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Compute Engine Image Import

This repository contains various tools for managing disk images on Google Compute Engine using Daisy.

Note: Google Compute Engine supports importing virtual disks and virtual appliances by using the image import tool. For more information, see the import tool documentation.

The documentation for the tools in this repository can be found on our page.


Daisy is a solution for running multi-step workflows on Google Compute Engine.

Daisy Workflows

This repository contains full featured Daisy workflow examples for image import. A user guide for importing virtual disk using the Daisy workflow is here.

Image Import and Export Tools

The cli_tools folder in this repository contains the tools for importing and exporting images using Daisy.


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  1. Please sign our Contributor License Agreement.
  2. Fork this Git repository and make your changes.
  3. Create a Pull Request.
  4. Incorporate review feedback to your changes.
  5. Accepted!


All files in this repository are under the Apache License, Version 2.0 unless noted otherwise.