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Synthetic Monitoring API

This document describes the Synthetic Monitoring API. All the entry points return results formatted as JSON objects.


Please see the online documentation for the URL of the API server corresponding to the region of your Grafana Cloud stack.


All the entry points that indicate that they require authentication must provide an access token obtained by calling /api/v1/register/install.

The access token MUST be used in authenticated API calls in a Authorization header like the following:

Authorization: Bearer <accessToken>

Common types

The following types are shared among several entry points.


A hostedInstance represents the information about either a hosted metric or a hosted log instance. Only hosted metric instances have currentActiveSeries and currentDpm information.

For hosted metrics instances, the type is prometheus.

For hosted logs instances, the type is logs.

<hostedInstance>: {
    "id": <integer>,
    "orgSlug": <string>,
    "orgName": <string>,
    "clusterSlug": <string>,
    "clusterName": <string>,
    "type": <string>,
    "name": <string>,
    "url": <string>,
    "description": <string>,
    "status": <string>,
    "currentActiveSeries": <float>,
    "currentDpm": <float>,
    "currentUsage": <float>

Whenever a request returns an error, the response has the following format:

    "code": <int>,
    "msg": <string>,
    "err": <string>

The msg field is intended to be presented to the user, if necessary.

Registration API

This part of the API is used during the setup phase of the application.


Method: POST

Authorization required: yes (see description)

Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8


	"stackId": 123,
	"metricsInstanceId": 456,
	"logsInstanceId": 789


Authorization: Bearer <grafana publisher token>


    "accessToken": <string>,
    "tenantInfo": {
        "id": <integer>,
        "metricInstance": <hostedInstance>,
        "logInstance": <hostedInstance>,


This entry point sets up a new tenant for the specified stack, using the corresponding hosted metric and log instances.

The authentication is different from all the other authenticated entry points in that the token is not the access token returned by this call, but instead it's a API publisher token. This token is used to authenticate the request and obtain the organization associated with the new tenant. It is also saved by the Synthetic Monitoring backend and passed to the probes so that they can publish metrics and logs to the specified hosted instances.

A new Synthetic Monitoring tenant is created if there isn't one already for the specified stack, or updated with the new instance details otherwise. In either case the information for the tenant is returned in the tenantInfo field. The details for hosted metrics and hosted logs instances for this tenant are returned in the respective fields of tenantInfo.

The value of the accessToken field MUST be used for authentication as explained in the "authentication" section of this document.


The access tokens obtained using /api/v1/register/install can be managed using the entrypoints described in this section.


Method: POST

Authorization required: yes

Body: none


    "msg": <user facing message>,
    "accessToken": <new token>


A new access token is created for the authenticated tenant.


Method: DELETE

Authorization required: yes

Body: none


    "msg": <user facing message>,


The access token used for authentication is deleted.


Method: POST

Authorization required: yes

Body: none


    "msg": <user facing message>,
    "accessToken": <new token>


A new access token is created for the authenticated tenant. The token used for authentication is deleted.


Method: POST

Authorization required: yes

Body: none


    "msg": <user facing message>,
    "isValid": true


This authenticated endpoint can be used to verify the validity of existing tokens.

Since the call is authenticated, if the provided token is invalid the server will return a 401 error so the "isValid" field will never be set to false.



Method: POST

Authorization required: yes

Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8


    "target": <string>,
    "job": <string>,
    "frequency": <int>,
    "timeout": <int>,
    "enabled": <boolean>,
    "alertSensitivity": <string>,
    "basicMetricsOnly": <boolean>,
    "probes": [
    "labels": [
        "name": <string>,
        "value": <string>
    "settings": <CheckSettings>

Check settings are always specified using the following structure:

<CheckSettings>: {
  "dns": <DnsSettings>,
  "http": <HttpSettings>,
  "ping": <PingSettings>,
  "tcp": <TcpSettings>

Exactly one of the fields MUST be specified.

For DNS, the structure is as follows:

<DnsSettings>: {
  "ipVersion": <IpVersion>,
  "sourceIpAddress": <string>,
  "server": <string>,
  "port": <int>,
  "recordType": ("ANY"|"A"|"AAAA"|"CNAME"|"MX"|"NS"|"PTR"|"SOA"|"SRV"|"TXT"),
  "protocol": ("TCP"|"UDP"),
  "validRCode": [<string>, ...],
  "validateAnswerRRS": <DnsRRValidator>,
  "validateAuthorityRRS": <DnsRRValidator>,
  "validateAditionalRRS": <DnsRRValidator>

For HTTP, the structure is as follows:

<HttpSettings>: {
  "ipVersion": <IpVersion>,
  "headers": [
  "body": [<string>],
  "noFollowRedirects": <boolean>,
  "tlsConfig": <TLSConfig>,
  "basicAuth": {
    "username": <string>,
    "password": <string>
  "bearerToken": <string>,
  "proxyURL": <string>,
  "failIfSSL": <boolean>,
  "failIfNotSSL": <boolean>,
  "validStatusCodes": [
  "validHTTPVersions": [
  "failIfBodyMatchesRegexp": [
  "failIfBodyNotMatchesRegexp": [
  "failIfHeaderMatchesRegexp": [
  "failIfHeaderNotMatchesRegexp": [
  "cacheBustingQueryParamName": <string>

