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How to populate credentials from a secrets store

Choose which Secret Manager you are using :


This guide will explain how to configure your great_expectations.yml project config to substitute variables from AWS Secrets Manager.

Prerequisites: This how-to guide assumes you have already:

  • Set up a working deployment of Great Expectations <tutorials__getting_started>
  • Knowledge on how to populate credentials <how_to_guides__configuring_data_contexts__how_to_use_a_yaml_file_or_environment_variables_to_populate_credentials>
  • Configured a secret store and secrets in the cloud:


Secrets store substitution uses the configurations from your great_expectations.yml project config after all other types of substitution are applied (from environment variables or from the config_variables.yml config file)

The secrets store substitution works based on keywords. It tries to retrieve secrets from the secrets store for the following values :

  • AWS: values starting with secret|arn:aws:secretsmanager

if the values you provide don't match with the keywords above, the values won't be substituted.


To use AWS Secrets Manager, you may need to install the great_expectations package with its aws_secrets extra requirement:

pip install great_expectations[aws_secrets]

In order to substitute your value by a secret in AWS Secrets Manager, you need to provide an arn of the secret like this one: secret|arn:aws:secretsmanager:123456789012:secret:my_secret-1zAyu6


The last 7 characters of the arn are automatically generated by AWS and are not mandatory to retrieve the secret, thus secret|arn:aws:secretsmanager:region-name-1:123456789012:secret:my_secret will retrieve the same secret.

You will get the latest version of the secret by default.

You can get a specific version of the secret you want to retrieve by specifying its version UUID like this: secret|arn:aws:secretsmanager:region-name-1:123456789012:secret:my_secret:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

If your secret value is a JSON string, you can retrieve a specific value like this: secret|arn:aws:secretsmanager:region-name-1:123456789012:secret:my_secret|key

Or like this: secret|arn:aws:secretsmanager:region-name-1:123456789012:secret:my_secret:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000|key

Example :

# great_expectations/great_expectations.yml

    class_name: SqlAlchemyDatasource
      class_name: SqlAlchemyDataset
      module_name: great_expectations.dataset
    module_name: great_expectations.datasource
      drivername: secret|arn:aws:secretsmanager:${AWS_REGION}:${ACCOUNT_ID}:secret:dev_db_credentials|drivername
      host: secret|arn:aws:secretsmanager:${AWS_REGION}:${ACCOUNT_ID}:secret:dev_db_credentials|host
      port: secret|arn:aws:secretsmanager:${AWS_REGION}:${ACCOUNT_ID}:secret:dev_db_credentials|port
      username: secret|arn:aws:secretsmanager:${AWS_REGION}:${ACCOUNT_ID}:secret:dev_db_credentials|username
      password: secret|arn:aws:secretsmanager:${AWS_REGION}:${ACCOUNT_ID}:secret:dev_db_credentials|password
      database: secret|arn:aws:secretsmanager:${AWS_REGION}:${ACCOUNT_ID}:secret:dev_db_credentials|database
    class_name: SqlAlchemyDatasource
      class_name: SqlAlchemyDataset
      module_name: great_expectations.dataset
    module_name: great_expectations.datasource
      drivername: secret|arn:aws:secretsmanager:${AWS_REGION}:${ACCOUNT_ID}:secret:PROD_DB_CREDENTIALS_DRIVERNAME
      host: secret|arn:aws:secretsmanager:${AWS_REGION}:${ACCOUNT_ID}:secret:PROD_DB_CREDENTIALS_HOST
      port: secret|arn:aws:secretsmanager:${AWS_REGION}:${ACCOUNT_ID}:secret:PROD_DB_CREDENTIALS_PORT
      username: secret|arn:aws:secretsmanager:${AWS_REGION}:${ACCOUNT_ID}:secret:PROD_DB_CREDENTIALS_USERNAME
      password: secret|arn:aws:secretsmanager:${AWS_REGION}:${ACCOUNT_ID}:secret:PROD_DB_CREDENTIALS_PASSWORD
      database: secret|arn:aws:secretsmanager:${AWS_REGION}:${ACCOUNT_ID}:secret:PROD_DB_CREDENTIALS_DATABASE


This guide will explain how to configure your great_expectations.yml project config to substitute variables from GCP Secrets Manager.

