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File metadata and controls

213 lines (182 loc) · 8.88 KB

#OpenStreetMap ##Importing OSM Data The import process is documented numerously on the internet, a good one for Ubuntu is - once set up an import of the OSM data for Thailand took around 20 minutes.

Snapshots of OSM data are available from

##Extracting Points of Interest The process of extracting points of interest is as follows:

  • Select the points you are interested in from the PostGIS database into which the OSM data was imported. Use SQL and output to a file.
  • Parse the result output using a language of your choice to create SQL that can be imported into SilverStripe as points of interest.
  • Import the resultant SQL into your SilverStripe database.

Worked Example - Thai Railway Stations

###Extract Data from PostGIS OSM Database Create a file of arbitrary name, e.g. osm.sql, with the following query, which extracts OSM id, name, latitude, longitude and tags for nodes:

select osm_id,name, amenity,
ST_Y((ST_Transform (way, 4326))) as Latitude,
ST_X((ST_Transform (way, 4326))) as Longitude,
from planet_osm_nodes N
inner join planet_osm_point P
on = P.osm_id

At the command line execute this query and grep for railway stations:

psql gis < osm.sql | grep -i railway > trains.osm

Note that authentication to the Postgres database may differ.

Analysis of the output shows that further grepping is require in order to extract just stations.

.77085717602143 | 100.437159389841 | {railway,level_crossing}
 3286015332 | Bang Klam                                                                                               |                            | 7.08769743171173 | 100.415422944743 | {railway,station,name,"Bang Klam"}
 3287950085 | Death Railway viaduct                                                                                   |                            | 14.1534710197064 | 99.1098331602021 | {tourism,attraction,name,"Death Railway viaduct"}
 3288538284 |                                                                                                         |                            | 9.14452066569457 | 99.1675465934402 | {railway,level_crossing}
 3288549665 |                                                                                                         

Execute the following to get just the stations:

grep -i station trains.osm > stations.osm

###Create Points of Interest Layer In the SilverStripe model admin interface create a new PointsOfInterestLayer to contain the railway stations. Note that a common icon for the layer can be added here, if none is provided the standard Google Map pin is used.

![Adding a new points of interest layer] ( "Adding a new points of interest layer")

Obtain the database ID, in this case the value 3. This is required for scripting purposes.

mysql> select * from PointsOfInterestLayer;
| ID | ClassName             | Created             | LastEdited          | Name                         | DefaultIconID |
|  1 | PointsOfInterestLayer | 2015-01-13 15:15:27 | 2015-01-13 16:26:01 | BTS Stations                 |           123 |
|  2 | PointsOfInterestLayer | 2015-03-06 15:57:28 | 2015-03-10 17:38:25 | Seven Elevens in Thailand    |           126 |
|  3 | PointsOfInterestLayer | 2015-03-13 11:26:16 | 2015-03-13 11:26:16 | Railway Stations in Thailand |           123 |

###Convert Extracted Data to SQL for Import Into SilverStripe The following is an example Ruby script to extract the English name from the tags field, if one is defined, and output SQL that can be imported directly into the SilverStripe database for the site in question. It was saved as parse_osm.rb, the name is of course arbitrary.

filename = ARGV[0]
layerid = ARGV[1]
ctr = 0

puts "/* Extracting from #{filename} */"
puts "begin;" do |file|
	file.each {|line| \
		ctr = ctr + 1
		if ctr < 3
		splits = line.split('|')
		if (splits.length == 6)
			osm_id = splits[0]
			name = splits[1]
			lat = splits[3]
			lon = splits[4].strip

			#Tags are a comma separated list of key value pairs
			tags = {}
			tagtxt = splits[5].strip
			tagtxt[0] = ''
			tagtxt[-1] = ''
			tagcols = tagtxt.split ','
			tagname = 'UNDEFINED'
			while tagcols.length > 0
				value = tagcols.pop
				key = tagcols.pop
				tags[key] = value  

			if tags['name:en']
				tagname = tags['name:en']
				tagname = tags['name']

			if tagname == nil
				tagname = "UNDEFINED"

			# Remove quotation marks
			if tagname[0] == '"'

			if tagname[-1] == '"'


			if tagname != 'UNDEFINED'
				sql = "INSERT INTO PointOfInterest(OpenStreetMapID,Name,Lat,Lon,ZoomLevel,Created,LastEdited,MapPinEdited) VALUES (#{osm_id},'#{tagname}',#{lat},#{lon},16,now(),now(),true);"
				puts sql
				sql = "INSERT INTO  PointsOfInterestLayer_PointsOfInterest(PointsOfInterestLayerID,PointOfInterestID) VALUES(#{layerid}, LAST_INSERT_ID());"
				puts sql

puts "commit;"

To use this script the format is

ruby parse_osm.rb <postgresql result file> <SilverStripe layer id>

so in the case of the example above

ruby parse_osm.rb stations.osm 3

Output is many rows of SQL like this, the first line of each pair being the creation of the point of interest and the second associating it with the point of interest layer representing the stations.

INSERT INTO PointOfInterest(OpenStreetMapID,Name,Lat,Lon,ZoomLevel,Created,LastEdited,MapPinEdited)
VALUES (  236480470 ,'Khlong Phutsa', 14.1860507762646 ,100.578314006055,16,now(),now(),true);
INSERT INTO  PointsOfInterestLayer_PointsOfInterest(PointsOfInterestLayerID,PointOfInterestID)

INSERT INTO PointOfInterest(OpenStreetMapID,Name,Lat,Lon,ZoomLevel,Created,LastEdited,MapPinEdited)
VALUES (  237445803 ,'Railway station Ayutthaya', 14.3567211927894 ,100.58319491232,16,now(),now(),true);
INSERT INTO  PointsOfInterestLayer_PointsOfInterest(PointsOfInterestLayerID,PointOfInterestID)

Note that the method LAST_INSERT_ID() is MySQL centric. If your SilverStripe database is hosted using PostgreSQL then change this to 'currval()'.

An improvement to this script would be the addition of escaping quotes but it wasn't a necessity for the data being loaded.

Add Points Of Interest Layer to an Existing Page

Add the new layer in the 'Map Layers' tab for any page using the PointsOfInterestLayerExtension extension. Type the word 'Railway' into the search box to the right of 'Points of Interest Layer'. After a couple of seconds select 'Railway Stations of Thailand' and click 'Link Existing'. Save and publish the page.

###View Data in SilverStripe The imported railway stations can now be seen and edited in the model admin interface.

###Public Rendered View ####Map of Thailand with Railway Stations POIs Marked as Clusters