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Base (Command)

Aidan edited this page Mar 26, 2023 · 8 revisions

This is a base for all command pages, this is where you'd explain what the command does.

  • Use lists to explain what multiple functions do

Limitations (Delete if empty)

  • Command is limited to OWNER ONLY! (if it can only be used by Aidan#8883)
  • Command is limited to MODS ONLY! (if it can only be used by users with the [mod_role] config option if set)
  • Command is limited to GUILDS ONLY! (if it can only be used in guilds)
  • Command functionality may be limited to MODS ONLY!
  • Command is limited to servers with the config_name config enabled! (if it can only be used in guilds that have a specific config option enabled/disabled)
  • Command is limited to users with the config_name config enabled! (if it can only be used if the targeted user has a specific config option enabled)
  • Command requires the permission_name permission! (if it requires a permission)
  • Command requires AidanBot to have the permission_name permission! (if it requires a permission)

How To Run

Command has n arguments:

  • required_arg does this
  • optional_arg does this
  • default_arg does this

/info [required_arg] [*optional_arg] [default_arg=value]

(You can also include some examples down here too)