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File metadata and controls

1981 lines (1511 loc) · 85.4 KB

Assumptions and Remarks

  • UGE PyCL requires access to UGE qmaster via the “qconf” command.

  • There is no user authentication/authorization performed by the library. All library calls utilize the same user account under which they are invoked. Hence, any library calls that modify UGE configuration will have to be invoked from an account that has appropriate UGE administrative privileges.

High-Level Design

Communication with Qmaster

UGE PyCL communicates with qmaster via the “qconf” command: retrieving UGE objects involves parsing output of qconf “display” commands, while adding or modifying objects requires constructing appropriate object definition files and passing those to qconf add or modify commands. Hence, the high-level library API class needs the same set of variables as the qconf command itself:


The above variables can be either passed to the API class constructor, or they can be inherited from the user’s environment. Note that configuring API objects programmatically allows different API class instances to manage different UGE clusters at the same time. For example, it is possible to copy queue configuration from one cluster to another using the following Python script:

qconf1 = QconfApi(sge_root=’/opt/uge’, sge_cell=’default’, sge_qmaster_port=11111, sge_execd_port=11112)
qconf2 = QconfApi(sge_root=’/opt/uge2’, sge_cell=’default’, sge_qmaster_port=21111, sge_execd_port=21112)
all_q = qconf1.get_queue(’all.q’)

Figure 1: Python code snippet that illustrates using multiple API class instances to manage different clusters.

Note that various PyCL objects and API methods will be described in more detail later in this document.

UGE Objects and their Python Representation

Although their formatting and display are not consistent across different qconf commands, all UGE objects fit into one of the following three categories:

  • Collection of key/value pairs (queues, host groups, projects, job classes, etc.)
  • List of strings (lists of manager names, queue names, execution host names, etc.)
  • List of key/value collections (share tree, list of resource quota sets)

Collections of Key/Value Pairs

All individual UGE objects with more than one attribute can be described as collections of key/value pairs. A sample definition of project “P1” illustrates this in Figure 2:

$ qconf -sprj P1
name P1
oticket 100
fshare 100
acl ACL1
xacl NONE

Figure 2: Sample UGE project “P1” object, shown using output of the “qconf -sprj P1” command.

In Python, the natural representation for all such objects is dictionary, which is easily converted into JSON, as illustrated in Figure 3.

>>> import json
>>> p1_data = {'oticket': 100, 'xacl': 'NONE', 'fshare': 100,    
'name': 'P1', 'acl': 'ACL1'}
>>> json.dumps(p1_data)
'{"oticket": 100, "xacl": "NONE", "acl": "ACL1", "fshare": 100, "name": "P1"}'

Figure 3: Python code snippet showing a dictionary that represents sample UGE project “P1”, as well as its conversion to the JSON string.

In most cases we can simply use native python types or strings as containers for values assigned to UGE object keys (UGE keywords like ‘NONE’ will be discussed later). There are, however, some cases where using a list of strings or a dictionary works slightly better in terms of parsing or modifying key values. For example, values for several “queue” object keys like “hostlist” and “slots” can be represented using lists of strings, while values for all keys of the “complex” object can be represented using dictionaries (see Figure 4).

>>> complex_data = {'arch' : {'shortcut' : 'a', 'type' : 'RESTRING',
'relop' : '==', 'requestable' : 'YES', 'consumable' : 'NO', 'default' :
'NONE', 'urgency' : 10, 'aapre' : 'NO'}}

Figure 4: Python code snippet showing a dictionary representation of the “arch” key value in the UGE “complex” configuration.


List of Strings

Python list of strings is a natural representation of qconf commands that return list of names. An example is a list of execution hosts (see Figures 5 and 6).

$ qconf -sel

Figure 5: Sample output of the “qconf -sel” command.

>>> import json
>>> host_list = ['uge-exec-001', 'uge-exec-002', 'uge-exec-003']
>>> json.dumps(host_list)
'["uge-exec-001", "uge-exec-002", "uge-exec-003"]'

Figure 6: Python code snippet showing list of execution hosts, as well as its conversion to the JSON string.

List of Key/Value Collections

For those qconf commands that return a list of key/value collections we can use Python list of dictionaries (see Figures 7 and 8 showing a sample share tree and its Python representation).


Figure 7: Sample output of the “qconf -sstree” command.

>>> import json
>>> stree_data = [{'id' : 0, 'name' : 'Root', 'type' : 0, 'shares' : 1,
'childnodes' : [1,2]}, {'id' : 1, 'name' : 'U1', 'type' : 0, 'shares' : 10, 'childnodes' : 'NONE'}, {'id' : 2, 'name' : 'U2', 'type' : 0, 'shares' :25, 'childnodes' : 'NONE'}]
>>> json.dumps(stree_data)
'[{"childnodes": [1, 2], "type": 0, "id": 0, "shares": 1, "name": "Root"},
{"childnodes": "NONE", "type": 0, "id": 1, "shares": 10, "name": "U1"},
{"childnodes": "NONE", "type": 0, "id": 2, "shares": 25, "name": "U2"}]'

Figure 8: Python code snippet showing sample share tree representation, as well as its conversion to the JSON string.

Metadata versus UGE Data

Effective configuration management of multiple UGE clusters requires information about various UGE objects, in addition to actual object configuration data that was discussed in Section 3.2. For example, UGE objects may evolve between different software versions, and hence it is imperative to know which object version was actually stored in the configuration database. Another example is tracking configuration changes: cluster administrators might like to know the time/date of the most recent configuration change, which administrator made the change, and why.

For this reason, PyCL objects contain both UGE configuration data and object metadata. Different configuration tools might rely on different sets of metadata keys, and the list of metadata keys in use will likely grow with time. At a minimum, however, metadata contains a set of static keys that are needed by the PyCL library itself (e.g., for recreating configuration objects from JSON strings):

  • object_class
  • object_version

In addition to those, some of the optional metadata keys that may be added to PyCL objects are listed below:

  • object_name (may be needed for identifying some objects)
  • created_by
  • created_on
  • modified_by
  • modified_on
  • uge_cluster
  • uge_version
  • description

Note that some of the above metadata keys may be added automatically by the PyCL library, while others may be added by configuration tools using PyCL object interfaces.

Although PyCL objects may have other data members, their JSON representations are based on dictionary formed only from metadata dictionary key/value pairs, as well as from UGE object assigned to the reserved key “data”. For example, JSON string representation for a PyCL object that “wraps” the sample UGE project “P1” from Figure 2 is shown below:

>>> import json
>>> p1_data = {'oticket': 100, 'xacl': 'NONE', 'fshare': 100, 'name': 'P1', 'acl': 'ACL1'}
>>> p1_json_data = {'object_class' : 'Project', 'object_version' : '1.0',
'modified_by' : 'sveseli', 'modified_on' : '2016-04-15T19:30:07.969048', 'uge_cluster' : 'C1', 'data' : p1_data}
>>> json.dumps(p1_json_data)
'{"object_version": "1.0", "modified_by": "sveseli", "uge_cluster": "C1",
"data": {"oticket": 100, "xacl": "NONE", "acl": "ACL1", "fshare": 100, "name": "P1"}, "modified_on": "2016-04-15T19:30:07.969048", "object_class": "Project"}'

Figure 9: Python code snippet showing full JSON string representation (data and metadata) for a sample UGE “P1” project.

Note that timestamps in metadata are strings using ISO 8601 format.

PyCL Object Classes

All qconf definitions and logic related to a given UGE object is encapsulated within its corresponding PyCL wrapper class. For example, the PyCL “Queue” class knows that retrieving UGE queue objects requires a “qconf -sq <queue_name>” command, it has the list of keys needed to create a new queue object, it provides interfaces needed to modify queue configuration, it knows how to parse and unpack JSON string, and also how to prepare files suitable for a “qconf –Aq <queue_definition_file>” or for a “qconf –Mq <queue_definition_file>” command.

