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How to Configure a Data Connector to Sort Batches


Sorters are configured through a Data Connector, which is a concept that was introduced in the V3 (BatchRequest) API. The following configuration is not supported by the V2 (batch_kwargs) API.

This guide demonstrates how to sort Batches <reference__core_concepts__glossary__datasources> of data that Great Expectations can validate from a filesystem using a configured DataConnector. By default, Great Expectations will sort Batches lexicographically according to their data_references. Sorters allow for more control by enabling sorting by fields that can be captured by the DataAsset's regex pattern. The Batches can then be sorted lexicographically, numerically, by datetime, or even in combination with custom filter functions.

For this how-to-guide, we will be using a ConfiguredAssetFilesystemDataConnector as an example. To read more about DataConnectors please refer to the doc: How to choose which DataConnector to use <which_data_connector_to_use>.

Prerequisites: This how-to guide assumes you have already:

  • Set up a working deployment of Great Expectations <tutorials__getting_started>
  • Understand the basics of Datasources in 0.13 or later <reference__core_concepts__datasources>
  • Learned how to configure a DataContext using test_yaml_config <how_to_guides_how_to_configure_datacontext_components_using_test_yaml_config>
  • Learned how to create a Batch <how_to_guides__creating_batches>


  • Configuring a Lexicographical Sorter <how_to_guides__how_to_sort_batches_LexicographicalSorter>
  • Configuring a Numeric Sorter <how_to_guides__how_to_sort_batches_NumericSorter>
  • Configuring a Datetime Sorter <how_to_guides__how_to_sort_batches_DatetimeSorter>
  • Configuring a CustomList Sorter <how_to_guides__how_to_sort_batches_CustomListSorter>
  • Configuring Multiple Sorters <how_to_guides__how_to_sort_batches_MultipleSorters>
  • Configuring Sorters with Custom Filters <how_to_guides__how_to_sort_batches_SortersWithFilters>

Configuring a Lexicographical Sorter

If you have the following lexicographic_example/ directory in your filesystem, and you want to treat *.csv files as batches within the my_data_asset DataAsset:


Note : In our example, the base_directory is set to /home/my_work_directory/, which is where the lexicographic_example/ folder lives (ie /home/my_work_directory/lexicographic_example/test_aaa.csv). However, it can also be assigned to an a relative path like ../ as can be seen in the examples below.

  1. Load or create a DataContext
import great_expectations as ge
from great_expectations.cli.datasource import sanitize_yaml_and_save_datasource
from great_expectations.core.batch import BatchRequest

context = ge.get_context()
  1. Configure a Datasource

In the following configuration, a Datasource is configured with a PandasExecutionEngine and ConfiguredAssetFilesystemDataConnector. The DataConnector is configured with a single DataAsset named my_reports. It has the base_directory set to lexicographic_example/ and the regex pattern is set to capture two group_names, name and letter. A LexicographicalSorter is configured for the letter capture group, which captures the section of the file name that looks like : aaa, and sorts the Batches in descending (reverse-alphabetical) order.

config = f"""
    name: mydatasource
    class_name: Datasource
        class_name: PandasExecutionEngine
          module_name: great_expectations.datasource.data_connector
          class_name: ConfiguredAssetFilesystemDataConnector
          glob_directive: "*.csv"
          base_directory: /home/my_work_directory/
              pattern: (.+)_(.+)\\.csv
                  - name
                  - letter
              - orderby: desc
                class_name: LexicographicSorter
                name: letter
                base_directory: lexicographic_example/
  1. (Optional) run test_yaml_config() to ensure that your configuration is working.

If the configuration is correct you should see output similar to this. Notice that the data asset names start with test_eee.csv, showing that the Batches have been sorted correctly.

