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Acme2certifier changelog

This is a high-level summary of the most important changes. For a full list of changes, see the git commit log and pick the appropriate release branch.

Changes in 0.35

Features and Improvements:


  • acme_srv.cfg will be preserved in case of RPM updates
  • apache2_wsgi docker image will be tagged with latest
  • #166 workaround for failed account lookups on smallstep-ca

Changes in 0.34

Features and Improvements:


  • #147 correct content-type for problem+json message
  • updated eab-example files as hmac must be longer than 256bits
  • identifier sanitizing

Changes in 0.33.3

Features and Improvements:

  • some smaller modifications run flawless on Redhat8 and derivates
  • Workflows to test rpm-deployment on RHEL8 and RHEL9

Changes in 0.33.2

Upgrade notes:

  • database scheme gets updated. Please run either
    • tools/ when using the wsgi_handler or
    • tools/ in case you are using the django_handler


  • 134 - acme_srv_housekeeping" -> value too long for "name" field
  • 135 - acme_srv_housekeeping dbversion ist set back to 0.23.1 after container restart

Changes in 0.33.1


  • 132 - returning serial numbers in hex-format with leading zero

Changes in 0.33

Upgrade notes:

  • database scheme gets updated. Please run either
    • tools/ when using the wsgi_handler or
    • tools/ in case you are using the django_handler

Features and Improvements:

Changes in 0.32

Features and Improvements:

  • #114 cert_validity_adjust parameter in to limi cartificate validity so that a certificate is never valid longer than any ca certificate in the certificate chain

Changes in 0.31

Features and Improvements:

  • refactor and to replace pyopenssl
  • type hints for large parts of the project

Changes in 0.30

Upgrade notes:

Changes in 0.29.2


  • #119 - handling of utf-8 encoded parameters in acme_srv.cfg
  • adding python3-requests-ntlm dependency in control file for debian packages
  • multiple smaller fixes in workflow files

Changes to 0.29.1

  • withdrawn as released by mistake

Changes in 0.29

Upgrade notes:

  • database scheme gets updated. Please run either
    • tools/ when using the wsgi_handler or
    • tools/ in case you are using the django_handler

Features and Improvements:

  • Support RFC 8738: Certificates for IP addresses
  • Support draft-ietf-acme-ari-01: Renewal Information (ARI) Extension
  • Interoperability testing with Caddy as part of regular regression

Changes in 0.28

Features and Improvements:

  • input validation in django deployments
  • return account status when querying the account endpoint or sending a request to new-account with empty payload
  • merge codescanning workflows into a single file


  • #111 - Nonce handling in error responses
  • #112 - Keyrollover in Posh-ACME

Changes in 0.27

Features and Improvements:

  • interoperability testing with traefik
  • refactor revocation function in openxpki_ca_handler to support revocation operation in certbot
  • support pkcs7 loading in der format
  • obsolete pyopenssl in various helper functions, est_ca_handler and mscertserv_ca_handler


  • sending alpn-extension in ClientHello message during tls-alpn-01 challenge validation
  • removed misleading debug messages in
  • support existing acme-accounts in
  • address codesmells in dockerfiles

Changes in 0.26

Features and Improvements:

  • support ClientAuthentication in and by using pkcs12 files
  • provide pkcs12 passphrases for, and as environment variables


  • #104 - conffile support in debian package to avoid overriding configuration files

Changes in 0.25.1


  • replace obsoleted dns.resolver.query() with dns.resolver.resolve()

Changes in 0.25

Features and Improvements:


  • adding missing python modules to RPM spec file
  • add revocation operations to CA handler regression test suite

Changes in 0.24

Features and Improvements:

  • reduce number of layers in docker images
  • Workflows are using checkout@v3 actions
  • default nginx ssl config file in rpm package corrected
  • delete seclinux configuration files after rpm installation
  • delete obsolete files from repo
  • rpm package tests during regression
  • sbom generation as part of docker image create worflow
  • rpm and deb package generatation as part of create release workflow
  • nginx django test workflows

Changes in 0.23.2

Features and Improvements:

Changes in 0.23.1


Changes in 0.23

Features and Improvements:

  • Healthcheck in directory ressource #94
  • check acme_srv.cfg for options starting with "


  • #95
  • workflow django psql workflow
  • some more linting

Changes in 0.22

Features and Improvements:

  • containers got migrated to Ubuntu 22.04
  • nclm handler supporting NCLM 22 and above