QconfObject Class

PyCL object classes derives from a common “QconfObject” base class (see Figure 10). This class contains functionality and interfaces common to all PyCL objects (e.g., conversion to JSON strings, logic for parsing output of qconf commands that display UGE objects, etc.).


Figure 10: All PyCL object classes will use QconfObject as a base class.

In addition to classes wrapping UGE objects, the above diagram also contains a special “QconfNameList” class, which supports all regular Python list features, and is used as a container for various lists of object names, such as cluster queues, managers, execution hosts, etc.

Initializing Objects

Constructors for QconfObject-based classes take several named (and all optional) arguments: “data”, “metadata”, and “json” (see Figure 11).

 class QconfObject:
    def __init__(self, name=None, data=None, metadata=None, json=None):

Figure 11: QconfObject class constructor signature.

The “data” argument should contain UGE object configuration data (e.g., dictionary in case of objects like queues or projects, list of dictionaries for share trees). The “metadata” argument should be a dictionary containing any user-provided key/value pairs, which will be merged with static class metadata. The “json” argument should contain object’s JSON string representation discussed earlier. If specified, the JSON string will be unpacked, and the resulting key/value pairs will be merged with the provided metadata and/or data. If identical keys are specified in multiple places (e.g., in both metadata dictionary and as part of the JSON string), values coming from the JSON string will take precedence.

The scheme described above allows for creating empty, partially or fully configured objects, and also objects that can be easily updated and manipulated, as shown in Figure 12.

>>> all_q = ClusterQueue()
>>>['qname'] = 'al

Figure 12: Python code snippet that shows how an empty cluster queue object can be created and manipulated.

Keep in mind, however, that requirement for supporting multiple UGE releases complicates things in terms of invoking object constructors using classes that are applicable for a given UGE release. For this reason, the PyCL library provides object factory methods that should be able to instantiate appropriate versions of object wrapper classes, using either provided JSON string representation, or UGE object data (see Figure 13).

qconf = QconfApi(sge_root='/opt/uge', sge_cell='default')
all_q = qconf.generate_queue(data={'qname' : 'all.q'})

Figure 13: Python code snippet showing sample usage of factory methods for creating PyCL objects.

Support for API CRUD Operations

In order to support API Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) operations PyCL UGE object wrapper classes has to know the appropriate set of qconf command switches. Read operations also requires ability to parse qconf “display” command output, and to generate object’s JSON representation. On the other hand, create and update (or modify) operations need functionality for parsing JSON strings and creating UGE object configuration files.

Most UGE objects have a set of keys that must be present in their configuration files in order for those files to be accepted by the qmaster. For this reason, every PyCL wrapper class has a dictionary of required keys and their respective default values (see example below for UGE project objects).

    'name' : None,
    'oticket' : 0,
    'fshare' : 0,
    'acl' : None,
    'xacl' : None

Figure 14: Python code snippet showing default values for required data keys for UGE projects.

Most keys that have default values do not have to be provided by the library user. For certain keys the values will have to be set by the library user before the UGE object is added or modified via the relevant PyCL API calls (e.g., “qname” attribute of UGE cluster queue). Note that default values for certain keys may be installation specific, and will have to be generated at runtime (for example, those keys that rely on $SGE_ROOT)

Some objects (e.g., cluster configuration) have a set of keys that are optional (i.e., they can be removed from object’s configuration). In order to accommodate such cases, PyCL wrapper class utilizes dictionaries of optional data keys and their respective default values. For example:

    'mailer' : '/bin/mail',
    'xterm' : '/usr/bin/xterm'
    'execd_spool_dir' : 'SGE_ROOT/SGE_CELL/spool',
    'mailer' : '/bin/mail',
    'xterm' : '/usr/bin/xterm',

Figure 15: Python code snippet showing default values for optional data keys for UGE cluster (global and host-specific) configuration. Keys that rely on variables like SGE_ROOT and SGE_CELL will have to be evaluated at runtime.

Object Versioning

Over time, UGE objects will evolve with new UGE releases, and hence their corresponding PyCL wrapper classes will have to change as well. Any time PyCL object wrapper class gets modified in a non-trivial manner it will get assigned a new version string. For example, this would happen if a new key gets added to the set of required object keys, or if a default key value changes. The library keeps track of old PyCL object versions as long as the corresponding UGE product release is supported. This means two things:

  1. For each UGE object there may more than one version of PyCL wrapper class that is supported. For example, there may be three supported versions of the Queue class, but only one supported version of the Project class.

  2. Each supported UGE release may correspond to a distinct set of PyCL wrapper classes. For example, future UGE versions 9.0 and 10.0 might use Queue class versions 1.0 and 2.0, respectively, and use the same 1.0 version of the Project class.

The first statement above suggests that PyCL adopts a Java-like “class per file” convention, meaning that the definition of each wrapper class will be specified in its own file, with a version in its name. For example, ClusterQueue class versions 1.0 and 2.0 are specified in files “” and “”, allowing their usage as in the example below:

>>> from cluster_queue_v1_0 import ClusterQueue as ClusterQueueV1
>>> from cluster_queue_v2_0 import ClusterQueue as ClusterQueueV2
>>> q1 = ClusterQueueV1()
>>> q2 = ClusterQueueV2()
>>> print q1.__class__.__name__,q1.VERSION
ClusterQueue 1.0
>>> print q2.__class__.__name__,q2.VERSION
ClusterQueue 2.0

Figure 16: An example where both imported python modules contain definitions for the class “ClusterQueue” with the same constructor signature, but with a different value specified for the “VERSION” constant.

Support for distinct sets of objects for different UGE releases is implemented using release/object set map, where release versions serve as keys and dictionary of object names/versions as values (see Figure 17). Such a scheme, combined with the above solution for supporting different object versions, requires minimal amount of maintenance and development effort, and provides adequate support for supporting multiple UGE releases, as well as support for product upgrades.

>>> UGE_RELEASE_OBJECT_MAP['8.5.0p1'] = { 'ClusterQueue' : '1.0', 'Project' :
'1.0', 'ShareTree' : '1.0' }
>>> UGE_RELEASE_OBJECT_MAP['8.5.0p2'] = { 'ClusterQueue' : '2.0', 'Project' :
'1.0', 'ShareTree' : '1.0' }
{'8.6.0': {'ClusterQueue': '2.0', 'Project': '1.0', 'ShareTree': '1.0'},
'8.5.0p2': {'ClusterQueue': '2.0', 'Project': '1.0', 'ShareTree': '1.0'},
'8.5.0p1': {'ClusterQueue': '1.0', 'Project': '1.0', 'ShareTree': '1.0'}}

Figure 17: Python code snippet showing construction of UGE_RELEASE_OBJECT_MAP, which can be used for tracking versions of PyCL object classes that are applicable for a given UGE release.

In order to simplify object management, PyCL uses QconfObjectFactory class, which will be able to generate PyCL objects appropriate for any version of UGE software.

API Functionality


As mentioned earlier, QconfApi class requires several variables for communication with qmaster: UGE root directory, cell name, and qmaster and execd ports:

qconf = QconfApi(sge_root=’/opt/uge’, sge_cell=’default’,
          sge_qmaster_port=11111, sge_execd_port=11112)

Figure 18: Example of QconfApi class initialization.

During initialization QconfApi instance will determine administrator’s username, hostname, as well as UGE software version, which will facilitate using PyCL objects appropriate for the given qmaster version (see Section 3.4.4).

Object Factory Methods

QconfApi class provides factory methods for generating PyCL objects, either from UGE data and metadata, or from JSON string (see Figure 19). The factory methods will take a UGE version as argument. If this argument is not provided, API object will use qmaster’s version as default. The factory methods may be invoked directly by library users, or by other API methods.

class QconfApi:
    def generate_queue(self, name=None, data=None, metadata=None, json=None,
       uge_version=None, add_required_data=True):

Figure 19: Signature of a factory method for generating PyCL Queue object.