Attempting to instantiate class from config...
  Instantiating as a Datasource, since class_name is Datasource
  Successfully instantiated Datasource

ExecutionEngine class name: PandasExecutionEngine
Data Connectors:
  my_data_connector : ConfiguredAssetFilesystemDataConnector

  Available data_asset_names (1 of 1):
    my_data_asset (3 of 5): ['test_eee.csv', 'test_ddd.csv', 'test_ccc.csv']

    Unmatched data_references (0 of 0): []
  1. Save Configuration
# save the configuration and re-instantiate the data context with our newly configured datasource
sanitize_yaml_and_save_datasource(context, config, overwrite_existing=False)
context = ge.get_context()
  1. Obtain an ExpectationSuite

Your DataContext can be used to create or retrieve an ExpectationSuite.

suite = context.get_expectation_suite("insert_your_expectation_suite_name_here")

Alternatively, if you have not already created a suite, you can do so now.

suite = context.create_expectation_suite("insert_your_expectation_suite_name_here")
  1. Construct a BatchRequest.

The following BatchRequest will retrieve the first Batch from mydatasource corresponding to test_eee.csv by using index 0 as the data_connector_query.

batch_request = BatchRequest(
      "index": 0
  1. Construct a Validator

The BatchRequest and ExpectationSuite can be used to create a Validator.

my_validator = context.get_validator(
  1. Check your Validator

You can check to see if the correct Batch was retrieved by checking the active_batch's batch_definition.


The expected output should show batch_identifiers corresponding to test_eee.csv, namely "{'name': 'test', 'letter': 'eee'}"}

{'datasource_name': 'mydatasource', 'data_connector_name': 'my_data_connector', 'data_asset_name': 'my_reports', 'batch_identifiers': "{'name': 'test', 'letter': 'eee'}"}

You can also check that the first few lines of your Batch are what you expect by running:


Now that you have a Validator, you can use it to create Expectations or validate the data.

Configuring a Numeric Sorter

If you have the following numeric_example/ directory in your filesystem, and you want to treat *.csv files as batches within the my_data_asset DataAsset:


Note : In our example, the base_directory is set to ../. If we are running this Notebook in the same folder as Great Expectations home directory (ie great_expectations/), GE will begin looking for the files in the parent directory.

  1. Load or create a DataContext
import great_expectations as ge
from great_expectations.cli.datasource import sanitize_yaml_and_save_datasource
from great_expectations.core.batch import BatchRequest

context = ge.get_context()
  1. Configure a Datasource

In the following configuration, a Datasource is configured with a PandasExecutionEngine and ConfiguredAssetFilesystemDataConnector. The DataConnector is configured with a single DataAsset named my_data_asset. It has the base_directory set to numeric_example/ and the regex pattern is set to capture two group_names, name and number. A NumericSorter is configured for the number capture group, which captures the section of the file name that looks like : 111, and sorts the Batches in decreasing order.

config = f"""
    name: mydatasource
    class_name: Datasource
        class_name: PandasExecutionEngine
          module_name: great_expectations.datasource.data_connector
          class_name: ConfiguredAssetFilesystemDataConnector
          glob_directive: "*.csv"
          base_directory: ../
              pattern: (.+)_(\\d.*)\\.csv
                  - name
                  - number
              - orderby: desc
                class_name: NumericSorter
                name: number
                base_directory: numeric_example/

  1. (Optional) run test_yaml_config() to ensure that your configuration is working.

If the configuration is correct you should see output similar to this. Notice that the data asset names start with test_555.csv, showing that the Batches have been sorted correctly.

Attempting to instantiate class from config...
  Instantiating as a Datasource, since class_name is Datasource
  Successfully instantiated Datasource

ExecutionEngine class name: PandasExecutionEngine
Data Connectors:
  my_data_connector : ConfiguredAssetFilesystemDataConnector

  Available data_asset_names (1 of 1):
    my_data_asset (3 of 5): ['test_555.csv', 'test_444.csv', 'test_333.csv']

    Unmatched data_references (0 of 0): []
  1. Save Configuration
# save the configuration and re-instantiate the data context with our newly configured datasource
sanitize_yaml_and_save_datasource(context, config, overwrite_existing=False)
context = ge.get_context()
  1. Obtain an ExpectationSuite

Your DataContext can be used to create or retrieve an ExpectationSuite.

suite = context.get_expectation_suite("insert_your_expectation_suite_name_here")

Alternatively, if you have not already created a suite, you can do so now.

suite = context.create_expectation_suite("insert_your_expectation_suite_name_here")
  1. Construct a BatchRequest.

