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Building the site with talks included

NOTE: This could be simplified in the future to allow fully automatic builds.

  1. Git clone the talks repo
  2. Run npm install in the subdirectory of each talk you want to build.
  3. From the root of the talks project, run npm i && npm run build
  4. Back in the website project, run pnpm build to build project with all talks
  5. Verify build output and deploy.

Email Spam Protection

  1. Make a copy of .env.example and name it .env.
  2. Add your email to VITE_EMAIL in .env.
  3. Add a strong password to encrypt/decrypt your email to VITE_PASSWORD in .env.
  4. Open a terminal and run pnpm encrypt:text. Then copy the output (make sure you get every character) and add it to VITE_PAYLOAD in .env.
  5. Now, the email should be accessible in the <EncryptedEmail /> component. Easily available for users, but most basic spam bots will not be able to extract the email.

Writing Best Practices

  • Use node scripts/title-case.js to format headings.
  • Use node scripts/format-code.js to ensure code has a consistent style.
  • Use <!-- prettier-ignore-start --> and <!-- prettier-ignore-end --> to wrap code blocks in blog posts to prevent the main Prettier instance of the codebase to re-format the code blocks after they already have been formatted with node scripts/format-code.js.
  • It's possible to prevent post drafts from rendering by prefixing the file with _.


  • Font Awesome: LinkedIn & GitHub SVG icons. Licensed under CC BY 4.0