  • pycodestyle 2.9.1 linting
  • time adjustment in CMPv2 workflow to avoid race condition related timeouts
  • link updates in
  • attribute type in error responses #92

Changes in 0.21

Features and Improvements:

  • support of enrollment hooks
  • challenge_validation_timeout parameter in acme_srv.cfg
  • cmpv2_ca_handler using the inbuilt cmp feature from openssl 3.0
  • Github action to test certificate enrollment using CMPv2 protocol
  • Github action to test certificate enrollment from NetGuard Certificate Lifecycle Manager


  • RFC compliant content-type in error responses

Changes in 0.20

Features and Improvements:

  • CA handler using Microsoft Windows Client Certificate Enrollment Protocol
  • asynchronous enrollment workflow using threading module
  • option to re-use certificates enrolled within a certain time window
  • workflow using Posh-ACME


  • return challenge status when creating/polling Authorization resources
  • remove duplicated certificate extension in
  • change challenge status to 'invalid' in case enrollment fails

Changes in 0.19.3

Features and Improvements:

  • disable TLSv1.0 and TLSv1.1 fallback when conduction TLS-ALP=1 challenge validation
  • python3-cryptography will be installed via pip to fulfill dependencies from pyOpenssl
  • Changed encoding detection library from chardet to charset_normalizer
  • lgtm conformance

Changes in 0.19.2

Features and Improvements:

  • support for django 3.x
  • workflow for application testing using win-acme
  • additional linting and pep8 conformance checks

Changes in 0.19.1

Features and Improvements:

  • pep8 conformance
  • time adjustments in certmanager and django workflows
  • addressing code-scanning alerts from bandit and CodeQL

Changes in 0.19


Features and Improvements:

Changes in 0.18.2


Changes in 0.18.1

Features and Improvements:

  • absolute path support for CA- and EABhandler


  • fixed race condition in push_to_docker workflow

Changes in 0.18

Upgrade notes:

  • database scheme gets updated. Please run either
    • tools/ when using the wsgi_handler or
    • tools/ in case you are using the django_handler

Features and Improvements:

  • proxy support for http and tls-alpn challenge validation and in several ca-handlers
  • acme_ca_handler
    • support for account registration and http_challenge validation
  • openssl_ca_handler:
    • cn_enforce parameter to enfore setting a common name in certificate
    • whitelist parameter got renamed to allowed_domainlist
    • blocklist parameter got renamed to blocked_domainlist
  • xca_ca_handler:
    • cn_enforce parameter to enfore setting a common name in certificate

Changes in 0.17.1


  • python request module - version pinning to 2.25.1

Changes in 0.17

Upgrade notes:

  • database scheme gets updated. Please run either
    • tools/ when using the wsgi_handler or
    • tools/ in case you are using the django_handler



  • acme module has been renamed to acme_srv to avoid naming clashes with acme-python
  • allow GET method for newnonce
  • don't verify SSL certificate during http-01 challenge validation

Changes in 0.16


  • CA-Handler configuration via environment variables:
    • cmp_ca_handler: ref-num and passphrase
    • certifier_ca_handler: api_user, api_password
    • est_ca_handler: est_host, est_user, est_password
    • mscertsrv_ca_handler: host, user, password
    • nclm_ca_handler: api_user, api_password
    • openssl_ca_handler: passphrase
    • xca_ca_handler: passphrase


  • don't overwrite group ownership for volume folder
  • don't copy ca_handler file if a valid ca_handler was defined under CAhandler section in acme_srv.cfg
  • django migrations files will get stored on volume
  • avoidance of KU/EKU duplicates when using templates in xca_ca_handler
  • alpn challenge handling in django deployments
  • fix for handling of empty challenges
  • more robust DNS challenge validation

Other improvements:

  • CodeCoverage measurement via
  • Switch to in CI pipeline
  • Regression test-cases for django deployments using either mariadb or postgres backends
  • experimental CLI framework (not yet useable)

Changes in 0.15.3

Upgrade notes:

  • database scheme gets updated. Please run either
    • tools/ when using the wsgi_handler or
    • tools/ in case you are using the django.handler


  • fix for type field length in Challenge table

Changes in 0.15.2


  • additional fixes for dns-01 challenge validation (handling for * and in the same csr)

Changes in 0.15.1


  • fixes for dns-01 challenge validation
  • default ku settings when using xca templates

Changes in 0.15

Upgrade notes:

