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Less compilation doesn't break on missing variable #118

mike-engel opened this issue Dec 17, 2014 · 27 comments

Less compilation doesn't break on missing variable #118

mike-engel opened this issue Dec 17, 2014 · 27 comments


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Not sure if this issue should be here or in the less repo, but here it is. I recently did a lot of refactoring and after deleting a certain file, the less task would never finish, which would cause more problems in the default task as you can imagine. After going through all the changes, I found that I had deleted a variable that was used in another file. Even though less should have thrown an error about a missing variable, it didn't.

I'm not sure if I've missed something with less 2.0.0 or if this is a bug between one or both repos.


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Please run the files through the less CLI.
This plugin is just a through stream to less, all errors produced by less are emitted by this plugin.

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^ Check to see if this reproduces on the CLI. If so file the issue on the less repo, if not it is a problem with the plugin and we will handle it here

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Indeed it looks like a gulp-less issue, as using lessc did throw an error. Here's the output:

% lessc less/hub.less ~/Desktop/hub.less                                   HEAD » 10:41:41
NameError: variable @conversations is undefined in /Users/Mike/less/modules/conversations.less on line 248, column 23:
247     font-weight: 600;
248     background-color: @conversations;
249     color:@white;

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So an undefined variable is not printing an error to the console.

Can you post the logs from when this happens?

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Here's my gulp log. Notice how CSS never finishes and Default never starts. I've edited it down since tests print to the console and yada yada yada.

% gulp                                                                                     master » 11:16:47
[10:38:15] Using gulpfile ~/Projects/uxe-vagrant/prototypes-site/gulpfile.js
[10:38:15] Starting 'css'...
[10:38:15] Starting 'templates'...
[10:38:15] Finished 'templates' after 3.12 ms
[10:38:15] Starting 'images'...
[10:38:15] Finished 'images' after 1.33 ms
[10:38:15] Starting 'scripts'...
subString:  [ 'console.log', '$log' ]
subString:  [ 'console.log', '$log' ]
subString:  [ 'console.log', '$log' ]
[10:38:16] Starting 'test'...
[10:38:16] Starting 'browser-sync'...
[10:38:16] Finished 'browser-sync' after 36 ms
[10:38:16] gulp-notify: [Gulp notification] Webpack gulped successfully
[BS] Proxying: http://localhost:1338
[BS] Now you can access your site through the following addresses:
[BS] Local URL: http://localhost:1403
[BS] External URL:
[BS] Watching files...
[10:38:18] gulp-notify: [Gulp notification] Webpack gulped successfully
[BS] File changed: lib/js/miscScripts.js
[10:38:19] Version: webpack 1.4.13
     Asset   Size  Chunks             Chunk Names
helpers.js  16871       0  [emitted]  main
[BS] File changed: lib/js/helpers.js
[10:38:19] gulp-notify: [Gulp notification] Images gulped successfully
[10:38:19] Version: webpack 1.4.13
    Asset    Size  Chunks             Chunk Names
ui.js  101724       0  [emitted]  main
[10:38:20] Version: webpack 1.4.13
           Asset    Size  Chunks             Chunk Names charts.js  394765       0  [emitted]  main
[BS] File changed: lib/js/ui.js
[10:38:20] gulp-notify: [Gulp notification] Images gulped successfully
[10:38:20] gulp-notify: [Gulp notification] Webpack gulped successfully
[BS] File changed: lib/js/charts.js
[10:38:21] Finished 'scripts' after 5.46 s
[10:38:21] gulp-notify: [Gulp notification] Images gulped successfully
[10:38:21] Finished 'test' after 5.62 s
[10:38:21] gulp-notify: [Gulp notification] Images gulped successfully
[10:38:22] gulp-notify: [Gulp notification] Images gulped successfully
[10:38:22] gulp-notify: [Gulp notification] Images gulped successfully
[10:38:23] gulp-notify: [Gulp notification] Images gulped successfully
[10:38:23] gulp-notify: [Gulp notification] Images gulped successfully

And here's my gulpfile for css and default tasks:

gulp.task('default', [ 'css', 'templates', 'images', 'scripts', 'test', 'browser-sync' ], function () {
    'use strict';

