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219 lines (184 loc) · 11.2 KB


Submit an application

This endpoint can take a multipart form-data POST. You should use this if you need to upload a resume or cover letter.

EXAMPLE FORM BELOW (simplified):

Please keep in mind that the HTTP Basic Auth API token is a secret key.  Any form posts should be proxied by your own servers.  Any direct post to the /applications POST method would reveal your secret key to anybody that views source--which would be a very bad thing.
<form method="POST" action="!!REQUEST MUST BE PROXIED ON YOUR SERVERS!!" enctype='multipart/form-data'>
  <!-- represents the ID of the job post -->
  <input type="hidden" name="id" value="55555" />
  <!-- place the value of the gh_src URL parameter in the field below -->
  <input type="hidden" name="mapped_url_token" value="token12345" />
  <label>First Name <input type="text" name="first_name" /></label><br/>
  <label>Last Name <input type="text" name="last_name" /></label><br/>
  <label>Email <input type="text" name="email" /></label><br/>
  <label>Phone <input type="text" name="phone" /></label><br/>
  <label>Resume <input type="file" name="resume" /></label><br/>
  <label>Cover Letter <input type="file" name="cover_letter" /></label><br/>
  <label>LinkedIn Profile <input type="text" name="question_5555" /></label><br/>
  <label>Some dropdown
    <select name="question_3333">
      <option value="1">Yes</option>
      <option value="0">No</option>
  <label>Multi select with checkboxes<br/>
    <label><input type="checkbox" name="question_2222[]" value="2" /> Red</label><br/>
    <label><input type="checkbox" name="question_2222[]" value="5" /> Orange</label>
  <input type="submit" />

cURL equivalent:

curl -X POST \ 
  -H "Authorization: Basic MGQwMzFkODIyN2VhZmE2MWRjMzc1YTZjMmUwNjdlMjQ6" \
  -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
  -F "first_name=Sammy" \
  -F "last_name=McSamson" \
  -F "" \
  -F "phone=3337778888" \
  -F "location=110 5th Ave New York, NY, 10011" \
  -F "latitude=40.7376671" \
  -F "longitude=-73.9929196" \
  -F "resume=@/path/to/resume/ADA084551.pdf" \
  -F "cover_letter=@/path/to/coverletter/blah.pdf" \
  -F "educations[][school_name_id]=5417077" \
  -F "educations[][degree_id]=5494452"\
  -F "educations[][discipline_id]=5494865" \
  -F "educations[][start_date][month]=8" \
  -F "educations[][start_date][year]=2012" \
  -F "educations[][end_date][month]=5" \
  -F "educations[][end_date][year]=2016" \
  -F "mapped_url_token=token12345" \
  -F "question_12349_url=" \
  -F "question_12349_url_filename=attachment.pdf" \
  -F "question_12350_content=SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQo=" \
  -F "question_12350_content_filename=something_else.txt" \

or, you can POST a JSON encoded body (with Content-Type: application/json):

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Basic MGQwMzFkODIyN2VhZmE2MWRjMzc1YTZjMmUwNjdlMjQ6" \
  -d '{
    "first_name": "Sammy",
    "last_name": "McSamson",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "3337778888",
    "location": "110 5th Ave New York, NY, 10011",
    "latitude": "40.7376671",
    "longitude": "-73.9929196",
    "resume_text": "I have many years of experience as an expert basket weaver...",
    "cover_letter_text": "I have a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me...",
    "gender": 2,
    "race": 4,
    "veteran_status": 3,
    "disability_status": 3,
    "question_12345": "Here is some short text for the first question",
    "question_12346": 1,
    "question_12347": 5869311,
    "question_12348": [5869319,5869317],
    "question_12349_url": "",
    "question_12349_url_filename": "attachment.pdf",
    "question_12350_content": "SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQo=",
    "question_12350_content_filename": "something_else.txt",
    "educations": [
        "school_name_id" : "1403524",
        "degree_id": "1403534",
        "discipline_id": "1403605",
        "start_date": { "month": "1", "year": "1989"},
        "end_date": { "month": "2", "year": "1990"}
        "school_name_id" : "1401063",
        "degree_id": "1403525",
        "discipline_id": "1403608",
        "start_date": { "month": "1", "year": "2011"},
        "end_date": { "month": "2", "year": "2012"}
  }' \

Use this endpoint to submit a new application. This endpoint accepts a multipart form POST representing a job application. Application forms are job-specific and will be constructed via the "questions" array available via the Job method. Please see the Job method documentation for instructions on submitting location information through the API.

