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Breaking Changes

  • The previous is_model() function has been renamed to is_model_supported() since it was unclear if the function checked the entered object was a model or a supported model in insight. The new is_model() function checks if the entered object is a model object, while is_model_supported() checks if a supported model object.

New functions

  • format_value() and format_table() as utility-functions to format (model) output, especially for tabular output.
  • color_if() as utility-function to add color formatting to values, depending on certain conditions.

Bug fixed

  • find_formula() now extracts group factors of random effects for gamlss models.
  • find_parameters() and get_parameters() no longer show NA coefficients from group factors of random effects for gamlss models.
  • get_data() dropped value and variable label attributes, when model frame contained matrix variables (like splines).

insight 0.4.1

Changes to functions

  • get_variance() now supports models with Gamma-family.
  • get_weights() and find_weights() now work for brms-models.

Bug fixes

  • Fix CRAN-check issues due to recent update from the panelr-package.

insight 0.4.0


  • Updates CITATION, based on publication in JOSS.
  • Added nobs()-method for those model-objects supported by insight that did not yet provide such a method.

New supported model classes

  • betabin and negbin (aod), BBreg and BBmm (HRQoL), wbm (panelr), survfit (survival)

New functions

  • clean_parameters(), which returns a data frame with "decomposed" parameters, i.e. a data frame with information about the clean parameter name, whether it is a fixed or random effect, from conditional or zero-inflated component, and if it is a parameter related to specific grouping factors of random effects (#106).
  • print_parameters(), which can be called on top of clean_parameters() to get a list of data frames that represent the different model components (fixed, random, zero-inflated, ...) and which is in shape for printing summary statistics of complex models.
  • find_interactions() to return all low/high order interaction terms in a model.
  • find_weights() and get_weights() to find / get model weights.

Breaking changes

  • To reduce interface complexity, find_parameters() and get_parameters() for objects of class aovlist now return the elements $conditional and $random, to be in line with other supported objects.
  • The argument resp in get_response() was renamed to select, to have a more clear verb (#114).
  • The functions find_variables() and find_terms() were flipped, because what previously was considered as "term" was actually a "variable", and vice versa.

Changes to functions

  • find_parameters() and get_parameters() now allow to return a sigma-element for multivariate-response models (brmsfit, stanmvreg).
  • find_parameters() and get_parameters() now return the intercepts for polr models.
  • find_parameters() gets an effects and a component-argument, similar to many other functions in insight.
  • get_priors() now returns distribution = "uniform" when model was fitted with flat priors.
  • model_info() now returns an element $is_hurdle for hurdle models.

Bug fixes

  • find_parameters() returned priors for brmsfit-objects as $random-element. Now, find_parameters() returns a $priors-element (#98).
  • find_parameters() did not remove smooth-parameters that used te() or ti().
  • Fixed various issues with non-linear brms-models.
  • find_formula() (and hence, find_response() or get_data()) did not work for multi-column responses in null-models (#100).
  • Fixed bugs with models from package plm that occurred during the latest plm-update.
  • find_predictors() did not split nested random effects when these were written as g1:g2 instead g2/g2 in the random part of the model formula.
  • Fixed issues with all_model_equal().
  • get_data() did not return (weights) columns for some model objects.
  • get_priors() for stanreg-models returned the priors in sorted order, so sometimes parameter names and associated prior values did not match (#111).
  • get_variance() did not calculate random effect variances, when interaction terms in random slopes were also present in fixed effects, but the interaction was written in different order (e.g., a*b and b*a) (#112).
  • Fixed issue with tibbles in get_data().
  • Fixed issue with get_priors() for stanreg-models, when prior_summary() returned NULL for a prior (#116).
  • Fixed issue with the recent update of GLMMadaptive, which broke some of the functions.

insight 0.3.0

New supported model classes

  • biglm and bigglm (biglm), feis (feisr), gbm (gbm), BFBayesFactor (BayesFactor), psm (rms), LORgee (multgee), censReg (censReg), ols (rms), speedlm and speedglm (speedglm), svyolr (survey)

New functions

  • is_nullmodel() to check if model is a null-model (intercept-only), i.e. if the conditional part of the model has no predictors.
  • has_intercept() to check if model has an intercept.

