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@grainular/nord-forms is a library that simplifies and enhances form handling in Nørd applications. It provides a set of utilities and components to streamline form creation, validation, and submission, making it easier to build interactive and user-friendly forms.


You can install @grainular/nord-forms using npm or yarn:

# Using yarn
yarn add @grainular/nord-forms

# Using npm
npm install @grainular/nord-forms


  • Declarative Form Building: Forms are built using predefined, abstract building blocks, Control, ControlGroup, ControlList, that all represent a certain set of data structure.
  • Reactive: Using Nørds grainular reactivity system, controls are full reactive.
  • Template driven: Every control hooks directly into the template using predefined control directives.
  • Typesafe: All controls are strongly typed.


You can find the complete documentation here.


Creating a form

To create a form using @grainular/nord-forms, you can import the necessary components and utilities. Here's an example of how to create a simple form:

import { createComponent, render } from '@grainular/nord';
import { createControl, createControlGroup } from '@grainular/nord-forms';

const App = createComponent((html) => {
    const form = createControlGroup({
        name: createControl<string>({ value: null }),

    const onSubmit = () => {
        console.log({ value: form.rawValue });

    return html`<form ${form.handle({ onSubmit })}>
            <input ${} type="text" placeholder="Name..." />

render(App, { target: document.querySelector('#app') });

In this example, we import createControl and createControlGroup from @grainular/nord-forms to create a form with a single "name" field. The form handles the submission and logs the form data when the "Submit" button is clicked.

Building Blocks

@grainular/nord-forms provides the following building blocks for creating forms:


The Control represents an individual form control. It allows you to define the control's initial value and manage its state.


The ControlGroup is used to group multiple Control instances together. It simplifies form management by providing a unified interface for handling multiple form controls.


The ControlList enables the creation of dynamic lists of form controls. It's useful for scenarios where you need to manage a variable number of form elements.


Contributions to Nørd are always welcome! Whether it's bug reports, feature requests, or code contributions, please read our contribution guidelines for more information on getting involved.


Nørd-forms is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT License.