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Query special expression

The following expression can be used in query input to create dynamic query.

Special variables

The follow syntax will be replace by a special value define by this Plugin.

Name Remark
$_timeFrom The start of the current time range of Dash board. Replace with TIMESTAMP({Dash board start time}) .
$_timeTo The end of the current time range of Dash board. Replace with TIMESTAMP({Dash board end time}) .
$_col Use in Alias patterns. It will be replaced with the specified column name.
$_container Use in Alias patterns. It will be replaced with the specified container name.
$_interval This variable only used in $__timeSampling macro. Value of this variable will scale with the dash board time range.
when the dashboard show data in 1 year, $__interval = 1 day
when the dashboard show data in 1 day, $__interval = 1 minute
$_minInterval Lower limit of $__interval variable. Defined in Create Data Source screen.


The follow syntax will be replace by value of a custom variable define by user.

Name Remark
${variable name} Replace with current variable value.


The follow syntax will be replace by a TQL expression.

Name Remark
$_timeFilter Use to limit data. Replace with below condition:
{time column} > $__timeFrom AND {time column} < $__timeTo
$_rangeFilter Use to limit regions annotation data. Only use in regions annotation. Replace with below condition:
({start time column} > $__timeFrom AND {start time column} < $__timeTo) OR ({end time column} > $__timeFrom AND {end time column} < $__timeTo)
$_timeSampling({column name}, {time interval}) Replace with below expression:
TIME_SAMPLING ({column name}, $__timeFrom, $__timeTo, {time interval value}, {time interval unit})