The following BatchRequest will retrieve a the first Batch corresponding to test_555.csv by using index 0 as the data_connector_query.

batch_request = BatchRequest(
      "index": 0
  1. Construct a Validator

The BatchRequest and ExpectationSuite can be used to create a Validator.

my_validator = context.get_validator(
  1. Check your Validator

You can check to see if the correct Batch was retrieved by checking the active_batch's batch_definition.


The expected output should show batch_identifiers corresponding to test_555.csv namely "{'name': 'test', 'number': '555'}"}

{'datasource_name': 'mydatasource', 'data_connector_name': 'my_data_connector', 'data_asset_name': 'my_reports', 'batch_identifiers': "{'name': 'test', 'number': '555'}"}

You can also check that the first few lines of your Batch are what you expect by running:


Now that you have a Validator, you can use it to create Expectations or validate the data.

Configuring a Datetime Sorter

If you have the following datetime_example/ directory in your filesystem, and you want to treat *.csv files as batches within the my_data_asset DataAsset:


Note : In our example, the base_directory is set to ../. If we are running this Notebook in the same folder as Great Expectations home directory (ie great_expectations/), GE will begin looking for the files in the parent directory.

  1. Load or create a DataContext
import great_expectations as ge
from great_expectations.cli.datasource import sanitize_yaml_and_save_datasource
from great_expectations.core.batch import BatchRequest

context = ge.get_context()
  1. Configure a Datasource

In the following configuration, a Datasource is configured with a PandasExecutionEngine and ConfiguredAssetFilesystemDataConnector. The DataConnector is configured with a single DataAsset named my_data_asset. It has the base_directory set to datetime_example/ and the regex pattern is set to capture two group_names, name and date. A DateTimeSorter is configured for the date capture group, which captures the section of the file name that looks like : 20210102, and sorts in descending order. The configuration for DateTimeSorter also includes an optional datetime_format parameter, which allows the you to specify the pattern in datetime format (default is %Y%m%d).

config = f"""
    name: mydatasource
    class_name: Datasource
        class_name: PandasExecutionEngine
          module_name: great_expectations.datasource.data_connector
          class_name: ConfiguredAssetFilesystemDataConnector
          glob_directive: "*.csv"
          base_directory: ../
              pattern: (.+)_(.+)\\.csv
                  - name
                  - date
            - orderby: desc
               class_name: DateTimeSorter
               datetime_format: "%Y%m%d"
               name: date
                base_directory: datetime_example/

  1. (Optional) run test_yaml_config() to ensure that your configuration is working.

If the configuration is correct you should see output similar to this. Notice that the data asset names start with test_20210102.csv, showing that the Batches have been sorted correctly.

Attempting to instantiate class from config...
  Instantiating as a Datasource, since class_name is Datasource
  Successfully instantiated Datasource

ExecutionEngine class name: PandasExecutionEngine
Data Connectors:
  my_data_connector : ConfiguredAssetFilesystemDataConnector

  Available data_asset_names (1 of 1):
    my_data_asset (3 of 5): ['test_20210102.csv', 'test_20210101.csv', 'test_20201231.csv']

    Unmatched data_references (0 of 0): []
  1. Save Configuration
# save the configuration and re-instantiate the data context with our newly configured datasource
sanitize_yaml_and_save_datasource(context, config, overwrite_existing=False)
context = ge.get_context()
  1. Obtain an ExpectationSuite

Your DataContext can be used to create or retrieve an ExpectationSuite.

suite = context.get_expectation_suite("insert_your_expectation_suite_name_here")

Alternatively, if you have not already created a suite, you can do so now.

suite = context.create_expectation_suite("insert_your_expectation_suite_name_here")
  1. Construct a BatchRequest.

The following BatchRequest will retrieve a the first Batch corresponding to test_20210102.csv by using index 0 as the data_connector_query.

batch_request = BatchRequest(
      "index": 0
  1. Construct a Validator

The BatchRequest and ExpectationSuite can be used to create a Validator.

my_validator = context.get_validator(
  1. Check your Validator

You can check to see if the correct Batch was retrieved by checking the active_batch's batch_definition.


