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Belajar Dengan Jenius Amazon Web Service & Node.js

Author : Gun Gun Febrianza

Table of Contents

Open Library Indonesia

Metode Belajar Learning Problems & Abstraction Control

  • Matthew Effect in Reading

    • Persiapan

    • Apa saja yang harus dipersiapkan?

      • Install Node.js
      • Install Visual Studio Code
      • Install Google Chrome atau Firefox.
      • Install git
      • Install Postman
    • Konvensi Penulisan?

    • Feedback?

    • Kode Sumber?

    • Penggunaan Kode ?

    • Terdapat Kesalahan?

    • Pertanyaan, Kritik dan Saran?

  • Chapter 1

  • Belajar Open Web Platform

  • Subchapter 1 – Apa itu Open Web Platform

    • Technical Specification

    • HTML 5.2

      • Semantic Advantage
      • Connectivity Advantage
      • Storage Advantage
      • Multimedia Advantage
      • Performance Advantage
      • Device Access Advantage
      • Specification
    • Web Assembly

      • Safe
      • Fast
      • Portable Code
      • Compact Code
      • Specification
    • EcmaScript

      • Specification
    • Web Socket

      • Specification
      • Application
    • WebRTC

      • Specification
      • Application
    • WebGL

      • Specification
      • Application

  • Subchapter 2 – Apa itu Web Application?

    • Server

      • File Server
      • Mail Server
      • Proxy Server
      • Application Server
      • Database Server
      • Messaging Server
    • Virtual Private Server

      • Virtualization
      • Virtual Machine
      • Hypervisor
    • Web Server

    • Web Page

      • Static Web Page
      • Dynamic Web Page
      • Progressive Web Application (PWA)
      • Single Page Application (SPA)
    • Network

      • Local Area Network (LAN)
      • Wide Area Network (WAN)
      • Internet Service Provide (ISP)
    • Internet

      • Internet Transit
      • Satellite & Fiber Optic
    • Internet Exchange Point

    • Content Delivery Network (CDN)

    • Cloud Computing

      • Cloud Computing Execution Model
      • Cloud Service Provider
      • Scalability
      • Load Balancer
    • Serverless Computing

      • FaaS Provider
      • AWS Lambda

  • Subchapter 3 – Bedah Konsep HTTP

    • HTTP & URL

      • HTTP
      • Hypertext & Hyperlink
      • Hypermedia
      • World Wide Web (www)
      • Uniform Resources Identifier (URI)
      • URL / Web Resources
    • HTTP & DNS

      • IP Address
      • DNS Resolver
      • Root Server & TLD Server
    • HTTP Transaction

      • TCP Thee-way Handshake
    • HTTP Request

      • HTTP Method
      • Message
      • HTTP Header
      • Header Attribute
      • MIME
    • HTTP Response

    • HTTP Status Message

  • Subchapter 4 – Web Security

    • Data in The Low Level

      • Host
      • Socket
      • Bit
      • Byte
      • Bytes
      • Character
      • ASCII
      • Data Transmission
      • Base64 Encoding
    • Cryptography

      • Cryptanalysis
      • Information Security
      • Ciphertext
      • Symmetric Cryptography
      • Hash Function
      • Message Authentication Codes (MAC)
      • Assymetric Cryptography
      • Cryptography Protocol
    • Man In The Middle (MITM) Attack

      • Eavesdropping
    • HTTPS

      • Perbedaan HTTP & HTTPS
      • Manfaat HTTPS
    • Secure Socket Layer (SSL)

      • Transport Socket Layer (TLS)
      • SSL Handshake

  • Chapter 2

  • Setup Learning Environment

  • Subchapter 1 – Visual Studio Code

    • Install Programming Language Support

    • Install Keybinding

    • Install & Change Theme Editor

    • The File Explorer

    • Search Feature

    • Source Control

    • Debugger

    • Extension

      • Auto Fold
      • Better Comment
      • Bookmarks
      • Javascript (ES6) Code Snippets
      • Path Intellisense
      • VSCode Great Icons
    • The Terminal