  • You need to run the upgrade-script after updating the package


  • support for tls-alpn-01 challenges
  • eab kid logging and reporting


  • database scheme versioning

Changes in 0.14

Upgrade notes:

  • You need to run the upgrade-script after updating the package



  • newaccount() - initialize Account() class as context handler

Changes in 0.13.1

Upgrade notes:

  • You need to run the upgrade-script after updating the package


  • fqdn_resolve() - resolve AAAA records
  • url_gete() - ipv4 fallback during http challenge validation

Changes in 0.13


  • template support in and
  • docker images at


  • refactor
  • refactor
  • workflows for
    • code-scanning (CodeQL and Bandit)
    • ca_handler tests
    • phonito security scans

Changes in 0.12.1

Upgrade notes:

  • You need to run the upgrade-script after updating the package


  • fqdn_resolve() - resolve AAAA records

Changes in 0.12

Upgrade notes:

  • its enough to run the upgrade script. Depending on your configuration you need to either run
    • tools/ when using the wsgi_handler or
    • tools/ in case you are using the django.handler


  • docker images containing nginx
  • readymade images at dockerhub


  • several fixes in unit-tests
  • unit-tests are split into separate files
  • unittests for
  • documentation updates
  • Github actions to test
    • certificate enrollment for all four containerized deployment options
    • tnauth functionality
    • image creation and dockerhub upload

Changes in 0.11.1


  • avoid crash if tmp_dir has not been specified in config-files
  • - expiry date will be added during authz creation
  • - corner cases handling in case authz expiry is set to 0
  • wiki-update.yml - checkout from grindsa/github-wiki-publish-action@customize_wiki_title
  • *.md - meta tag "wiki-name" added

Changes in 0.11

Upgrade notes:

  • take a backup of your acme_srv.db before doing the upgrade
  • update your with the latest version from the examples/db_handler directory
  • database scheme gets updated. Please run either
    • tools/ when using the wsgi_handler or
    • tools/ in case you are using the django.handler
  • orders and authorization expire based on (pre)configured timers
  • default expiration timer is 86400 seconds and can be adjusted in acme_srv.cfg.
  • auto expiration can be disabled in acme_srv.cfg. Check docs/ for further information.
  • the expiration checks and order/authorization invalidation will be triggered in case a client accesses an order or authorization resource. It is recommended to run the script tools/ after the upgrade to manually check and invalidate expired authorizations and orders and update issuing- and expiration date in the certificate table.


  • ca_handler kann be specified in acme_srv.cfg
  • - handling of der encoded certificates in trigger() method
  • issuing date and expiration date will be stored in the certificate table
  • xca_ca_handler: new variable issuing_ca_key
  • basic reporting and housekeeping
  • order and authorization expiration
  • method to remove expired certificates from database. Check the certificate_cleanup method docs/ for further information
  • database versioning and error logging in case of version mismatch


  • Base64 encoding (removed blanks by using -w 0)
  • improved exception handling in case of database-errors

Changes in 0.10

Upgrade notes:

  • database scheme gets updated. Depending on the db_handler you need to:
    • run py makemigrations && py migrate in case you use the django_handler.
    • execute the tools/ script when using the wsgi_handler


  • http_x_forward header support
  • configurable tos
  • option to disable contact check
  • option to disable tos check


Changes in 0.9


  • option to mandate the usage of ecc keys
  • openssl_handler: "save_as_hex" option
  • openssl_handler: black/whitlist support
  • openssl_hanlder: option to configure customized cert extensions
  • option to configure custom dns resolvers
  • xca_handler
  • Additional client support (lego and win-acme)


  • updated license
  • empty CRL handling
  • string parsing in b64_url_encode()
  • py3 support for est_handler
  • #9 - base64-parsing of dns challenge
  • openssl_handler: set correct x509 version
  • openssl_handler: mandentory cert-extensions
  • harmonization of apache config files
  • migration support for docker_django deployment

Changes in 0.8


  • Challenge polling
  • Support for CA polling and call-backs
  • Certificate profiling in openssl handler
  • Ssl support
  • Container deployments
  • Django project with mysql as backend database

Changes in 0.7


  • support ECC keys
  • key update and key roll-over support
  • generic CMPv2 handler

Changes in 0.6


  • EST and certsrv support

Changes in 0.5


  • CSR validation against order identifiers

Changes in 0.4


  • experimental TNAuthList identifier and tkauth-01 challenge support
  • compatibility with Python3