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@grainular/nord-router is a powerful client-side routing library for Nørd applications. It provides an intuitive and flexible API to manage navigation and route handling in modern web applications, leveraging Nørd's reactive and component-based architecture.


You can install @grainular/nord-router using npm or yarn:

# Using yarn
yarn add @grainular/nord-router

# Using npm
npm install @grainular/nord-router


  • Declarative Routing: Define routes in a simple and intuitive manner, with support for dynamic route parameters, nested routes, and redirects.
  • Reactive Route Handling: Utilize Nørd's reactive system to respond to route changes and manage route state.
  • Component-Based: Seamlessly integrate routing with Nørd components, enabling dynamic component rendering based on the current route.


The complete documentation can be found here


Basic Routing Setup

import { createComponent, render } from '@grainular/nord';
import { createRouter, Route } from '@grainular/nord-router';
import { Home } from './pages/';

const routes: Route[] = [
        path: '/',
        redirect: '/home',
        path: '/home',
        component: Home,
    // ... more routes ...

const router = createRouter(routes, { notFound: '/404' });

const App = createComponent((html) => {
    return html`<div>
            <!-- Navigation links -->
            <a href="/home" ${}>Home</a>

render(App, { target: document.querySelector('#app') });

This example demonstrates defining routes, creating a router, and setting up an outlet for rendering components based on the current route.


We welcome contributions to Nørd-Router! If you're interested in contributing, please check out our contribution guidelines.


Nørd-Router is made available under the MIT License. For more details, see the license file.