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93 lines (69 loc) · 3.43 KB

File metadata and controls

93 lines (69 loc) · 3.43 KB



if your hadoop cluster need certificate, set it to True


if NEED_CERTIFICATE=True, set KEYTAB_PATH to where you have put your keytab file
if NEED_CERTIFICATE=False, set to ''


if NEED_CERTIFICATE=True, set PRINCIPAL to your kerberos user name
if NEED_CERTIFICATE=False, set to ''


IML-Predictor is a web application, which needs a port number


  • Host: Impala instance address
  • Port: Impala instance port
  • User: Your Impala Username
  • Version: Imapala version


you can modify format of formatters, level of handlers and handlers of loggers or leave them as they are.
what matters most are handlers' filenames, you must create log directory before start running
IML-Predictor application.



Use mkdir command to create a directory to hold your models and put its path to MODEL_DIR


file to hold all the trainning data, you can leave it as it is


file to record cross-validation accuracy result, you can leave it as it is


  • FILE_PATTERN: HDFS's file name pattern, leave it as it is
  • THREAD_NUM: when downloading hdfs files, how many threads you need
  • LOCAL_PATH: local path for saving hdfs files, leave it as it is
  • REMOTE_PATH: remote hdfs file path, which is a parameter for spark application
  • NODES: HDFS proxy nodes address


  • LOCAL: if you can run sparksubmit in current server, set LOCAL=True
  • PREFIX: leave it as it is
  • APP: spark application jar name


  • class: leave it as it is
  • master: spark-submit's parameter
  • driver-memory: spark-submit's parameter
  • executor-memory: spark-submit's parameter
  • num-executors: spark-submit's parameter
  • executor-cores: spark-submit's parameter


how many features your models need, which should not beyond numbers of all features set in memory/model/
and less than 6 according to internal mechanism


a dict with feature's name as key, the function you want to apply on that feature as value, you can define the function as you like or use python built-in functions


our machine-learning use multi-classification, you need a list of memory boundaries to label the samples


how many categories you want to label the sample


memory boudaries for getting accuracy result from cross-validating


trainning and validating ratio when cross-validating, range from (0,1)


To improve accuray, we return the predicted memory getting from the predicted category memory boundary
and memory boundary of the category next to it, range from [0,1]


MODEL_GROUP is a list of dicts which refer to a series of models' definition. In each dict you must
set key "name" with value different from other dicts, there is an optional key "pool_group" which
refers to pools the model should be suited to, if not set, it will suit all pools in the cluster by default.

For example

if you only need one model, you can set MODEL_GROUP=[{'name': "first"}]
if you want to separate model by pools, then add 'pool_group' key for each model. Note that if you are
not sure of all the pools in the cluster, you'd better set a default model with "pool_group" not sepecified.