      • Menambah Terminal Baru
      • Melakukan Split Terminal
      • Mengubah Posisi Terminal
      • Menghapus Terminal
    • Performance Optimization

    • Zen Mode

    • Display Multiple File

    • Font Ligature

  • Subchapter 2 – Web Browser

    • Web Browser

    • WebConsole

      • Autocomplete
      • Syntax Highlighting
      • Execution History
    • Multiline Code Editor

  • Subchapter 3 – Javascript REPL

    • Node.js

      • Apa itu REPL?
      • Apa itu Shell?
      • Node Virtual Machine
    • JSBin

  • Chapter 3

  • Mastering Javascript

  • Subchapter 1 – Introduction to Javascript

    • Hello World

    • Comment

    • Expression & Operator

      • Statement
      • Expression
      • Operator & Operand
      • Operator Precedence
      • Arithmetic Operator
      • Arithmetic Operation
      • Comparison Operator
      • Logical Operator
      • Assignment Operator
    • Javascript Strict Mode

      • Legacy Code
    • Automatic Add Semicolon

    • Variable Declaration

      • Variable
      • Binding
      • Reserved Words
      • Naming Convention
      • Case Sensitivity
      • Loosely Typed Language
      • Var Keyword
      • Let Keyword
      • Constant Keyword
    • Clean Code Variable Declaration

      • Avoid Global Variable
      • Declaration on Top
      • Initialize Variable
      • Use Const or Let

  • Subchapter 2 – Data Types

    • Javascript Data Types

      • Apa itu Data?
      • Apa itu Types?
      • Apa itu Generic Variable?
      • Javascript Data Types
      • Apa itu Pointer?
      • Apa itu Stack & Heap?
      • Apa itu Primitive & Reference Values?
      • Primitive Types
      • Reference Types
      • Primitive as Object via Object Wrapper
    • Data Types Conversion

      • Dynamic Typed
      • String To Number
      • String To Decimal Number
      • Number to String
      • Decimal Number to String
      • Boolean to String
      • Check Data Type
    • Number Data Types

      • Infinity
      • NaN
      • Maximum & Minimum Value
      • Max Safe Integer
      • Safe Integer Checking
      • Positive e Notation
      • Negative e Notation
      • Rounding
      • Precision
      • Exponentiation
      • e Notation Trigger
      • Number Accuration
      • Imprecise Calculation
      • Solution to Imprecise
      • Fixed Number
      • Numeric Conversion
      • Math Object
      • Hexadecimal, Binary dan Octadecimal
    • String Data Types

      • Double Quote String
      • Single Quote String
      • String Concatenation
      • Numeric String Characteristic
      • Escaping
      • Template String
      • String Objects & Primitives
      • String Function
    • Booleans Data Types

    • Null Data Types

    • Undefined Data Types

    • Symbol Data Types

    • BigInt Data Types

      • Arbitrary Precision
      • Arithmetic Operation
      • Comparison
    • Clean Code Data Types

      • Declare Primitive Not Object
      • Stop using new Keyword

  • Subchapter 3 – Control Flow

    • Block Statements

    • Conditional Statements

    • Ternary Operator

    • Multiconditional Statement

    • Switch Style

  • Subchapter 4 – Loop & Iteration

    • While Statement

    • Do … While Statement

    • For Statement

    • Break Statement

    • Continue Statement

    • Labeled Statement

  • Subchapter 5 – Function

    • Apa itu Function?