Note that factory methods are able to generate objects with added default values for required and/or optional keys that are missing from input data.

CRUD and List Methods

Get Methods

API “get” (read) methods take a name as argument and return the corresponding PyCL object. Steps involved in this process will be the following:

  1. Take object’s name as argument for the “get” method.

  2. Create new instance of the (empty) PyCL wrapper class (with version appropriate for the given qmaster).

  3. Invoke appropriate qconf “show object” command. Raise an “ObjectNotFound” exception in case object is unknown to qmaster.

  4. Parse output of the qconf command and form Python structure that represents UGE object’s configuration data.

  5. Set metadata and data in the PyCL wrapper object and return it to user.

all_q = qconf.get_queue('all.q')
print 'Queue JSON Representation: ', all_q.to_json()

Figure 20: Example of using API “get” methods, which always return PyCL objects.

Add Methods

The “add” (create) methods perform appropriate qconf “add” (or “add from file”) command. They mimic the original qconf behavior, and are able to take as input arguments either PyCL objects, or Python structures representing UGE data and metadata, or simply JSON strings. For the dictionary-based UGE objects the “add” process will involve these steps:

  1. If needed, create new instance of the PyCL wrapper class from UGE data/metadata, and/or from the given JSON string. PyCL object version will be appropriate for the given qmaster.

  2. Verify that all keys are present that must be set by the library user. Raise an “InvalidArgument” PyCL exception if that is not the case.

  3. Verify that there are no additional (unknown) keys if optional keys are not allowed. Raise an “InvalidArgument” PyCL exception if that is not the case.

  4. Verify that UGE object that is being added does not exist, by invoking qconf “show object” command. Raise an “ObjectAlreadyExists” PyCL exception if that is not the case.

  5. Add to the new PyCL object all required keys that are missing, with their default values.

  6. Generate UGE object configuration file.

  7. Invoke appropriate qconf “add from file” command.

  8. Return the new PyCL object to the user.

Note that the above process allows users to take advantage of UGE default values for most object keys. For example, just like with the standard qconf command, one is able to create new queue by specifying only its name, and taking default values for all other properties.

new_q = qconf.add_queue(data={'qname' : 'new.q'})

Figure 21: Example of using API “add” method with a dictionary-based UGE object.

In addition to using UGE data and metadata, one is also able to create new queue by passing its JSON representation, e.g.:

 new_q = qconf.add_queue(json='{"object_version": "1.0",
"object_class": "ClusterQueue", "data": {"qname": "new.q",
"slots": ["2", "[uge=exec-001=1]"],...}}')

Figure 22: Example of using API “add” method with JSON string.

For adding names to UGE configuration (e.g., managers or operators), the process is much simpler, as input arguments are simply Python strings, or list of strings to be added. Such methods have no return values. However, if any of the input names have already been configured, an “ObjectAlreadyExists” exception will be raised, consistent with other API “add” methods.

Modify Methods

The “modify” (update) methods perform appropriate qconf “modify from file” command, and are able to take as input arguments either PyCL objects, or Python structures representing UGE data and metadata, or simply JSON strings. For the dictionary-based UGE objects the “modify” process will involve these steps:

  1. If needed, create new instance of the PyCL wrapper class from UGE data/metadata, and/or from the given JSON string. PyCL object version will be appropriate for the given qmaster.

  2. Verify that all keys are present that must be set by the library user. Raise an “InvalidArgument” PyCL exception if that is not the case.

  3. Verify that there are no additional (unknown) keys if optional keys are not allowed. Raise an “InvalidArgument” PyCL exception if that is not the case.

  4. Verify that UGE object that is being updated actually exists, by invoking qconf “show object” command. Raise an “ObjectNotFound” PyCL exception if that is not the case.

  5. Add to the new PyCL object all required keys that are missing, with values taken from the old object (i.e., merge new object into the old one).

  6. Generate UGE object configuration file.

  7. Invoke appropriate qconf “modify from file” command.

  8. Return the new (modified) PyCL object to the user.

The above process allows users to perform updates with partially configured objects. In other words, one should be able to modify objects using only a subset of keys:

all_q = qconf.modify_queue(data={'qname' : 'all.q', 'slots' : ['2', '[uge=exec-001=1]']})

Figure 23: Example of using API “modify” method with a dictionary-based UGE object.

Like with the “add” methods, “modify” methods also takes JSON strings, e.g.:

 all_q = qconf.modify_queue(json='{"object_version": "1.0", "object_class": "ClusterQueue", "data": {"qname": "all.q", "slots": ["2", "[uge=exec-001=1]"],...}}')

Figure 24: Example of using API “modify” method with JSON string.

Delete Methods

API “delete” methods take a object’s name as argument and invoke qconf “delete” command. Those methods have no return value.


Figure 25: Example of using API “delete” methods.

List Methods

API “list” methods takes no arguments; they invoke qconf “show list” command appropriate for a given object, and will return a “QconfNameList” object:

queue_name_list = qconf.list_queues()
print 'Queue Name List JSON Representatio

Figure 26: Example of using API “list” methods, which always return QconfNameList object.

Support for UGE Upgrades

PyCL API itself does not provide explicit methods for upgrading objects from one version to another, but it provides support for UGE software upgrades. In other words, library users are able to write scripts that will perform object and configuration upgrades. In most cases existing objects’ keys will not be removed or renamed, and the following process works:

  1. Take object’s old version JSON string representation and generate corresponding PyCL object (old version).

  2. Generate new (upgraded) PyCL object using the old object’s UGE data and specifying “add_required_data=True” for the corresponding factory method. This will add keys required for the new PyCL class using their default values.

Upgrade scripts for more complex cases will have to incorporate appropriate logic that handles those.


In case of any errors PyCL API methods raise exceptions. All library exceptions derive from the base QconfException class, which in turn extend the standard Python Exception.


Figure 27: PyCL exceptions extend QconfException (and the standard Python Exception) class.

In those cases where PyCL can determine the specific error condition, either by parsing qconf error message or by catching a specific Python error, the library will raise corresponding PyCL exception. For all other cases (either unhandled qconf error, or unexpected Python error) PyCL will raise a generic QconfException.

All library exception classes are initialized with an error message coming either from qconf command error, or from Python exception message. They also contain a unique non-zero error code, which will be used for command line error handling.

Top-Level Module

PyCL API classes, exceptions and object modules are accessible under the top-level “uge” module. Hence, the library users are able to use Python import statements such as “from uge import QconfApi”.


PyCL logging framework is based on the standard Python logging modules and will provides the following functionality:

  • The library is able to log messages into log files, as well as send them to the console.
  • There are several different log levels available (e.g., INFO, WARN, DEBUG, ERROR, CRITICAL).
  • Logging configuration is taken from the following sources: configuration file, environment variables (e.g.,
    PYCL_LOG_LEVEL), and command line arguments (for interactive commands).
  • Log message format is configurable. For example, log messages might be formatted as follows:
12/15/17 11:35:13 [INFO] root@head01 QconfApi (1234): Adding queue new.q to cluster C1


All PyCL API and object classes (i.e., those classes intended for users directly) are documented using Sphinx Python Documentation generator [3]. API documentation includes usage examples for all API methods.

Command Line Interfaces

Although primary usage of the PyCL library is through its API, we anticipate that there is also a need for command line interfaces (CLIs). Those may be used for scripting of various administrative tasks that might not be suitable for using UGE qconf command directly. For example, if managing production clusters requires logging of all configuration changes, PyCL logging capabilities might give an advantage over using the qconf command.

