id_str in running_trials:
  trial_id = int(trial_id_str)
  if trial_id % self.num_latency_workers != self.latency_worker_id:
    # Skip this trial. It should be handled by another worker.

We first run a search command without specifying latency_calculator_docker_id nor latency_docker_flags to run process1 as before.

# Set a unique docker-id below. It is a good practice to add your user-name
# to prevent overwriting another user's docker image.
DATE="$(date '+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')"

# Setting a unique job-id so that subsequent job-runs
# do not have naming conflict.

# Build Tutorial Trainer
python3 build --project_id=${PROJECT} \
--trainer_docker_id=${TUTORIAL_DOCKER_ID} \
--trainer_docker_file=tutorial/tutorial4.Dockerfile \
--latency_calculator_docker_id=${TUTORIAL_LATENCY_CALCULATOR_DOCKER_ID} \
--latency_calculator_docker_file=tutorial/tutorial4_latency_calculation.Dockerfile \

python3 search \
--project_id=${PROJECT} \
--region=${REGION} \
--job_name="${JOB_NAME}" \
--trainer_docker_id=${TUTORIAL_DOCKER_ID} \
--search_space_module=tutorial.search_spaces.mnist_list_of_dictionary_search_space \
--accelerator_type="" \
--nas_target_reward_metric="nas_reward" \
--root_output_dir=${GCS_ROOT_DIR} \
--max_nas_trial=10 \
--max_parallel_nas_trial=5 \
--max_failed_nas_trial=3 \
--target_device_type=CPU \
--search_docker_flags \
num_epochs=2 \

You will get an output like this:

INFO:root:NAS Search job ID: 1234567890123456789

Please take note of the search job ID, it will be used to run the latency calculator.

Now on each of on-prem machines, run process2, the latency calculation. For example, if you have 3 devices, set --num_latency_workers=3 and --latency_worker_id should range from 0 to 2 for each device.

PROJECT=<Your project-id>
SEARCH_JOB_ID=<The search job id from the previous command>
REGION=<Same as bucket region>
LATENCY_WORKER_ID=<0, 1, 2 for each device respectively>

# Saves the `application_default_credentials.json` file at the default local
# credential path `~/.config/gcloud`.
gcloud auth application-default login

python3 run_latency_calculator_local \
--project_id=${PROJECT} \
--search_job_id=${SEARCH_JOB_ID} \
--region=${REGION} \
--latency_calculator_docker_id=${TUTORIAL_LATENCY_CALCULATOR_DOCKER_ID} \
--target_device_type=CPU \
--num_latency_workers=${NUM_LATENCY_WORKERS} \

NOTE: The focus of this tutorial was more on explaining the inter-process communication. For this reason we kept the model-latency computation code as simple as possible. For a more rigorous example of model-latency computation, which also calculates memory in a separate thread, you can look at function compute_model_metrics.