Breaking Changes

  • Functions like find_predictors() or find_terms() return NULL for null-models (intercept-only models). Use is_nullmodel() to check if your model only has an intercept-parameter (but no predictors).
  • get_variance() no longer stops if random effects variance cannot be calculated. Rather, the return-value for $var.random will be NULL.

Changes to functions

  • get_variance() now computes the full variance for mixed models with zero-inflation component.
  • get_priors() now returns the default-prior that was defined for all parameters of a class, if certain parameters have no specific prior.
  • find_parameters() gets a flatten-argument, to either return results as list or as simple vector.
  • find_variables() gets a flatten-argument, to either return results as list or as simple vector.

Bug fixes

  • get_data() did not work when model formula contained a function with namespace-prefix (like lm(Sepal.Length ~ splines::bs(Petal.Width, df=4)) (#93).
  • get_priors() failed for stanreg-models, when one or more priors had no adjusted scales (#74).
  • find_random() failed for mixed models with multiple responses.
  • get_random() failed for brmsfit and stanreg models.
  • get_parameters() and find_parameters() did not work for MixMod-objects without zero-inflation component, when component = "all" (the default).
  • find_formula() did not work for plm-models without instrumental variables.
  • find_formula() returned random effects as conditional part of the formula for null-models (only intercept in fixed parts) (#87).
  • Fixed issue with invalid notation of instrumental-variables formula in felm-models for R-devel on Linux.
  • Fixed issue with get_data() for gee models, where incomplete cases were not removed from the data.
  • Fixed potential issue with get_data() for null-models (only intercept in fixed parts) from models of class glmmTMB, brmsfit, MixMod and rstanarm (#91).
  • find_variables() no longer returns (multiple) "1" for random effects.

insight 0.2.0


  • Better handling of AsIs-variables with division-operation as dependent variables, e.g. if outcome was defined as I(income/frequency), especially for find_response() and get_data().
  • Revised package-functions related to felm-models due to breaking changes in the lfe-package.

New supported model classes

  • iv_robust (estimatr), crch (crch), gamlss (gamlss), lmrob and glmrob (robustbase, #64), rq, rqss and crq (quantreg), rlmer (robustlmm), mixed (afex), tobit (AER) and survreg (survival).

New functions

  • get_variance(), to calculate the variance components from mixed models of class merMod, glmmTMB, MixMod, rlmer, mixed, lme and stanreg (#52). Furthermore, convenient shortcuts to return the related components directly, like get_variance_random() or get_variance_residual().
  • find_algorithm(), to get information about sampling algorithms and optimizers, and for Bayesian models also about chains and iterations (#38).
  • find_random_slopes(), which returns the names of the random slopes of mixed models.
  • get_priors(), to get a summary of priors used for a model (#39).
  • is_model() to check whether an object is a (supported) regression model (#69).
  • all_models_equal() to check whether objects are all (supported) regression models and of same class.
  • print_color() (resp. print_colour()) to print coloured output to the console. Mainly implemented to reduce package dependencies.

Changes to functions

  • find_parameters() and get_parameters() get a parameters-argument for brmsfit and stanreg models, to allow selection of specific parameters that should be returned (#55).
  • find_parameters() and get_parameters() now also return simplex parameters of monotic effects (brms only) and smooth terms (e.g. for gam-models).
  • find_terms() and find_predictors() no longer return constants, in particular pi (#26).
  • For gls and lme objects, functions like find_formula() etc. also return the correlation component (#19).
  • model_info now returns $is_tweedie for models from tweedie-families.

Bug fixes

  • find_parameters() and get_parameters() did not preserve coefficients of monotonic category-specific effects from brmsfit-objects.
  • Fixed bug that sometimes returned more elements for find_predictors() or get_parameters() than requested.
  • Fixed bug in get_data() for MixMod-objects when response variable was defined via cbind().
  • Fixed bug in get_response() for models that used cbind() with a substraction (e.g. cbind(success, total - success)). In such cases, values for second column (in this example: total) were the substracted values total - success, not the original values from total.

insight 0.1.2


  • Initial release.