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Releases: grafana/grafana-operator


18 Jan 16:46
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-feature: AzureAd configuration for Grafana.ini, thanks @tesharp
-feature: SamlAuth configuration for Grafana.ini, thanks @erezo9
-feature: Service name configuration for Grafana.
-feature: InfluxDB for datasources, thanks @DeanBrunt
-feature: DerivedFields for datasources.
-feature: MaxLines for Loki datasources
-feature: JSON Logging enabled for Grafana.ini, thanks @goof15kw
-feature: Multi-Arch builds (awaiting tokens, but will work soon), thanks @morlay
-improvement: Base Image changed to ubi8/ubi-minimal:8.3
-improvement/fix: Grafana will only update status fields if they have changed from the previous loop, thanks @CathalOConnorRH
-fix: Concurrent map iteration and map write bug in plugin logic, thanks @b1zzu


10 Dec 12:59
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  • feature: support for Azure data sources. See #293 . Thanks @HubertStefanski
  • improvement: new logger, operator is now much quieter. Thanks @HubertStefanski
  • fix: reuse TCP connections when fetching dashboards from URLs. Thanks @tpalfalvi and @tapih
  • feature: readiness and liveness probes are now configurable. Thanks @HubertStefanski


14 Oct 14:22
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  • feature: Grafana updated to version 7.1.1.
  • feature: Jsonnet with built in Grafonnet support.
  • feature: Base image can be overridden in the CR. Thanks @dongwangdw
  • feature: Support setting the clusterIP in the service config. Thanks @danielqsj
  • feature: Support injecting env vars from secret or config maps.
  • feature: Allow setting the pod priority class for the Grafana pod.
  • feature: Extended folder support by setting a customFolderName in the dashboard CR. Thanks @HubertStefanski
  • fix: avoid refetching when dashboards are loaded from URL. Thanks @vrutkovs

NOTE: the container base image has changed from alpine to ubi.


22 Jul 07:47
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  • feature: folder support. This release will put every dashboard in a folder named after the origin namespace of the dashboard. Thanks @HubertStefanski
  • feature: requests and limits now configurable for init containers too. Thanks @stgarf
  • feature: image pull secrets can now be specified for service accounts. Thanks @AdheipSingh
  • feature: Stackdriver datasources are now supported. See #225
  • fix: preferService was ignored when ingress or route were not disabled. Thanks @HubertStefanski

NOTE: when updating to this release, dashboards will be put into folders. The folder name is the namespace of the dashboard. We plan to extend folder support and make it more configurable in future releases.


24 Jun 11:43
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  • feature: persistent storage for the Grafana Data directory. Thanks @polefishu
  • feature: namespace selector when --scan-all is used. Thanks @R-Lawton
  • feature: configuring Grafana container security context. Thanks @AdheipSingh
  • fix: deadlock caused by readiness probe when upgrading. Thanks @Rajagopalan-Ranganathan
  • cleanup remove useless function call. Thanks @kqzh


11 May 15:44
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  • email_attribute_path now configurable in oauth.generic . Thanks @mjattiot
  • Fixed a data race condition when importing from a large number of namespaces. Thanks @obrienrobert
  • Termination grace period is now configurable in the deployment section. Thanks @AdheipSingh
  • Fixed an issue where dashboards would not get reimported when operator and Grafana are restarted. Thanks @renanqts


08 Apr 21:48
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  • Use crypto/rand instead of math/rand
  • Allow additional fields for data sources jsonData and secureJsonData. See #157 , thanks @Slach
  • ConfigMaps as dashboard targets. See #139 , thanks @phillebaba


02 Mar 09:06
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  • Feature: support for Tolerations, Affinity, SecurityContext and NodeSelector in the deployment config. Thanks @AdheipSingh
  • Fix: allow setting role_attribute_path in auth.generic_oauth. Thanks @renanqts
  • Feature: Includes ansible scripts for installing and configuring the operator. Thanks @itewk
  • Feature: Gitlab supported in auth configuration. Thanks @shivpathak
  • Fix: does no longer overwrite preexisting annotations.
  • Fix: missing permissions for events. Thanks @Slach
  • Fix: use Ingress hostname from CR if available to fix #136 and #137
  • Fix: do not reuse dashboard IDs to prevent dashboards overwriting other dashboards in certain cases. Thanks @davidkirwan @R-Lawton


03 Jan 13:15
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Following advice from here:

We've determined that we need to make the change to the module version:

git diff master go_mod_version_bamp 
diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod
index 2460be6..620de8f 100644
--- a/go.mod
+++ b/go.mod
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 go 1.13

Users of the operator will now need to do the following to access the latest version:

  • need to now import grafana-operator eg: go get
  • need to modify imports eg:
import (
	grafanav1alpha1 ""


12 Dec 10:40
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  • fixes #88 (volume mounts for additional configmaps incorrectly prefixed)
  • adds an example for #63 and fixes a bug where invalid configuration for remote cache was generated