In order to ensure consistency and ease of use, all of the PyCL command line interfaces have the following functionality:

  • All command line tools are scriptable.
  • All CLI classes are built on top of the PyCL API.
  • Commands return exit status of 0 in those cases where everything worked as expected. Non-zero exit status is returned in case of any errors or incorrect usage, and it will correspond to error code of the underlying PyCL API exception.
  • Clear error message pointing to the cause of problem are displayed in case of errors. In most cases, this message is taken directly from the underlying PyCL exception.
  • All tools print help message and exit (exit status of 0) for the following options:


  • All tools print PyCL version information and exit (exit status of 0) for the following options:


  • Logging on the screen is controlled either using environment variable PYCL_LOG_LEVEL, or by providing the following option:


  • All command parameters may provide “single-dash” flags/options, but they always offer the “double-dash” syntax (--option=).

All CLI classes derive from the base QconfCli class, which provides set of features and command line options common to all command line tools. Those features include parsing of the command line arguments, error handling, etc.


  1. For investigating UGE qconf command functionality and features we relied on official UGE Administrators’ guide, as well as on qconf man pages.
  2. Nose package home page:
  3. Sphinx project home page:

Appendix: PyCL Object Details and API Specification

In this appendix we show PyCL object details: required keys, default UGE values, and corresponding Python types. We also show method signatures for the relevant API methods. Note the following:

  • PyCL object keys are identical to UGE (qconf) keys.
  • PyCL objects use native Python types whenever possible, and also attempt to convert UGE object values to appropriate types. In those cases where conversion to native types is not possible UGE object values are interpreted either as strings, or as string lists (UGE object list entries are separated by commas).
    Standard UGE string keyword “NONE” (or “none”) are converted
    to Python None. Similarly, UGE keywords “YES” and “NO” are converted to Python Boolean values. The library will handle reverse conversions (None to “NONE”, etc.) when creating or modifying UGE objects.
  • Some object keys have to be set by the library user. All other missing keys are replaced by their default values when creating or modifying UGE objects.
  • Default values for certain keys that rely on variables like SGE_ROOT and SGE_CELL are generated at runtime.
  • PyCL accepts any input that results in a valid UGE object configuration.
  • When manipulating objects, Python string list is equivalent to a single string where list items are joined by commas. In other words, key value specifications like the ones shown below are equivalent as far as PyCL API is concerned:
>>>['slots'] = ['1','[uge-exec-001=2]']
{'slots': ['1', '[uge-exec-001=2]']}
>>>['slots'] = '1,[uge-exec-001=2]'
{'slots': '1,[uge-exec-001=2]'}

The same is true for corresponding JSON representations.

  • Full JSON representation for any PyCL object is based on
    dictionary that is formed from metadata dictionary key/value pairs, as well as from UGE object assigned to the reserved key
    “data” (see Section 3).
  • PyCL objects support JSON representation with both native Python types and with UGE keywords. With native UGE syntax generated JSON strings will have values of “NONE”, “YES” or “NO, rather than null, true or false. Library users are able to specify JSON representation mode when invoking “to_json()” method
    on PyCL objects.

QconfApi class constructor signature is shown below:

 __init__(self, sge_root=None, sge_cell=’default’,
  sge_qmaster_port=6444, sge_execd_port=6445)


UGE data for ClusterQueue objects (“-sq ”) is represented as Python dictionaries. All of the keys below are required for add/update operations, and are returned by the get operation:

qname template None
hostlist NONE None
seq_no 0 0
load_thresholds np_load_avg=1.75 'np_load_avg=1.75'
suspend_thresholds NONE None
nsuspend 1 1
suspend_interval 00:05:00 '00:05:00'
priority 0 0
min_cpu_interval 00:05:00 '00:05:00'
ckpt_list NONE None
pe_list make 'make'
jc_list NO_JC,ANY_JC ['NO_JC','ANY_JC']
rerun FALSE False
slots 1 1
tmpdir /tmp '/tmp'
shell /bin/csh '/bin/csh'
prolog NONE None
epilog NONE None
shell_start_mode unix_behavior 'unix_behavior'
starter_method NONE None
suspend_method NONE None
resume_method NONE None
terminate_method NONE None
notify 00:00:60 '00:00:60'
owner_list NONE None
user_lists NONE None
xuser_lists NONE None
subordinate_list NONE None
complex_values NONE None
projects NONE None
xprojects NONE None
calendar NONE None
initial_state default 'default'
s_rt INFINITY float('inf')
h_rt INFINITY float('inf')
d_rt INFINITY float('inf')
s_cpu INFINITY float('inf')
h_cpu INFINITY float(‘inf’)
s_fsize INFINITY float('inf')
h_fsize INFINITY float('inf')
s_data INFINITY float('inf')
h_data INFINITY float('inf')
s_stack INFINITY float('inf')
h_stack INFINITY float('inf')
s_core INFINITY float('inf')
h_core INFINITY float('inf')
s_rss INFINITY float('inf')
h_rss INFINITY float('inf')
s_vmem INFINITY float('inf')
h_vmem INFINITY float('inf')

Sample JSON representation for a ClusterQueue object (shortened for simplicity) is shown below:

>>> all_q.to_json()
'{"object_version": "1.0", "modified_by": "sveseli", "uge_cluster": "C1", "object_class": "ClusterQueue", "modified_on": "2016-04-15T19:30:07.969048", "data": {"qname": "all.q", "hostlist": "@allhosts", "seq_no": 0, "load_thresholds": "np_load_avg=1.75",…}}'

UGE data for a list of queues (“-sql”) is returned within the QconfNameList object, which supports all regular Python list features. Sample JSON representation is shown below:

>>> queue_list.to_json()
'{"object_version": "1.0", "uge_cluster": "C1", "object_class": "QconfNameList", "description": "list of queues", "data": ["all.q", "long.q",…]}'

QconfApi class method signatures relevant to ClusterQueue objects are as follows:

ClusterQueue generate_queue(self, name=None, data=None, metadata=None, json=None, 
uge_version=None, add_required_data=True)
ClusterQueue add_queue(self, pycl_object=None, name=None, data=None, 
metadata=None, json=None)
ClusterQueue modify_queue(self, pycl_object=None, name=None, data=None, 
metadata=None, json=None)
ClusterQueue get_queue(self, name)
None delete_queue(self, name)
QconfNameList list_queues(self)

Note that in order to generate, add, or modify cluster queue, its name can be specified either explicitly, or as part of other input data (queue object, data dictionary or JSON string).

Cluster Configuration

UGE data for ClusterConfiguration objects (“-sconf [global | ]”) is represented as Python dictionaries. There are no required keys, and arbitrary non-default keys are allowed for add/update operations. However, the default values are different for the “global” versus the host-specific configuration. This will be handled by two sets of defaults for optional keys.

For the “global” configuration default key/value pairs returned by the get operation are shown below:


execd_spool_dir $SGE_ROOT/$SGE_CELL/spool '$SGE_ROOT/$SGE_CELL/spool'

mailer /bin/mail '/bin/mail'

xterm /usr/bin/xterm '/usr/bin/xterm'

load_sensor none None

prolog none None

epilog none None

shell_start_mode unix_behavior 'unix_behavior'

login_shells sh,bash,ksh,csh,tcsh ['sh','bash','ksh','csh','tcsh']

min_uid 0 0

min_gid 0 0

user_lists none None

xuser_lists none None

projects none None

xprojects none None

default_jc none None

enforce_jc false False

enforce_project false False

enforce_user auto 'auto'

load_report_time 00:00:40 '00:00:40'

max_unheard 00:04:00 '00:04:00'

reschedule_unknown 00:00:00 '00:00:00'

loglevel log_warning 'log_warning'

administrator_mail none None

set_token_cmd none None

pag_cmd none None

token_extend_time none None

shepherd_cmd none None

qmaster_params none None


reporting_params accounting=true {'accounting' : True, reporting=false 'reporting' : False, flush_time=00:00:13 'flush_time' : '00:00:13', joblog=false 'joblog' : False, sharelog=00:00:00 'sharelog' : '00:00:00'}

finished_jobs 0 0

gid_range 20000-20100 '20000-20100'

qlogin_command builtin 'builtin'

qlogin_daemon builtin 'builtin'

rlogin_command builtin 'builtin'

rlogin_daemon builtin 'builtin'

rsh_command builtin 'builtin'

rsh_daemon builtin 'builtin'

max_aj_instances 2000 2000

max_aj_tasks 75000 75000

max_u_jobs 0 0

max_jobs 0 0

max_advance_reservations 0 0

auto_user_oticket 0 0

auto_user_fshare 0 0

auto_user_default_project none None

auto_user_delete_time 86400 86400

delegated_file_staging false False

reprioritize 0 0

jsv_url none None

jsv_allowed_mod ac,h,i,e,o,j,M,N,p,w ['ac','h','i','e','o','j','M','N','p', 'w']

