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Install Agones using Helm
Install Agones on a [Kubernetes]( cluster using the [Helm]( package manager.


  • Helm package manager 2.10.0+
  • [Supported Kubernetes Cluster]({{< relref "../" >}})

Installing the Chart

{{< alert title="Note" color="info">}} If you don't have Helm installed locally, or Tiller installed in your Kubernetes cluster, read the Using Helm documentation to get started. {{< /alert >}}

To install the chart with the release name my-release using our stable helm repository:

$ helm repo add agones
$ helm install --name my-release --namespace agones-system agones/agones

We recommend to install Agones in its own namespaces (like agones-system as shown above) you can use the helm --namespace parameter to specify a different namespace.

When running in production, Agones should be scheduled on a dedicated pool of nodes, distinct from where Game Servers are scheduled for better isolation and resiliency. By default Agones prefers to be scheduled on nodes labeled with and tolerates node taint If no dedicated nodes are available, Agones will run on regular nodes, but that's not recommended for production use. For instructions on setting up a dedicated node pool for Agones, see the [Agones installation instructions]({{< relref "../" >}}) for your preferred environment.

The command deploys Agones on the Kubernetes cluster with the default configuration. The configuration section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.

{{< alert title="Tip" color="info">}} List all releases using helm list {{< /alert >}}

{{< alert title="Note" color="info">}} If you are installing a development build of Agones (i.e. not the {{< release-version >}} release), you will need to install Agones the following way: {{< /alert >}}

$ cd install/helm/
$ helm install --name my-release --namespace agones-system agones --set agones.image.tag={{< release-version >}}-481970d

The full list of available tags is here


By default Agones is configured to work with game servers deployed in the default namespace. If you are planning to use another namespace you can configure Agones via the parameter gameservers.namespaces.

For example to use default and xbox namespaces:

$ kubectl create namespace xbox
$ helm install --set "gameservers.namespaces={default,xbox}" --namespace agones-system --name my-release agones/agones

{{< alert title="Note" color="info">}} You need to create your namespaces before installing Agones. {{< /alert >}}

If you want to add a new namespace afterward simply upgrade your release:

$ kubectl create namespace ps4
$ helm upgrade --set "gameservers.namespaces={default,xbox,ps4}" my-release agones/agones


By default, agones.rbacEnabled is set to true. This enables RBAC support in Agones and must be true if RBAC is enabled in your cluster.

The chart will take care of creating the required service accounts and roles for Agones.

If you have RBAC disabled, or to put it another way, ABAC enabled, you should set this value to false.

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the my-release deployment:

$ helm delete my-release

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.