For ping (ICMP), the structure is as follows:

<PingSettings>: {
  "ipVersion": <IpVersion>,
  "sourceIpAddress": <string>,
  "payloadSize": <int>,
  "dontFragment": <boolean>

For TCP, the structure is as follows:

<TcpSettings>: {
  "ipVersion": <IpVersion>,
  "sourceIpAddress": <string>,
  "tls": <boolean>,
  "tlsConfig": <TLSConfig>,
  "queryResponse": [
      "send": <base64-encoded data>,
      "expect": <base64-encoded data>,
      "startTLS": <boolean>

For MultiHTTP, the structure is as follows:

<MultiHttpSettings>: {
  "entries": [
      "variables": [
          type: <int>,
          name: <string>,
          expression: <string>,
          attribute: <string>,
      "checks": [
          type: <int>,
          subject: <int>,
          expression: <string>,
          condition: <int>,
          value: <string>
      "request": {
        url: <string>,
        body: {
          contentType: <string>,
          contentEncoding: <string>,
          payload: <string>,
        headers: [
            name: <string>,
            value: <string>,
        queryFields: [
            name: <string>,
            value: <string>,

The following structures are used in multiple fields:

<IpVersion>: ("V4"|"V6"|"Any")

<DnsRRValidator>: {
  "failIfMatchesRegexp": [<regexp>, ...],
  "failIfNotMatchesRegexp": [<regexp>, ...]

<TLSConfig>: {
  "insecureSkipVerify": <boolean>,
  "caCert": <base64-encoded data>,
  "clientCert": <base64-encoded data>,
  "clientKey": <base64-encoded data>,
  "serverName": <string>

<HeaderMatch>: {
  "header": <string>,
  "regexp": <regexp>,
  "allowMissing": <boolean>


    "id": <int>,
    "tenantId": <int>,
    "target": <string>,
    "job": <string>,
    "frequency": <int>,
    "timeout": <int>,
    "enabled": <boolean>,
    "alertSensitivity": <string>,
    "basicMetricsOnly": <boolean>,
    "probes": [
    "labels": [
        "name": <string>,
        "value": <string>
    "settings": <CheckSettings>,
    "created": <timestamp>,
    "modified": <timestamp>


When adding a check, it's necessary to specify target and job as well as at least one probe ID.

The frequency value specifies how often the check runs in milliseconds (the value is not truly a "frequency" but a "period"). The minimum acceptable value is 1 second (1000 ms), and the maximum is 1 hour (3600000 ms).

The timeout value specifies the maximum running time for the check in milliseconds. The minimum acceptable value is 1 second (1000 ms), and the maximum 60 seconds (60000 ms).

The ipVersion value specifies whether the corresponding check will be performed using IPv4 or IPv6. The "Any" value indicates that IPv6 should be used, falling back to IPv4 if that's not available.

The basicMetricsOnly value specifies which set of metrics probes will collect. This is set to true by default in the UI which results in less active series or can be set to false for the advanced set. We maintain a full list of metrics collected for each.

The alertSensitivity value defaults to none if there are no alerts or can be set to low, medium, or high to correspond to the check alert levels.

The maximum number of labels that can be specified per check is 5. These are applied, along with the probe-specific labels, to the outgoing metrics. The names and values of the labels cannot be empty, and the maximum length is 32 bytes.

For ping checks, the target must be a valid hostname or IP address.

For http checks the target must be a URL (http or https). The header field specifies multiple headers that will be included in the request, in the format that is appropriate for the HTTP version that should be checked. The cacheBustingQueryParamName is the name of the query parameter that should be used to prevent the server from serving a cached response (the value of this parameter is a random value generated each time the check is performed).

For dns checks, the target must be a valid hostname (or IP address for PTR records).

For tcp checks, the target must be of the form <host>:<port>, where the host portion must be a valid hostname or IP address.

The returned value contains the ID assigned to this check, as well as the ID of the tenant to which it belongs.


Method: POST

Authorization required: yes

Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8


    "id": <int>,
    "tenantId": <int>,
    "target": <string>,
    "job": <string>,
    "frequency": <int>,
    "timeout": <int>,
    "enabled": <boolean>,
    "alertSensitivity": <string>,
    "basicMetricsOnly": <boolean>,
    "probes": [
    "labels": [
        "name": <string>,
        "value": <string>
    "settings": <CheckSettings>


    "id": <int>,
    "tenantId": <int>,
    "target": <string>,
    "job": <string>,
    "frequency": <int>,
    "timeout": <int>,
    "enabled": <boolean>,
    "alertSensitivity": <string>,
    "basicMetricsOnly": <boolean>,
    "probes": [
    "labels": [
        "name": <string>,
        "value": <string>
    "settings": <CheckSettings>,
    "created": <timestamp>,
    "modified": <timestamp>


Update an existing check. The parameters are the same as those for adds, with the exception that both the current check ID and the current tenant ID must be provided. The response includes the updated value of the modified field.


