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File metadata and controls

280 lines (230 loc) · 13.4 KB


This package contains:

  • Module functions for reading and writing GeoStream headers and losslessly compressed GeoJSON-like Features on a binary stream
  • A command line utility that unpacks GeoStream file(s) into GeoJSON FeatureCollection file(s)

GeoJSON-like Features are GeoJSON formatted dictionaries, following the same JSON schema as GeoJSON Features (ref: GeoJSON), with the following extension:

  • Feature properties may contain simple objects with value types in that require custom JSON encoder/decoder functions to dump/load JSON formatted strings.
  • Supported value types are listed in the CBOR2 documentation.

Table of Contents


The recommended way to install geostream is via pip:

pip install geostream


geostream supports read and write of compressed GeoStream Features on a binary stream, called GeoStream. This supports serialization and deserialization of arbitrary length collections of GeoStream Features. Each GeoStream starts with a header that is followed by any number of compressed GeoStream Features. GeoStreams should be stored in files with a file extension of .gjz.

This package supplies:

  • A reader object inputs from an already opened binary file-like object (stream)
    • provides properties to access header data read from the start of the stream
    • is an iterator that returns each GeoStream Feature read from the stream, as an uncompressed geojson object
  • A writer object outputs to an already opened binary file-like object (stream)
    • on initialization, writes out a header if the stream is at the beginning (offset 0)
    • writes compressed GeoStream Features to the stream
  • A command line utility, unpack_gjz, unpacks one or more GeoStream files into json text files formatted as GeoJSON FeatureCollections. It includes a custom JSON encoder to support date/datetime and UUID values in Feature properties and in the GeoStream header. GeoStream header properties are encoded as GeoJSON FeatureCollection foreign members, named: properties and crs.
    • run unpack_gjz -h for detailed instructions
    • positional (required) arguments may be a single GeoStream file or multiple files, including file globs
    • the optional -o OUT argument may be a single <path>.json file only if the positional argument is a single geostream file, otherwise it is treated as a directory path, which is created if it doesn't exist
    • the optional -s SELECT argument matches GeoStream feature properties against the SELECT JSON formatted string, to unpack only selected features
    • Bash shell example: unpack_gjz -v -o ./filtered -s {\"foo\":true} *.gjz will unpack each .gjz file in the current directory, only extracting features with a property foo set to true, and then write the unpacked files to the ./filtered sub-directory. The -v flag will print unpack progress and the number of extracted features for each file.

Module Contents

The geostream module defines the following functions:

  • geostream.reader(stream, reverse=False)
    Return a reader object which will read the header then iterate over the compressed Features in the stream. stream can be any readable object that conforms to the BinaryIO type, such as the file-like object returned from opening a GeoStream file with 'rb' flags. Readers can read schema versions 3 and 4.

    The reader object provides the following properties for accessing GeoStream header data:

    • schema_version - an integer number that is the geostream schema version supported by this module
    • srid - an integer number that is the EPSG SRID of the coordinate reference system for the GeoJSON Feature geometry's x and y coordinates
      • The nominal and default GeoJSON SRID is for WGS-84.
      • Use of other SRID is not supported by the GeoJSON specification, but are not prohibited. Readers should check this property to verify they can properly handle the coordinate values.
    • properties - an optional dictionary of key/value properties that were provided by the writer.
      • Default is None.
      • As of schema version 4, the dictionary may include values listed in the CBOR2 documentation, such as datetime and UUID. The geostream writer and readers can handle these value types transparently, but formatting the read data as valid JSON requires a custom JSON encoder.

    A short usage example for printing stream header data, then iterating forward through the stream, printing each feature in JSON format.

    >>> import json
    >>> import geostream
    >>> with open('compressed_data.gjz', 'rb') as stream:
    ...     georeader = geostream.reader(stream)
    ...     print(f"Coordinate SRID: {georeader.srid}")
    ...     print(f"Stream schema version: {georeader.schema_version}\n")
    ...     for feature in georeader:
    ...         print(f"{json.dumps(feature, default=_datetime_to_json)}\n")
    Coordinate SRID: 4326
    Stream schema version: 4
    {"type": "Feature",
     "geometry": {
       "type": "Polygon",
       "coordinates": [[[41, 41], [50, 11], [50, 50], [41, 50], [41, 41]]]
     "properties": {"prop0": "val1"}}
    {"type": "Feature",
     "geometry": {
       "type": "Polygon",
       "coordinates": [[[50, 50], [60, 50], [60, 60], [50, 60], [50, 50]]]},
     "properties": {"prop0": "val2"}}

    A short usage example for iterating forward through the stream, using a custom JSON encoder for datetime objects stored in the Feature properties.

    >>> import json
    >>> import geostream
    >>> def _datetime_to_json(obj):
    ...     if isinstance(obj, (datetime, date)):
    ...        return obj.isoformat()
    ...     raise TypeError(repr(obj) + " is not JSON serializable")
    >>> with open('compressed_data.gjz', 'rb') as stream:
    ...     georeader = geostream.reader(stream)
    ...     for feature in georeader:
    ...         print(f"{json.dumps(feature, default=_datetime_to_json)}\n")
    {"type": "Feature",
     "geometry": {
       "type": "Polygon",
       "coordinates": [[[41, 41], [50, 11], [50, 50], [41, 50], [41, 41]]]
     "properties": {"timestamp": "2019-09-25 16:04:03.759568+00:00"}}
    {"type": "Feature",
     "geometry": {
       "type": "Polygon",
       "coordinates": [[[50, 50], [60, 50], [60, 60], [50, 60], [50, 50]]]},
     "properties": {"timestamp": "2019-09-25 16:04:04.512457+00:00"}}

    A short usage example for iterating in reverse, from the end of the stream:

