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importing file contents #24

moos3 opened this issue Jun 15, 2011 · 0 comments

importing file contents #24

moos3 opened this issue Jun 15, 2011 · 0 comments


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moos3 commented Jun 15, 2011

/Users/moose/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p334/gems/rubberband-0.0.12/lib/elasticsearch/transport/base_protocol.rb:159:in `handle_error': (400) {"error":"MapperParsingException[Failed to parse [content]]; nested: JsonParseException[Invalid UTF-8 start byte 0xb4\n at [Source: [B@1ca24fe7; line: 1, column: 1622]]; ","status":400} (ElasticSearch::RequestError)

I'm trying to import a svn repo into elastic search. Its hanging up on files contents and i can't figure out how or why?

client ='', :index => 'code', :type => repo)
@files.each do |f|
  puts "Adding " + + " to index code in type " + repo
  #puts f.to_json
{"repo":"include","name":"c128aobject.php","size":12406,"commitLog":null,"branch":null,"checksum":"d2e9998311ed2bf159d34336a32917ec","content":"<?php\n/*\nBarcode Render Class for PHP using the GD graphics library\nCopyright (C) 2001  Karim Mribti\n\n   Version  0.0.7a  2001-04-01\n\nThis library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\nmodify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public\nLicense as published by the Free Software Foundation; either\nversion 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n\nThis library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\nbut WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\nMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU\nLesser General Public License for more details.\n\nYou should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public\nLicense along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software\nFoundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA\n\nCopy of GNU Lesser General Public License at:\n\nSource code home page:\nContact author at:\n*/\n\n  /*\n    Render for Code 128-A\n      Code 128-A is a continuous, multilevel and include all upper case alphanumeric characters and ASCII control characters .\n  */\n\n\n  class C128AObject extends BarcodeObject {\n   var $mCharSet, $mChars;\n   function C128AObject($Width, $Height, $Style, $Value)\n   {\n     $this->BarcodeObject($Width, $Height, $Style);\n     $this->mValue   = $Value;\n     $this->mChars   = \" !\\\"#$%&'()*+?-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\\\]^_\";\n     $this->mCharSet = array\n      (\n              \"212222\",   /*   00 */\n              \"222122\",   /*   01 */\n              \"222221\",   /*   02 */\n              \"121223\",   /*   03 */\n              \"121322\",   /*   04 */\n              \"131222\",   /*   05 */\n              \"122213\",   /*   06 */\n              \"122312\",   /*   07 */\n              \"132212\",   /*   08 */\n              \"221213\",   /*   09 */\n              \"221312\",   /*   10 */\n              \"231212\",   /*   11 */\n              \"112232\",   /*   12 */\n              \"122132\",   /*   13 */\n              \"122231\",   /*   14 */\n              \"113222\",   /*   15 */\n              \"123122\",   /*   16 */\n              \"123221\",   /*   17 */\n              \"223211\",   /*   18 */\n              \"221132\",   /*   19 */\n              \"221231\",   /*   20 */\n              \"213212\",   /*   21 */\n              \"223112\",   /*   22 */\n              \"312131\",   /*   23 */\n              \"311222\",   /*   24 */\n              \"321122\",   /*   25 */\n              \"321221\",   /*   26 */\n              \"312212\",   /*   27 */\n              \"322112\",   /*   28 */\n              \"322211\",   /*   29 */\n              \"212123\",   /*   30 */\n              \"212321\",   /*   31 */\n              \"232121\",   /*   32 */\n              \"111323\",   /*   33 */\n              \"131123\",   /*   34 */\n              \"131321\",   /*   35 */\n              \"112313\",   /*   36 */\n              \"132113\",   /*   37 */\n              \"132311\",   /*   38 */\n              \"211313\",   /*   39 */\n              \"231113\",   /*   40 */\n              \"231311\",   /*   41 */\n              \"112133\",   /*   42 */\n              \"112331\",   /*   43 */\n              \"132131\",   /*   44 */\n              \"113123\",   /*   45 */\n              \"113321\",   /*   46 */\n              \"133121\",   /*   47 */\n              \"313121\",   /*   48 */\n              \"211331\",   /*   49 */\n              \"231131\",   /*   50 */\n              \"213113\",   /*   51 */\n              \"213311\",   /*   52 */\n              \"213131\",   /*   53 */\n              \"311123\",   /*   54 */\n              \"311321\",   /*   55 */\n              \"331121\",   /*   56 */\n              \"312113\",   /*   57 */\n              \"312311\",   /*   58 */\n              \"332111\",   /*   59 */\n              \"314111\",   /*   60 */\n              \"221411\",   /*   61 */\n              \"431111\",   /*   62 */\n              \"111224\",   /*   63 */\n              \"111422\",   /*   64 */\n              \"121124\",   /*   65 */\n              \"121421\",   /*   66 */\n              \"141122\",   /*   67 */\n              \"141221\",   /*   68 */\n              \"112214\",   /*   69 */\n              \"112412\",   /*   70 */\n              \"122114\",   /*   71 */\n              \"122411\",   /*   72 */\n              \"142112\",   /*   73 */\n              \"142211\",   /*   74 */\n              \"241211\",   /*   75 */\n              \"221114\",   /*   76 */\n              \"413111\",   /*   77 */\n              \"241112\",   /*   78 */\n              \"134111\",   /*   79 */\n              \"111242\",   /*   80 */\n              \"121142\",   /*   81 */\n              \"121241\",   /*   82 */\n              \"114212\",   /*   83 */\n              \"124112\",   /*   84 */\n              \"124211\",   /*   85 */\n              \"411212\",   /*   86 */\n              \"421112\",   /*   87 */\n              \"421211\",   /*   88 */\n              \"212141\",   /*   89 */\n              \"214121\",   /*   90 */\n              \"412121\",   /*   91 */\n              \"111143\",   /*   92 */\n              \"111341\",   /*   93 */\n              \"131141\",   /*   94 */\n              \"114113\",   /*   95 */\n              \"114311\",   /*   96 */\n              \"411113\",   /*   97 */\n              \"411311\",   /*   98 */\n              \"113141\",   /*   99 */\n              \"114131\",   /*  100 */\n              \"311141\",   /*  101 */\n              \"411131\"    /*  102 */\n    );\n   }\n\n   function GetCharIndex ($char) {\n     for ($i=0;$i<64;$i++) {\n       if ($this->mChars[$i] == $char)\n         return $i;\n     }\n     return -1;\n   }\n\n   function GetBarSize ($xres, $char) {\n     switch ($char)\n     {\n      case '1':\n                $cVal = BCD_C128_BAR_1;\n                break;\n      case '2':\n                $cVal = BCD_C128_BAR_2;\n                break;\n      case '3':\n                $cVal = BCD_C128_BAR_3;\n                break;\n      case '4':\n                $cVal = BCD_C128_BAR_4;\n                break;\n      default:\n                $cVal = 0;\n     }\n     return  $cVal * $xres;\n   }\n\n\n   function GetSize($xres) {\n     $len = strlen($this->mValue);\n\n     if ($len == 0)  {\n       $this->mError = \"Null value\";\n       error_log(\"GetRealSize: null barcode value\");\n       return false;\n     }\n     $ret = 0;\n     for ($i=0;$i<$len;$i++) {\n       if (($id = $this->GetCharIndex($this->mValue[$i])) == -1) {\n            $this->mError = \"C128A not include the char '\".$this->mValue[$i].\"'\";\n            return false;\n       } else {\n                 $cset = $this->mCharSet[$id];\n                 $ret += $this->GetBarSize($xres, $cset[0]);\n                 $ret += $this->GetBarSize($xres, $cset[1]);\n                 $ret += $this->GetBarSize($xres, $cset[2]);\n                 $ret += $this->GetBarSize($xres, $cset[3]);\n                 $ret += $this->GetBarSize($xres, $cset[4]);\n                 $ret += $this->GetBarSize($xres, $cset[5]);\n       }\n     }\n\n     /* length of Check character */\n     $cset = $this->GetCheckCharValue();\n     for ($i=0;$i<6;$i++) {\n       $CheckSize += $this->GetBarSize($cset[$i], $xres);\n     }\n     $StartSize = 2*BCD_C128_BAR_2*$xres + 3*BCD_C128_BAR_1*$xres + BCD_C128_BAR_4*$xres;\n      $StopSize  = 2*BCD_C128_BAR_2*$xres + 3*BCD_C128_BAR_1*$xres + 2*BCD_C128_BAR_3*$xres;\n     return $StartSize + $ret + $CheckSize + $StopSize;\n   }\n\n   function GetCheckCharValue()\n   {\n     $len = strlen($this->mValue);\n     $sum = 103; // 'A' type;\n     for ($i=0;$i<$len;$i++) {\n      $sum +=  $this->GetCharIndex($this->mValue[$i]) * ($i+1);\n     }\n     $check  = $sum % 103;\n     return $this->mCharSet[$check];\n   }\n\n   function DrawStart($DrawPos, $yPos, $ySize, $xres)\n   {  /* Start code is '211412' */\n      $this->DrawSingleBar($DrawPos, BCD_DEFAULT_MAR_Y1, $this->GetBarSize('2', $xres) , $ySize);\n      $DrawPos += $this->GetBarSize('2', $xres);\n      $DrawPos += $this->GetBarSize('1', $xres);\n      $this->DrawSingleBar($DrawPos, BCD_DEFAULT_MAR_Y1, $this->GetBarSize('1', $xres) , $ySize);\n      $DrawPos += $this->GetBarSize('1', $xres);\n      $DrawPos += $this->GetBarSize('4', $xres);\n      $this->DrawSingleBar($DrawPos, BCD_DEFAULT_MAR_Y1, $this->GetBarSize('1', $xres) , $ySize);\n      $DrawPos += $this->GetBarSize('1', $xres);\n      $DrawPos += $this->GetBarSize('2', $xres);\n      return $DrawPos;\n   }\n\n   function DrawStop($DrawPos, $yPos, $ySize, $xres)\n   {  /* Stop code is '2331112' */\n      $this->DrawSingleBar($DrawPos, BCD_DEFAULT_MAR_Y1, $this->GetBarSize('2', $xres) , $ySize);\n      $DrawPos += $this->GetBarSize('2', $xres);\n      $DrawPos += $this->GetBarSize('3', $xres);\n      $this->DrawSingleBar($DrawPos, BCD_DEFAULT_MAR_Y1, $this->GetBarSize('3', $xres) , $ySize);\n      $DrawPos += $this->GetBarSize('3', $xres);\n      $DrawPos += $this->GetBarSize('1', $xres);\n      $this->DrawSingleBar($DrawPos, BCD_DEFAULT_MAR_Y1, $this->GetBarSize('1', $xres) , $ySize);\n      $DrawPos += $this->GetBarSize('1', $xres);\n      $DrawPos += $this->GetBarSize('1', $xres);\n      $this->DrawSingleBar($DrawPos, BCD_DEFAULT_MAR_Y1, $this->GetBarSize('2', $xres) , $ySize);\n      $DrawPos += $this->GetBarSize('2', $xres);\n      return $DrawPos;\n   }\n\n   function DrawCheckChar($DrawPos, $yPos, $ySize, $xres)\n   {\n     $cset = $this->GetCheckCharValue();\n     $this->DrawSingleBar($DrawPos, BCD_DEFAULT_MAR_Y1, $this->GetBarSize($cset[0], $xres) , $ySize);\n     $DrawPos += $this->GetBarSize($cset[0], $xres);\n     $DrawPos += $this->GetBarSize($cset[1], $xres);\n     $this->DrawSingleBar($DrawPos, BCD_DEFAULT_MAR_Y1, $this->GetBarSize($cset[2], $xres) , $ySize);\n     $DrawPos += $this->GetBarSize($cset[2], $xres);\n     $DrawPos += $this->GetBarSize($cset[3], $xres);\n     $this->DrawSingleBar($DrawPos, BCD_DEFAULT_MAR_Y1, $this->GetBarSize($cset[4], $xres) , $ySize);\n     $DrawPos += $this->GetBarSize($cset[4], $xres);\n     $DrawPos += $this->GetBarSize($cset[5], $xres);\n     return $DrawPos;\n   }\n\n   function DrawObject ($xres)\n   {\n     $len = strlen($this->mValue);\n     if (($size = $this->GetSize($xres))==0) {\n         error_log(\"GetSize: failed\");\n        return false;\n     }\n\n     if ($this->mStyle & BCS_ALIGN_CENTER) $sPos = (integer)(($this->mWidth - $size ) / 2);\n     else if ($this->mStyle & BCS_ALIGN_RIGHT) $sPos = $this->mWidth - $size;\n           else $sPos = 0;\n\n     /* Total height of bar code -Bars only- */\n     if ($this->mStyle & BCS_DRAW_TEXT) $ysize = $this->mHeight - BCD_DEFAULT_MAR_Y1 - BCD_DEFAULT_MAR_Y2 - $this->GetFontHeight($this->mFont);\n     else $ysize = $this->mHeight - BCD_DEFAULT_MAR_Y1 - BCD_DEFAULT_MAR_Y2;\n\n     /* Draw text */\n     if ($this->mStyle & BCS_DRAW_TEXT) {\n            if ($this->mStyle & BCS_STRETCH_TEXT) {\n            for ($i=0;$i<$len;$i++) {\n                       $this->DrawChar($this->mFont, $sPos+(2*BCD_C128_BAR_2*$xres + 3*BCD_C128_BAR_1*$xres + BCD_C128_BAR_4*$xres)+($size/$len)*$i,\n                           $ysize + BCD_DEFAULT_MAR_Y1 + BCD_DEFAULT_TEXT_OFFSET, $this->mValue[$i]);\n                }\n         } else {/* Center */\n               $text_width = $this->GetFontWidth($this->mFont) * strlen($this->mValue);\n             $this->DrawText($this->mFont, $sPos+(($size-$text_width)/2)+(2*BCD_C128_BAR_2*$xres + 3*BCD_C128_BAR_1*$xres + BCD_C128_BAR_4*$xres),\n                               $ysize + BCD_DEFAULT_MAR_Y1 + BCD_DEFAULT_TEXT_OFFSET, $this->mValue);\n          }\n     }\n\n     $cPos = 0;\n     $DrawPos = $this->DrawStart($sPos, BCD_DEFAULT_MAR_Y1 , $ysize, $xres);\n     do {\n        $c     = $this->GetCharIndex($this->mValue[$cPos]);\n        $cset  = $this->mCharSet[$c];\n        $this->DrawSingleBar($DrawPos, BCD_DEFAULT_MAR_Y1, $this->GetBarSize($cset[0], $xres) , $ysize);\n        $DrawPos += $this->GetBarSize($cset[0], $xres);\n        $DrawPos += $this->GetBarSize($cset[1], $xres);\n        $this->DrawSingleBar($DrawPos, BCD_DEFAULT_MAR_Y1, $this->GetBarSize($cset[2], $xres) , $ysize);\n        $DrawPos += $this->GetBarSize($cset[2], $xres);\n        $DrawPos += $this->GetBarSize($cset[3], $xres);\n        $this->DrawSingleBar($DrawPos, BCD_DEFAULT_MAR_Y1, $this->GetBarSize($cset[4], $xres) , $ysize);\n        $DrawPos += $this->GetBarSize($cset[4], $xres);\n        $DrawPos += $this->GetBarSize($cset[5], $xres);\n        $cPos++;\n      } while ($cPos<$len);\n      $DrawPos = $this->DrawCheckChar($DrawPos, BCD_DEFAULT_MAR_Y1 , $ysize, $xres);\n      $DrawPos =  $this->DrawStop($DrawPos, BCD_DEFAULT_MAR_Y1 , $ysize, $xres);\n      return true;\n     }\n  }\n?>","path":null}
@grantr grantr closed this as completed Jun 29, 2012
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