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Documentation on templates to use with HTML::FormHandler

Using templates

There is a FormHandler Template Toolkit rendering role at HTML::FormHandler::Render::WithTT, with a testcase in t/render_withtt.t. Normally, however, it probably won't make much sense to use both a TT parser in FormHandler, and a separate one for the "complete" templates, so it seems like the TT renderer would mainly be useful for tests, or as an example of how to do TT rendering with HFH.

A common way of using FormHandler with templates is to use the template for layout, specifying the divs and spans and wrappers, and then use the form object to render just the input fields.

in your form:
has '+widget_wrapper' => ( default => 'None' );

<form id="myform" action="/myaction" method="post">
    <div class="span9">
        <span class="label">My Foo</span>
        [% form.field('foo').render %]
    <div class="span7">[% form.field('bar').render %]</div>
    [% form.field('save').render %]

However, you can also render entirely with templates. There are lots of different ways to set up templates. There are sample templates installed in FormHandler's 'share' directory. These templates are now organized more-or-less similarly to the widget roles, with 'field', 'wrapper', and 'form' directories, but many other organizations are possible.

There is also a template which combines the template rendering code into one file, 'share/templates/form/'. You can copy this template into your own TT directories, perhaps as, and then specify it in as the template for your Catalyst actions. You can customize it by adding additional widget and widget_wrapper blocks, and then setting those in your field definitions.

Note that widget names usually are camelcased, like the Moose roles that implement them in the Widget directory. You may want to use the non-camelcased widget/wrapper names in your TT templates, using the $field->uwidget (un-camelcased widget name) and $field->twidget (un-camelcased widget name + '.tt') convenience methods. ('MySpecialWidget' is the equivalent of 'my_special_widget')

has_field 'my_field' => ( widget => 'MySpecialWidget' );
has_field 'another_field' => ( widget => 'YetAnotherWidget' );

And include them in a generic template:

[% PROCESS widget/ %]

[% FOREACH f IN form.sorted_fields %]
   [% PROCESS widget/${f.twidget} %]
[% END %]

[% PROCESS widget/ %]

Field attributes

If you want to use the 'process_attrs' function to pull in HTML attributes for the input elements, wrappers, and labels, you would need to pass that function into your TT setup. See HTML::FormHandler::Render::WithTT for an example:

use HTML::FormHandler::Render::Util ('process_attrs');
$c->stash( process_attrs => &process_attrs ); # or add to TT vars in your view

label [% process_attrs(f.label_attributes) %]for="[% f.html_name %]">
[% f.label %]: </label>
<input type="[% f.input_type %]" name="[% f.html_name %]" id="[% %]"
[% process_attrs(f.attributes) %] value="[% f.fif %]">

Sample templates

The following is copied from the provided share/templates/form/ file, as an example. Note that some fields, like form actions of 'submit' & 'reset' don't use the 'fif' value, but just the plain field value.

[% PROCESS form_start -%]
<div class="form_messages">
[% FOREACH err IN form.form_errors -%]
  <span class="error_message">[% err %]</span>
[% END -%]
[% FOREACH f IN form.sorted_fields -%]
  [% WRAPPER "wrapper_${f.uwrapper}" -%][% PROCESS "${f.uwidget}" -%][% END -%]
[% END -%]
[% PROCESS form_end -%]

[% BLOCK form_start -%]
<form[% process_attrs(form.attributes) %]>
[% END -%]

[% BLOCK form_end -%]
[% END -%]

[% BLOCK button -%]
<input type="button" name="[% f.html_name %]" id="[% %]"
    [% process_attrs(f.attributes) %] value="[% f.value %]" />
[% END -%]

[% BLOCK checkbox -%]
<input type="checkbox" name="[% f.html_name %]" id="[% %]"
   [% process_attrs(f.attributes) %] value="[% f.checkbox_value -%]"
   [% IF f.fif == f.checkbox_value -%] checked="checked"[% END ~%] />[%~ ~%]
[% END -%]