Note that when submitting an application through this method, Greenhouse will not confirm the inclusion of required fields. Validation for required fields must be done on the client side, as Greenhouse will not reject applications that are missing required fields.

This method requires HTTP Basic Auth over SSL/TLS: the Basic Auth username is your API key (found on the API Credentials page). No password is required. In general, we would encourage customers to make use of the Embedded Job Application before going to the trouble of building their own form. Our application form is well tested, validated, battle-hardened, and has built-in spam protection measures. Building your own form can introduce a number of challenges which are typically not worth the additional effort.

HTTP Request


Parameter Description
board_token Job Board URL token. If you're submitting an application for a job post on an internal job board, use "internal".
id Job post ID. Both internal and external job posts are allowed.

Request Headers

Parameter Description
Authorization This header should include a basic authorization with a Base64 encoded API key
Content-Type Required if the request contains an attachment

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
*mapped_url_token If present, the gh_src URL parameter, which is used to indicate the referral source of this application.
first_name Applicant's first name
last_name Applicant's last name
email Applicant's email address
*phone Applicant's phone number
*location Applicant's street address
*latitude Applicant's home latitude. This is a hidden field and should not be exposed directly to the applicant.
*longitude Applicant's home longitude. This is a hidden field and should not be exposed directly to the applicant.
*resume Please see below for details.
*cover_letter Please see below for details.
*educations An array of education objects. Each education object should have five fields: school_name_id, degree_id, discipline_id, start_date, and end_date. start_date and end_date will use a hash of month and year. You can get the school_name_id, degree_id, discipline_id from our List Schools, List Degrees, and List Disciplines endpoints.

Submitting Attachments

We support 4 methods of uploading attachments when submitting a candidate application:

  1. Submit the attachment via direct upload using multipart/form-data.
  2. Submit the attachment via direct upload using application/json.
  3. Submit a path to the attachment on an external server.
  4. Submit the plaintext file contents.

Resume Attachments

Method Content-Type Required Fields Example
Direct upload multipart/form-data "resume" "resume": "@/Users/UserName/Documents/resume.pdf" (this example is specific to cURL)
Direct upload application/json "resume_content", "resume_content_filename" "resume_content": "SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQo=", "resume_content_filename": "resume.pdf"
Path to file on external server multipart/form-data or application/json "resume_url", "resume_url_filename" "resume_url": "", "resume_url_filename": "resume.pdf"
Plaintext file contents multipart/form-data or application/json "resume_text" "resume_text": "This is my awesome resume!"

Cover Letter Attachments

Method Content-Type Required Fields Example
Direct upload multipart/form-data "cover_letter" "cover_letter": "@/Users/UserName/Documents/coverletter.pdf" (this example is specific to cURL)
Direct upload application/json "cover_letter_content", "cover_letter_content_filename" "cover_letter_content": "SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQo=", "cover_letter_content_filename": "coverletter.pdf"
Path to file on external server multipart/form-data or application/json "cover_letter_url", "cover_letter_url_filename" "cover_letter_url": "", "cover_letter_url_filename": "coverletter.pdf"
Plaintext file contents multipart/form-data or application/json "cover_letter_text" "cover_letter_text": "This is my awesome cover letter!"

Custom Question Attachments

Method Content-Type Required Fields Example
Direct upload multipart/form-data "question_12345" "question_12345": "@/Users/UserName/Documents/attachment.pdf" (this example is specific to cURL)
Direct upload application/json "question_12345_content", "question_12345_content_filename" "question_12345_content": "SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQo=", "question_12345_content_filename": "attachment.pdf"
Path to file on external server multipart/form-data or application/json "question_12345_url", "question_12345_url_filename" "question_12345_url": "", "question_12345_url_filename": "attachment.pdf"

Collecting Applicant Location

Here is the suggested workflow for populating location, latitude and longitude:

  1. The applicant begins typing a location in your location text box.
  2. As the applicant types, your app makes a call to the Google Places Autocomplete API to retrieve suggested location names (e.g. New York, NY, United States) and the place_id associated with each location (e.g. ChIJOwg_06VPwokRYv534QaPC8g).
  3. Your app displays the suggested location names to the applicant.
  4. The applicant selects a suggested location.
  5. Your app uses the place_id from the previous API call to retrieve the latitude and longitude for the selected location using the Google Place Details API.
  6. Your app populates the hidden latitude and longitude fields with the result of this API call.

Note that all 3 fields must be included. If only location is sent and latitude and longitude are omitted, location will be ignored entirely.