The following tables lists the configurable parameters of the Agones chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
agones.rbacEnabled Creates RBAC resources. Must be set for any cluster configured with RBAC true
agones.registerWebhooks Registers the webhooks used for the admission controller true
agones.registerApiService Registers the apiservice(s) used for the Kubernetes API extension true
agones.registerServiceAccounts Attempts to create service accounts for the controllers true
agones.createPriorityClass Attempts to create priority classes for the controllers true
agones.priorityClassName Name of the priority classes to create agones-system
agones.featureGates A URL query encoded string of Flags to enable/disable e.g. Example=true&OtherThing=false. Any value accepted by strconv.ParseBool(string) can be used as a boolean value ``
agones.crds.install Install the CRDs with this chart. Useful to disable if you want to subchart (since crd-install hook is broken), so you can copy the CRDs into your own chart. true
agones.crds.cleanupOnDelete Run the pre-delete hook to delete all GameServers and their backing Pods when deleting the helm chart, so that all CRDs can be removed on chart deletion true
agones.metrics.prometheusServiceDiscovery Adds annotations for Prometheus ServiceDiscovery (and also Strackdriver) true
agones.metrics.prometheusEnabled Enables controller metrics on port 8080 and path /metrics true
agones.metrics.stackdriverEnabled Enables Stackdriver exporter of controller metrics false
agones.metrics.stackdriverProjectID This overrides the default gcp project id for use with stackdriver ``
agones.metrics.stackdriverLabels A set of default labels to add to all stackdriver metrics generated in form of key value pair (key=value,key2=value2). By default metadata are automatically added using Kubernetes API and GCP metadata enpoint. ``
agones.serviceaccount.controller Service account name for the controller agones-controller
agones.serviceaccount.sdk Service account name for the sdk agones-sdk
agones.image.registry Global image registry for all images
agones.image.tag Global image tag for all images {{< release-version >}} Image name for the controller agones-controller
agones.image.controller.pullPolicy Image pull policy for the controller IfNotPresent
agones.image.controller.pullSecret Image pull secret for the controller, allocator, sdk and ping image. Should be created both in agones-system and default namespaces `` Image name for the sdk agones-sdk
agones.image.sdk.cpuRequest The cpu request for sdk server container 30m
agones.image.sdk.cpuLimit The cpu limit for the sdk server container 0 (none)
agones.image.sdk.memoryRequest The memory request for sdk server container 0 (none)
agones.image.sdk.memoryLimit The memory limit for the sdk server container 0 (none)
agones.image.sdk.alwaysPull Tells if the sdk image should always be pulled false Image name for the ping service agones-ping Image pull policy for the ping service IfNotPresent
agones.controller.http.port Port to use for liveness probe service and metrics 8080
agones.controller.healthCheck.initialDelaySeconds Initial delay before performing the first probe (in seconds) 3
agones.controller.healthCheck.periodSeconds Seconds between every liveness probe (in seconds) 3
agones.controller.healthCheck.failureThreshold Number of times before giving up (in seconds) 3
agones.controller.healthCheck.timeoutSeconds Number of seconds after which the probe times out (in seconds) 1
agones.controller.resources Controller resource requests/limit {}
agones.controller.generateTLS Set to true to generate TLS certificates or false to provide your own certificates in certs/* true
agones.controller.nodeSelector Controller node labels for pod assignment {}
agones.controller.tolerations Controller toleration labels for pod assignment []
agones.controller.affinity Controller affinity settings for pod assignment {}
agones.controller.numWorkers Number of workers to spin per resource type 64
agones.controller.apiServerQPS Maximum sustained queries per second that controller should be making against API Server 100
agones.controller.apiServerQPSBurst Maximum burst queries per second that controller should be making against API Server 200
agones.controller.logLevel Agones Controller Log level. Log only entries with that severity and above info
agones.controller.persistentLogs Store Agones controller logs in a temporary volume attached to a container for debugging true
agones.controller.persistentLogsSizeLimitMB Maximum total size of all Agones container logs in MB 10000 Whether to install the [ping service][ping] true The number of replicas to run in the deployment 2 Expose the http ping service via a Service true The string response returned from the http service ok The port to expose on the service 80 The [Service Type][service] of the HTTP Service LoadBalancer Expose the udp ping service via a Service true Number of UDP packets the ping service handles per instance, per second, per sender 20 The port to expose on the service 80 The [Service Type][service] of the UDP Service LoadBalancer Initial delay before performing the first probe (in seconds) 3 Seconds between every liveness probe (in seconds) 3 Number of times before giving up (in seconds) 3 Number of seconds after which the probe times out (in seconds) 1 Ping pods resource requests/limit {} Ping node labels for pod assignment {} Ping toleration labels for pod assignment [] Ping affinity settings for pod assignment {}
agones.allocator.install Whether to install the [allocator service][allocator] true
agones.allocator.replicas The number of replicas to run in the deployment 3
agones.allocator.http.port The port to expose on the service 443
agones.allocator.http.serviceType The [Service Type][service] of the HTTP Service LoadBalancer
agones.allocator.generateTLS Set to true to generate TLS certificates or false to provide certificates in certs/allocator/* true
agones.allocator.tolerations Allocator toleration labels for pod assignment []
agones.allocator.affinity Allocator affinity settings for pod assignment {}
gameservers.namespaces a list of namespaces you are planning to use to deploy game servers ["default"]
gameservers.minPort Minimum port to use for dynamic port allocation 7000
gameservers.maxPort Maximum port to use for dynamic port allocation 8000

{{% feature publishVersion="1.6.0" %}} New Configuration Features:

Parameter Description Default

{{% /feature %}}

[ping]: {{< ref "/docs/Guides/" >}} [service]: [allocator]: {{< ref "/docs/advanced/" >}}

Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install. For example,

$ helm install --name my-release --namespace agones-system \
  --set agones.namespace=mynamespace,gameservers.minPort=1000,gameservers.maxPort=5000 agones

The above command sets the namespace where Agones is deployed to mynamespace. Additionally Agones will use a dynamic port allocation range of 1000-5000.

Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example,

$ helm install --name my-release --namespace agones-system -f values.yaml agones/agones

{{< alert title="Tip" color="info">}} You can use the default {{< ghlink href="install/helm/agones/values.yaml" >}}values.yaml{{< /ghlink >}} {{< /alert >}}

{{% feature publishVersion="1.6.0" %}} Check the Agones installation by running the following command:

$ helm test my-release --cleanup                     
RUNNING: agones-test
PASSED: agones-test

This test would create a GameServer resource and delete it afterwards.

{{< alert title="Tip" color="info">}} If you receive the following error:

RUNNING: agones-test
ERROR: pods "agones-test" already exists
Error: 1 test(s) failed

That mean that you skiped --cleanup flag and you should either delete agones-test pod manually or run with the same test helm test my-release --cleanup two more times. {{< /alert >}}

{{% /feature %}}

TLS Certificates

By default agones chart generates tls certificates used by the admission controller, while this is handy, it requires the agones controller to restart on each helm upgrade command. For most used cases the controller would have required a restart anyway (eg: controller image updated). However if you really need to avoid restarts we suggest that you turn off tls automatic generation (agones.controller.generateTLS to false) and provide your own certificates (certs/server.crt,certs/server.key).

{{< alert title="Tip" color="info">}} You can use our script located at {{< ghlink href="install/helm/agones/certs/" >}}{{< /ghlink >}} to generates them. {{< /alert >}}

Next Steps

  • [Confirm Agones is up and running]({{< relref "../" >}})