The expected output should show batch_identifiers corresponding to test_20210102.csv namely "{'name': 'test', 'date': '20210102'}"}

{'datasource_name': 'mydatasource', 'data_connector_name': 'my_data_connector', 'data_asset_name': 'my_reports', 'batch_identifiers': "{'name': 'test', 'date': '20210102'}"}

You can also check that the first few lines of your Batch are what you expect by running:


Now that you have a Validator, you can use it to create Expectations or validate the data.

Configuring a CustomList Sorter -----------------------------

Great Expectations also allows Sorters to be configured against an ordering defined in a custom list (such as Periodic Table of Elements, or list of Marvel movies leading up to Avengers: Endgame).

If you have the following elements/ directory in your filesystem, and you want to treat *.csv files as batches within the my_data_asset DataAsset:


Note : In our example, the base_directory is set to ../. If we are running this Notebook in the same folder as Great Expectations home directory (ie great_expectations/), GE will begin looking for the files in the parent directory.

  1. Load or create a DataContext
import great_expectations as ge
from great_expectations.cli.datasource import sanitize_yaml_and_save_datasource
from great_expectations.core.batch import BatchRequest

context = ge.get_context()
  1. Configure a Datasource

In the following configuration, a Datasource is configured with a PandasExecutionEngine and ConfiguredAssetFilesystemDataConnector. The DataConnector is configured with a single DataAsset named my_reports It has the base_directory set to reports/ and the regex pattern is set to capture two group_names, name and element.

A CustomListSorter is configured for the element capture group and sorts the Batches in ascending order. We also configure the required reference_list parameter, passing in a custom list (my_custom_list) containing the first 6 elements in the Periodic Table of Elements.

# custom list that we are passing containing the ordering for the first 6 elements
my_custom_list = ["H", "He", "Li", "Be", "B", "C"]

config = f"""
    name: mydatasource
    class_name: Datasource
        class_name: PandasExecutionEngine
          module_name: great_expectations.datasource.data_connector
          class_name: ConfiguredAssetFilesystemDataConnector
          glob_directive: "*.csv"
          base_directory: ../
              pattern: (.+)_(.+)\\.csv
                  - name
                  - element
            - orderby: asc
              class_name: CustomListSorter
              reference_list: {my_custom_list}
              name: element
                base_directory: elements_example/

  1. (Optional) run test_yaml_config() to ensure that your configuration is working.

If the configuration is correct you should see output similar to this. Notice that the data asset names start with test_H.csv, showing that the Batches have been sorted correctly.

Attempting to instantiate class from config...
  Instantiating as a Datasource, since class_name is Datasource
  Successfully instantiated Datasource

ExecutionEngine class name: PandasExecutionEngine
Data Connectors:
  my_data_connector : ConfiguredAssetFilesystemDataConnector

  Available data_asset_names (1 of 1):
    my_data_asset (3 of 5): ['test_H.csv', 'test_He.csv', 'test_Li.csv']

    Unmatched data_references (0 of 0): []
  1. Save Configuration
# save the configuration and re-instantiate the data context with our newly configured datasource
sanitize_yaml_and_save_datasource(context, config, overwrite_existing=False)
context = ge.get_context()
  1. Obtain an ExpectationSuite

Your DataContext can be used to create or retrieve an ExpectationSuite.

suite = context.get_expectation_suite("insert_your_expectation_suite_name_here")

Alternatively, if you have not already created a suite, you can do so now.

suite = context.create_expectation_suite("insert_your_expectation_suite_name_here")
  1. Construct a BatchRequest.

The following BatchRequest will retrieve a the first Batch corresponding to test_H.csv by using index 0 as the data_connector_query.

batch_request = BatchRequest(
      "index": 0
  1. Construct a Validator

The BatchRequest and ExpectationSuite can be used to create a Validator.

my_validator = context.get_validator(
  1. Check your Validator

You can check to see if the correct Batch was retrieved by checking the active_batch's batch_definition.


The expected output should show batch_identifiers corresponding to test_H.csv namely "{'name': 'test', 'element': 'H'}"}

{'datasource_name': 'mydatasource', 'data_connector_name': 'my_data_connector', 'data_asset_name': 'my_reports', 'batch_identifiers': "{'name': 'test', 'element': 'H'}"}

You can also check that the first few lines of your Batch are what you expect by running:


Now that you have a Validator, you can use it to create Expectations or validate the data.

