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Smith-Waterman & Needleman-Wunsch Alignment in C
author: Isaac Turner
license: GPLv3 updated: 8 May 2013


C implementations of optimal local (Smith-Waterman) and global (Needleman-Wunsch) alignment algorithms. Written to be fast, portable and easy to use. Commandline utilities smith_waterman and needleman_wunsch provide great flexibility. Code can also be included easily in third party programs, see nw_example/ and sw_example/ directories for examples. Also includes perl modules to provide perl API to programs.


  • Align any pair of ASCII sequences (DNA, Protein, words, etc.)
  • Specify alignment scoring systems or choose a common one (BLOSUM etc.)
  • Specify wildcards that match any character with a given score
  • Align with no mismatches (--nomismatches), or no gaps (--nogaps) with local and global alignment. When both used for local alignment, lists common substrings in order of length/score
  • Read fastq, fasta, sam, bam, plain (one sequence per line) and gzipped files
  • Display in colour (--colour)
  • Show alignment context when doing local alignment (--context <n>)
  • Allow a penalty free gap at the beginning or end of a global alignment (--freestartgap and --freeendgap)
  • Default behaviour is case-insensitve matching, change using --case_sensitive


Fetch and build dependencies (requires git, make and zlib)

$ cd libs
$ make
$ cd ..

Build seq-align:

$ make

For those interested, the depedencies used are:


    usage: ./bin/smith_waterman [OPTIONS] [seq1 seq2]
      Smith-Waterman optimal local alignment (maximises score).  
      Takes a pair of sequences on the command line, or can read from a
      file and from sequence piped in.  Can read gzip files and FASTA.

        --file <file>        Sequence file reading with gzip support - read two
                             sequences at a time and align them
        --files <f1> <f2>    Read one sequence from each file to align at one time
        --stdin              Read from STDIN (same as '--file -')

        --case_sensitive     Use case sensitive character comparison [default: off]

        --match <score>      [default: 2]
        --mismatch <score>   [default: -2]
        --gapopen <score>    [default: -1]
        --gapextend <score>  [default: -1]

        --scoring <PAM30|PAM70|BLOSUM80|BLOSUM62>
        --substitution_matrix <file>  see details for formatting
        --substitution_pairs <file>   see details for formatting

        --wildcard <w> <s>   Character <w> matches all characters with score <s>

        --minscore <score>   Minimum required score
                             [default: match * MAX(0.2 * length, 2)]
        --maxhits <hits>     Maximum number of results per alignment
                             [default: no limit]

        --context <n>        Print <n> bases of context
        --printseq           Print sequences before local alignments
        --printfasta         Print fasta header lines
        --pretty             Print with a descriptor line
        --colour             Print with colour

      EXPERIMENTAL (and buggy):
        --nogapsin1          No gaps allowed in the first sequence
        --nogapsin2          No gaps allowed in the second sequence
        --nogaps             No gaps allowed in either sequence
        --nomismatches       No mismatches allowed: cannot be used with --nogaps..

      * For help choosing scoring, see the README file. 
      * Gap (of length N) penalty is: (open+N*extend)
      * To do alignment without affine gap penalty, set '--gapopen 0'.
      * Scoring files should be matrices, with entries separated by a single
        character or whitespace. See files in the 'scores' directory for examples.  (compiled: Oct 23 2013 19:08:54)


    usage: ./bin/needleman_wunsch [OPTIONS] [seq1 seq2]
      Needleman-Wunsch optimal global alignment (maximises score).  
      Takes a pair of sequences on the command line, or can read from a
      file and from sequence piped in.  Can read gzip files and FASTA.

        --file <file>        Sequence file reading with gzip support - read two
                             sequences at a time and align them
        --files <f1> <f2>    Read one sequence from each file to align at one time
        --stdin              Read from STDIN (same as '--file -')

        --case_sensitive     Use case sensitive character comparison [default: off]

        --match <score>      [default: 1]
        --mismatch <score>   [default: -2]
        --gapopen <score>    [default: -4]
        --gapextend <score>  [default: -1]

        --scoring <PAM30|PAM70|BLOSUM80|BLOSUM62>
        --substitution_matrix <file>  see details for formatting
        --substitution_pairs <file>   see details for formatting

        --wildcard <w> <s>   Character <w> matches all characters with score <s>

        --freestartgap       No penalty for gap at start of alignment
        --freeendgap         No penalty for gap at end of alignment

        --printscores        Print optimal alignment scores
        --zam                A funky type of output
        --printfasta         Print fasta header lines
        --pretty             Print with a descriptor line
        --colour             Print with colour

      EXPERIMENTAL (and buggy):
        --nogapsin1          No gaps allowed in the first sequence
        --nogapsin2          No gaps allowed in the second sequence
        --nogaps             No gaps allowed in either sequence
        --nomismatches       No mismatches allowed: cannot be used with --nogaps..

      * For help choosing scoring, see the README file. 
      * Gap (of length N) penalty is: (open+N*extend)
      * To do alignment without affine gap penalty, set '--gapopen 0'.
      * Scoring files should be matrices, with entries separated by a single
        character or whitespace. See files in the 'scores' directory for examples.  (compiled: Oct 23 2013 19:08:54)


$ ./needleman_wunsch CAGACGT CGATA

Print alignment scores:

$ ./needleman_wunsch --printscores CAGACGT CGATA
score: -15

Read from file (dna.fa):


$ ./needleman_wunsch --printscores --file dna.fa.gz
score: -3

score: -5

Reading from STDIN:

$ gzip -d -c dna.fa.gz | ./needleman_wunsch --stdin


is the same as:

$ gzip -d -c dna.fa.gz | ./needleman_wunsch --file -

Set different scoring systems:

$ ./needleman_wunsch --match 1 --mismatch 0 --gapopen -10 --gapextend 0 ACGTGCCCCACAGAT AGGTGGACGAGAT

Scoring Penalties


Query Length Substitution Matrix Gap Costs (open,extend)
<35 PAM-30 (9,1)
35-50 PAM-70 (10,1)
50-85 BLOSUM-80 (10,1)
85 BLOSUM-62 (10,1)

[Table from:]

gap (of length N) penalty: gap_open + N*gap_extend

NCBI BLAST Quote [from:]:

Many nucleotide searches use a simple scoring system that consists of a "reward"
for a match and a "penalty" for a mismatch. The (absolute) reward/penalty ratio
should be increased as one looks at more divergent sequences. A ratio of 0.33
(1/-3) is appropriate for sequences that are about 99% conserved; a ratio of 0.5
(1/-2) is best for sequences that are 95% conserved; a ratio of about one (1/-1)
is best for sequences that are 75% conserved [1].

NCBI Gap (open, extend) values:

open extend
-5 -2
-2 -2
-1 -2
-0 -2
-3 -1
-2 -1
-1 -1

Our default (for now) are:
gap_open/gap_extend: (-4,-1)
match/mismatch: (1,-2)

for help on choosing scoring matrices see:


NCBI protein align matices from:


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see


Feel free to contact me to request features. Bug reports are appreciated.

  1. Add tests
  2. Finish adding the following options:
  • No unneeded gaps:

  • Penalised gaps at ends:

  • free gaps at ends:

Algorithms to investigate: Gotoh Hirschberg's algorithm using linear space Myer's bit-vector algorithm Combination of Myer's and Hirschberg's algorithm