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This page describes the knowledge needed to efficiently contribute high-quality PRs to the Gramine project. This page also describes typical flows that Gramine developers should follow to make the process of PR review pleasant to everyone involved.

The Gramine community values code correctness and quality over development speed. Therefore, the authors should take their time to create a good PR, even if this means contributing less patches. Bear in mind that Gramine is a security-related project and needs a very careful development process.

This page is intended to be a Getting Started guide for new Gramine developers, not a reference manual on exact rules for contributing to Gramine. For the latter, please refer to :doc:`contributing`.

Pre-requisite knowledge

Gramine is a Library OS that emulates the Linux kernel. Think of Gramine as a tiny Linux re-implementation in userspace. As one example, Gramine has its own implementations of Linux system calls. As another example, Gramine implements its own /proc/ file system.

Moreover, Gramine with the Intel SGX backend also emulates/validates some CPU features. For example, Gramine with SGX verifies the return values of the CPUID instruction. As another example, Gramine with SGX verifies the consistency of the CPU/NUMA topology.

Finally, Gramine is a standalone, "nostdlib" software. This means that Gramine itself doesn't link against any standard libraries and cannot rely on common functionality like malloc, memcmp, etc. (in fact, Gramine re-implements these common functions from scratch). For example, upon startup Gramine must relocate and resolve its own symbols because there is no external dynamic linker/loader (ld) to which this work could be offloaded.

Therefore, a new Gramine developer should be well-versed in low-level programming. We recommend the following books and resources:

To meaningfully contribute to Gramine, the developer is expected to have a decent level of understanding of the concepts involved in any given subsystem of Gramine. For example, to contribute a patch/feature to Gramine's file system implementation, the developer is expected to have the Linux/Unix specific knowledge of dentries, inodes, mount points.

The Gramine subsystems (modelled after the Linux kernel) include:

  • Virtual memory management (with the concept of Virtual Memory Areas, or VMAs)
  • File systems (with concepts of Virtual File Systems, dentries, inodes, mount points, chroot, tmpfs, sysfs, devfs, mandatory locks, advisory locks)
  • Thread management (futexes and events)
  • Process management (fork, execve, copy-on-write semantics)
  • Signal handling (synchronous and asynchronous signals)
  • Communication primitives (Inter-Process Communication, pipes, named pipes, sockets, IO multiplexing, eventfd)
  • ELF binary loading (symbol relocation & resolution)

The Gramine developer is expected to be skilled in concurrent programming (synchronization primitives, data races, locking, lockless algorithms). Gramine codebase mostly uses fine-grained locks and (rarely) atomic variables.

Finally, a Gramine developer is also expected to be proficient in the software development tools and flows adopted by the Gramine community:

The above list with pre-requisite knowledge may be overwhelming at first. Indeed, Gramine developers are expected to have solid systems programming background and good Linux/Unix systems knowledge. We highly encourage to read several books on Linux kernel development and OS concepts, as well as to get comfortable with git and GDB.

Debugging with GDB

We highly recommend to debug your applications and Gramine with classic GDB debugger. Gramine has comprehensive support for GDB, both in direct mode and in SGX mode. Please see :doc:`debugging` for information on how to build Gramine with debugging support and how to start Gramine under GDB.

GDB is a powerful tool, but it comes with its own quirks. Mastering GDB may take time, but it pays off handsomely. Below we give some general advices for using GDB to debug Gramine:

  • Some developers prefer GDB's TUI (Text User Interface) over the classic CUI (Command User Interface). Both are not perfect, but here are some hints if you want to switch to TUI:

    $ (gdb) layout split
    ... now there are three panes: source code, asm and cmds

    You can return to normal command line by hitting Ctrl-x + a. You can also switch between different layouts: layout src, layout asm, layout regs. At any time, you can change focus to any of the panes: focus cmd, focus src, focus asm, focus regs -- this is useful when you want to scroll up/down or look at the history of GDB commands. Alternatively, to switch to a next pane, hit Ctrl-x + o. Also, whenever GDB's TUI output gets "mangled", type refresh or hit Ctrl + L.