Method: DELETE

Authorization required: yes


  "msg": "check deleted",
  "checkId": <int>


The check with the specified ID is deleted.


Method: GET

Authorization required: yes




List all the checks for the tenant associated with the authorization token.


Method: GET

Authorization required: yes


    "id": <int>,
    "tenantId": <int>,
    "target": <string>,
    "job": <string>,
    "frequency": <int>,
    "timeout": <int>,
    "enabled": <boolean>,
    "alertSensitivity": <string>,
    "basicMetricsOnly": <boolean>,
    "probes": [
    "labels": [
        "name": <string>,
        "value": <string>
    "settings": <CheckSettings>,
    "created": <timestamp>,
    "modified": <timestamp>


Get a specific check, that matches the id supplied in the URL parameter.


Method: GET

Authorization required: yes


    "id": <int>,
    "tenantId": <int>,
    "target": <string>,
    "job": <string>,
    "frequency": <int>,
    "timeout": <int>,
    "enabled": <boolean>,
    "alertSensitivity": <string>,
    "basicMetricsOnly": <boolean>,
    "probes": [
    "labels": [
        "name": <string>,
        "value": <string>
    "settings": <CheckSettings>,
    "created": <timestamp>,
    "modified": <timestamp>


Get a specific check, that matches the job and target supplied in the query parameters.



Method: POST

Authorization required: yes

Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8


  "name": <string>,
  "latitude": <float>,
  "longitude": <float>,
  "region": <string>,
  "labels": [
      "name": <string>,
      "value": <string>


  "probe": {
    "id": <int>,
      "tenantId": <int>,
      "name": <string>,
      "latitude": <float>,
      "longitude": <float>,
      "labels": [
        "name": <string>,
        "value": <string>
      "region": <string>,
      "public": <bool>,
      "online": <bool>,
      "onlineChange": <float>,
      "created": <float>,
      "modified": <float>
  "token": <string>


Add a probe for the tenant associated with the authorization token. The public field is reserved for use by Grafana Labs; the public field is ignored if specified.

The response contains all the values for the newly added probe as well as a token that they MUST present to the GRPC server in order to connect successfully.


Method: POST

Query parameter: reset-token (optional, no value)

Authorization required: yes

Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8


  "id": <int>,
  "tenantId": <int>,
  "name": <string>,
  "latitude": <float>,
  "longitude": <float>,
  "labels": [
    "name": <string>,
    "value": <string>
  "region": <string>,


  "probe": {
    "id": <int>,
      "tenantId": <int>,
      "name": <string>,
      "latitude": <float>,
      "longitude": <float>,
      "labels": [
        "name": <string>,
        "value": <string>
      "region": <string>,
      "public": <bool>,
      "online": <bool>,
      "onlineChange": <float>,
      "created": <float>,
      "modified": <float>
  "token": <string>


This entry point is used to update an existing probe. Both the id and tenantId values are required.

When the optional query parameter reset-token is included, the existing API token is reset, and the new one is returned as part of the response.


Method: GET

Authorization required: yes


    "id": <int>,
    "tenantId": <int>,
    "name": <string>,
    "latitude": <float>,
    "longitude": <float>,
    "labels": [
        "name": <string>,
        "value": <string>
    "region": <string>,
    "public": <bool>,
    "online": <bool>,
    "onlineChange": <float>,
    "created": <float>,
    "modified": <float>



Method: DELETE

Authorization required: yes


  "msg": "probe deleted",
  "probeID": <int>


The probe with the specified ID is deleted.



Method: GET

Authorization required: yes




This entry point is used to obtain the information associated with the authenticated tenant.


Method: POST

Authorization required: yes

Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8


  "id": <int>,
  "metricsRemote": {
    "name": <string>,
    "url": <string>,
    "username": <string>,
    "password": <string>
  "eventsRemote": {
    "name": <string>,
    "url": <string>,
    "username": <string>,
    "password": <string>
  "status": {
    "code": <int>,
    "reason": <string>


	"msg": "tenant updated",
	"tenant": <tenant>


This entry point is used to update the metrics and events (logs) remote information. The specified URLs are passed down to the probes, and they use them to publish metrics and events.

If the metrics and events (logs) remote information is present, it's updated in the existing tenant. The specified URLs are passed down to the probes, and they use them to publish metrics and events.

If the status information is present, it's updated in the existing tenant. Both the "code" and "reason" fields must be provided.

If the tenant status or the tenant's remote information changes, the change is communicated to the probes. Specifically, if the tenant becomes inactive, the associated checks are stopped; if the tenant becomes active, the associated checks are started; if the remote information changes, this is communicated to the probes so that they refetch the authentication tokens as necessary.


Method: DELETE

Authorization required: yes


	"msg": "tenant deleted",
	"tenantId": <int>


This entry point is used to delete an existing tenant.

Before a tenant can be deleted all its checks and its probes must be deleted. This is not done automatically.