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File metadata and controls

39 lines (29 loc) · 1.85 KB


Rotest comes with easy ways to debug tests:

  • Post run

    The builtin features in Rotest help you greatly when trying to figure out what went wrong in a test.

    • Logs of the tests can be found in the working directory.
    • excel output handler created a summary excel file in the working directory.
    • artifact output handler creates a zip of the working directory and sends it to the artifacts directory.
    • save-state command line option stores the state of resources into the working directory.
    • remote and db save the tests' metadata into the db, including traceback and timestamps, for future usage and research.
  • Developing and real-time debugging
    • When running tests locally, using the ipdbugger (--debug flag) can be a real life saver. It pops an ipdb interactive shell whenever an unexpected exception occurs (including failures) without exiting the scope of the test, giving the user full control over it.

      For example, if an AttributeError has occurred, you can add the missing attribute via the interactive shell, then use jump or retry to re-run code segments. If your tests are based on Blocks and Flows methodology (see blocks), you can use the TestFlow methods list_blocks and jump_to to control the flow of the test in the same way. E.g.

      self.parent.list_blocks()  # Prints the hierarchy down from the parent flow
      self.parent.jump_to(1)  # Jumps to the beginning of the block at index 1
    • It is also recommended to use rotest shell when debugging new code, especially when writing new TestFlows and TestBlocks (use the shared_data and run_block methods to simulate a containing TestFlow). Combining with IPython's autoreload ability, writing tests this way can be made easy and quick.