  • For better debugging experience of multi-threaded applications, use set scheduler-locking on whenever you want to step through a single thread (GDB will not execute other threads in the background). To check the state of other threads, switch between threads via thread 1, thread 2 and so on.

  • For better debugging experience of multi-process applications, use set follow-fork-mode parent or set follow-fork-mode child to instruct GDB to stay in the parent process or switch to the child process during fork. Another useful GDB command is set detach-on-fork on to instruct GDB to "forget about" (detach from) the parent/child process. To check the state of other processes (inferiors in GDB parlance), switch between them via inferior 1 or (between processes + threads) thread 1.1.

  • When started under GDB, Gramine defaults to the following options:

    set detach-on-fork off              # follow both parent and child
    set schedule-multiple on            # resume all processes after stop
    handle SIGCONT pass noprint nostop  # silence SIGCONT signals

    Note that we silence SIGCONT signals: this is because Gramine uses SIGCONT internally, so these signals are expected during normal Gramine execution.

  • We highly recommend to get acquainted with different ways of stepping through code in GDB. Apart from the classic continue, step and next, we recommend using finish and until, as well as stepping through assembly code: stepi and nexti. Stepping through assembly is especially useful when debugging tricky bugs in SGX.

Also, pay attention to the unexpected (but benign) behavior of Gramine with the SGX backend when debugged under GDB:

  • Periodically, when stepping through the code, GDB may unexpectedly jump to sgx_entry.S: async_exit_pointer. This is the "landing pad" of the AEX flow of Intel SGX, and can happen at any moment in SGX enclave execution. Simply step through this async_exit_pointer function until the enclu instruction (which performs ERESUME), and GDB will continue at the correct in-enclave code. These unexpected jumps are a known bug in Gramine's integration with GDB; unfortunately we don't have a fix for this bug yet.

Typical Gramine development flows

Below we briefly discuss three typical Gramine flows, with snippets from Bash terminal sessions and GDB debugging sessions.

Fixing a bug

(This section describes a hypothetical bug that happens in Gramine with SGX. Of course, bugs can happen in Gramine with other backends, but we concentrate on the SGX scenario as it is the most common and complicated one.)

You may have encountered a genuine bug in Gramine, when your application runs fine on native Linux but fails under Gramine:

$ ./myapp
<expected output, terminates normally>

$ gramine-sgx ./myapp
<unexpected output, terminates abnormally>
  1. Gather more information on the possible bug:

    • If you are not familiar with the application internal logic, try to gather as much information on the original app as possible. In particular, read its documentation, read its source code, read its GitHub/GitLab/mailing list discussions (if available), ask app developers.

    • If you experience the bug in Gramine with SGX, try Gramine in non-SGX mode:

      $ gramine-direct ./myapp

      If the bug is exposed with gramine-direct, we recommend to debug it there first (it is simpler to debug gramine-direct rather than gramine-sgx).

    • Run Gramine with debug information: use loader.log_level = "all" in your Gramine manifest file, rebuild and restart the app under Gramine. You can save the log, either by specifying loader.log_file = "gramine.log" or simply by redirecting the output of Gramine, e.g.:

      # if you want to have app output and Gramine log mixed together
      $ gramine-sgx ./myapp 2>&1 | tee gramine.log
      # if you want to have app output and Gramine log separated
      $ gramine-sgx ./myapp 2>gramine.log

      Try to identify the system call in Gramine that goes wrong (e.g., returns an error code whereas it was supposed to finish successfully).

    • Analyze the manifest file carefully. If at least one of the binaries spawned during app execution is non-PIE, then set sgx.nonpie_binary = true. If you suspect problems with environment variables, see if it works with loader.insecure__use_host_env = true. If you observe that memory addresses change constantly and hinder your debugging, set loader.insecure__disable_aslr = true. But don't use the last two options in production; use them only for debugging and analysis!

    • Analyze FS mount points (fs.mounts) in the manifest file carefully. Check for duplicate mount points -- remember that a duplicate mount point's path shadows the previous mount point's path (i.e., if you have two mounts with path = "/lib", then files from the former mount will disappear inside Gramine).

