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Digital Identity IPV Orchestrator Stub


An Orchestrator stub using Spark Java


The starting point for manual testing and demonstrating IPV journeys.


Variable Description Example Value
IPV_ENDPOINT The IPV core-front endpoint
IPV_BACKCHANNEL_ENDPOINT The IPV core-back endpoint https://{aws-stage-id}
IPV_BACKCHANNEL_TOKEN_PATH The IPV core-back token endpoint path /dev/token
IPV_BACKCHANNEL_USER_IDENTITY_PATH The IPV core-back user identity path /dev/user-identity
ORCHESTRATOR_CLIENT_ID The id of the orch stub some-client-id
ORCHESTRATOR_REDIRECT_URL The orch stub call-back url http://localhost:8083/callback
ORCHESTRATOR_CLIENT_SIGNING_KEY The orch stub private key for its client authentication JWT {base64 encoded pkcs8 private key}
ORCHESTRATOR_CLIENT_JWT_EXPIRY_MINS The expiry time in mins for the orch client auth JWT 10
PORT The port number the orchestrator should run on 8083

Running locally

To run locally, you can run the startup script.


This will first build the project with gradle, and after it will attempt to run it.

Once started, visit http://localhost:8081/. By clicking on the Prove your identity button, you will be redirected to the IPV engine, which will redirect back to the callback URL.

After, the orchestrator sends some HTTP requests to exchange the code for a token and to fetch the user info via back-channels.

Remote Debugging

A remote JVM debugger can be attached on port 5007