Prerequisites: This how-to guide assumes you have already:

  • Set up a working deployment of Great Expectations <tutorials__getting_started>
  • Knowledge on how to populate credentials <how_to_guides__configuring_data_contexts__how_to_use_a_yaml_file_or_environment_variables_to_populate_credentials>
  • Configured a secret store and secrets in the cloud:


Secrets store substitution uses the configurations from your great_expectations.yml project config after all other types of substitution are applied (from environment variables or from the config_variables.yml config file)

The secrets store substitution works based on keywords. It tries to retrieve secrets from the secrets store for the following values :

  • GCP: values matching the following regex ^secret\|projects\/[a-z0-9\_\-]{6,30}\/secrets

if the values you provide don't match with the keywords above, the values won't be substituted.


To use GCP Secret Manager, you may need to install the great_expectations package with its gcp extra requirement:

pip install great_expectations[gcp]

In order to substitute your value by a secret in GCP Secret Manager, you need to provide a name of the secret like this one: secret|projects/project_id/secrets/my_secret

You will get the latest version of the secret by default.

You can get a specific version of the secret you want to retrieve by specifying its version id like this: secret|projects/project_id/secrets/my_secret/versions/1

If your secret value is a JSON string, you can retrieve a specific value like this: secret|projects/project_id/secrets/my_secret|key

Or like this: secret|projects/project_id/secrets/my_secret/versions/1|key

Example :

# great_expectations/great_expectations.yml

    class_name: SqlAlchemyDatasource
      class_name: SqlAlchemyDataset
      module_name: great_expectations.dataset
    module_name: great_expectations.datasource
      drivername: secret|projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/dev_db_credentials|drivername
      host: secret|projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/dev_db_credentials|host
      port: secret|projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/dev_db_credentials|port
      username: secret|projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/dev_db_credentials|username
      password: secret|projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/dev_db_credentials|password
      database: secret|projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/dev_db_credentials|database
    class_name: SqlAlchemyDatasource
      class_name: SqlAlchemyDataset
      module_name: great_expectations.dataset
    module_name: great_expectations.datasource
      drivername: secret|projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/PROD_DB_CREDENTIALS_DRIVERNAME
      host: secret|projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/PROD_DB_CREDENTIALS_HOST
      port: secret|projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/PROD_DB_CREDENTIALS_PORT
      username: secret|projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/PROD_DB_CREDENTIALS_USERNAME
      password: secret|projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/PROD_DB_CREDENTIALS_PASSWORD
      database: secret|projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/PROD_DB_CREDENTIALS_DATABASE


This guide will explain how to configure your great_expectations.yml project config to substitute variables from Azure Key Vault.

Prerequisites: This how-to guide assumes you have already:

  • Set up a working deployment of Great Expectations <tutorials__getting_started>
  • Knowledge on how to populate credentials <how_to_guides__configuring_data_contexts__how_to_use_a_yaml_file_or_environment_variables_to_populate_credentials>
  • Configured a secret store and secrets in the cloud:


Secrets store substitution uses the configurations from your great_expectations.yml project config after all other types of substitution are applied (from environment variables or from the config_variables.yml config file)

The secrets store substitution works based on keywords. It tries to retrieve secrets from the secrets store for the following values :

  • Azure : values matching the following regex ^secret\|https:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{3,24}\.vault\.azure\.net

if the values you provide don't match with the keywords above, the values won't be substituted.


To use Azure Key Vault, you may need to install the great_expectations package with its azure_secrets extra requirement:

pip install great_expectations[azure_secrets]

In order to substitute your value by a secret in Azure Key Vault, you need to provide a name of the secret like this one: secret|

You will get the latest version of the secret by default.

You can get a specific version of the secret you want to retrieve by specifying its version id (32 lowercase alphanumeric characters) like this: secret|

If your secret value is a JSON string, you can retrieve a specific value like this: secret||key

Or like this: secret||key

Example :

# great_expectations/great_expectations.yml

    class_name: SqlAlchemyDatasource
      class_name: SqlAlchemyDataset
      module_name: great_expectations.dataset
    module_name: great_expectations.datasource
      drivername: secret|https://${VAULT_NAME}|drivername
      host: secret|https://${VAULT_NAME}|host
      port: secret|https://${VAULT_NAME}|port
      username: secret|https://${VAULT_NAME}|username
      password: secret|https://${VAULT_NAME}|password
      database: secret|https://${VAULT_NAME}|database
    class_name: SqlAlchemyDatasource
      class_name: SqlAlchemyDataset
      module_name: great_expectations.dataset
    module_name: great_expectations.datasource
      drivername: secret|https://${VAULT_NAME}
      host: secret|https://${VAULT_NAME}
      port: secret|https://${VAULT_NAME}
      username: secret|https://${VAULT_NAME}
      password: secret|https://${VAULT_NAME}
      database: secret|https://${VAULT_NAME}