    • Collect the strace (system call trace) log on the original (native) application, e.g.:

      $ strace -ff ./myapp 2>&1 | tee native.log

      The strace log and the Gramine debug log are somewhat similar. You can compare two logs -- the good native one and the failing Gramine one -- side-by-side in your favorite text editor. Hopefully this comparison will point you to the root cause of the Gramine failure.

  2. Debug Gramine with GDB:

    • You probably already know which system call in Gramine derails the application. So you can put a breakpoint on its emulation function. For example, if Gramine's read emulation fails, then do:

      $ GDB=1 gramine-sgx ./myapp
      (gdb) break libos_syscall_read
      (gdb) run
      ... breakpoint hit, now look at regs, look at the backtrace, etc. ...
      • When debugging Gramine with GDB, use advices from the previous section.
  3. Run your application with Gramine on several machines:

    • If possible, run your application with Gramine on machines with different configurations: different OS distros, different host Linux kernels, different SGX environments. Make notes of the exact configurations and how the application behaves on each of them.
    • Remember to add this information in the GitHub issue or PR description. This is very helpful in triaging the bug.
  4. Fix the bug itself:

    • Now that you analyzed the bug and understood its root cause, you can change Gramine source code to fix the bug. Follow our :doc:`coding-style` when modifying the code. Also, write your code in a "similar" way to how it is done in the files that you modify. Finally, try to find similar places in Gramine code and follow their style (disclaimer: some parts of the Gramine codebase are very old and do not follow our current style).
    • Ask yourself: is your bug fix generic enough, or does it only fix this particular instantiation of the bug? It is possible that your fix actually introduced another bug in the code or broke some previous functionality. Try to make the bug fix "generic" and not "ad-hoc".
    • Ask yourself: is this the only place where this bug could happen? Try to find similar places where the same or a similar bug could manifest itself and fix all such places. For example, if you found a bug in the TCP stack of Gramine, check the UDP stack -- it may contain exactly the same bug.
    • Ask yourself: what do the man pages say about this scenario? For example, if you're fixing a bug in the read syscall emulation, check man 2 read page in your Linux terminal (or read if you prefer web pages). Pay attention to ERRORS, NOTES and BUGS sections: they contain information on Linux pecularities and subtle details. The C library/kernel differences section (part of NOTES) is also very important to read. Disclaimer: man pages may contain errors and understatements or skip some important details. Keep in mind that man pages often describe generic Unix semantics and actual Linux behavior might differ; the Linux kernel codebase is the ultimate source of truth.
    • Ask yourself: what does the Linux kernel do in this scenario? It may take some effort to find a relevant code snippet in the Linux sources, but and are great resources to analyze Linux internals. For example, the read syscall implementation starts here: Remember that in the end, the Linux kernel is the ultimate source of truth.
  5. Add tests for this bug fix:

    • The first option is to find an already existing PAL/LibOS regression test that works with the buggy Gramine subsystem. For example, if you found a bug in the UDP stack, look at the libos/test/regression/udp.c test. Find a place in this test where you can add the code that triggers the bug. Also add the corresponding check (if needed) in the Python test script (libos/test/regression/ in case of LibOS regression tests).
    • The second option is to add a completely new test. Sometimes the bug reproduction code is too big or too specific to go into one of the already existing tests. In this case, just create a new test: the C source file, the corresponding manifest file (if the default manifest.template is not sufficient), and add a new test method in the Python test script.
    • The third option is to enable previously-disabled LTP tests. In Gramine, some LTP tests are currently disabled because they are known to trigger some bugs or unimplemented functionality. When you fix a bug, try to find LTP tests that were affected by this bug and re-enable them (see gramine/libos/test/ltp/ltp.cfg file for the list of LTP tests).
    • The last option is to not add any new tests. This option is quite rare, but can be used in case of hard-to-reproduce bugs. For example, some bugs only manifest themselves after hours of execution or only in very specific environments.
    • When adding a test (options 1-3 above), the author must ensure that the test is failing before the fix and succeeding afterwards. Also, the author must ensure that the test succeeds on normal Linux (without Gramine).
  6. Verify that your bug fix didn't break anything:

