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[LeetCode] 782. Transform to Chessboard #782

grandyang opened this issue May 30, 2019 · 2 comments

[LeetCode] 782. Transform to Chessboard #782

grandyang opened this issue May 30, 2019 · 2 comments


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grandyang commented May 30, 2019


An N x N board contains only 0s and 1s. In each move, you can swap any 2 rows with each other, or any 2 columns with each other.

What is the minimum number of moves to transform the board into a "chessboard" - a board where no 0s and no 1s are 4-directionally adjacent? If the task is impossible, return -1.

Input: board = [[0,1,1,0],[0,1,1,0],[1,0,0,1],[1,0,0,1]]
Output: 2
One potential sequence of moves is shown below, from left to right:

0110     1010     1010
0110 --> 1010 --> 0101
1001     0101     1010
1001     0101     0101

The first move swaps the first and second column.
The second move swaps the second and third row.

Input: board = [[0, 1], [1, 0]]
Output: 0
Also note that the board with 0 in the top left corner,

is also a valid chessboard.

Input: board = [[1, 0], [1, 0]]
Output: -1
No matter what sequence of moves you make, you cannot end with a valid chessboard.


  • board will have the same number of rows and columns, a number in the range [2, 30].
  • board[i][j] will be only 0s or 1s.



1 0 1 0

0 1 0 1

1 0 1 0

0 1 0 1


0 1 0 1

1 0 1 0

0 1 0 1

1 0 1 0


1 0 1

0 1 0

1 0 1


0 1 0

1 0 1

0 1 0

我们发现对于长度为奇数的棋盘,各行的0和1个数不同,但是还是有规律的,每行的1的个数要么为 n/2,要么为 (n+1)/2,这个规律一定要保证,不然无法形成棋盘。

还有一个很重要的规律,我们观察题目给的第一个例子,如果我们只看行,我们发现只有两种情况 0110 和 1001,如果只看列,只有 0011 和 1100,我们发现不管棋盘有多长,都只有两种情况,而这两种情况上各位上是相反的,只有这样的矩阵才有可能转换为棋盘。那么这个规律可以衍生出一个规律,就是任意一个矩形的四个顶点只有三种情况,要么四个0,要么四个1,要么两个0两个1,不会有其他的情况。那么四个顶点亦或在一起一定是0,所以我们判断只要亦或出了1,一定是不对的,直接返回-1。之后我们来统计首行和首列中的1个数,因为我们要让其满足之前提到的规律。统计完了首行首列1的个数,我们判断如果其小于 n/2 或者大于 (n+1) / 2,那么一定无法转为棋盘。我们还需要算下首行和首列跟棋盘位置的错位的个数,虽然 01010 和 10101 都可以是正确的棋盘,我们先默认跟 10101 比较好了,之后再做优化处理。

最后的难点就是计算最小的交换步数了,这里要分n的奇偶来讨论。如果n是奇数,我们必须得到偶数个,为啥呢,因为我们之前统计的是跟棋盘位置的错位的个数,而每次交换行或者列,会修改两个错位,所以如果是奇数就无法还原为棋盘。举个例子,比如首行是 10001,如果我们跟棋盘 10101 比较,只有一个错位,但是我们是无法通过交换得到 10101的,所以我们必须要交换得到 01010,此时的错位是4个,而我们通过 n - rowDiff 正好也能得到4,这就是为啥我们需要偶数个错位。如果n是偶数,那么就不会出现这种问题,但是会出现另一个问题,比如我们是 0101,这本身就是正确的棋盘排列了,但是由于我们默认是跟 1010 比较,那么我们会得到4个错位,所以我们应该跟 n - rowDiff 比较取较小值。列的处理跟行的处理完全一样。最终我们把行错位个数跟列错位个数相加,再除以2,就可以得到最小的交换次数了,之前说过了每交换一次,可以修复两个错位,参见代码如下:


class Solution {
    int movesToChessboard(vector<vector<int>>& board) {
        int n = board.size(), rowSum = 0, colSum = 0, rowDiff = 0, colDiff = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
                if (board[0][0] ^ board[i][0] ^ board[0][j] ^ board[i][j]) return -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            rowSum += board[0][i];
            colSum += board[i][0];
            rowDiff += (board[i][0] == i % 2);
            colDiff += (board[0][i] == i % 2);
        if (n / 2 > rowSum || rowSum > (n + 1) / 2) return -1;
        if (n / 2 > colSum || colSum > (n + 1) / 2) return -1;
        if (n % 2) {
            if (rowDiff % 2) rowDiff = n - rowDiff;
            if (colDiff % 2) colDiff = n - colDiff;
        } else {
            rowDiff = min(n - rowDiff, rowDiff);
            colDiff = min(n - colDiff, colDiff);
        return (rowDiff + colDiff) / 2;




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masx200 commented Aug 22, 2022


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masx200 commented Aug 22, 2022

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