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84 lines (55 loc) · 3.09 KB

File metadata and controls

84 lines (55 loc) · 3.09 KB

This is a mini POC/playground to display a few restaurants in Berlin with the "Pizza", "Burger" or "Sushi" categories.



  • Node = 14.*
  • Yarn = 1.*

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you might run:

make start

It also correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance and extract it to the build folder and start the application.

make dev

ps. Remember you can also use production's URL directly here.

Runs the app in the development mode. 🔥
Make sure you manually open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

make test-stuff

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.

make test-coverage (run to generate the coverage reported by Jest's deps)

This will generate a coverage folder with more details to be exported afterwards.

make i | make install

Install dependencies from yarn's package.json.

make help

Please execute that in order to be aware of what commands you might be able to run.

Quick preview

how app works

Tests Coverage

tests coverage


  • UX
    • I understand there are many things and many other features that could be added in – therefore, I wasn't really worried since I would like to spend, like recommended, max 4 hours in this little POC;
  • Acessibility
    • I'm really sorry but I wasn't very successful in Acessibility here - I could have that improved a lot;
    • ...honestly, acessibility looks terrible! 😔
  • Architectural
    • The simple architecture choices here were taking agility into account, that's why I considered not improving it a lot;
    • Timeouts I haven't included any, but would be good if I had...
    • Tests
      • omg, there were lots of spaces for tests here, however, I only added some because of time-spacing :(
  • Performance
    • I believe there's a lot of space for performance here;
  • Reusable Code
    • I tried my best, however, I knew if I had more time, (as I've been a bit busy recently), I would tackle it to improve a bit the performance.
    • I also wanted to add Storybook on this project but then, time expired a bit :(
      • We could use the components from the components/shared/ folder in order to migrate our Storybook comps, for example.
    • ps. I also added some comments across the codebase to explain a bit better how things are separated as per the concerns;

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