Configuring Multiple Sorters

If your configuration contains multiple sorters, they will be applied in order of their configuration. If you have the following multiple_sorters_example/ directory in your filesystem, and you want to treat *.csv files as batches within the my_data_asset DataAsset, sorting them by 1) DateTime 2) Lexicographically 3) Numerically :


Note : In our example, the base_directory is set to ../. If we are running this Notebook in the same folder as Great Expectations home directory (ie great_expectations/), GE will begin looking for the files in the parent directory.

  1. Load or create a DataContext
import great_expectations as ge
from great_expectations.cli.datasource import sanitize_yaml_and_save_datasource
from great_expectations.core.batch import BatchRequest

context = ge.get_context()
  1. Configure a Datasource

In the following configuration, a Datasource is configured with a PandasExecutionEngine and ConfiguredAssetFilesystemDataConnector. The DataConnector is configured with a single DataAsset named my_data_asset It has the base_directory set to multiple_sorters_example/ and the regex pattern is set to capture 4 group_names: name, letter, number and datetime.

We also have 3 Sorters configured, first DateTimeSorter for the datetime field (which sorts in ascending order), a LexicographicSorter for the letter field (which sorts in descending order), and a NumericSorter for the number field (which sorts in descending order).

config = f"""
  name: mydatasource
  class_name: Datasource
    class_name: PandasExecutionEngine
      module_name: great_expectations.datasource.data_connector
      class_name: ConfiguredAssetFilesystemDataConnector
      glob_directive: "*.csv"
      base_directory: ../
        pattern: (.+)_(.+)_(\\d.*)_(.+)\\.csv
            - name
            - letter
            - number
            - datetime
        - orderby: asc
          class_name: DateTimeSorter
          name: datetime
        - orderby: desc
          class_name: LexicographicSorter
          name: letter
        - orderby: desc
          class_name: NumericSorter
          name: number

          base_directory: multiple_sorters_example/

  1. (Optional) run test_yaml_config() to ensure that your configuration is working.

If the configuration is correct you should see output similar to this. Notice that the data asset names start with test_AAA_111_20201230.csv, showing that the Batches have been sorted correctly.

Attempting to instantiate class from config...
  Instantiating as a Datasource, since class_name is Datasource
  Successfully instantiated Datasource

ExecutionEngine class name: PandasExecutionEngine
Data Connectors:
  my_data_connector : ConfiguredAssetFilesystemDataConnector

  Available data_asset_names (1 of 1):
    my_data_asset (3 of 5): ['test_AAA_111_20201230.csv', 'test_BBB_222_20201231.csv', 'test_CCC_333_20210101.csv']

    Unmatched data_references (0 of 0): []
  1. Save Configuration
# save the configuration and re-instantiate the data context with our newly configured datasource
sanitize_yaml_and_save_datasource(context, config, overwrite_existing=False)
context = ge.get_context()
  1. Obtain an ExpectationSuite

Your DataContext can be used to create or retrieve an ExpectationSuite.

suite = context.get_expectation_suite("insert_your_expectation_suite_name_here")

Alternatively, if you have not already created a suite, you can do so now.

suite = context.create_expectation_suite("insert_your_expectation_suite_name_here")
  1. Construct a BatchRequest.

The following BatchRequest will retrieve a the first Batch corresponding to test_AAA_111_20201230.csv by using index 0 as the data_connector_query.

batch_request = BatchRequest(
      "index": 0
  1. Construct a Validator

The BatchRequest and ExpectationSuite can be used to create a Validator.

my_validator = context.get_validator(
  1. Check your Validator

You can check to see if the correct Batch was retrieved by checking the active_batch's batch_definition.


The expected output should show batch_identifiers corresponding to test_AAA_111_20201230.csv namely "{'name': 'test', 'letter': 'AAA', 'number': '111', 'datetime': '20201230'}"}

{'datasource_name': 'mydatasource', 'data_connector_name': 'my_data_connector', 'data_asset_name': 'my_reports', 'batch_identifiers': "{'name': 'test', 'letter': 'AAA', 'number': '111', 'datetime': '20201230'}"}

You can also check that the first few lines of your Batch are what you expect by running:


Now that you have a Validator, you can use it to create Expectations or validate the data.