      • Function Declaration
      • Function Expression
      • Arrow Function Expression
    • First-class Function

      • What is Execution Context (EC)?
    • Simple Function

    • Function Parameter

    • Function Return

    • Function For Function Parameter

    • Function & Local Variable

    • Function & Outer Variable

    • Callback Function

    • Arrow Function

    • Multiline Arrow Function

    • Anonymous Function

    • Function Constructor

    • Function As Expression

    • Nested Function

    • Argument Object

    • This Keyword

      • Implicit Binding
    • Call & Apply Function

      • Explicit Binding
      • Call
      • Apply
    • IIFE

    • Clean Code Function

      • Always Declare Local Variable
      • Use Named Function Expression
      • Use Default Parameter
      • Function is not statement

  • Subchapter 6 – Error Handling

    • Syntax Error

      • Missing Syntax
      • Invalid Syntax
    • Logical Error

    • Runtime Error

      • Referrence Error
      • Range Error
      • Type Error
      • Syntax Error
    • Try & Catch

      • Error Object Properties
      • Stack Trace
      • Finnaly
    • Custom Error

  • Subchapter 8 – Classes

    • Class-based language

    • Class Declaration

      • Strict Mode
      • Constructor
      • Static Method
      • Getter & Setter
    • Class Expression

      • Unnamed Class
      • Named Class
    • Class Inheritance

      • Method Override
      • Constructor Override

  • Subchapter 9 – Collection

    • Apa itu Collection?

      • Iterable
      • Keyed
      • Destructurable
    • Apa itu Indexed Collections?

      • Array
      • Create Array
        • Index & Element
        • Array Constructor
        • Array Literal
        • Access Aray Element
        • Modify Array Element
        • Array Destructuring (ES6)
        • Array Looping
        • Array Looping (ES6)
        • Array Iterator Object
        • Array Map
        • Array Filter
      • Array Property & Method
        • Array Properties
        • Push Array
        • Pop Array
        • Shift Array
        • Unshift Array
        • Find Index Array
        • Remove Item by Index
        • Copy an Array
        • Merge Array
      • Multidimensional Array
        • Matrix
    • Keyed Collections

      • Map
        • Create Map
        • Add Key & Value
        • Get Map Item By Key
        • Delete Map Item By Key
        • Delete All Map Item
        • Check Map Item By Key
        • Count Map Item
        • Iterate Map Keys
        • Iterate Map Values
        • Iterate Map Items
      • Set
        • Create Set
        • Add Item
        • Check Item
        • Delete Item
        • Count Set Item
        • Delete All Set Item
        • Iterate Set Items

  • Chapter 4

  • Mastering Node.js

  • Subchapter 1 – Re-introduction Javascript

    • System Programming

    • Node.js System

    • Test Node.js Executable

    • I/O Scaling Problem

    • Process & Thread

      • Multithread
    • Core Modules & libuv

  • Subchapter 2 – V8 Javascript Engine

    • The Call Stack

      • Synchronous Program
      • Asynchronous Program
      • Event Loops
      • Blocking
      • Non-blocking
    • Javascript Compilation Pipeline

      • Interpreter & Compiler
      • Machine Code
      • Ignition & Turbofan
      • Intermediate Representation (IR)
      • Bytecode
      • Just-in-Time Compilation
      • Compiler Development Philosophy
    • Memory Management

      • Memory Lifecycle
      • Allocation Example
      • Garbage Collector
      • Mark-and-Sweep Algorithm

  • Subchapter 3 – Node.js Application

    • Running Javascript File

    • Node REPL

    • Module Concept

      • Modules
      • Packages
      • Dependencies
    • Node.js Module

      • Module Format
      • Module Loaders
      • Module Bundlers
      • Create & Export Module
      • Use Module
      • Export Multiple Method & Value
      • Export Style
      • Destructure Assignment
      • Export Class
    • Package Manager

    • Node Package Manager

      • npm commands
    • Node Package Registry

    • Create Node.js package

      • package.json
      • Directive
      • Search Package
      • Install Package
      • Remove Package
      • View Package
      • Publish Package
      • Create Package
    • Publish Node.js Package

    • Node.js Application

  • Subchapter 4 – Debugging Node.js

    • Debug on Visual Studio Code

    • Built-in Node.js Debugger

  • Subchapter 5 – Asynchronous

    • Callback
    • Promise
    • Async Await

  • Chapter 6

  • Daftar Pustaka

  • Tentang Penulis