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A simple process monitor for fast dev-reload cycles.

Quick Start

npm install @launchfort/bullseye -D

To use the API:

import * as bullseye from '@launchfort/bullseye'

let serverHandle = null
bullseye.monitorModule('./server.js', {
  waitForReady: true,
  env: process.env,
  execArgv: '-r babel/register'
}).then(handle => {
  serverHandle = handle

// Somewhere else in the code after source code has changed...
if (serverHandle) {
    .then(handle => {
       serverHandle = handle

To use the CLI (spawned process):

  "scripts": {
    "dev": "bullseye node -r babel/register ./server"

To use the CLI (forked module):

  "scripts": {
    "dev": "bullseye ./server.js --arg value --arg2 -- -r babel/register --waitForReady"

When specifying a .js file as the command, arguments are parsed a bit differently. All arguments before -- are passed to the forked process whereas all arguments after -- are assumed to be execArgv arguments, except for --waitForReady.

Graceful Shutdown

A module being monitored by bullseye needs to respond to shutdown message to gracefully shutdown.


const http = require('http');

const hostname = '';
const port = 3000;

// Handle the 'shutdown' message.
process.on('message', msg => {
  if (msg === 'shutdown') {

const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
  res.statusCode = 200;
  res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
  res.end('Hello World\n');

server.listen(port, hostname, () => {
  console.log(`Server running at http://${hostname}:${port}/`);

Normal processes (i.e. not modules) are terminated/restarted by sending the signal SIGINT.


Usage: bullseye command [command-options]

Options: --help Show help [boolean]


./node_modules/.bin/bullseye ./server.js --port 8080 -- -r babel/register --waitForReady

Or in a package.json (installed locally):

  "scripts": {
    "dev": "bullseye ./server.js --port 8080 -- -r babel/register --waitForReady"


monitor(cmd, options)

Monitor a child process by spawning it.

Supported options:

  • env Envionrment variables to pass to the child process
  • silent Determines if the stdout/stderr is piped (true) or inherited (false)

Returns a Promise that resolves to a process handle that has the following shape

  get stopped () {},
  get started () {},
  stop (): Promise<void>,
  restart (): Promise<Handle>

Where handle.promise is a promise that will be resolved/rejected when the child process exits or encounters an error.


import { monitor } from '@launchfort/bullseye'

monitor('node -r babel/register server.js', { env: process.env })
  .then(handle => {

monitorModule(moduleName, args, options)

Moniors a forked child process that runs a node module.

Supported options:

  • env Envionrment variables to pass to the child process
  • silent Determines if the stdout/stderr is piped (true) or inherited (false)
  • waitForReady Determines if bullseye should wait for the ready message before deeming the process ready
  • execPath Executable used to create the child process
  • execArgv List of string arguments passed to the executable (can also be a string)

Returns a Promise that resolves to a process handle that has the following shape

  get stopped () {},
  get started () {},
  stop (): Promise<void>,
  restart (): Promise<Handle>

Where handle.promise is a promise that will be resolved/rejected when the child process exits or encounters an error.


import { monitorModule } from '@launchfort/bullseye'

monitorModule('server.js', [], {
  env: process.env,
  waitForReady: true,
  execArgv: '-r babel/register'
}).then(handle => {

Ready Message

When waitReady is true, a module must signal it's ready by sending the ready message like the following:

if (process.connected) {
  process.nextTick(() => process.send('ready'))

Modules have 5 seconds to send this message before bullseye will assume the module is ready.


To build the source

npm run build
npm run build:node

To clean all generated folders

npm run clean


Unit tests are expected to be colocated next to the module/file they are testing and have the following suffix .test.js.

To run unit tests through istanbul and mocha

npm test


To check what modules in node_modules is outdated

npm run audit

To update outdated modules while respecting the semver rules in the package.json

npm update

To update a module to the latest major version (replacing what you have)

npm install themodule@latest -S (if to save in dependencies)
npm install themodule@latest -D (if to save in devDependencies)