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File metadata and controls

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Pagination Helper

You’ve probably been doing pagination more than once in your life as a developer; and most likely in more than one language, right? Yeah, so have I — and every time I’ve said to myself: "Why can’t I just include some kind of file that does this and be done with it already?". So I finally went and built a general purpose, easily modifiable way to paginate stuff with XSLT, and I couldn’t think of a single reason why it shouldn’t be available to you too, so here it is.

This was developed while using the excellent Umbraco CMS but I have extracted the generic bits so it should be usable as a drop-in solution whenever you’re doing XSLT and suddenly get that "Oh, I guess I’ll need to paginate this set..." feeling.

How to use it

There’s very little work involved in using the Pagination Helper, basically you do three things:

  • Include _PaginationHelper.xslt in your main XSLT file (e.g. an Umbraco macro XSLT file)
<xsl:include href="_PaginationHelper.xslt" />
  • Create a template for a single item to be rendered (e.g. a search result or a thumbnail image)
<xsl:template match="Textpage">
		<a href="{umbraco.library:NiceUrl(@id)}">
			<img src="{pageImageThumbnail}" width="100" height="80" alt="{@nodeName}" />
  • Call the PaginateSelection template where you want the paged result to appear
<xsl:template match="/">
	<xsl:call-template name="PaginateSelection">
		<xsl:with-param name="selection" select="$currentPage/Textpage" />

Simple, huh?


By default, the PaginateSelection template will paginate the children of the context node when called, but you can specify the exact selection of nodes to paginate by supplying the parameter selection when calling the template. (So, in Umbraco, we’ll use $currentPage for context as long as we’re inside the root template.

If for some reason you need to render the pager controls in a specific place and not as part of the automatic output, you can turn them off with the showPager parameter by supplying false() or 0 (zero). Then you can manually output the controls by calling RenderPager, using the same selection parameter as you called the PaginateSelection template with, to get the paging controls where you want them.

Sorting the output

Sometimes, the data you want to paginate is actually also being sorted when rendered, e.g. like this common scenario:

<xsl:apply-templates select="$currentPage/Textpage">
	<xsl:sort select="@createDate" order="descending" />

The problem with introducing pagination here, is that you'll get the pagination happening before sorting, but you really want to sort the results first and then perform the pagination. For that you use the sortBy parameter:

<xsl:call-template name="PaginateSelection">
	<xsl:with-param name="selection" select="$currentPage/Textpage" />
	<xsl:with-param name="sortBy" select="'@createDate DESC'" />

Note that it's a string combining the name of the element or attribute to sort by and the direction (ASC or DESC), separated by a space. ASC is the default so you don't even need to specify the direction, unless it's DESC.

It won't cover every scenario, e.g. it doesn't do numerical sorting, and you can only sort by a single element/attribute, where the element has to be a direct child of the node being sorted. Still, this should cover a lot of use cases.

Advanced sorting

Because XSLT allows for some very special sorting (e.g., sorting by a substring of a value or the combined value of two or more values), there need to be a way to support this, so by sending the string '$CUSTOM' into the sortBy parameter, the helper will execute a named template ("customSort") to perform the sorting, so in that one you can just paste your existing sort statements, e.g.:

<xsl:call-template name="PaginateSelection">
	<xsl:with-param name="selection" select="$currentPage/Textpage" />
	<xsl:with-param name="sortBy" select="'$CUSTOM'" />


<xsl:template name="customSort">
	<xsl:param name="selection" />
	<xsl:apply-templates select="$selection" mode="preSort">
		<xsl:sort select="substring-before(@nodeName, '-')" data-type="text" order="ascending" />
		<xsl:sort select="substring-after(@nodeName, '-')" data-type="number" order="ascending" />

QueryString options

The pager links rendered will include all existing querystring options on the original page (i.e., "page 1"), so if that page was the result of a search, e.g.: ?search=pagination+in+xslt, the page parameter will just be tacked on to that so everything works as expected.


The actual pagination is done with a QueryString parameter named p, which can be changed if you need to - it’s defined in the variable pagerParam right at the top of the file. Here you can also change the wording of the Previous and Next links generated, and the number of results per page (default is 10). You can even change the function that retrieves the options for the current page, which defaults to the server variable QUERY_STRING (using umbraco.library:RequestServerVariables()) but if you’re not using this with Umbraco you’re bound to get that from some other extension function. It assumes the standard query string key=value&otherkey=othervalue format.

Also, there's a variable to hold the current page's URL - again, you can set it any way you like; the default uses Umbraco's NiceUrl() extension.

Number of pages in the Pager output

If the amount of pages grows huge, it's common to limit the pager output to some amount of pages before and after the current page. The Pagination Helper defaults this number to 4 pages before and after, but you can use the pageLinksBeside parameter to override this value. You will always have links to the first and last couple of pages, though - like this, for page 10 of a 24-page set:

Sample pager at page 10

Note, however, that you will not get a gap (...) where it would be redundant, e.g. same setup as above, but on page 8, will look like this:

Sample pager at page 8

— Where rendering a gap between 2 and 4 would be pretty pointless, wherefore you get a link to the third page as well (for free!).