[% BLOCK checkbox_group -%]
[% FOR option IN f.options -%]
  <label class="checkbox" for="[% %].[% loop.index %]">
  <input type="checkbox" value="[% option.value %]" name="[% %]"
     id="[% %].[% loop.index %]"
     [% FOREACH selval IN f.fif -%]
       [% IF selval == option.value %] checked="checked"[% END -%]
     [% END -%]>
  [% option.label | html %]
[% END -%]
[% END -%]

[% BLOCK compound -%]
[% FOREACH sf IN f.sorted_fields -%]
  [% outerf = f; f = sf; -%]
  [% WRAPPER "wrapper_${f.uwrapper}" %][% PROCESS "${f.uwidget}" -%][% END -%]
  [% f = outerf -%]
[% END -%]
[% END -%]

[% BLOCK hidden -%]
<input type="hidden" name="[% f.html_name %]" id="[% %]"
    [% process_attrs(f.attributes) %] value="[% f.fif %]" />
[% END -%]

[% BLOCK password -%]
<input type="password" name="[% f.html_name %]" id="[% %]"
    [% process_attrs(f.attributes) %] value="[% f.fif %]" />
[% END -%]

[% BLOCK radio_group -%]
[% FOR option IN f.options -%]
  <label for="[% %].[% loop.index %]">
  <input type="radio" value="[% option.value %]" name="[% %]"
    id="[% %].[% loop.index %]"
    [% IF option.value == f.fif %] checked="checked"[% END %] />
  [% option.label %]
[% END -%]
[% END -%]

[% BLOCK repeatable -%]
[% FOREACH rf IN f.sorted_fields -%]
  [% outerrf = f; f = rf; -%]
  [% WRAPPER "wrapper_${f.uwrapper}" %][% PROCESS "${f.uwidget}" -%][% END -%]
  [% f = outerrf -%]
[% END -%]
[% END -%]

[% BLOCK reset -%]
<input type="reset" name="[% f.html_name %]" id="[% %]"
    [% process_attrs(f.attributes) %] value="[% f.value %]" />
[% END -%]

[% BLOCK select -%]
<select name="[% f.html_name %]" id="[% %]"[% process_attrs(f.attributes) %]
  [% IF f.multiple %] multiple="multiple" size="[% f.size %]" [% END -%]>
  [% FOR option IN f.options -%]
  <option id="[% %].[% loop.index %]" value="[% option.value -%]"
      [% FOREACH selval IN f.fif -%]
        [% IF selval == option.value %] selected="selected"[% END -%]
      [% END -%]>
      [% option.label | html %]
  [% END -%]
[% END -%]

[% BLOCK submit -%]
<input type="submit" name="[% f.html_name %]" id="[% %]"
    [% process_attrs(f.attributes) %] value="[% f.value %]" />
[% END -%]

[% BLOCK text -%]
<input type="[% f.input_type %]" name="[% f.html_name %]" id="[% %]"
   [% process_attrs(f.attributes) %] value="[% f.fif %]" />
[% END -%]

[% BLOCK textarea -%]
<textarea name="[% f.html_name %]" id="[% %]" rows="[% f.rows %]"
   cols="[% f.cols %]" [% process_attrs(f.attributes) %]>[% f.fif %]</textarea>
[% END -%]

[% BLOCK upload -%]
<input type="file" name="[% f.html_name %]" id="[% f.html_name %]"
    [% process_attrs(f.attributes) %] />
[% END -%]

[% BLOCK wrapper_simple -%]
<div[% process_attrs(f.wrapper_attributes) -%]>
  [% IF f.do_label %][% PROCESS label %][% END -%]
  [% content -%]
[% END -%]

[% BLOCK label -%]
<label [% process_attrs(f.label_attributes) %]for="[% f.html_name %]">[% f.label %]</label>
[% END -%]

[% BLOCK wrapper_wrap_label -%]
<div[% process_attrs(f.wrapper_attributes) %]>
    <label[% process_attrs(f.label_attributes) %] for="[% f.html_name %]">
       [%~ content ~%][%~ f.label %]
[% END -%]

[% BLOCK wrapper_none -%]
[% content %]
[% END -%]

[% BLOCK wrapper_fieldset -%]
<fieldset[% process_attrs(f.wrapper_attributes)%]><legend>[% f.label %]</legend>
[% content -%]
[% END -%]