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137 lines (92 loc) · 3.43 KB

File metadata and controls

137 lines (92 loc) · 3.43 KB


See architecture page for understanding gotd.

This project follows Conventional Commits.

Before creating pull requests, please read the coding guidelines and follow some existing pull requests.

General tradeoffs:

  • Less is more
  • Maintainability > feature bloat
  • Simplicity > speed
  • Consistency > elegance


Use a test server! Don't test on production servers!

Each phone number is limited to only a certain amount of logins per day (e.g. 5, but this is subject to change) after which the API will return a flood error until the next day. This might not be enough for testing the implementation of User Authorization flows in client applications.

Test servers

You can use AddrTest with TestAppID and TestAppHash to connect to test servers.

It is also possible to use test phone numbers directly when connecting or via TestAuth helper.

Our testing group

The @gotd_test group can be used to test clients on production servers, it should be relatively safe to test updates handling (i.e. passive) functions like that.

As always, we recommend test servers instead.


Please provide benchcmp output if your PR tries to optimize something.

Note that in most cases, readability is more important than speed.


Please check the projects page for features that are on the roadmap. If you have an idea for a new feature, please open a feature request first.

Also, it will be great to contact the developers to discuss implementation details.

Updating schema

If a new layer is released in tdesktop repo, you can do this to update it:

$ make download_schema generate

Please don't do it too early, because it is possible to have multiple versions of layers.


This project uses fuzzing to increase overall stability and decrease possibility of DOS attacks.

To prepare the fuzzing binary, do this:

$ make fuzz_telegram_build

Now you can start the fuzzer locally:

$ make fuzz_telegram

Please refer to dvyukov/go-fuzz for advanced usage.

Testing allocations

Please test that hot paths are not allocating too much.

func TestBuffer_ResetN(t *testing.T) {
    var b Buffer
    testutil.ZeroAlloc(t, func() {

func TestAllocs(t *testing.T) {
    const allocThreshold = 512

    testutil.MaxAlloc(t, allocThreshold, func() {
        _ = c.handleMessage(&bin.Buffer{Buf: data})

Coding guidance

Please read Uber code style.


Don't move the first argument to next line if it is not grouped with other arguments.

    zap.Duration("retry_interval", cfg.RetryInterval),
    zap.Int("max_retries", cfg.MaxRetries),
    zap.Duration("retry_interval", cfg.RetryInterval),
    zap.Int("max_retries", cfg.MaxRetries),