    • It is quite possible that your bug fix introduced another bug in Gramine, or it disabled some functionality, or it didn't take into account some corner case. You need to run the whole test suite of Gramine before publishing your bug fix:

      # build and run PAL regression tests
      $ cd pal/regression
      $ gramine-test pytest -v
      $ gramine-test --sgx pytest -v
      # build and run LibOS regression tests
      $ cd libos/test/regression
      $ gramine-test pytest -v
      $ gramine-test --sgx pytest -v
      # build and run LibOS ABI tests (currently only for x86_64)
      $ cd libos/test/abi/${arch}
      $ gramine-test pytest -v
      $ gramine-test --sgx pytest -v
      # build and run LibOS FS tests
      $ cd libos/test/fs
      $ gramine-test pytest -v
      $ gramine-test --sgx pytest -v
      # build and run LTP tests (only in non-SGX mode)
      $ cd libos/test/ltp
      $ make -j
      $ make regression

      Verify that all tests succeed. If at least one test fails, analyze and debug this test. A failing test might be a indicator of a faulty solution and the author should think carefully whether it is just "a missing corner case" or the fix needs to be redesigned/reworked.

      Modify your bug fix based on this analysis and run the whole test suite again. Repeat this process until all tests succeed. If the bug was non-deterministic or the fix involved changes in the "concurrent parts" of Gramine, we recommend to run the test suite multiple times (e.g., 10 times in a row).

      The author should test the bug fix under both debug and release builds of Gramine. Some issues expose themselves only under one or the other build.

      For more information on running tests, please check :ref:`running_regression_tests`.

    • In addition to running the test suite, try several example applications in Gramine (at least two apps that seem relevant to your bug fix):

      # your bug fix pertains to TCP/UDP network stack, so try Redis
      $ cd CI-Examples/redis
      $ make SGX=1
      $ gramine-sgx redis-server --save '' --protected-mode no &
      $ src/src/redis-benchmark
      ... make sure the benchmark succeeds

      If example apps fail, analyze and debug them. Modify your bug fix. Repeat this process until all tests and applications succeed.

  7. Publish your bug fix on

    • Git-commit your bug fix locally:

      $ git checkout -b <your-nick>/<your-branch-name>
      $ git add <Gramine files that you modified>
      $ git commit --signoff
      ... type the commit title and the commit body message ...
      $ git show   # double-check your commit!
      $ git push --set-upstream origin <your-nick>/<your-branch-name>

      You should write a good git commit message. Please follow advice from You can also check existing commit messages in Gramine. Note that the message title must be prepended with the sub-system of Gramine this commit pertains to, e.g., [LibOS] if the commit changes the LibOS code.

      The commit body message must not include GitHub issue numbers or links: we strive to make the Gramine repo self-contained and free of references to GitHub. The commit body message may include previous-commit one-liners (e.g. fixes a bug introduced in commit "Add interrupt handling").

    • Create the corresponding PR on GitHub interface will notice that you pushed a new branch to the repository and will automatically suggest to create a new PR. Follow the PR creation flow. Use a good PR title (typically the same as your git commit title). Add as much information to the PR description as possible.

      If there are open GitHub issues that will be fixed once your PR is merged, add Fixes #123 (where "123" is the GitHub issue number) to the PR description. Add this line for every issue that will be fixed if there are several of them. Also, if there are open GitHub PRs that will be closed once your PR is merged (e.g., alternative fixes to the same bug), add Closes #321 (where "321" is the GitHub PR number).

    • After you created the PR, open this PR's web page and go into Reviewable. Verify again that all the changes look correct, that you didn't accidentally add or delete some files, and that your code changes do not contain remnants from your debugging sessions. If you find some issues, use git fixup commits (see below) to fix them and then check the PR again.

  8. Wait for reviews from Gramine maintainers. Always use Reviewable to read review comments and to reply. Do not use GitHub review interface.