On the other hand, for the host-specific configuration default key/value pairs returned by the get operation are the following:

mailer /bin/mail '/bin/mail'
xterm /usr/bin/xterm '/usr/bin/xterm'

By default ClusterConfiguration keys do not include object’s name (“global” or host name). This is handled by introducing “object_name” metadata key. Sample JSON representation for a ClusterConfiguration object (shortened for simplicity) is shown below:

>>> global_conf.to_json()
'{"object_version": "1.0", "modified_by": "sveseli", "uge_cluster": "C1", "object_class": "ClusterConfiguration", "object_name": "global", "modified_on": "2016-04-15T19:30:07.969048", "data": {"execd_spool_dir": "/opt/tools/uge/default/spool",…}}'

UGE data for a list of configurations (“-sconfl”) is returned within the QconfNameList object (see sample JSON representation below):

>>> conf_list.to_json()
'{"object_version": "1.0", "uge_cluster": "C1", "object_class": "QconfNameList", "description": "list of configurations", "data": ["global", "uge-exec-001",…]}'

Relevant QconfApi class method signatures are as follows:

ClusterConfiguration generate_conf(self, name=None,
data=None, metadata=None, json=None,                  
uge_version=None, add_optional_data=False)
ClusterConfiguration add_conf(self, pycl_object=None, 
name=None, data=None, metadata=None, json=None)
ClusterConfiguration modify_conf(self, pycl_object=None, 
name=None, data=None, metadata=None, json=None)
ClusterConfiguration get_conf(self, name=None)
None delete_conf(self, name=None)
QconfNameList list_confs(self)

Scheduler Configuration

UGE data for SchedulerConfiguration objects (“-ssconf”) is represented as Python dictionaries. All of the keys below are required for add/update operations, and are returned by the get operation:


algorithm default 'default'

schedule_interval 0:0:15 '0:0:15'

maxujobs 0 0

queue_sort_method load 'load'

job_load_adjustments np_load_avg=0.50 'np_load_avg=0.50'

load_adjustment_decay_time 0:7:30 '0:7:30'

load_formula np_load_avg 'np_load_avg'

schedd_job_info false False

flush_submit_sec 1 1

flush_finish_sec 1 1

params none None

reprioritize_interval 0:0:0 '0:0:0'

halftime 168 168

usage_weight_list wallclock=0.000000, ['wallclock=0.000000', cpu=1.000000, 'cpu=1.000000', mem=0.000000, 'mem=0.000000' io=0.000000 'io=0.000000']

compensation_factor 5.000000 5.0

weight_user 0.250000 0.25

weight_project 0.250000 0.25

weight_department 0.250000 0.25

weight_job 0.250000 0.25

weight_tickets_functional 0 0

weight_tickets_share 0 0

share_override_tickets TRUE True

share_functional_shares TRUE True

max_functional_jobs_to_schedule 200 200

report_pjob_tickets TRUE True

max_pending_tasks_per_job 50 50

halflife_decay_list none None

policy_hierarchy OFS 'OFS'

weight_ticket 0.010000 0.01

weight_waiting_time 0.000000 0.0

weight_deadline 3600000.000000 3600000.0

weight_urgency 0.100000 0.1

weight_priority 1.000000 1.0

fair_urgency_list NONE None

max_reservation 0 0

default_duration INFINITY float('inf')

backfilling ON True

prioritize_preemptees FALSE False

preemptees_keep_resources FALSE False

max_preemptees 0 0

preemption_distance 00:15:00 '00:15:00'

preemption_priority_adjustments none None

Sample JSON representation for a SchedulerConfiguration object (shortened for simplicity) is shown below:

>>> scheduler_conf.to_json()
'{"object_version": "1.0", "modified_by": "sveseli", "uge_cluster": "C1", "object_class": "SchedulerConfiguration", "modified_on": "2016-04-15T19:30:07.969048", "data": {"algorithm": "default", "schedule_interval": "0:0:15", "maxujobs": 0, …}}'

Relevant QconfApi class method signatures are given as follows (no add/delete/list methods):

SchedulerConfiguration generate_sconf(self, data=None, 
metadata=None, json=None, uge_version=None, add_required_data=True)
SchedulerConfiguration modify_sconf(self, pycl_object=None, 
data=None, metadata=None, json=None)
SchedulerConfiguration get_sconf(self)

Execution Host

UGE data for ExecutionHost objects (“-se ”) is represented as Python dictionaries. All of the keys below are required for add/update operations:

hostname template None
load_scaling NONE None
complex_values NONE None
user_lists NONE None
xuser_lists NONE None
projects NONE None
xprojects NONE None
usage_scaling NONE None
report_variables NONE None
license_constraints NONE None
license_oversubscription NONE None

Two additional keys (“load_values” and “processors”) are returned by the get operations. Sample JSON representation for an ExecutionHost object (shortened for simplicity) is given below:

>>> execution_host.to_json()
'{"object_version": "1.0", "modified_by": "sveseli", "uge_cluster": "C1", "object_class": "ExecutionHost", "modified_on": "2016-04-15T19:30:07.969048", "data": {"hostname": "uge-exec-001", "load_scaling": null, "complex_values": "m_mem_free=2007.000000M",…}}'

UGE data for a list of execution hosts (“-sel”) is returned within the QconfNameList object:

>>> execution_host_list.to_json()
'{"object_version": "1.0", "uge_cluster": "C1", "object_class": "QconfNameList", "description": "list of execution hosts", "data": ["uge-exec-001", "uge-exec-002",…]}'

QconfApi class method signatures relevant to ExecutionHost objects are as follows:

ExecutionHost generate_ehost(self, name=None, data=None, 
metadata=None, json=None, uge_version=None, add_required_data=True)
ExecutionHost add_ehost(self, pycl_object=None, name=None, data=None, 
metadata=None, json=None)
ExecutionHost modify_ehost(self, pycl_object=None, name=None, data=None, 
metadata=None, json=None)
ExecutionHost get_ehost(self, name)
None delete_ehost(self, name)
QconfNameList list_ehosts(self)

In order to generate, add, or modify execution host, its name can be specified either explicitly, or as part of other input data (data dictionary or JSON string).

Host Group

UGE data for HostGroup objects (“-shgrp <host_group_name>”) is represented as Python dictionaries. There are two keys required for add/update operations, and are also returned by the get operations:

group_name @template None
hostlist NONE None

Sample JSON representation for a HostGroup object is shown below:

>>> host_group.to_json()
'{"object_version": "1.0", "modified_by": "sveseli", "uge_cluster": "C1", "object_class": "HostGroup", "modified_on": "2016-04-15T19:30:07.969048", "data": {"group_name": "@allhosts", "hostlist": ["uge-exec-001", "uge-exec-002", "uge-exec-003",…]}}'

UGE data for a list of host groups (“-shgrpl”) is returned within the QconfNameList object:

>>> host_group_list.to_json()
'{"object_version": "1.0", "uge_cluster": "C1", "object_class": "QconfNameList", "description": "list of host groups", "data": ["@allhosts",…]}'

QconfApi class method signatures relevant to HostGroup objects are as follows:

HostGroup generate_hgrp(self, name=None, data=None, metadata=None, 
json=None, uge_version=None, add_required_data=True)
HostGroup add_hgrp(self, pycl_object=None, name=None, data=None, 
metadata=None, json=None)
HostGroup modify_hgrp(self, pycl_object=None, name=None, data=None, 
metadata=None, json=None)
HostGroup get_hgrp(self, name)
None delete_hgrp(self, name)
QconfNameList list_hgrps(self)

In order to generate, add, or modify host group, its name can be specified either explicitly, or as part of other input data (data dictionary or JSON string).