    process.stdout.write( 'The app has been gulped successfully\n' ); + 'less/**/*.less', ['css']); + 'templates/**/**/*.ejs', ['templates']); + 'js/**/*.js', ['scripts','test']); + 'img/**/*', ['images']);
gulp.task('css', function () {
        return gulp.src(src.lib + 'less/' + src.project + '.less')
                sourceMap: true,
                ie8compat: true
            .pipe( csslint({
                'box-model': false,
                'universal-selector': false,
                'regex-selectors': false,
                'unqualified-attributes': false,
                'box-sizing': false,
                'unique-headings': false,
                'qualified-headings': false,
                'font-sizes': false,
                'important': false,
                'overqualified-elements': false,
                'duplicate-properties': false,
                'duplicate-background-images': false,
                'outline-none': false,
                'adjoining-classes': false,
                'floats': false,
                'text-indent': false,
                'known-properties': false, // see for why we had to add this, it's stupid
                'gradients': false, // our less mixin doesn't support the old webkit gradient syntax, so we're silencing this for now
                'font-faces': false // This has a max allowance of 10 font face declarations, which doesn't make sense for proper font families. Silencing
            .pipe( csslint.reporter() )
                showLog: true
            .pipe(gulp.dest(cwd + 'lib/css/'))
                message: 'CSS gulped successfully'

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Can you get me just the output of running gulp css? I don't need the output of all of the other tasks

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Also you should use gulp-sourcemaps, sourceMap: true to less won't really work the way you think

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I understand that sourcemap was deprecated in v2, just haven't had time to switch it out :)

As for the log, It's a little hard to provide a good example for you, since my team is dependent on the --cwd flag. It actually seems to finish by itself, but also doesn't seem to write to a file, and I don't know why.

% gulpnocwd css                                                                            master » 13:32:54
[13:33:25] Working directory changed to ~/Projects/uxe-vagrant/prototypes-site
[13:33:28] Using gulpfile ~/Projects/uxe-vagrant/prototypes-site/gulpfile.js
[13:33:28] Starting 'css'...
[13:33:28] Finished 'css' after 17 ms

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@mike-engel Is that with the error still in the less code?

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Yeah. If I run the default task, the css task never finishes. If I run it with the CLI, it errors out.

@yocontra yocontra added the bug label Dec 19, 2014
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i have the same problem i have define variables it always go in my style task never comes out without defining variables its work fine. its not giving error on any undefined variable.

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Update: This also seems to be happening with @imports that can't find the source file.

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Doing some debugging tonight, and it seems as though this may be a bug with one of gulp-less' dependencies and not gulp-less itself. If I replace the return with a process.exit( 1 ); on line 72, the process does exit normally. This would lead me to believe it's a problem with through2 or the way it's implemented in gulp-less.

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kahwee commented Dec 30, 2014

I added the following in gulpfile.js as an interim fix

                compress: true
            .on('error', function(err) {
                console.log('Error with LESS.js'), err.message);

This prints an error through console.log. Something probably regressed in LESS.js.

Alternatively, tying it to LESS to ^1.3.7 also works.

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Might be a problem with

Using the callback pattern has some weird behavior nobody has been able to track down. Can you try replacing that with a this.emit('error', whatever') and see if it corrects it

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@contra no good. Only process.exit() will completely stop the gulp process so far.

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@mike-engel Wait you don't have a watch open or something right? Tasks are supposed to be able to fail and not crash the process. If a task failed and the process died while you had other shit going on that would be a bug. Not crashing is expected behavior unless there is nothing else being processed

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I think you are conflating different things here

  • the plugin fails with an error, but the error is not making its way to the task system to be logged
  • the plugin failing does not exit the process

Lets focus on number 1 and not go off into the weeds. #2 is expected behavior.

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Well @contra, gulp-less < 2.0.0 did both on an error. It would report the error as well as kill the process. I'm fine with either of those scenarios, but changing the cb to the emit didn't report the error either.

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lorenmh commented Jan 5, 2015

I'm using v2.0.1, and also experienced 'issue number 1'; I had a simple error when I was testing things out, and gulp-less didn't output anything.

gulp-less v: 2.0.1
gulp v: 3.8.10

The gulp task (called by using 'gulp concat-css' from the command line):

gulp.task('concat-css', function() {
  gulp.src( './css/pg/test.less' )
    .pipe( less() )
    .pipe( gulp.dest('./test') );

Gulp's output:

[12:24:28] Using gulpfile ~/some/path/gulpfile.js
[12:24:28] Starting 'concat-css'...
[12:24:28] Finished 'concat-css' after 8.54 ms

The .less file, test.less:

/* Note: the error was with this import, because this file actually didn't exist */
@import "../test-mod.less";

.blah {
  background-color: green;

The error output for lessc:

FileError: '../test-mod.less' wasn't found in /some/path/from/root/css/pg/test.less on line 1, column 1:
1 @import "../test-mod.less";

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I don't understand what's doing in the index.js


since we can't see the error. why not just use gutil.log tell us what's wrong...

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here is the problem : plugin catch error & pass to the callback & no error show on console

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I have a test case that is reproducing this but I have no idea why the error isn't ending the stream - looking into it, no need to keep bumping this thread and sending everyone notifications

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fixed in 2.0.3

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Many thanks @contra and @ohJeez.

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thanks for fixing

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