    • Depending on the complexity of your bug fix and the current load of maintainers, the first reviews may come in 1 to 14 days. Please keep in mind that the review process is long and tedious (as a relevant example, some patches to Linux may take several years to be merged). The Gramine community focuses on quality and security rather than speed of development, and thorough reviews are an important part of this.
    • Be prepared to see quick reviews with "Please read the contributing guide" comments if you didn't do your due diligence. Reviewers are busy with other tasks, and unplanned/external PRs cannot take priority over the reviewers' current work. Check the guides carefully and fix the identified problems in your submission.
    • Remember that many typos and obvious mistakes in your PR lead to bad first impression. Prepare your first submission carefully and verify it a couple times before publishing.
  9. Work on PR issues identified by reviewers:

    • If you don't understand some comment, ask the reviewer to explain what they mean. If you disagree with some comment, explain your position. But be mindful -- reviewers typically know the project and the particular subsystem better than you, so take a moment to analyze their comment.

    • Fix/augment your code according to comments:

      $ git checkout <your-nick>/<your-branch-name>
      ... modify your code ...

      After you finished all your fixups, run the whole test suite and several application examples again, to make sure your fixups didn't introduce new problems.

    • Follow the git fixup commit flow to publish the new revision:

      $ git add <fixed/augmented files>
      $ git commit --signoff --fixup=<hash of your main commit>
      $ git show   # double-check your fixup commit
      $ git push
    • After you git-pushed the changes, open your PR's web page and go into Reviewable. Verify that all changes look correct. Don't forget to reply with "Done" (or mark the reviewer's comment as Resolved) in Reviewable. Take into account that reviewers only track changes in Reviewable comments; reviewers do not track new git commits in PRs!

  10. If some reviewers do not reply for a long time (5-7 days), ping them explicitly, either on GitHub or via our Gitter chat.

  11. Continue resolving reviewers' comments until all reviewers explicitly approve the PR. Remember that at least two reviewers from two different organizations must approve the PR. After your got approvals from all reviewers, there is nothing for you to do -- reviewers will rebase and merge your PR themselves.

  12. After the PR is merged by reviewers/maintainers, notify all сoncerned parties about this fact, so they can test Gramine with your bug fix.

The best way to learn about these flows and requirements on the bug fix PRs is to look at already-merged PR examples. Here are a few good examples:

Please examine the history of discussions in this PRs, code revisions, and the final code that was approved and merged. You can use Reviewable for this and unfold all "resolved discussions" to read the comments.

Implementing a new system call

You may have encountered a situation where your application depends on some system call that is not implemented in Gramine (recall that -38 is the -ENOSYS error code, which means "syscall not implemented"):

$ gramine-sgx ./myapp
.. [P1:T1:app] trace: ---- some_syscall(...) = -38 ..
<unexpected output, terminates abnormally>
  1. Make sure this system call is required:

    • It is normal that some system calls are not implemented by the OS kernel. In this case, the application detects -ENOSYS and either falls back to another implementation (e.g., app first tries flock() and then falls back to fcntl()) or simply ignores the result of this syscall (e.g., ioctl(1, TCGETS, ..) can be safely ignored).

      Make sure that some_syscall returning -ENOSYS in the log is actually the root cause of the application failure. Sometimes such syscalls may be a "red herring", and the real root cause lies somewhere else.

    • Ask yourself: does it make sense to implement this system call in Gramine? Remember that Gramine is not a general-purpose OS: Gramine is not supposed to run e.g. admin tools or tools to inspect other applications. For example, it makes no sense to implement ptrace() or syslog() in Gramine. In case of doubt, ask maintainers of Gramine whether a specific system call makes sense for the project.

  2. Analyze the implementation of the system call:

    • Understand the purpose, side effects and implications of the system call in detail. Read through its man pages (via man 2 some_syscall), google it, read relevant blog posts and StackOverflow answers. A particularly useful resource for Linux system calls is
    • Read through the Linux sources: how does Linux implement this system call? is a great place to analyze Linux internals. For example, the read syscall implementation starts here: Remember that in the end, the Linux kernel is the ultimate source of truth.
    • Analyze the relevant subsystems of Gramine: which features, tools, functions, components of Gramine are required to implement the system call? For example, the read syscall is very generic: it applies to regular files, pipes, sockets, eventfd, etc. So the read syscall touches almost all components and file systems of Gramine.
  3. Discuss the system call and your proposed implementation with Gramine maintainers. Do not try to implement the system call immediately. You will need explicit approvals from Gramine maintainers that it is indeed desirable to implement the system call, and that your proposed implementation is correct.