Complex Configuration

UGE data for ComplexConfiguration objects (“-sc”) is represented as Python dictionaries, where keys are complex attribute names and values are dictionaries of attribute data. Built-in complex attributes (shown below) are required, but optional attributes are allowed.

name/PYTHON KEY shortcut type relop requestable consumable default urgency aapre
calendar c RESTRING == YES NO NONE 0 NO
cpu cpu DOUBLE >= YES NO 0 0 NO
d_rt d_rt TIME <= YES NO 0:0:0 0 NO
display_win_gui dwg BOOL == YES NO 0 0 NO
h_core h_core MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0 NO
h_cpu h_cpu TIME <= YES NO 0:0:0 0 NO
h_data h_data MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0 NO
h_fsize h_fsize MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0 NO
h_rss h_rss MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0 NO
h_rt h_rt TIME <= YES NO 0:0:0 0 NO
h_stack h_stack MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0 NO
h_vmem h_vmem MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0 NO
hostname h HOST == YES NO NONE 0 NO
load_avg la DOUBLE >= NO NO 0 0 NO
load_long ll DOUBLE >= NO NO 0 0 NO
load_medium lm DOUBLE >= NO NO 0 0 NO
load_short ls DOUBLE >= NO NO 0 0 NO
m_cache_l1 mcache1 MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0 NO
m_cache_l2 mcache2 MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0 NO
m_cache_l3 mcache3 MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0 NO
m_core core INT <= YES NO 0 0 NO
m_mem_free mfree MEMORY <= YES YES 0 0 YES
m_mem_free_n0 mfree0 MEMORY <= YES YES 0 0 YES
m_mem_free_n1 mfree1 MEMORY <= YES YES 0 0 YES
m_mem_free_n2 mfree2 MEMORY <= YES YES 0 0 YES
m_mem_free_n3 mfree3 MEMORY <= YES YES 0 0 YES
m_mem_total mtotal MEMORY <= YES YES 0 0 YES
m_mem_total_n0 mmem0 MEMORY <= YES YES 0 0 YES
m_mem_total_n1 mmem1 MEMORY <= YES YES 0 0 YES
m_mem_total_n2 mmem2 MEMORY <= YES YES 0 0 YES
m_mem_total_n3 mmem3 MEMORY <= YES YES 0 0 YES
m_mem_used mused MEMORY >= YES NO 0 0 NO
m_mem_used_n0 mused0 MEMORY >= YES NO 0 0 NO
m_mem_used_n1 mused1 MEMORY >= YES NO 0 0 NO
m_mem_used_n2 mused2 MEMORY >= YES NO 0 0 NO
m_mem_used_n3 mused3 MEMORY >= YES NO 0 0 NO
m_numa_nodes nodes INT <= YES NO 0 0 NO
m_socket socket INT <= YES NO 0 0 NO
m_thread thread INT <= YES NO 0 0 NO
m_topology topo RESTRING == YES NO NONE 0 NO
m_topology_inuse utopo RESTRING == YES NO NONE 0 NO
m_topology_numa unuma RESTRING == YES NO NONE 0 NO
mem_free mf MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0 NO
mem_total mt MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0 NO
mem_used mu MEMORY >= YES NO 0 0 NO
min_cpu_interval mci TIME <= NO NO 0:0:0 0 NO
np_load_avg nla DOUBLE >= NO NO 0 0 NO
np_load_long nll DOUBLE >= NO NO 0 0 NO
np_load_medium nlm DOUBLE >= NO NO 0 0 NO
np_load_short nls DOUBLE >= NO NO 0 0 NO
num_proc p INT == YES NO 0 0 NO
rerun re BOOL == NO NO 0 0 NO
s_core s_core MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0 NO
s_cpu s_cpu TIME <= YES NO 0:0:0 0 NO
s_data s_data MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0 NO
s_fsize s_fsize MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0 NO
s_rss s_rss MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0 NO
s_rt s_rt TIME <= YES NO 0:0:0 0 NO
s_stack s_stack MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0 NO
s_vmem s_vmem MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0 NO
seq_no seq INT == NO NO 0 0 NO
slots s INT <= YES YES 1 1000 YES
swap_free sf MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0 NO
swap_rate sr MEMORY >= YES NO 0 0 NO
swap_rsvd srsv MEMORY >= YES NO 0 0 NO
swap_total st MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0 NO
swap_used su MEMORY >= YES NO 0 0 NO
tmpdir tmp RESTRING == NO NO NONE 0 NO
virtual_free vf MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0 NO
virtual_total vt MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0 NO
virtual_used vu MEMORY >= YES NO 0 0 NO

An example of a Python dictionary representing complex attribute data “slots” from the table above is as follows:

>>> slots_attribute = {'shortcut' : 's', 'type' : 'INT', 'relop' : '<=', 'requestable' : True, 'consumable' : True, 'default' : 1, 'urgency' : 1000, 'aapre' : True}

Sample JSON representation for a ComplexConfiguration object (shortened for simplicity) is shown below:

>>> complex_configuration.to_json()
'{"object_version": "1.0", "modified_by": "sveseli", "uge_cluster": "C1", "object_class": "ComplexConfiguration", "modified_on": "2016-04-15T19:30:07.969048", "data": {"slots": {"shortcut" : "s", "type" : "INT", "relop" : "<=", "requestable" : true, "consumable" : true, "default" : 1, "urgency" : 1000, "aapre" : true},…}}'

QconfApi class method signatures relevant to ComplexConfiguration objects are as follows:

ComplexConfiguration generate_cconf(self, data=None, 
metadata=None, json=None, uge_version=None, add_required_data=True)
ComplexConfiguration modify_cconf(self, pycl_object=None, 
data=None, metadata=None, json=None)
ComplexConfiguration get_cconf(self)
ComplexConfiguration add_cattr(self, name, data)
ComplexConfiguration modify_cattr(self, name, data)
ComplexConfiguration delete_cattr(self, name)


UGE data for Project objects (“-sprj ”) is represented as Python dictionaries. Optional keys are not allowed. The keys required for add/update operations, and also returned by the get operations are the following:

name template None
oticket 0 0
fshare 0 0
acl NONE None
xacl NONE None

Sample JSON representation for a Project object is shown below:

>>> project.to_json()
'{"object_version": "1.0", "modified_by": "sveseli", "uge_cluster": "C1", "object_class": "Project", "modified_on": "2016-04-15T19:30:07.969048", "data": {"name": "P1", "oticket": 0, "fshare": 0, "acl": null, "xacl": null}}'

UGE data for a list of projects (“-sprjl”) is returned within the QconfNameList object:

>>> project_list.to_json()
'{"object_version": "1.0", "uge_cluster": "C1", "object_class": "QconfNameList", "description": "list of projects", "data": ["P1",…]}'

QconfApi class method signatures relevant to Project objects are as follows:

Project generate_prj(self, name=None, data=None, 
metadata=None, json=None, uge_version=None, add_required_data=True)
Project add_prj(self, pycl_object=None, name=None, data=None, 
metadata=None, json=None)
Project modify_prj(self, pycl_object=None, name=None, data=None, 
metadata=None, json=None)
Project get_prj(self, name)
None delete_prj(self, name)
QconfNameList list_prjs(self)

In order to generate, add, or modify project, its name can be specified either explicitly, or as part of other input data (data dictionary or JSON string).


