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This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 5, 2023. It is now read-only.


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📖 Introduction

Create grammY apps with one command. Inspired and original code by create-discordx.

ℹ How it works

After starting cli, you will be prompted to select your platform, your favorite package manager, and even dockerfiles, if you so choose.

It will then download the files you want.

💻 Usage


npx @grammyjs/create-grammy


npm init @grammyjs/grammy


To always use the latest version, the prefetching way to start:

deno run --unstable --allow-env --allow-read --allow-write --allow-net --allow-run -r


deno install --unstable --allow-env --allow-read --allow-write --allow-net --allow-run -r -n create-grammy


➕ Adding own template

If you plan add template into this repository

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Clone your own repository
  3. In your forked repository, make your changes in a new git branch:
    git checkout -b my-branch main
  4. Create your template in templates/{PLATFORM} directory
  • We would like you to create templates for both platforms, if it's possible
  • Node template should contain entrypoint as src/index.ts
  • Deno template should contain entrypoint as src/mod.ts
  • By default we ship own Dockerfile, but you can write own one
  • For node we already have needed tsconfig.json, so you don't need to write this
  • For node leave name in package.json empty, because this field is automatically created at the stage of template installation
  1. Push your branch to GitHub:

    git push origin my-branch
  2. In GitHub, send a pull request to create-grammy:main.

If you have own repository with template

In this case we will mount your template as git submodule. Please, open issue with choosed Connect my own template option.