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alexanderhiam edited this page Jun 15, 2012 · 25 revisions

Installation is quite simple. It is assumed that your Beaglebone is already set up and configured on your network, and that you have already SSHed onto it.

Note that these instructions assume you want PyBBIO/ to live in your home directory. This is not a requirement and can changed as desired.

The first step is to install the dependencies:

# opkg update && opkg install python-mmap python-pyserial

Then you'll need to get the code:

# cd ~
# git clone git://

As of version 0.4, PyBBIO is contained in a standard Python package, so it is installed using the normal Python way:

# cd PyBBIO
# python install

PyBBIO should now be installed correctly. Run the blink example to make sure all is well:

# cd examples
# python

And confirm that the LEDs next to the Ethernet jack labelled USR2 and USR3 are blinking back and forth.

##Updating I am working as fast as I can to add support for many of the features that the Beablebone's AM3359 processor has to offer, so you'll want to make sure your version is up to date. Thanks to git this is a very simple process:

# cd ~/PyBBIO
# git pull
# sh install -i

##Uninstalling If you need to uninstall PyBBIO you'll need to do so manually. The easiest thing to do is to reinstall it with python install and watch the output for the lines that look like this:

copying build/lib/bbio/ -> /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bbio
copying build/lib/bbio/ -> /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bbio
copying build/lib/bbio/ -> /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bbio

You'll want to remove the bbio package directory, so in this case it would be:

# rm  /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bbio
# rmdir usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bbio

The install path may be different depending on your version of Python.

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