UGE data for User objects (“-suser ”) is represented as Python dictionaries. Optional keys are not allowed. The keys required for add/update operations, and also returned by the get operations are the following:

name template None
oticket 0 0
fshare 0 0
delete_time 0 0
default_project NONE None

Sample JSON representation for an User object is shown below:

>>> user.to_json()
'{"object_version": "1.0", "modified_by": "sveseli", "uge_cluster": "C1", "object_class": "User", "modified_on": "2016-04-15T19:30:07.969048", "data": {"name": "U1", "oticket": 0, "fshare": 0, "delete_time": 0, "default_project": null}}'

UGE data for a list of users (“-suserl”) is returned within the QconfNameList object:

>>> user_list.to_json()
'{"object_version": "1.0", "uge_cluster": "C1", "object_class": "QconfNameList", "description": "list of users", "data": ["U1",…]}'

QconfApi class method signatures relevant to User objects are as follows:

User generate_user(self, name=None, data=None, 
metadata=None, json=None, uge_version=None, add_required_data=True)
User add_user(self, pycl_object=None, name=None, data=None, metadata=None, 
User modify_user(self, pycl_object=None, name=None, data=None, metadata=None, 
User get_user(self, name)
None delete_user(self, name)
QconfNameList list_users(self)

In order to generate, add, or modify user, its name can be specified either explicitly, or as part of other input data (data dictionary or JSON string).

Access List

UGE data for AccessList objects (“-su ”) is represented as Python dictionaries. Optional keys are not allowed. The keys required for add/update operations, and also returned by the get operations are the following:

name None None
type ACL 'ACL'
fshare 0 0
oticket 0 0
entries NONE None

Sample JSON representation for an AccessList object is shown below:

>>> acl.to_json()
'{"object_version": "1.0", "modified_by": "sveseli", "uge_cluster": "C1", "object_class": "AccessList", "modified_on": "2016-04-15T19:30:07.969048", "data": {"name": "arusers", "oticket": 0, "fshare": 0, "type": "ACL", "entries": null}}'

UGE data for a list of access lists (“-sul”) is returned within the QconfNameList object:

>>> acl_list.to_json()
'{"object_version": "1.0", "uge_cluster": "C1", "object_class": "QconfNameList", "description": "list of access lists", "data": ["arusers",…]}'

QconfApi class method signatures relevant to AccessList objects are the following:

AccessList generate_acl(self, name=None, data=None, 
metadata=None, json=None, uge_version=None, add_required_data=True)
AccessList add_acl(self, pycl_object=None, name=None, data=None, 
metadata=None, json=None)
AccessList modify_acl(self, pycl_object=None, name=None, data=None, 
metadata=None, json=None)
AccessList get_acl(self, name)
[AccessList] add_users_to_acls(self, user_names, access_list_names)
[AccessList] delete_users_from_acls(self, user_names, access_list_names)
None delete_acl(self, name)
QconfNameList list_acls(self)

In order to generate, add, or modify access list, its name can be specified either explicitly, or as part of other input data (data dictionary or JSON string).

Job Class

UGE data for JobClass objects (“-sjc ”) is represented as Python dictionaries. Optional keys are not allowed. The keys required for add/update operations, and also returned by the get operations are the following:

jcname template None
variant_list NONE None
owner NONE None
user_lists NONE None
xuser_lists NONE None

Sample JSON representation for a JobClass object (shortened for simplicity) is shown below:

>>> job_class.to_json()
'{"object_version": "1.0", "modified_by": "sveseli", "uge_cluster": "C1", "object_class": "JobClass", "modified_on": "2016-04-15T19:30:07.969048", "data": {"jcname": "JC1", "variant_list": null,…, "v": "{+}UNSPECIFIED"}}'

UGE data for a list of job classes (“-sjcl”) is returned within the QconfNameList object:

>>> job_class_list.to_json()
'{"object_version": "1.0", "uge_cluster": "C1", "object_class": "QconfNameList", "description": "list of job classes", "data": ["JC1",…]}'

QconfApi class method signatures relevant to JobClass objects are the following:

JobClass generate_jc(self, name=None, data=None, 
metadata=None, json=None, uge_version=None, add_required_data=True)
JobClass add_jc(self, pycl_object=None, name=None, data=None, 
metadata=None, json=None)
JobClass modify_jc(self, pycl_object=None, name=None, data=None, 
metadata=None, json=None)
JobClass get_jc(self, name)
None delete_jc(self, name)
QconfNameList list_jcs(self)

In order to generate, add, or modify job class, its name can be specified either explicitly, or as part of other input data (data dictionary or JSON string).

Resource Quota Set

UGE data for ResourceQuotaSet objects (“-srqs ”) is represented as Python dictionaries. Optional keys are not allowed. The keys required for add/update operations, and also returned by the get operations are the following:

name template None
description NONE None
enabled FALSE False
limit to slots=0 'to slots=0'

Note that the “limit” keyword designates rule definition. Each RQS may have multiple rule definitions, which will be indicated by a Python list.

Sample JSON representation for a ResourceQuotaSet object is shown below:

>>> rqs.to_json()
'{"object_version": "1.0", "modified_by": "sveseli", "uge_cluster": "C1", "object_class": "ResourceQuotaSet", "modified_on": "2016-04-15T19:30:07.969048", "data": {"name": "RQS1", "description": null, "enabled": false, "limit": ["users {user1,user2} hosts {@lx_host} to virtual_free=6g", "users {*} hosts {@lx_host} to virtual_free=4g"]}}'

UGE data for a list of resource quota sets (“-srqsl”) is returned within the QconfNameList object:

>>> rqs_list.to_json()
'{"object_version": "1.0", "uge_cluster": "C1", "object_class": "QconfNameList", "description": "list of resource quota sets", "data": ["RQS1",…]}'

QconfApi class method signatures relevant to ResourceQuotaSet objects are the following:

ResourceQuotaSet generate_rqs(self, name=None, data=None, 
metadata=None, json=None, uge_version=None, add_required_data=True)
ResourceQuotaSet add_rqs(self, pycl_object=None, name=None, 
data=None, metadata=None, json=None)
ResourceQuotaSet modify_rqs(self, pycl_object=None, name=None, 
data=None, metadata=None, json=None)
ResourceQuotaSet get_rqs(self, name)
None delete_rqs(self, name)
QconfNameList list_rqss(self)

In order to generate, add, or modify resource quota set, its name can be specified either explicitly, or as part of other input data (data dictionary or JSON string).

Parallel Environment

UGE data for ParallelEnvironment objects (“-sp ”) is represented as Python dictionaries. Optional keys are not allowed. The keys required for add/update operations, and also returned by the get operations are the following:

pe_name None None
slots 0 0
used_slots 0 0
bound_slots 0 0
user_lists NONE None
xuser_lists NONE None
start_proc_args NONE None
stop_proc_args NONE None
allocation_rule $pe_slots '$pe_slots'
control_slaves FALSE None
job_is_first_task TRUE True
urgency_slots min 'min'
accounting_summary FALSE False
daemon_forks_slaves FALSE False
master_forks_slaves FALSE False

Sample JSON representation for a ParallelEnvironment object, shortened for simplicity, is shown below:

>>> pe.to_json()
'{"object_version": "1.0", "modified_by": "sveseli", "uge_cluster": "C1", "object_class": "ParallelEnvironment", "modified_on": "2016-04-15T19:30:07.969048", "data": {"pe_name": "PE1", "slots": 100,…, "master_forks_slaves": false}}'

UGE data for a list of parallel environments (“-spl”) is returned within the QconfNameList object:

>>> pe_list.to_json()
'{"object_version": "1.0", "uge_cluster": "C1", "object_class": "QconfNameList", "description": "list of parallel environments", "data": ["PE1",…]}'

QconfApi class method signatures relevant to ParallelEnvironment objects are the following:

ParallelEnvironment generate_pe(self, name=None, data=None, 
metadata=None, json=None, uge_version=None, add_required_data=True)
ParallelEnvironment add_pe(self, pycl_object=None, name=None, 
data=None, metadata=None, json=None)
ParallelEnvironment modify_pe(self, pycl_object=None, name=None, 
data=None, metadata=None, json=None)
ParallelEnvironment get_pe(self, name)
None delete_pe(self, name)
QconfNameList list_pes(self)

In order to generate, add, or modify parallel environment, its name can be specified either explicitly, or as part of other input data (data dictionary or JSON string).