    >>> import json
    >>> import geostream
    >>> with open('compressed_data.gjz', 'rb') as stream:
    ...     georeader = geostream.reader(stream, reverse=True)
    ...     for feature in georeader:
    ...         print(f"{json.dumps(feature)}\n")
    {"type": "Feature",
     "geometry": {
       "type": "Polygon",
       "coordinates": [[[50, 50], [60, 50], [60, 60], [50, 60], [50, 50]]]},
     "properties": {"prop0": "val2"}}
    {"type": "Feature",
     "geometry": {
       "type": "Polygon",
       "coordinates": [[[41, 41], [50, 11], [50, 50], [41, 50], [41, 41]]]
     "properties": {"prop0": "val1"}}
  • geostream.writer(stream, props=None, srid=geostream.GEOJSON_EPSG_SRID)
    Return a writer object responsible for converting the user's GeoJSON-like Features into compressed data on the given stream. stream can be any writeable object that conforms to the BinaryIO type, such as the file-like object returned from opening a file with 'wb' flags. props is an optional dictionary of arbitrary properties that are written to the stream header. srid is an optional override that should be specified if the coordinate system of x, y data are not WGS-84. Reference EPSG for defined SRID values.

    The writer object provides the following methods for writing Features to the stream:

    • write_feature(feature: Feature) - compresses and writes the Feature (or compliant dictionary) to the stream
    • write_feature_collection(collection: FeatureCollection) - iterates over a FeatureCollection, compressing and writing each Feature from the collection to the stream A short usage example adding feature properties containing CBOR2 compliant data types to the stream:
    >>> import uuid
    >>> from datetime import datetime, timezone
    >>> import geostream
    >>> with open('compressed_data.gjz', 'wb') as stream:
    ...     header_props = dict(name="example",
    ...     geowriter = geostream.writer(stream, props=header_props)
    ...     geojson_point = dict(type="Point", coordinates=[-115.81, 37.24])
    ...     props = dict(id = uuid.uuid4(),
    ...     feature = geostream.Feature(geometry=geojson_point, properties=props)
    ...     geowriter.write_feature(feature)

The geostream module defines the following class:

  • geostream.Feature
    This dictionary subclass provides a wrapper for geometry and properties to write to a geostream, and is the object returned by geostream reader iterators.

    The following properties provide convenient access to Feature attributes:
    • geometry: returns the GeoJSON Feature's "geometry" value
    • properties: returns the GeoJSON Feature's "properties" value
    • srid: if defined, returns the EPSG SRID, or None
    • wkb: return geometry converted to WKB format
    • wkt: return geometry converted to WKT format
    • ewkb: return geometry converted to EWKB format
    • ewkt: return geometry converted to EWKT format

The geostream module defines the following constants:

  • geostream.GEOJSON_EPSG_SRID: The EPSG SRID of the GeoJSON specification defined nominal coordinate reference (WGS-84)
  • geostream.GEOSTREAM_SCHEMA_VERSIONS: A tuple containing the GeoStream schema versions that are supported by the reader.

GeoStream Format

The current GeoStream schema version is: 4

The GeoStream starts with a Header followed by any number of Compressed Features. Formats are as follows:

  • Header: starting at byte zero and containing (in order):
    • 4-byte unsigned integer little-endian: GeoStream schema version set by the writer
    • 4-byte unsigned integer little-endian: geostream EPSG SRID, which defaults to WGS-84, or SRID: 4326
    • 4-byte unsigned integer little-endian: length of the optional properties included in the header
    • (optional) n-bytes, n == above length: (CBOR-encoded) JSON-like dictionary containing string keys and CBOR supported values, only present if above length is > 0
      • New in schema version 4: properties may contain values with CBOR2 supported data types
  • Compressed Feature: the header is followed by compressed GeoStream Features, each formatted as follows:
    • 4-byte unsigned integer little-endian: length of the compressed GeoStream Feature binary string
    • n-bytes, n == above length: zlib compressed GeoStream Feature binary string
      • zlib compressed wraps a CBOR encoded mapping of GeoJSON Feature. However, the geometry attribute is encoded as WKB instead of GeoJSON.
    • 4-byte unsigned integer little-endian: length of the compressed GeoStream Feature binary string


This repo (section) uses poetry to manage the library dependencies and developer dependencies.

Basic options:

  • To set up a development virtual environment: run poetry install
  • To add or change a dependency: update pyproject.toml and run poetry update
  • To activate your development virtual environment: run poetry shell (note: this launches a new shell within your current shell)
  • To run a script with your development virtual environment: run poetry run <script>
  • You may need to select a supported version on Python before creating your virtualenv: poetry env use python3.7 or set a global with pyenv

With poetry, the project is installed editable, so the following scripts are available:

  • unpack_gjz


This repo uses Granular's run script convention. The scripts depend on docker and docker-compose.

Some useful actions:

  • ./run test_all: Runs pytest against all supported Python versions via docker-compose
  • ./run test37: Runs pytest against Python 3.7 via docker-compose
  • ./run test38: Runs pytest against Python 3.8 via docker-compose
  • ./run test39: Runs pytest against Python 3.9 via docker-compose
  • ./run test310: Runs pytest against Python 3.10 via docker-compose
  • ./run _tests: Runs pytest in your local virtual environment without docker
  • ./run _refmt: Formats the code, using black and isort, using your local virtual environment without docker
    • ./run refmt: uses docker
  • ./run _lint: Lints code, using black, isort, and mypy, using your local virtual environment without docker
    • ./run lint: uses docker
    • mypy .: for just mypy
  • ./run exists: Check if the current version of the library already exists, using pip3.8

The docker image depends on poetry.lock, which requires either poetry lock or poetry install to be run



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