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248 lines (168 loc) · 8.04 KB

File metadata and controls

248 lines (168 loc) · 8.04 KB



Whitespace is a regular space, horizontal and vertical tab newline, formfeed and comments (C0 Reference). Multi-line comments can be nested. Whitespace may come between any tokens, except the sequences defined in the Lexical Tokens section.

whitespace ::= whitespaceAtom+

whitespaceAtom ::= (space) | (horizontal tab) |
                  (vertical tab) | (new line) | (formfeed) |
                  singleLineComment | multiLineComment

singleLineComment ::= // [^\n]* \n

multiLineComment ::=  /* (multiLineComment | (any char))* */

Lexical Tokens

The sequences defined in this section may not contain whitespace between the tokens.


  • normalChar excludes \ (this removes an ambiguity in the original grammar)

identifier := [A-Za-z_] [A-Za-z0-9_]*

decimalNumber := 0 | [1-9] [0-9]*

hexNumber := 0 [xX] [0-9a-fA-F]+

string := " stringChar* "

chararacter := ' charChar '

library := < libraryChar* >

stringChar := normalChar | escape

charChar := normalChar | escape | " | \0

libraryChar := (not control char and not >)

normalChar := (not control char, not ", and not \)

escape := \ [ntvbrfa"']


Diverges from reference: ., ->, ?, and : are not defined as binary operators since they have difference semantics from the other binary operators

prefixOperator := ! | ~ | - | *

postfixOperator := -- | ++

binaryOperator := * | / | % | + | - | << | >> |
                  < | <= | >= | > | == | != |
                  & | ^ | | | && | ||

assignmentOperator := = | += | -= | *= | /= | %= |
                      <<= | >>= | &= | ^= | |=


Divergence from reference:

  • Reserved names are parsed as normal identifiers
typeReference ::= [ struct ] identifier typeModifier*

typeModifier ::= * | [ ]


Divergence from reference

  • \result and \length are allowed as regular expressions. These are only allowed inside annotations for well-formed programs.
  • Increment operations (++ and --) are defined as expressions. A separate pass must check that they are only used in expressionStatement constructs, not as a part of another expression.
  • Imprecision specifiers (?) have been added to support gradual verification. These may only be used in specifications, not in general expressions, but this requirement is not encoded in the grammar.
  • Accessibility predicates (acc()) have been added to support verification using IDF. The value passed to acc() must be a field, dereference, or combination of both, but this requirement is not encoded in the grammar.
expression ::= binaryExpression [? expression : expression]

binaryExpression ::= basicExpression (binaryOperator basicExpression)*

basicExpression ::= prefixOperator* atomExpression member* postfixOperator?

atomExpression ::=
  | parenExpression
  | stringExpression
  | characterExpression
  | hexNumberExpression
  | decimalNumberExpression
  | booleanExpression
  | nullExpression
  | resultExpression
  | lengthExpression
  | accessibilityExpression
  | imprecisionExpression
  | allocExpression
  | allocArrayExpression
  | invokeExpression
  | variableExpression

parenExpression ::= ( expression )

stringExpression ::= string
libraryExpression ::= library
characterExpression ::= character
hexNumberExpression ::= hexNumber
decimalNumberExpression ::= decimalNumber
booleanExpression ::= true | false
nullExpression ::= NULL

resultExpression ::= \result

lengthExpression ::= \length ( expression )

accessibilityExpression ::= acc ( expression )

imprecisionExpression ::= ?

allocExpression ::= alloc ( type )

allocArrayExpression ::= alloc_array ( type , expression )

invokeExpression ::= identifier ( expression (, expression)* )

variableExpression ::= identifier

member ::= dottedMember | pointerMember | indexMember
dottedMember ::= . identifier
pointerMember ::= -> identifier
indexMember ::= [ expression ]



  • Do not allow a new-line inside a single line annotation (//@)
  • Allow @ as a valid whitespace character inside annotations
  • Add fold and unfold specifications
<specification> ::= <requiresSpecExprification> |
                    <ensuresSpecExprification> |
                    <loopInvariantSpecExprification> |
                    <assertSpecExprification> |
                    <unfoldSpecExprification> |

<requiresSpecExprification> ::= "requires" <expression> ";"

<ensuresSpecExprification> ::= "ensures" <expression> ";"

<loopInvariantSpecExprification> ::= "loop_invariant" <expression> ";"

<assertSpecExprification> ::= "assert" <expression> ";"

<unfoldSpecExprification> ::= "unfold" <identifier> "(" [expression ("," expression)*] ")" ";"

<foldSpecExprification> ::= "fold" <identifier> "(" [expression ("," expression)*] ")" ";"

<annotations> ::= <annotation>*

<annotation> ::= "//@" <specification>* "\n" |
                 "/*@" <specification>* "@*/"


Divergence from reference:

  • L-Values are parsed as expressions, which means that invalid statements can be successfully parsed where a complex expression is used where an L-Value is required.
  • Parsing postfix operations at this level violates the operator precedence, but since the LHS must be an L-Value, operators (except for *) will not be used in the LHS if it is well-formed. This means that only the precedence of the * operator relative to the postfix operators matters for well-formed code.
  • Annotations are parsed at the start of a block statement. This is to avoid requiring back-tracking when parsing an empty block containing only annotations, with no statements. Allowing back-tracking after parsing annotations would require that all expression constructs would also allow back-tracking. This does, however, require patching the first statement of a block and attaching the parsed annotations to it.
statement ::= annotations concreteStatement

concreteStatement ::= blockStatement |
                      ifStatement |
                      whileStatement |
                      forStatement |
                      returnStatement |
                      assertStatement |
                      errorStatement |
                      simpleStatement ;

blockStatement ::= { annotations statement* annotations }

ifStatement ::= if ( expression ) statement [else statement]

whileStatement ::= while ( expression ) statement

forStatement ::= for ( simpleStatement ; expression ; simpleStatement ) statement

returnStatement ::= return [expression] ;

assertStatement ::= assert ( expression ) ;

errorStatement ::= error ( expression ) ;

simpleStatement ::= variableStatement |
variableStatement ::= typeReference identifier [= expression]
expressionStatement ::= expression [assignmentOperator expression]


Divergence from reference

  • Declarations are parsed as definitions with no body, not as a separate construct
  • Predicate annotations are added, using the form predicate name(arguments) = <expression>;
<definition> ::= <structDefinition> |
                 <typeDefinition> |
                 <methodDefinition> |
                 <useDeclaration> |

<structDefinition> ::= "struct" <identifier> [<structFields>] ;
<structFields> ::= "{" <structField>* "}"
<structField> ::= <typeReference> <identifier> ";"

<typeDefinition> ::= "typedef" <typeReference> <identifier> ";"

<methodDefinition> ::= <typeReference> <identifier>
                       "(" [<methodParameter> ("," <methodParameter>)*] ")"
                       (<blockStatement> | ";")

<methodParameter> ::= <typeReference> <identifier>

<useDeclaration> ::= "#use" (<libraryExpression> | <stringExpression>)

<predicateAnnotation> ::= "//@" <predicateDefinition>* "\n" |
                           "/*@" <predicateDefinition>* "@*/"

<predicateDefinition> ::= "predicate" <identifier>
                          "(" [<methodParameter> ("," <methodParameter>)*] ")"
                          "=" expression ";"