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Manual installation on Heroku

Graham Crockford edited this page Feb 15, 2019 · 19 revisions


Heroku is how I host Orko. Because of that, Orko is preconfigured to work out of the box on Heroku, so this is currently by far the easiest way to run it. The Hobby account is cheap at $7/pm per server if running constantly, SSL is provided out of the box and the continuous deployment features are great.

These instructions are intended for advanced users who want to set up every stage manually. For most users the one-click installer is the right way to deploy Orko. Don't try and follow these instructions unless you are 100% confident building and deploying applications yourself. It is also recommended that you have first followed the local installation guide fully and understand all the moving parts.

Build the application locally

You'll need this to have access to the authentication tools.

sudo apt-get install maven git
git clone -b release
cd orko

Create a 2FA key

Before your deploy, you should create a two-factory authentication key.

Follow this guide.

Get set up on Heroku

Note that the following settings will result in an application running on the Heroku Free Tier, which will shut down your application after a few minutes of inactivity. This is OK for a demo, but totally unsuitable for running in real life, since monitoring the market in the background is the whole point! If you want to use the application. you'll need Hobby Tier, which means a credit card. If you want to be a skinflint, just take it down when you're not using it.

Let's get started. Create a Heroku account and install Heroku CLI locally.

Now, from the the directory where you've cloned this repository (the same directly as this README):

> heroku create
> git push heroku master

Add the following Heroku addons: Papertrail and JawsDB Maria.

Set up the following environment variables in addition to those already configured by the add-ons you've provisioned:

Variable Set to
JAVA_OPTS This is regularly tweaked as part of code changes, so check the latest recommendation in app.json
MAVEN_CUSTOM_OPTS This is regularly tweaked as part of code changes, so check the latest recommendation in app.json
MAVEN_CUSTOM_GOALS clean package
TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN Optional. See Telegram Notifications
TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID Optional. See Telegram Notifications. Required if TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN is set.
AUTH_TOKEN Your 2FA secret key used when whitelisting an IP. Can be omitted if you don't want this additional layer of security.
SIMPLE_AUTH_USERNAME The username you want to use when logging in.
SIMPLE_AUTH_PASSWORD The password you want to use when logging in.
SIMPLE_AUTH_SECRET A long, randomised string of characters to act as the cryptocraphic seed for issued tokens.
SIMPLE_AUTH_TOKEN_EXPIRY_MINUTES The time before each token issued will expire and the user will be forced to log in again, in minutes. 1440 is a sensible default.
SIMPLE_AUTH_SECOND_FACTOR A 2FA secret key used when logging in. Can either be same value as AUTH_TOKEN, or if you want to be super-secure, use a completely different 2FA code.
SCRIPT_SIGNING_KEY A random, long sequence of any characters. These are used to cryptographically sign any script jobs in the database so if the database is compromised, an attacker can't inject malicious scripts.

Optionally, you can add any of these to add authenticated support for exchanges where you have API keys:

Variable Set to
CRYPTOPIA_API_KEY Your Cryptopia API key.
CRYPTOPIA_SECRET Your Cryptopia API secret.
BINANCE_API_KEY Your Binance API key.
BINANCE_SECRET Your Binance secret.
BITFINEX_SECRET Your Binance secret.
BITTREX_API_KEY Your Bittrex API key.
BITTREX_SECRET Your Bittrex secret.
KUCOIN_API_KEY Your Kucoin API key.
KUCOIN_SECRET Your Kucoin secret.
BITMEX_API_KEY Your Bitmex API key.
BITMEX_SECRET Your Bitmex secret.

There are some more settings if you want to start tweaking.

That's it! Visit to go through security and log in.

Store the password securely

Unhappy with storing your password as an environment variable in plaintext? You can store it as a secure hash.