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Adoption Configuration Pipelines

This repository contains the configuration for each application within the Adoption pod. Each application has it's own configuration set.

See the configuration pipelines documentation for more information.

These pipelines are deployed through secure pipelines, any new parameters committed to main branch will be deployed to all environments.

Add a new parameter

To add new parameters to the pipeline an AWS::SSM::Parameter resource must be added and a map which represents the values for each environment.

Note: Test against ephemeral development parameters in a branch deployment before committing and deploying parameters to production.

Naming convention

The naming convention for new parameters is /application/component/setting-name:

The value given for the component section should relate to the stack being deployed, e.g. frontend, cognito, api. If a setting relates to multiple components within the application then the convention is to call this config.

Note: An additional environment section will be added for pseudo-environments such as local and preview stacks /application/environment/component/setting-name


Under the Resources section:

    Type: AWS::SSM::Parameter
    DeletionPolicy: "Retain"
      Name: !Join
        - "/"
        - - !Sub "/${Application}"
          - !If [IsLocal, !Sub "${Environment}-${LocalName}", !Ref AWS::NoValue]
          - "config"
          - "example-setting"
      Type: String
      Value: !FindInMap [ ExampleSetting, Environment, !Ref Environment ]
        "sse:component": "adoption-application-config"
        "sse:environment": !Ref Environment
        "sse:application": !Ref Application

Note: Each parameter should include the tags specified above, the application will be given attribute-based access to the parameters with these tags.


Under the Mappings section:

      local: "true"
      dev: "true"
      build: "true"
      staging: "true"
      integration: "true"
      production: "false"

Note: Each mapping MUST contain keys for all the possible values for the Environment input parameter as listed above.