  4. Implement the system call in Gramine. If it is a family of related system calls, try to implement all of them (but PRs with only partial support may be also fine).

    • Implement the main emulation function libos_syscall_some_syscall(). If the system call belongs to some family of already-implemented system calls, add this function to the already-existing Gramine C file. Otherwise, create a new C file under libos/src/sys/.

    • Implement the required sub-systems or components in general code of Gramine. For example, if you need to add new fields to the thread object, modify libos/include/libos_thread.h and libos/src/bookkeep/libos_thread.c.

    • If the system call cannot be resolved entirely inside the LibOS component of Gramine, and the current set of PAL API functions (Pal..() functions) is not enough to service this system call, you must add a new PAL API function (e.g., PalSomeNewFunction). You will need to implement the entry-point function (PalSomeNewFunction) in the common PAL code, as well as each host-specific function (_PalSomeNewFunction) in each supported host in PAL.

      Note that Gramine strives to keep the PAL API as small as possible. It is highly discouraged to create new PAL functions without real need. Do not try to implement this immediately, instead discuss with Gramine maintainers first.

    • You may find more information on syscall implementation in :doc:`new-syscall`.

  5. Add tests for this system call. See comments in "Fixing a bug" for more details.

The rest steps are the same as in "Fixing a bug" section above. You need to verify your modifications by running all tests and several relevant applications. Then you publish your code on GitHub and wait for reviews. You continuously work with reviewers to refine your PR until all reviewers explicitly approve the PR. After that, you wait for the PR to be merged and then you notify all concerned parties about this fact.

Below are several examples of adding a new system call:

  • #309 (mlock() and related syscalls: the implementation is a no-op apart from error checking, but that's enough for some applications)
  • #146 (sysinfo(): a minimal implementation that reports available memory)

Adding new features

Sometimes you want to add not a new system call, but rather a new feature to Gramine. the process of submitting a new feature is the same as in all other sections -- you add the necessary code locally, then git-commit and git-push them, then create a PR on GitHub and go through the review process.

One difference is that if the feature is user-visible, then you need to add documentation about this feature (typically in the "Manifest syntax" page).

Below are several good examples of adding a new feature in Gramine:

Writing documentation

Sources for Gramine documentation are located in the same Gramine repository as the core Gramine codebase itself: The documentation is written in the reStructuredText file format. For more details, refer to :doc:`howto-doc`.

The documentation sources are located under Documentation/. For example, to add documentation on the new manifest option, you open Documentation/manifest-syntax.rst and write the new text.

Since the documentation sources are placed in the same git repository, the process of submitting new documentation is the same as in all other sections -- you modify the documentation files locally, then git-commit and git-push them, then create a PR on GitHub and go through the review process.

Below are several good examples of adding documentation in Gramine:

Adding a new app example

If you successfully ran some new application in Gramine and believe it may be of use to others, you are encouraged to submit a PR with this app.

You need to be aware of several peculiarities:

  • Not all applications deserve to be in the list of curated examples in Gramine. For example, if the application is just another Python script, and running it in Gramine is trivial (by taking the already-existing Python example and slightly modifying its manifest file), then there is no sense in adding such an example.
  • All PRs for new applications must be submitted not to the core Gramine repository, but into the accompanying repo
  • A new application must contain all the necessary information to be quickly installed and tested with Gramine. A new application is also expected to follow the standard used in other Gramine example apps. See for more details.

The process of submitting a new application example is the same as in all other sections -- you add the Makefile to download and/or build the application together with its manifest file locally, then git-commit and git-push them, then create a PR on GitHub and go through the review process. The obvious difference from other sections is that you do not need to run Gramine tests or other applications for verification -- adding a new application example cannot affect other tests/apps.

Below are several good examples of adding new applications in Gramine (but note that these examples are slightly outdated and were modified in subsequent PRs):