Configuring Sorters with Custom Filters

You can also use Sorters in combination with custom filter functions that are passed with a BatchRequest. If you have the following year_reports directory in your filesystem, and you want to treat *.csv files as batches within the my_data_asset DataAsset, and we only wanted to consider the reports on or after 2000, and in ascending order:


Note : In our example, the base_directory is set to ../. If we are running this Notebook in the same folder as Great Expectations home directory (ie great_expectations/), GE will begin looking for the files in the parent directory.

  1. Load or create a DataContext
import great_expectations as ge
from great_expectations.cli.datasource import sanitize_yaml_and_save_datasource
from great_expectations.core.batch import BatchRequest

context = ge.get_context()
  1. Configure a Datasource

In the following configuration, a Datasource is configured with a PandasExecutionEngine and ConfiguredAssetFilesystemDataConnector. The DataConnector is configured with a single DataAsset named my_reports It has the base_directory set to year_reports/ and the regex pattern is set to capture two group_names: name, year . We also have a NumericSorter configured, to sort the year field in ascending order.

config = f"""
  name: mydatasource
  class_name: Datasource
    class_name: PandasExecutionEngine
      module_name: great_expectations.datasource.data_connector
      class_name: ConfiguredAssetFilesystemDataConnector
      glob_directive: "*.csv"
      base_directory: ../
        pattern: (.+)_(\\d.*)\\.csv
            - name
            - year
        - orderby: asc
          class_name: NumericSorter
          name: year
          base_directory: year_reports/
  1. (Optional) run test_yaml_config() to ensure that your configuration is working.

If the configuration is correct you should see output similar to this. Notice that the data asset names start with report_1980.csv, showing that the Batches have been sorted correctly, and we still have not filtered for reports after the year 2000.

Attempting to instantiate class from config...
  Instantiating as a Datasource, since class_name is Datasource
  Successfully instantiated Datasource

ExecutionEngine class name: PandasExecutionEngine
Data Connectors:
  my_data_connector : ConfiguredAssetFilesystemDataConnector

  Available data_asset_names (1 of 1):
    my_data_asset (3 of 5): ['report_1980.csv', 'report_1990.csv', 'report_2000.csv']

    Unmatched data_references (0 of 0): []
  1. Save Configuration
# save the configuration and re-instantiate the data context with our newly configured datasource
sanitize_yaml_and_save_datasource(context, config, overwrite_existing=False)
context = ge.get_context()
  1. Obtain an ExpectationSuite

Your DataContext can be used to create or retrieve an ExpectationSuite.

suite = context.get_expectation_suite("insert_your_expectation_suite_name_here")

Alternatively, if you have not already created a suite, you can do so now.

suite = context.create_expectation_suite("insert_your_expectation_suite_name_here")
  1. Construct a BatchRequest.

The following BatchRequest will retrieve a Batch corresponding to 2000.csv by using index 0` and acustom_filter_functionwhich takes inbatch_identifiersas a dictionary, and applies a filter on theyear`` key.

# only select files from on or after 2000
def my_custom_batch_selector(batch_identifiers: dict) -> bool:
  return int(batch_identifiers["year"]) >= 2000

batch_request = BatchRequest(
    "index": 0,
    "custom_filter_function": my_custom_batch_selector,
  1. Construct a Validator

The BatchRequest and ExpectationSuite can be used to create a Validator.

my_validator = context.get_validator(
  1. Check your Validator

You can check to see if the correct Batch was retrieved by checking the active_batch's batch_definition.


The expected output should show batch_identifiers corresponding to 2000.csv namely "{'name': 'report', 'year': 2000}"}

{'datasource_name': 'mydatasource', 'data_connector_name': 'my_data_connector', 'data_asset_name': 'my_reports', 'batch_identifiers': "{'name': 'report', 'year': '2000'}"}

You can also check that the first few lines of your Batch are what you expect by running:


Now that you have a Validator, you can use it to create Expectations or validate the data.