Share Tree

UGE data for ShareTree object (“-sstree”) is represented as list of Python dictionaries, where dictionaries represent tree nodes. The keys that define tree node completely are “id”, “name”, “type”, “shares”, and “childnodes”. However, tree nodes can be added by specifying only path and number of shares.

Sample JSON representation for a ShareTree object is shown below:

>>> share_tree.to_json()
'{"object_version": "1.0", "modified_by": "sveseli", "uge_cluster": "C1", "object_class": "ShareTree", "modified_on": "2016-04-15T19:30:07.969048", "data": [{"childnodes": [1,2], "type": 0, "id": 0, "shares": 1, "name": "Root"}, {"childnodes": "NONE", "type": 0, "id": 1, "shares": 10, "name": "U1"}, {"childnodes": "NONE", "type": 0, "id": 2, "shares": 25, "name": "U2"}]}'

QconfApi class method signatures relevant to ShareTree objects are the following:

ShareTree generate_stree(self, data=None, metadata=None, json=None, 
ShareTree add_stree(self, pycl_object=None, data=None, metadata=None, 
ShareTree modify_stree(self, pycl_object=None, data=None, metadata=None, 
ShareTree modify_or_add_stree(self, pycl_object=None, data=None, metadata=None, 
ShareTree get_stree(self)
ShareTree get_stree_if_exists(self)
None delete_stree(self)
None delete_stree_if_exists(self)
ShareTree add_stnode(self, path, shares)
ShareTree delete_stnode(self, path)

In the above list methods modify_or_add_stree(), get_stree_if_exists(), and delete_stree_if_exists() do not throw exception if share tree does not exist.


UGE data for Calendar objects (“-scal ”) is represented as Python dictionaries. Optional keys are not allowed. The keys required for add/update operations, and also returned by the get operations are the following:

calendar_name None None
year NONE None
week NONE None

Sample JSON representation for a Calendar object is shown below:

>>> calendar.to_json()
'{"object_version": "1.0", "modified_by": "sveseli", "uge_cluster": "C1", "object_class": "Calendar", "modified_on": "2016-04-15T19:30:07.969048", "data": {"calendar_name": "CAL1", "year": null, "week": "1-2"}}'

UGE data for a list of calendars (“-scall”) is returned within the QconfNameList object:

>>> calendar_list.to_json()
'{"object_version": "1.0", "uge_cluster": "C1", "object_class": "QconfNameList", "description": "list of calendars", "data": ["CAL1",…]}'

QconfApi class method signatures relevant to Calendar objects are the following:

Calendar generate_cal(self, name=None, data=None, metadata=None, json=None, 
uge_version=None, add_required_data=True)
Calendar add_cal(self, pycl_object=None, name=None, data=None, 
metadata=None, json=None)
Calendar modify_cal(self, pycl_object=None, name=None, data=None, 
metadata=None, json=None)
Calendar get_cal(self, name)
None delete_cal(self, name)
QconfNameList list_cals(self)

In order to generate, add, or modify calendar, its name can be specified either explicitly, or as part of other input data (data dictionary or JSON string).

Checkpointing Environment

UGE data for CheckpointingEnvironment objects (“-sckpt ”) is represented as Python dictionaries. Optional keys are not allowed. The keys required for add/update operations, and also returned by the get operations are the following:

ckpt_name None None
interface userdefined 'userdefined'
ckpt_command none None
migr_command none None
restart_command none None
clean_command none None
ckpt_dir /tmp '/tmp'
signal none None
when sx 'sx'

Sample JSON representation for a CheckpointingEnvironment object is shown below:

>>> ckpt.to_json()
'{"object_version": "1.0", "modified_by": "sveseli", "uge_cluster": "C1", "object_class": "CheckpointingEnvironment", "modified_on": "2016-04-15T19:30:07.969048", "data": {"ckpt_name": "CKPT1", "interface": "userdefined",…, "when": "sx"}}'

UGE data for a list of checkpointing environments (“-sckptl”) is returned within the QconfNameList object:

>>> ckpt_list.to_json()
'{"object_version": "1.0", "uge_cluster": "C1", "object_class": "QconfNameList", "description": "list of checkpointing environments", "data": ["CKPT1",…]}'

QconfApi class method signatures relevant to CheckpointingEnvironment objects are the following:

CheckpointingEnvironment generate_ckpt(self, name=None, 
data=None, metadata=None, json=None, uge_version=None, add_required_data=True)
CheckpointingEnvironment add_ckpt(self, pycl_object=None, 
name=None, data=None, metadata=None, json=None)
CheckpointingEnvironment modify_ckpt(self, pycl_object=None, 
name=None, data=None, metadata=None, json=None)
CheckpointingEnvironment get_ckpt(self, name)
None delete_ckpt(self, name)
QconfNameList list_ckpts(self)

In order to generate, add, or modify checkpointing environment, its name can be specified either explicitly, or as part of other input data (data dictionary or JSON string).


List of UGE managers (“-sm”) is represented using QconfNameList object. Sample JSON representation is shown below:

>>> manager_list.to_json()
'{"object_version": "1.0", "uge_cluster": "C1", "object_class": "QconfNameList", "description": "list of managers", "data": ["ugeadmin", "sveseli"]}'

Relevant QconfApi class method signatures are the following:

QconfNameList list_managers(self)
QconfNameList add_managers(self, manager_names)
QconfNameList delete_managers(self, manager_names)

Methods for adding and deleting managers return a list of names after the requested operation has been completed. In other words, the “add” method will return a list that contains old names together with names that have been added, while the “delete” method will return list of old names without names that have been deleted.


List of UGE operators (“-so”) is represented using QconfNameList object. Sample JSON representation is shown below:

>>> operator_list.to_json()
'{"object_version": "1.0", "uge_cluster": "C1", "object_class": "QconfNameList", "description": "list of operators", "data": ["ugeadmin", "sveseli"]}'

Relevant QconfApi class method signatures are the following:

QconfNameList list_operators(self)
QconfNameList add_operators(self, operator_names)
QconfNameList delete_operators(self, operator_names)

Methods for adding and deleting operators will return list of names after requested operation has been completed. In other words, the “add” method will return list that contains old names together with names that have been added, while the “delete” method will return list of old names without names that have been deleted.

Submit Hosts

List of UGE submit hosts (“-ss”) is represented using QconfNameList object. Sample JSON representation is shown below:

>>> submit_host_list.to_json()
'{"object_version": "1.0", "uge_cluster": "C1", "object_class": "QconfNameList", "description": "list of submit hosts", "data": ["shost-001", "shost-002"]}'

Relevant QconfApi class method signatures are the following:

QconfNameList list_shosts(self)
QconfNameList add_shosts(self, host_names)
QconfNameList delete_shosts(self, host_names)

Methods for adding and deleting submit hosts will return list of names after requested operation has been completed. In other words, the “add” method will return list that contains old names together with names that have been added, while the “delete” method will return list of old names without names that have been deleted.

Admin Hosts

List of UGE admin hosts (“-sh”) is represented using QconfNameList object. Sample JSON representation is shown below:

>>> admin_host_list.to_json()
'{"object_version": "1.0", "uge_cluster": "C1", "object_class": "QconfNameList", "description": "list of admin hosts", "data": ["ahost-001", "ahost-002"]}'

Relevant QconfApi class method signatures are the following:

QconfNameList list_ahosts(self)
QconfNameList add_ahosts(self, host_names)
QconfNameList delete_ahosts(self, host_names)

Methods for adding and deleting admin hosts will return list of names after requested operation has been completed. In other words, the “add” method will return list that contains old names together with names that have been added, while the “delete” method will return list of old names without names that have been deleted.