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The issue this fixes: You've got a page with many canvases each independently using requestAnimationFrame (rAF) to handle animation. Most browsers as of March 2015 don't check if the canvas is off the screen. It seems a little short sited the default use case of rAF doesn't give the browser enough information to know if your canvas is off the screen since by default rAF doesn't require you to tell it which element you care about.

I thought the signature for rAF was

requestAnimationFrame(callback, optionalElement)

I at least I remember that being a consession to this issue I brought up when rAF was designed but checking the spec I see there is no second parameter :(

Why is this a problem? Imagine you're making a webpage about physics. Every 2 or 3 paragraphs you have an interactive animated diagram using rAF. In total you have 15 diagrams as you go down the page. Because of the API design every diagram is always running even though at any one time only 1 to 3 of them are visible. You find that your diagrams are running janky at 5-10fps instead of smooth at 60fps.

Well, this fix implements the second parameter so if passed it will check that element is on screen. It will also check iframes so if your various examples happen to be in iframes and those iframes are off the screen you're rAF callback will get delayed until are on screen.


Here's an example of 12 iframes, all running using standard rAF. It will likely run slow.

Here's an example using the fix. It should run much faster.

Deferred Loading

You can also use it to defer loading of a iframe. Just set a rAF on the iframe itself to set its src. It won't be called until it frame is on screen.

Here's an example


include it on every page that uses rAF

<script src="requestanimationframe-fix.js"></script>

It wraps the built in rAF automatically.


Unfortunately this is not full solution. It requires every piece of code using rAF to use this fix. In other words, if you have a page with 10 animated diagrams and each diagram is in an iframe each of those diagrams have to include this fix. If you control all the content that might be fine. If on the other hand you're trying to host 3rd party content or ads you're S.O.L.

On top of that it has to do work for every rAF. If you're in the most common situation which is a single rAF on a full or close to full page app there's almost no overhead. If on the other hand you had 100 rAFs there are actually 100 rAF callbacks running each checking if their element is on the screen. If this was implemented at a browser level it would be much easier for it to do the minimal work and not have to check 100 elements every frame.


Fix for requestAnimationFrame with lots of elements




