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File metadata and controls

204 lines (167 loc) · 5.52 KB


The principle is to provide an easy method to set the expected chatbot scenario and deploy it to production.

All configurations files that you need for your scenario are stored in the folder ./app/conf.

Each controller and launcher have also them dedicated configuration files.

You can also overload the configuration values with the environment variables, useful when you need to drive it in your pipeline.


The script ./app/lib/config.js is in charge to prepare the configuration in the following way:

1/ Load the conf of ./app/conf/config.json. This conf can be the full settings or only the main setting.

2/ Optionally load the referenced files from the previous conf.

The optional files are used to split the initial config.json file.

For example if you want to add your own:

    "file": {
        "access_list": "conf/access_list.json",
        "user": "conf/user.json",
        "launcher": "conf/launcher.json",
        "controller": "conf/controller.json"

Or if you want to use the default:

    "file": {
        "access_list": "conf/default/access_list.json",
        "user": "conf/default/user.json",
        "launcher": "conf/default/launcher.json",
        "controller": "conf/default/controller.json"

3/ Optionally load all default.json files found in the ./app/controller folder.

These conf files are used to preset the listener of the controllers (hears, on and action).

    "default": {
        "load_controller_listener": true

4/ Optionally load all conf.json files found in the ./app/controller folder

These conf files are used to configure the the controller (hears, on and action). It should aways activated instead if you rewrite or copy/paste all definitions.

    "default": {
        "load_controller_conf": true

5/ Optionally set your environment variables to overload your needs during the module activation steps. It will be the last one to be considered:

  • export config_controller_hears_hello='{"enable":"false"}'
  • export config_launcher_slack='{"enable":"true", "token": "toto"}'
  • export config_launcher_park='{"accessToken": "my_accessToken", "url": "http://my_supper.url", "port": "666"}'
  • export config__db='{"host":"my_host", "user":"toto"}'

Where to find the conf files

My personnal and example

  • ./app/conf/[*].json


  • ./app/launcher/[module name]/conf.json


  • Controller's global settings
    • ./app/controller/[hears, on, action]/[module name]/conf.json
  • Default listener configuration
    • ./app/controller/[hears, on, action]/[module name]/default.json

Configuration file structure


    global configuration,
    default: {...},
    access_list: {..},
    user: {...},
    launcher: {...},
    controller: {
        action: {...},
        hears: {...},
        on: {...}

Global configuration

Provided by the file config.json, it set all global parameters need by the application.

Some key features explanation:

  • log: logger settings
    • debug: activate the global debug mode
    • verbosity: set log verbosity
      • debug
      • info
      • warn
      • error
      • critic
  • db: redis db info
  • msg: standard default messages


    "author": "guillain",
    "license": "LGPL-3.0",
    "description": [
        "Use this template to create your own chatbot scenario",
        "nothing more is need if you don't need specific feature",
        "and for new feature, read the appropriate doc"
    "log": {
        "debug": true,
        "verbosity": "debug",
        "file": "log/CoreBot.log"
    "stats_optout": true,
    "db": {
        "host": "",
        "user": "user"
    "msg": {
        "welcome": "Welcome in the CoreBot-framework tools",
        "bye": "See you soon",
        "join": "Thanks to join us"


Default chapter is used to define the default behavior of the framework.

We can found the following useful parameters:

  • load_controller_conf
    • Load or not the default conf of the controllers
    • This conf can be overloaded by the conf config.json and controller.json
    • Acceptable values: true/false
  • load_controller_listener
    • Load or not the default listener of the controller
    • Acceptable values: true/false
  • remove_pattern
    • Remove the listener patterns in the text message
    • This conf can be overloaded by the controller configurations
    • Acceptable values: true/false
  • remove_botname
    • Remove the botname from the text message
    • The botname comes from the list of name of all configured launcher
    • Acceptable values: true/false


    "default": {
        "load_controller_conf": true,
        "load_controller_listener": true,
        "remove_pattern": false,
        "remove_botname": true


Provided by the file config.json or access_list.json, it set the access_list parameters.

Thanks to read the doc of the security for a complete details.


Provided by the file config.json or user.json, it set the user list.

Thanks to read the doc of the security for a complete details.


Provided by the file config.json or launcher.json, it set the launcher parameters.

Thanks to read the doc of the launcher for a complete details.


Provided by the file config.json or controller.json, it set the controllers parameters.

Thanks to read the doc of the controller for a complete details.